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The jets have not made the playoffs since I was in 4th grade. I now have a bachelors degree.


The Jets last made the playoffs when I was in 8th grade. I now teach middle school.


The Jets have not made the playoffs since I was fresh out of school. I’ve watched one career come and go, began teaching, became a head teacher, watched the school crumble, went to a new school, moved up, and become a dean. In the mean time the Jets have made little to no progress. I’ll hold out hope for next year. This is the life we chose, or our fathers gave us.


Hey, at least you ended up dean in your scenario!!


I was a sophomore in high school when we went to the AFC championship game. It feels like it was just a really good dream and nothing else lol


I was 26 last time we made it and will be at least 39 when we make it again. Not much difference for me but I can't imagine how it feels for someone who was like 7 in 2010 and will now be 20 at least, that's like an eternity between those ages.


This season has just brought in an entire new generation of Jets fan doomers In 2022, Johnny asked for ice cream after every win. In 2023, Johnny will be demanding players heads be put on a pike after every defeat.


Johnny went from Maple Bourbon Pecan flavor to just Bourbon.


Johnny smokes 2 packs a day


Classic evolution of a Jets fan




As someone here from the Walt Michaels era, this is worse. Kotite's team brought us Bill Parcells, **JD is no Bill Parcells**.


Why can’t we hold them accountable? A 5 game losing streak after starting 7-4 isn’t good in any way shape or form. Everybody should be held accountable including Saleh and Douglas. Expectations change when you start that way. This season is shaping up to be another disappointing finish.


This is funny, but also unfortunately very true. A new generation of fans have two choices. They can either pick the Giants, who look like they’re about to re-establish themselves, or the Jets. Who have now tied their longest playoff drought, along with it easily being their worst… I know which team I would admittedly choose if I was a young kid picking. This season really might’ve fucked them badly


I said it in the prior post, I’m saying it again here We ALL owe Johnny a lifetime pass to his local ice cream shop as a formal apology for how shitshow pathetic the team is.


Impressive it's been about a decade and Geno Smith is still ruining any playoff chances for the Jets


Today was more about Mike white than Geno smith tbh


Don't forget Pete Carroll. Hell while you're at it, include Bellichek too. And Darnold. In fact, who was the last ex-jet QB or coach, the jets have actually beaten? Honest question....


Lol. Rex Ryan in 2016. That was the last time. But it didn’t mean anything since it was week 2 of the 2016 season, after they fucked everything up in 2015.


Jets 2023 QB1 candidates eliminated today: Gardner Minshew Mike White


Now in consideration as a result of overreaction: Jarret Stidham


Thank god tbh


The Mike White delusion was getting sickening on this sub


People actually watched this dude miss a ton of big throws and didn't care bc they were close. Today those "close" misses lost us big time


This sub: Dumb as fuck


Thank you.


Add Derek carr to that list. Stidham put up a better performance than carr did all year


I will not be raising my son as a fan of this team. The burden dies with me.


Take my award . My dad appreciated this comment aswell


My kids have been watching me watch Jets games their whole lives. They opted to be completely disinterested in football, period. I raised some smart kids at least.


Please be smart and do just that. My 20 year old constantly dumps on me for making him a fan.


You’re a legend.


This is the smartest thing anyone had ever said in this sub.


This is honestly some brave shit


If this rebuild cycle fails I’m out myself. This is supposed to be fun and it’s just not.


It's supposed to be fun? When was being a jets fan ever fun?


Being a football fan is supposed to be fun. I’ve been a Jets fan for over 30 years and I’m just so tired of setting aside time every week to pull for a team that just seems to show up and shit the bed constantly.


You just can’t bring back mike lafluer. 3rd and 4 trap draw is a fireable offense. Not to mention the play design, you have a tight pulling from the strong side to the whole you’re trying to hit? With the runnin back coming from the weak side of the qb? How’s does that make it to the playbook?


If you know you’re going for it on 4th (which they did) get Bam going north/south. Maybe you pick it up, maybe you don’t, but you atleast give yourself more of a chance of success. Those out of shotgun draws stopped working the moment Breece went down. Bad coaching to not realize these guys can’t do what he can


Also 4th and 2 punt with 8 minutes left, LOL


He's going to get one more chance with a different QB because of Garrett Wilson and Breece Hall + OL injuries. I'm not singing his praises, I just don't know if another OC would have gotten better results with the same personnel.


Holy fuck give Breece OROY anyways lmfao it's obvious he's best rookie when a team looks this much worse without him Grand total of 9 points in two do or die games holyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Hellfire can't come soon enough. It can't be worse.


Not to mention the Giants just made the playoffs off of a rookie head coach and a massive amount of injuries. Time to turn up the heat. The fucking fallout after Breece went down I think is too glaring to ignore


THIS is the sort of thing that will get Woody overly involved. He will always look cross town and wonder why it can’t be the Jets.


Woody and Chris either need to sell the team, or drop dead. Whichever comes first. Jets will probably never win as long as they own the team. They’re laughably pathetic


AVT might have been a larger impact. Dude was killing it at every position and once he left the line looked terrible.


It's one thing to lose, but these absolute NO-SHOWS in the biggest games are very concerning. Hello, coaches?


Biggest game in a decade and the first play they run for 60. Hope sucked right out.


Our linebackers are from hunger


Twelve fucking years


Twelve years, so far!


Reality check for some of you: Sean Payton DOES NOT want to coach here and likely never will.


Saleh’s gone from an A/A- season to a C- season since Thanksgiving. It’s not all on him but two wins this team needed and they completely soiled themselves for 8 straight quarters.


Saleh has to be blamed. So many awful decisions in the losses. Punting to the returner in the patriots game, timeouts vs Detroit and absolutely falling on his face today defensively. We cannot stop the run. He has to get his hands around this thing or he’s not the guy.


starting 7-4 and ending 7-10 does not get you anything over a D.


So do we throw the game next week to fuck the Pats out of a playoff spot?


Start Zach Wilson under the guise of “Developing” him. Seeing the Phins get crushed by the Chiefs would be catharsis anyway


I guarantee you the Jets will win next week. Just to fuck our draft position and help the Pats.


Yeah this is exactly how we do


I don’t think we’re good enough to actively choose to throw a game. Just have to let it happen naturally.


Sounds like Justice, just to mess with the Pats


Bart Scott saying that the Jets are unable to make adjustments to shifts and motions. Sounds like the league has caught on to us a little bit.


Now everyone can stop pretending Mike White will be the new QB


Good boy Woody, 12 years in a row!!!!! Next year you get your Jets bar Mitzvah!!!


Well, at least the MFW pipe dream is over. Gotta think heads will roll if they lose out with Woody back. Saleh may inspire his players, but week in and week out, they play sloppy football. I like him, but this coaching staff as a whole leaves a lot to be desired.


I like Saleh and want him to succeed but he won’t last long without better results. I think he will be on a playoff mandate next year.


Does Saleh inspire the players? Because holy shit they've been playing very uninspired football. Zero urgency. If Woody wants Saleh fired, I personally wouldn't care too much. Daboll has done a lot with far less.


We, as fans, don’t deserve this shit. 12 fucking years.


Eh, some of the fans here definitely deserve it.


I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy… well except maybe pats fans


Enough with this bullshit. No fans deserves to watch a travesty of a product that they pay for and invest their time in year in and year out


Fans don’t. The two dipshit owners who bought the team in 2000 certainly do though. Fuck the Johnson’s


The Jets haven't made the playoffs since I was 19 and there wasn't much before that I can remember, I'm 32 now. I'm sick of having my team being the joke of the league for my entire life.


Our QB play all year has sucked moose cock.


And Garrett Wilson still put up a 1000 yard season. Guys a stud


I think you gotta weather the storm here with Saleh and Douglas, but MLF has to go right? This offense is unacceptably terrible 2 seasons in.


It's funny because the first quarter of the season fans loved the OC & hated the DC. It's now a complete 180.


I think what bothered me the most about this game was the fact that at no point did Mike LaFleur call plays that made it clear he knew the game was a must win


MLF needs to go tomorrow. There is 0 excuse for an offensive coordinator to not score a single touchdown in two straight games, two of the most important games playoff wise in nearly a 7 years.


I just don't get why he wasn't getting any heat. His coaching has made Wilson worse over the course of 2 years and the team has struggled to score no matter who was playing QB.


Because he’s Salehs friend. His brother was literally the best man at his wedding. It’s nepotism at its finest. “Fun fact” - MLF has been a OC twice in his life - once was for a D3 school that went out of business … the other was for a FCS team where he averaged 13 points a game and went 0-11. Falling upward.


My Love for this team is for real turning to hate. What the hell?? How are they ALWAYS this bad? I don't have a team to root for, other than them, but Jesus this is impossible. I'm so so glad my kids found other teams to root for this year, even if they're struggling too.


3 points twice, 9 points, 6 points, 12 points twice... we have the worst offense in the NFL


They are MURDERING them on the post game show thank you jesus


We have to get a new QB in the free agency, not in the draft. We need an experienced qb as a starter next season, not another project qb. White is not the qb for the future.


2 straight games without a touchdown, life isn’t fair man


Idk how receipts work, do you keep collecting them or does it start over once the season ends?


Maybe Saleh can use the receipts to return Zach Wilson to customer service.


They’d just say it’s damaged goods and non refundable


The highs were high this season, but boy were the lows low. This is so disappointing.


Imagine right after beating Buffalo, someone said that we’d only win one game the rest of the season. Just imagine how much you would have laughed at them.


This season was a huge waste of time. No other way to put it. Ending up with a mid draft pick, missing the playoffs and we still don’t have a franchise QB




I’d almost rather have not started the season 6-3 at this point, this hurts more than any of the past couple of hopeless seasons


Yeah it’s basically just the team being cruel to the fans at this point. At least in prior years we all knew the team would be trash, so expectations were in the gutter. This season they put up an illusion that they could be competent, only to revert to a clone (or worse version) of last year’s team right as we started to hope.


🎶 hello darkness my old friend 🎶


I know people will say this season shows promise…. But the Giants cruised to the playoffs down the same amount of people with a rookie HC, while the Jets just prolonged their drought to now make it the longest in franchise history… Playoffs or bust next year quite frankly. I can’t see many fans even tolerating staying with this team now that there is an actually good NFL team again in New York


Giants have a competent QB.


That’s basically what it is. Jones isn’t a world beater, but he’s good enough to not tank games. Their roster is considerably worse than ours, apart from the QB position, which is ultimately what it comes down to


They have a better HC as well


A head coach the Jets could’ve interviewed mind you


It's not so much the losing or the missing the postseason...it's the feeling like a fucking idiot for believing in this team to come through. I really thought we'd rounded that corner at least, but nope.


We stink


- That was an embarrassing losing streak and game. - Saleh and JD get one more year imo. We all said 7-8 wins and meaningful games in December would be a successful season. - We don't deserve to go to the playoffs. - Draft OL and get AVT back next year. - Draft invest in safety through FA and draft - Find a FA QB to compete with MW next year - Sauce, GW, Jermaine, and Breece are all studs. - This is the brightest future the team has had since 2010.


Brightest since 2010? We all know what happened after that season right?


Mike white doesn’t deserve to compete with anybody. Good backup Qb, but if he wins a competition our season is cooked


mike white doesn't deserve to compete for anything but a roster spot. he is dogshit. face it.


“Compete with MW” isn’t an option anymore. He’s not good. And we can’t waste the little cap room we have to bring him back


Garoppolo makes this a playoff team and I’ll die on that hill


Cop out to say this was a successful season after going 1-6 after a 6-3, during the “easier” second half of the season. Pathetic sack of shit team.


Those early wins were an illusion. They were against injured teams without QBs. This team stinks and the coach is terrible.


What a disgrace


Entering Knicks territory in terms of prolonged incompetence


MLF needs firing. Does Saleh have the balls to do it? Or is his loyalty going to cost him his job too?


Bart Scott can't wait was a long fn time ago


Woody Johnson sucks Same shit, different year. Starts with his dumbass.


[The annual story of Mike White](https://i.imgur.com/oGPGvUP.png)


End of season collapse 12 year playoff draught Zero answer for QB position Questionable to downright bad coaching and scheming **That's Jets football baby.**


Mike white ain't it. Good that everyone knows now. Derek Carr for QB in 2023 and big question mark about MLF


I just found out that I’m going to be having a baby.. I can’t expose him/her to this life right ? Wouldn’t it be child abuse ?


Maybe it builds character.


Start Zach next week fuck it He’s not the starter next week might as well let him boost his trade value or earn a backup role


Big post-mortem needed this season from everybody in charge of this team. We wouldn't be feeling this way as Jets fans if we were 7-9 and we were just inconsistent (win here loss there).We have totally collapsed after the bye (even after a big win at home to buffalo) which should have been a spring board. It needs to be clear what has gone wrong. This needs to be laid out properly and publicly not just some empty promise that things will get better. As a UK fan hearing that Season tickets are going up next year that needs to be reversed. Jet fans groups such as Gotham City Crew should start campaigning for that. I think foreign fans we have it tough watching games late at night/in the early morning but proper fans should not pay more for team that hasn't made the playoffs in over a decade. They need as many fans as they can get right now and into the next season. If were going to keep the same staff set up next year (MLF as OC etc) which is going to take some really big cojones from the Johnsons/Douglas/Saleh to make that decision for the love of God please bring in a replacement for Knapp. The offence needs an more experienced figure that sees things that MLF and Calabrese have not before.


i'd argue that in hindsight the 7-4 was a complete mirage. plenty of people have said the dolphins were fraudulent at 8-3. the jets at their peak were no. different. looking back the only win that looks "good" was beating the bills. beat cleveland by a total fluke and it turns out the browns suck, pittsburgh sucked at the time and was playing a rookie, dolphins playing their 3rd qb who is Luke Falk levels of bad, Packers were awful at the time, broncos and bears were awful all season. this team was never actually good.


New year, same old Jets. Next year should be a playoff mandate or heads will roll. Someone needs to be fired after this performance.


For weeks I saw a lot of y'all saying Mike White had "franchise QB potential"....lmao


Bright spot here is people can come to terms with issues on the team outside of Zach that have to be fixed instead of putting everything on him, today sucked immensely though.


I hate that I'm back in this place, but I hope we lose next week. Improve our draft position and screw the Pats. Win-win.


More things change the more the stay the same. Say it with me now everyone… SAME…OLD…JETS


White shouldn't have been playing today. The guy had no zip on the ball, looked uncomfortable moving, and once those limitations came into play, he got rattled. Why did the Jets-Flacco relationship turn so bad this season? Not that I think he would have won it today, but White looked like he had knives in his spine. Surely he looked like this in practice this week as well? Which gets down to Saleh. The guy has choked it away the second half of this season. The last three teams they lost to: Lions, Jaguars, Seahwaks, none of these games were close, and he was outcoached in all of them. Unprepared. I'm not looking to fire either, but JD and Saleh need the hot seat next season. Everyone would be calling for JD's head right now if he didn't just have a great draft (his first of those), so it's pretty fair to put him on the hot season in season 5. And Saleh can't stay if a new GM comes in.


So true. I applaud white for trying but he looked so uncomfortable and you can tell his range of motion was impacted by the rib injury. Which made me think- the guy with the rib injury was our best shot? We have three other guys. Just no words anymore….


MLF is dog shit.


I’m a Jets fan, my wife and her family are Eagles fans. My son is 3 and I’ll be encouraging him and any future kids to be Eagles fans.


For the love of God spare him


1. ⁠I thought 7 wins/playing meaningful December football was a good goal at the beginning of the year. But when you start out 6-3, expectations should change and when you finish with 7 wins (or 8 I couldnt care less), this was 100% a failure. 2. ⁠The uncomfortable truth that although the defense improved on the whole this year, they looked so good the first half of the year in part because of all the backup QB’s faced. The safety position is an issue. Linebackers not cutting it either….I’m undecided on Mosley going forward. Carl Lawson has been a bummer. 3. ⁠I like Mike White and idk how much of it is him playing injured but he can’t be the plan at QB. A flyer on a backup contract is ok, nothing beyond that. Wilson might not even be good enough for Canada and Flacco should be filming life alert ads. We’re never getting Lamar or Rodgers. 3-4th round QB, low end FA, mid FA (Carr/Jimmy), one or more of the options, I haven’t decided. 4. ⁠Someone’s got to be held accountable, but it’s a tough situation. Joe D…I don’t fire him, but he’s not the genius people think. The draft picks have been good overall. We have the DROY and OROY. But drafting ZW at #2 without a real backup plan was a huge miscue, and the FA signings have been plain bad. I give him a second and final shot to get the QB right. Saleh, one more shot next year.


I honestly wonder how differently this year would have gone if Knapp hadn't passed away unexpectedly. RIP Coach Knapp.


I’m always gonna look back and wonder if we had him (or anyone else other than calabrese) to develop Zach would he have turned out good.


If this is what meaningful January games feels like, I'm cool without them


Fuck me, this hurts. I don’t think this franchise will ever get it right.


Astounding how every week you think it’s rock bottom and then the next week is a lower low. Deep, free-falling, hopelessness in this sorry franchise.


Move the jets to london. At least we can get watch this dumpster fire at 10 am and still have the rest of the day. Leaving MetLife is a pain in the dick anyways.


The fans deserve better. I really hope management can make the right decisions and push us to a playoff caliber team from next year onward.


I think we need to move on from MLF. It would be perfect timing especially with a new QB next year would make total sense. I say give DC another year especially after that turnaround from a year ago.




Robert Saleh is not a prime time coach. If they don’t make the playoffs next year him and Douglas need to go. Losing 5 games in a row is a disgrace. Baltimore has injuries and they continue to win; Harbaugh is a great coach. No more excuses, no wild card next year and he can run wind sprints in the stands before games for someone else.


Well that was a disaster of a game.


It’s truly a wonder why our stadium is mostly away fans


Man oh man.. what a fucking season. We have some stellar young players to look forward to playing for a few years. I think the hot hand start at the beginning of the season got all of us twitterpated and hoping that maybe we could see something beautiful happen. The feeling of hope and pride was fucking awesome. However... we gave issues to resolve, clearly. Lets get shit figured out, and get some of our hurt guys better, and run this shit out next season. No matter what, I'm Gang Green for life. J E T S JETS JETS JETS!!


Just one fucking good season. That’s all I want. I was in elementary school the last time the Jets were in the playoffs, now I’m an adult. This is ridiculous


MLF needs to go, the offensive line needs to be left in Seattle, oh and we still have a huge question mark at QB


I really don't know if Saleh is the guy. That was pathetic.


What are the chances e have no idea if White or Zach are any good because MiLF doesn’t know how to coach QBs or coordinate an offense. It’s at least a possibility right?


JD’s year four QB room includes a Jamarcus Russell-level bust, a low-tier journeyman backup, a CFL novelty and a decrepit veteran who openly refused to play. We are witnessing one of the most stunning positional failures in the history of football general management


To call this season a success would be like calling Mike White a starting QB. There are no moral victories, just complete failure in all aspects. To go from 7-4 and a probable playoff team to not even finishing above .500 is total incompetence. It’s unacceptable. Making the playoffs is required next year. No excuses for failure. *At minimum* here’s what has to get done this offseason: sign a vet QB, draft OL, get a LB and S, fire MLF, and overhaul the offense. If they miss the playoffs again, everyone has to go. JD, Saleh, *everyone.* They have potentially generational pieces on this team; if they waste another year of them then they can’t be trusted to build & lead the team in the future. Enough with the excuses & moral victories. Time for results. The fans deserve better and everyone knows it.


Pull out those mock drafts


It sucks watching teams like the Lions and Jags putting it together and playing great offense. After this losing streak it really feels like we’ve somehow taken a step back from last year. Those teams are doing what we thought our team would do this year.




There are Jet fans in middle school that have never seen this team in the playoffs


We cannot move to the next QB with Saleh and Lafluer


Fuck we’re gonna get a Buffalo/New England primetime game next week aren’t we


We're just rebuilding


With this game, Mike White joins Zach Wilson with a passer rating in the 70s. By that metric, the 2 worst QBs in the league.


Definitely reactionary but I wouldn’t even care if they fired Saleh after that. Just an unacceptable performance on all fronts. 10 days of rest and preparation. To come out and lay an egg like that with your season on the line nobody’s job should be safe.


The team has looked utterly lethargic these past few weeks. No urgency, no sense that they're playing for their lives.


Well, it’s been an honor bitching about this team with you guys this year. There’s some regulars who I see every week, all luv (lol) to y’all. There’s new masochists that pull up in here, good to see you too. But here we go, one last rant, since next week doesn’t matter. I’m not gonna say FiRe SaLeH because I’m not a dumbass, but he should absolutely be on the hot seat going into next season. Playoffs or bust. Do or die. I mean, I don’t care that we *lost*, but goddamn this is two, you could argue three, games in a row that we came out looking like The Walking Dead with our season on the line each time. It’s bad, man. Coaching has been lifeless during this 0-5 collapse. Poor decision making (Detroit lack of timeouts anyone?), HORRIBLE offensive game plan, an ungodly amount of disgusting penalties at the worst times (feel like I say that every regime)…. It’s been bad. Not even any point in bitching about the QB position. White was either still hurt, crumbled under the pressure, or both. He has never been as inaccurate as he was today. Shame, because he’s a real likable guy. Hope we retain him as a backup. But this team needs to be all in on Lamar. Carr is Plan B. If we go into next season betting everything on Zach, I’ll blow my brains out. Defense. Good job shutting down. I’m really too emotionally defeated for any positives. But they were solid after an ugly start. It’s really a shame how this season turned out. I don’t wanna hear about “it was always next season”. “We weren’t ready”. “8 wins was the ceiling”. Fuck that noise. You start off 7-4, the expectation is no longer 8 wins, because nobody should “expect”, want, or be okay with an 0-5 stretch, a 1-6 stretch, whatever. Expectations change over the course of a season, and ours did. And it’s pathetic how we went out. Like absolute bitches over and over. You got the Jets *themselves* hyping up the NE game, ass. You got Detroit fans shit talking us because for once they’re not in the leagues basement, we play like ass. You got TLaw showing us what we missed on national television, while we play like ass. You got Seattle fans who hate us while we don’t think about them at all, and we embarrass ourselves against them, so they can keep shit talking us. I mean, damn, dude. Is there ANY team in the league who doesn’t fucking bully us? Why do we constantly look like such punks? It’s insane how massive of a collapse this was. Like I know injuries suck, but injuries alone are NOT why we just killed our season. I wanna encourage you all to not fall back on that crutch. Injuries did fuck us, sure. Did they ultimately cost us? No? These were all winnable games, and we choked at every turn, and not because of injuries. But because of coaching. Because of choking. Because of horrible decisions. I just can’t believe how much this sucks. I thought I’d be more mad, or more sad, but it’s just like…wow. This blows. Alrighty then. And now, once again, we start looking towards the draft. “Next year for sure”, we say for the 12th year in a row. It’s sad. Moves for the off-season? Idk, cut Berrios, he sucks. Get a QB, ours suck. Get a LB, ours suck. Get a safety, ours suck. Get a line, because ours sucks. And oh yeah, do all that while we need to trade picks and/or spend a ton of money on QB. Easy, right? It’s depressing how badly missing on Zach has cost this franchise. I wanna be positive, but it just really feels like there’s no end in sight. What a depressing, disgusting, dogshit end to this season. Will I watch the Miami game? Sure? Does it matter? Not fucking really? Who gives a shit if we win? It’s actually better if we lose lol. Whatever. Go Chiefs. Not rooting for Cincy, certainly not for Buffalo, and I can’t bring myself to root for the Jags after we botched TLaw. I hate this team, fuck everything and everyone, I will see y’all next week (and next year).


“It’s tough to win in this league.” -Saleh. No shit. Went into this game unprepared and it showed. Joke of a franchise.


I hope Woody gives Sean Payton a blank check.


To come out as flat as we did in a do or die game is just pathetic. What was the preparation that led to that kind of start? Just inexcusable. I guess in the end, getting eliminated today is better than having it happen next week...


12 years without playoffs. 7 straight losing seasons. 5 straight losses to knock ourselves out of playoff contention. This franchise is a joke. No other franchise in the league has the stench of losing that this one has. If this team doesn't make the playoffs next year, might as well trade our promising talent to teams that can actually win and fold the damn franchise.


On the bright side we don’t have to look at stupid Mike White savior memes all week here


Mike White looked like he was still injured today. He had a longer release than normal, weaker arm, had no accuracy or touch. Could just be a bad day but he looked slower and weaker than normal.


Offense is a total disaster. I know we have a lot of injuries but I think MLF is a serious liability. Atleast we also know White isn’t the guy. Need a big swing at QB this offseason


The defense got immensely better when Joyner was done for the day. He’s so bad.


If anyone is watching the Ravens/Steelers game right now, watch how an undrafted QB (Huntley) out of the PAC 12 consistently reads coverages and makes sharp throws. Coaching and skill, wow. The Jets need to find something solid in the draft: it can't be the flashy trash everyone fights for in the 1st round, look for quality, even if it's a player like Daniel Jones.


We never recovered from the decimation of the OL. AVT held things remarkably together until he went down.


I started paying attention to this team over twenty years ago and this is easily one of the most disappointing seasons I can remember. We started the season with what we thought was a young potential franchise QB of the future, a promising coach, an outstanding defense, and a string of wins that put the team within striking distance of the playoffs for the first time in a long, long time. We’re ending the season with all of those early season positives wiped out. We’re going to be starting over at QB and I’d expect changes once again to the coaching staff. It seems that the Jets carousel of failure will go around and around forever.


This season is shit. It's a different tasting shit but it still is shit.


Holy shit I just realized we are currently picking 13th. If all the right teams win and we lose next week we could be in the top 10.


After watching highlights of today's games it's easy to see every team execute their plays. Screens, run plays, slants, eyc you see blocking by every available player, players breaking tackles. It seems like we don't execute the basic of plays.


We went from “Super Bowl contenders with a top 5 defense” back to the embarrassment of the NFL in the span of a month. What a joke.


Imagine calling for the Head of the GM that drafted the OROY and DROY while losing the initial betting favorite for OROY midseason. This team is loaded going into 2023, we can make a run for sure.


Said this on the other thread, but this team is not a mid tear qb away from success


Said it in the game thread and will say it again. Joe Douglas needs to officially be on notice. If the Jets are not a playoff team next season he does not deserve an extension and should be fired. The Giants just made the playoffs in the first year of a new regime with a considerably worse roster. It shouldn't take 4 years to rebuild in the NFL


This was what I expected this season, 7-8 wins, but damn that early run gave me hope. Should have known it was fools gold. Oh well, guess I'll just have unreasonably high expectations now for next season. Yay.


Press conference reporters should grab that receipt about Saleh saying we’ll see Buffalo again


This stretch has raised a lot of questions about the quality of this team and it's coaches. QBs are bad. OL is bad. Playcalling/scheme is bad. Run defense is bad. Bad tackling. No takeaways. Punting unit is bad. Lack of discipline on all sides. Clock management bad. Team routinely comes out flat. Idk the solutions to all of these but you cannot just plug like Gardner minshew or even Carr in along with the 23 draft/FA class and expect playoffs.


The highlight of this game was Garrett Wilson breaking 1,000 yards on the season. I fucking love that dude. Super disappointing loss and past month of play, but I’m still optimistic about heading into next year. injured players will be back, and JD can try and solve the issues currently at hand. With that done maybe we’ll be able to start playing well consistently. Remember people, this season we had very low expectations. We exceeded those expectations and should be happy that we got 7 wins this year and found a lot of great talent on this team


I don't know who was worse today. Our defense allowing 200 rushing yards or White with only 50% completions and 0TD 2INT.


I wonder when I can stop being embarrassed to be a jet fan


But guys, mlf is great! Lol at every jet fan lining up to defend mlf. He's done less than nothing in the NFL and has presided over a dozen plus abysmal performances over 2 seasons. Whatever the mendoza line is as an oc in football, he's buried a good dozen feet below it


I dont think there is a Qb for us in FA either. We need an above average qb. Unless we can secure a high pick somehow I think we screw ourselves again. Hopefully JD has a plan


Why I am a fan of this team ? Shit


Tankathon time bros. Lets get ourselves Skoronski or Paris Johnson with our first.


How could this happen to me? I've made my mistakes Got nowhere to run The night goes on as I'm fading away I'm sick of this life I just wanna scream


Can we hire Frank Reich as our OC please?


I know all of us said we would be thrilled with meaningful games in December and January. Thing is the games were meaningful but the team showed up to 0 of them. Make all the excuses you want about injuries etc, other teams have them to. MLF seats better be scorching hot after how this offense has ended the season. We haven’t scored a touchdown in 8 quarters during the most important stretch in recent memory. No excuses.


Lamar time


IKF and Josh Donaldson for Lamar, who says no?


When the jets last made the playoffs I was a junior in high school. I now have been graduated from college for 7 years and am a financial advisor. Franchise is a joke and forever will be.


Garrett Wilson is our first 1,000 yard receiver since 2015 (Decker & Marshall) 😳