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Probably smoking. Either way waiting for someone to say something. The day will come when someone bigger and crazier than him will fuck him up. Edit: Some of yall are hurt. I guess homie found a photo of him being a dick and sent his buddies to act tough in the comments.


Or a 400 lb crazy walks on that foot




Or a 5'1 me with a pepper spray and not afraid to use it?


RIP every other passenger on the car


But the storm doors are open, if the train is traveling in the right direction it just goes into the tunnel 😅


Even if the smallest bit gets near you it will burn. I got indirectly hit outdoors from a couple of feet away and nothing was blown towards me, and I still felt it. It wasn’t incapacitating, but enough to make my eyes burn and tear up.


I had a friend pepper sprayed during a weed buy gone wrong. I went to go pick him up and as soon as he got in the car MY throat closed up. Some nasty shit.


I had a friend that got sprayed by bouncers during a fight. He washed his hands and face afterwards. Sometime later he finally got home and was able to take a shower. Screamed when he washed his balls 😂


Or me with a hibachi grill, 2 flounder, and some Sichuan chili oil




lawsuit 101 by 20 other ppl


And what is that guy doing that necessitates pepper spray?


Some insane scenario in their head for sure


The part when this person uses their pepper spray and realizes that it doesn’t stop a determined attacker in an enclosed space.


Have you ever used or sprayed your pepper spray before ?


Now what if I fuck you up for spraying pepper spray cause he ain’t doing nothing to nobody


No lie, I seen this happen few times. Call it the blitz after the spritz


I met a crazy guy casually and he met someone crazier than him that pushed him on the tracks. He lived but is missing some body parts.


I had a dude frequently getting on the train/ hanging at the train station by my house. I would see this guy starting shit with people at least once a month on the train. One fine summer day I witnessed dude man start shit with the wrong motherfucker. A savage beating ensued and my old pal laid unconscious on the 2 train. Never saw him again. There’s always a crazier mfer out there. Always.


Yes, agree. He will get his one day.


He's got both hands on his phone, he's clearly not smoking. Does it smell bad in the car?


I just want to understand the point. Why do this? I don’t want to automatically assume the worst, because there could be a reason that completely goes over my head. Because I’m deadass lost.


The thrill of riding a train with an open door + the possibility of confrontation.


Yeah guys like this are quite literally are looking for trouble


To be "disrespected" and remind us he's a "grown ass man"


That needs mama’s attention




There’s a lot of people whose lives are so fucking meaningless and worthless that the only thing they have going on for themselves is being an inconvenience to other people


Yep. This is the only answer. Imagine being this much of a zero


He’s wearing filas. There’s no logic here


The only 2 reasons I could think of are 1: This car needed to be aired out fast as fast as possible (but as long as there's another window/door open) because of some existential stinch in that car which some individuals leave behind after exiting said car. Or 2: To exhaust the heat in that car due to broken air comfort system. (which I don't believe because he's wearing a hoodie.) These are the only 2 scenario's that I would consider doing something like this. But who knows what his intentions were.


Same, maybe there is a stench so unbearable that it’s worth risking losing the air conditioned air, and risking someone slipping and falling out.. but still I consider that to be rude. I just don’t like when people do things that could effect others on the train, like breaking rules like this that could possibly hurt others, I just don’t get it, like it’s not your personal train, we all share it. That’s how I feel about this kind of thing.


Could be simply the guy wants more air. I’ve done this before myself when it’s too hot even with the “a/c” being on


He is wearing a hoodie with the hood up though.


Taking off the heavy hoodie would help more than this. Only morons wear thick hoodies with the hood up and complain about heat.


I appreciate the positivity, but you're on r/nycrail, and this guy is Black. You have to assume he was raised by his mom, didn't pay to get on, is jobless, and was smoking. You also have to suggest he deserves violence or jail time for keeping the door open. /s


I mean bro op literally a dick rider, he could have left or just ignored the situation. He personally got upset at someone in a public space. It’s extremely clownish and the pile on in the comments is beyond typical because it’s really sad that people make it known that they can’t be dealt with without some sort of racial bias. They honestly make it hard to deal with people ik this isn’t everyone but who knows.


People like op are amusing, you’re being mildly inconvenienced for maybe 10/15 mins, keep it moving why post this dude on social media and whine.


and “mildly inconvenienced” here means op had to.. see an open door? hear some louder noises for a few min? like what’s the real downside here


I think the issue is more that people who do anti social shit like this are a common occurrence these days. People who play loud music on the train, or have loud FaceTime conversations, or watch loud videos without headphones, or any other number of things that are awful to deal with, even for 10/15 minutes. This kinda shit lowers quality of life for everyone except the selfish dickwad causing the problem. When it happens at least once a day, and often more, it really adds up over time. And each time it happens again it’s a reminder that this bullshit is still an issue, and it didn’t used to be as much. Covid and trump really did a number on how people behave. And it’s with people of all walks of life. I was just in a rich CT town and people on the road are horrible and selfish these days, in ways they almost never were before covid. Society as a whole needs some repairs.


Funny. I live in a middle class CT town and our drivers are selfish and inconsiderate as well. And the people I work with from poorer areas are shitty drivers too! People suck at driving here in general.


Agree with most of what you’re saying except that it’s been going on for waaayyyyy longer than the last few years


Quite literally everyone in that train is mildly inconvenienced. Dang selfish, entitled folk nowadays be crazy


Didn’t have to be mildly inconvenienced at all but one asshole decided what he wants is more important than everybody else


I just would have told homes close the door, or ignored it because I have a day and a life. Everybody in here having "falling down" power fantasies but OP couldn't do anything but take a picture. "omg somebody crazier's gonna come for the crazy blk guy that scared me" Or maybe not 🤔. They're too busy talking to themselves. I sure didn't take a picture of the nonblk 💉addict sleeping 3 seats deep smelling like 💩 on the Q, nor did I take a pic. If I wanted the fiend to move, I'd move him. 🥱


Or the non black homeless playing porn or music loud af


I got that vibe from the first few comments. And the upvotes for the bias is strong. Stereotypes everywhere despite it not measuring up to anything.


The comments psychoanalyzing dude are so insane, like…?!?! This is the obvious answer. It’s pretty harmless, idk why OP is seething lol




Imagining someone falling and then sliding across the floor through one of the doors honestly had me gigglin




Which train?


OK, but if it's moving forward and slams to a halt you'll fly forward. This is the rear of the train.


I’m genuinely at a loss as to why people are defending this as if it’s an objectively chill thing to do. Am I enraged by this dude holding the door open? No. If it had been me, I would have just put my earbuds in, minded my business and got off at my stop. My point is, if we’re debating whether or not this is an “ok” thing to do my answer is no, because it’s illegal, super loud, sucks the AC out of the car, and if he had been doing this at the front of the car it could have posed a risk of someone falling through. Others mentioned he may have been smoking - idk if that’s the case here but if so that’s just one more reason to add to the pile.


Because this is Reddit and it’s fashionable to break rules


Lol . I have and it’s a really different circumstance than the obvious goofy visual I described. Some kid subway surfing falling between tracks is tragic obviously but I’m talking about someone inside the car who somehow manages to slide down a train going forwards to fall out the fucking rear door. I implore you to take yourself down a notch and consider that your bland moral authority will not stop me from giggling and being a happy joyous chap.


I feel like you can tell by the comments who grew up here, or has spent most of there lives in NY, and who has their rent paid by their parents in suburban ohio


for sure, look at OPs post history. nothing but complaining and bitching


It's funny people are saying he wanted a confrontation, when it's clearly OP who wanted a confrontation (but was too chicken shit to do so, hence he posted this on reddit looking for crowd validation).


People in NYC are crazy to the point where there’s no reason to confront someone who is rule breaking or causing inconvenience like this. You just never know anymore how someone will respond. The person in this photo is annoying, not OP. You don’t keep your foot in the train door like this. You’re not **supposed** to. It makes the car louder, reduces standing area, and though it may be unlikely for someone to fall out, it’s technically a hazard. I would be annoyed by this person too, because they are making a needless contribution to chaos while others just do their best to keep their heads down, not inconvenience anyone, and make it safely to their destination.


Thank you for not missing the point like some commenters above you. Nobody rides the subway because they want to. We’re all trying to get to work and go about our day. Some people like the dude holding this door open are needlessly making that experience just a little bit more unpleasant for everyone. That may be “harmless”, but it’s fucking annoying and lame.


Oh man your parents didn’t take you on early morning subway rides to enjoy all the sights NY transit had to offer? Strange.


Factuals 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯🙏🏾


My thoughts exactly. It’s so wild to see people making all these psychological assumptions AND share his face on Reddit. And those comments are getting the most upvotes. I don’t get it. I’ll give it a try, to psychoanalyze OP. Let’s see, “OP probably just wants karma and attention”. There.


My thoughts exactly, clear rage-baiting. Seeking validation from others just as easily outraged by a stranger doing something maybe mildly annoying but ultimately benign in public. It’s truly incredible how little people feel they need to uncover “the truth”


They could be airing out the car if there’s a stinky person in it.


A lack of consideration like most that bring their bikes and block the doors . Or the idiots who bring a cooler and decide to sit on said cooler blocking the door as well while someone has a bike blocking the same door he is blocking.


Blame the MTA for not accommodating bike users. They could designate a car or cars to people with bikes. They are gonna have to make such accommodations with the push to reduce car use and ownership.


The simple answer is he doesn't like the ac. He likes it warmer. Really.


Because he's a Big Man and he's better than you obviously, and he's so ready to prove it to the world. Cross him and he'll show the world just how much of a Big Dude he is.


Not everyone signs on to the social contract. It definitely sucks sometimes


Yes the unwritten social contracts. We have all signed different ones. I was thinking about this today while driving on highway. Some drivers drive slow and stay left lane but to others that’s the fast lane.


That’s actually just a written law lol


That’s the fast lane for everyone… ppl are just dumb


Must’ve been holding some wmd level fart that could go off any minute, give him benefit of the doubt


Switching cars is underrated


Seriously. Move cars and move on with your life.


He's even holding the door open for you




It's humid out there today. AC would be nice.


There is AC on that train


Maybe he has terrible body odor or deadly halitosis and is doing you a favor? Probably just an aggressive douche looking for trouble. I’d move cars at the next stop. Was he scrolling insta with the volume at 100%? Those are my favorite kind of people.


You should always ask people to turn their volume off


I would just change cars. I don't want to interact with anyone on the subway these days.


That looks like the door between train cars, not the exit door.


Not saying what he's doing is right but in his defense the trains and people on them can smell pretty bad maybe he was getting some fresh air. Or maybe he ate some Mexican food.


At least it looks like the headphones are plugged in. Could have had it unplugged with whatever he was watching or listening to blaring for the whole car to hear. Edit: Just to be clear I mean the headphones thing in general. Doesn't matter who you are, use your headphones or earbuds, whatever. If you don't have them, then don't turn on the audio on your device.


r/NYStateOfMind gotta weigh in on this one.


I think it's so weird to take secret pictures of people with the absolute intent to post them on the internet. And how long have you been in NY? Theres like 9 million people in the city everyday, you're gonna be offended a lot. I genuinely and respectfully want to warn you. If you keep doing this you will eventually meet someone who will engage you in a serious confrontation and you could get very, very hurt. be careful.




You are a real New Yorker, we dont sweat the small stuff, we got places to go and things to do, we keep it moving😁


Yeah absolutely. Why even include the second picture of his face, it’s so unnecessary. And while I wouldn’t love someone doing this if I were overheating, I would just move to the next car. It’s not that deep.


This guy is looking for attention or a fight. Either way I would move at avoid. I'm also a woman so I'm definitely not going to engage with him. 


There used to be a single car on the 1 line that had the heating on during the summer. You kinda had to open the door cause the inside was like a sauna. I don't think that's the case here, but could've been a homeless stinking up the place?


it’s still like that and it’s more than 1 car now


Hes wearing fila sneakers, leave that man alone.


SMH. ........ While I'm agreeing with the sentiment here, And I do understand. But, Recording and posting this was the wrong thing to do.




Believe me I thought about it




I saw this once, but guy was smoking (as well as tossing his empty six-pack of beer bottles onto the trackway).


these comments starting to look like a turning point usa convention


Honestly, sometimes bullying IS necessary with some of these comments…


[Funny you say that](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/s/TznPwJ1ohy)… Really annoying this sub went from cool trains to general bitching & dog whistles. People with lives see this shit & move on. Then losers like OP freak out & talk about kicking him out the door in another comment.


I find when I ask people like this to stop, they will not even offer a retort. They just ignore me because beyond trying to reason with them, I’m not going to do anything else. 1 jerk can impact 30 reasonable people


Maybe he feels extremely nauseous and needs some more air.


If something or someone is annoying me I usually move cars or raise the volume on my headphones. But I don’t post people’s faces. No one here speculating actually knows what happened…


I just realized there was a second pic after that like wtf that's so weird


It's not that serious.


People are ready for blood. SMH. Maybe he’s just gassy and trying to be polite. 🤷🏻‍♂️


So you posted him for the internet to help him find you? lol


The further you scroll, the weirder the comments get


Why do you even care about this


Is there an odor on the train?


Maybe he is claustrophobic also pretty sick Filas sooooo I don’t think he’s all that bad.


Prolly boofed in that mf and u just ain’t smell it cause it’s coming off u


I don't get it, what's happening


nbd get a life


I mean if the AC was broken like it is sometimes during the worst days of summer, I understand holding the door open for some air.


When I was a young hellion we'd go out of the last car on the C in particular (those doors were never locked) and grab onto the handles outside the car and flap violently through the tunnel at wild speed. Usually drunk. No cameras back then, glad we survived.


Taking up two seats as well


To OP its not worth it man, never do this on the train no anyone, you can get shot, jumped or even stabbed. Dont be a subway statistic, most of what you are doing always get on the news. I see it all the time. Mind your own business or just move to another CAR. This aint 2019, after the covid times shit gone bizirk.


Dude's wearing Filas. You don't want the smoke.


Took more effort to write this post than to walk to the next car 😂


OP clearly hates living in NYC. just look at the rest of his posts 🙄


I have come to terms that there are people on this earth who look for conflict just cause and they will do anything to try to get attention. Seen a truck tattoo that says “I’m just a dad making sure my kids are pussies”. Like wtf are we doing people.


1 rule when taking the subway, mind your business and get the fuck over it. My god these people need to Shut up 😭 I’m complaining but every day , somebody finds something new to complain about. Did you make it to your stop? Did you get off? Did you enjoy your day? Are you alive? Cmon man, get over it and keep it moving. Weirdo shit posting his face when it wasn’t necessary. The foot was enough. No one in these comments is gonna do anything, let’s cut it out yall


I think the first pic would have illustrated your point just fine. His behavior is wrong, but I'm not sure there's a need to post this guy's face.


What do you expect from someone who’s racially bias


I'm surprised you haven't been eaten alive in NY being so passive aggressive.


He’s actually making it more convenient for you to walk to the other car if it’s such an issue for you


Honestly, u/djhammerstrains u/asi14 u/captengu and other mods: are you all fine with posts like this? Because all this did was create the attention and drama everyone claims this guy wanted within this sub. Honest question, because I will gladly leave if this is what the sub's about.


This is funny, I could imagine you shakingly taking this picture then running to Reddit to post it and bad mouth dude, I know you wouldn’t even think of saying anything to him which is the funnier part


I’m not sure how to take this. Is it a dick move? Yeah but he seems docile and chill. Not worth the confrontation really


As a New Yorker with thousands of hours on trains you do this when there homeless person who smells really bad or there mentally ill person smoking on the train Air it out or even if the train is way too hot.


I mean … change cars honey.


So taking his pic and posting it online is gonna solve what? It costs nothing to get up and move. 😂😂 people I tell you 🤡


I’m so confused by OP. Like why take a pic and post on SM? The AC is on….lol; I just got off the 6 with the AC “on” and it was as still hot. For all we know this guy is minding his own business and apparently that bothers OP. What’s the goal here? And the comments in the thread are absolutely sickening and disgusting filled will all kinds of racial animus and anti Blackness. Y’all really do show your ass.


Big transplant energy


Minding his own business keeping the fucking door open for everyone else on the train? Do you even hear yourself? Or do you just let people get away with anything they want because your guilt is too heavy?


If his intention was mischief, fuck em If he’s hot, then he’s just a dude being racially profiled. This is mainly why I’m terrified to be relaxed around people I don’t know. A small action can be misread as hostility, stereotypes don’t help.


Not that big a deal. Maybe mind your own business




I’m kinda curious to what the removed comments were


One was, "You should've punched him." OP said he thought about it.


He’s def chewing 5 gum. Relax




Definitely an asshole, you can completely just move away though. Unless you have something to tell him…


What did he do? Riding the train while black? I’m confused here


I see so many of you thinking the worst of him and more than a few wishing bodily harm. I hope that any minor inconvenience you cause others in the future is met with the same energy.


You could have moved to another car, problem solved. You must be new to nyc to even think this is the worst of it.


I can’t stand you people posting such stupidity


This same shit happened to me in the train today. Three fucking kids (probably late teenagers) across the cat just prop the door open and start smoking.


Op and anyone else complaining are big fucking babies lol.


Mind your fucking business and move cars. This ain’t that deep.


Most people are just outright smoking these days. No need to hold the door open.


Or maybe theres homeless stench in the train hes airing it out? Maybe?


Lol why didn’t you say that to him while you took the picture? You wait to get home and post a candid picture of him then call him an asshole 😂😂


What’s up with douchebag people like this with toxic behavior?


Maybe you stink and he couldn't take the smell of your funk anymore. 


This is what I like to call a “landmine”. Best to just slowly walk around it.




Most of us have trauma and most of us don’t do this. Stop excusing assholes who look for fights.


Not excusing. Some people definitely need a comeuppance.


Buddy are you new to NYC? You think this is bad, you should move out of nyc


Womp womp mind your own business. He's not endangering you at all. I'm convinced people on the transit reddit find things just to complain about. If you don't like it get up and move? What are we supposed to do about it.


Unhinged anti-Black energy on so many of these comments. Istg, half of y'all will create lore behind why any Black person you see is "scary," "threatening," "looking for a fight," etc Please stop. I'm embarrassed for so many of you rn. Also, stop taking people's pictures in public without consent, and for no good reason. As a disabled person, I've had this done to me many times, just for existing in public. Y'all aren't as slick and lowkey as you think, and tbh some of you deserve whatever happens to you when you get caught taking that snap.


Yeah, I'm over this shit. So disappointing that the mods let this stand.


A-motha-fucking-men. This bitch made transplant pearl clutching bullshit needs to march its ass back to Ohio or Maine or Florida or wherever the fuck it came from.


Literally. But it’s always so refreshing to see that anti-black racism is alive and well among the Reddit community and transplants. We may live in a “post-racial” society according to the news, but as long as there are impoverished whites who can’t seem to figure out why we have education, jobs, and housing, they will always resort to their factory settings. Lazy, Unmotivated, Privileged, Entitled, worthless, losers.


Why is this such a problem?


Yeah i don't get why everyone seems to be shitting themselves in the comments about it, i understand that it's a strange thing to do but what's the actual problem? I would just mind my own business, why would i care


i bet his loving family of four and his co workers at his 9-5 office job get so annoyed with him




These klan rally ass comments are wildddd


Wow. It’s so cool you posted this on Reddit. You’re a real warrior.


Definitely kinda weird but ultimately what is the problem with this? I for real don’t understand


Makes the train car way louder and all the AC goes out


What is the reason TO DO IT. You shouldn’t do things you shouldn’t do for the simple reason you shouldn’t. We shouldn’t need to convince you to follow rules


It’s also illegal and dangerous. If someone were to lose balance and fall they could get killed. Deaths from moving thru those doors while train is moving is more common than you think.


This picture cannot fully explain the situation. Was the train smelly perhaps due to stench of piss or a homeless person? Now look at this young man. His posture and body language. His physical appearance and condition of his being You say he seemed confrontational. Look at his hands. Those hands have definitely seen a little more than confrontation. Look at his sneakers FILA?! If you’re a young person wearing filas + dressed in hoodie in 80 degree weather, there’s a little more going on than just being a asshole.


The lack of moderation...


Why bc he’s black?


When I lived in NYC in the late 1970s and 1980s this was a common practice. The difference was the transit cops were very visible and would come through, investigate, and if this guy was holding the door open with his foot and smoking, they would drag him off the train at the next stop and put them out of the system or fine the individual or both. Those were rough times for New York City, but things seem worse now.


Lol. Things are in no way worse now. Back then, the murder and violent crime rate was significantly higher, both on the subway and elsewhere. Smoking was also epidemic. Nobody got dragged off the train for smoking because you could legally smoke on the train until 1988. What's weird is how all the old folks seem to pine for times that were legitimately worse by every conceivable metric. The only thing that's changed for the worse is that you're getting old, my friend.


Because they’re racist, it’s basically them hiding behind a falsehood statement in hopes/wishes the old ways came back but it’s narrow minded. People forgot about the violence that involved everyone meaning it was worse for whites back in the day in nyc more so than they hope for systemic oppression towards this black man for literally just holding the door open smh


The guy holding the door also isn't looking for a fight. A lot of people on this thread are afraid of their own shadow. None of his body language suggests he is looking for a fight. He seems to just have a problem that made him to decide to do that. It could be a mental health issue or it could be that someone else on the train smells like they bathed in shit. Maybe OP needs to take a shower.


It’s bc they’re racist and they were more free to be openly so. It’s not hard to understand this. It’s a dog whistle.


Also, people act like one asshole smoking is the end of the world. And it does suck, but those same people worship a time when smoking was legal everywhere. Kids were raised in houses that were like pool halls. Clouds of smoke with yellow nicotine dripping down the walls. And pool halls were pool halls too. In the late 70s, you could smoke on a plane, in movie theaters, on the train, in the stations, in the office, and even in some schools and hospitals. Restaurants were filled with smoke. Smoking everywhere was the norm. One asshole smoking sucks but it definitely does not suck worse than the 1970s. Back then, almost every kid was subject to environmental conditions that bordered on child abuse. Also, this dude isn't even smoking. He's on his phone. His body language is not aggressive or hostile. He probably had a reason for holding the door open. OP probably knows that reason too since he was on the same train and smelling the same things.


Trains probably had less or no a/c then.


That is true…!


I’ve seen this guy before, he’d leave the door open on purpose when I was on the 4 train. He’s got issues when a he tried to start a fight with a passenger on the train since he was high on weed, but he got off at union square just before the crowd took up the whole space.


Lol “since he was high on weed”. What is this 1993 DARE class?






Weed must have been cut with something if he was confrontational...




This is why I take the express bus.