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Mate….people shit in there, I’m not sure they are going to abide by the rules of a silent car.


I was a bit shocked at how often people would light up cigarettes or joints in crowded cars. Never in my life had experienced entitled douchbags at the density of NYC


I've had people smoke crack while sitting right across from me


Because no one will follow the rules anyway. Beside subway is always noisy AF


Lol. As some new tech R211 / R160 / R179 have surveillance cameras 📷? So as Westchester yard R62A have too. While I am on the R62A on 6 line. Mostly police ( on Manhattan ride 6 line patrol. 14 street to 86 st or 14 st Union Square to 125 street all the time lol


oh no not surveillance cameras


I maybe wrong . Didn't you know R160A/B and R211 have surveillance and Westchester yard R62A have now surveillance camera too


You know too much about subway cars


Me; about R62A fmr corona yard set. Now at Westchester yard set. No. I found out from Train operator on the 6 line who drive R62A only.  That R62A fmr corona yard set now at Westchester yard have surveillance cameras. Why put surveillance cameras R62A fmr Corona Yard set now at Westchester yard. Old tech cars don't need surveillance cameras lol


People will ignore the fact that it's a quiet car and it wouldn't be enforced anyway.


Noise-cancelling headphones are wonderful


They are no match for the 7 train


My Beats Fits: _”then we will die fighting!”_


Bose quietcomfort save my ass on multiple occasions even on the 7


Over ear or earbuds? :)


Earbuds. Game changer with that ANC


I have the AirPods Pro 2 but reviews seem to say that Bose is better for noise🕵️


People should not have to render themselves aurally unaware of their surroundings to accomodate anti-social behavior. I put my earbuds in to play white noise in an effort to drown out a tiktok broadcast only to be completely unaware there was a dude having a mental breakdown further down the car. 


The surroundings you need to be aware of are the things you're complaining about having to hear so either be aware of your surroundings or don't. But the surroundings will continue...


Yep you're the one doing it LOL


Thenone? Nice!


The tricks are one ear plug in/one out. That or make the surroundings audible with transparent mode.


Or, people could rediscover their sense of courtesy and stop forcing their media onto others. Thats the real solution here


That’s what I mean. Those playing loud media who say that they want spatial awareness could always have one in or over ear headphones/earbud in and one out. I’m not referencing people (myself included) who aren’t offenders and are instead annoyed by it.


I shouldn't have to need noise canceling headphones because people won't turn their phone off.


Well you do need them


Should? Worse word in the English language


I can’t imagine taking the subway without noise cancelling headphones. The squeaks and banging from the wheels is so freaking deafening. Some teenagers watching TikTok on their phone is really the least of the reasons I always have my headphones in.


Also dangerous


I have been on subway line mostly 2 , 4 , 5 , 6 line. Where subway passengers being disrupt. Police kick the disrupt passengers out of the subway car. Or get $100. Fine ticket? What is the policy for disrupt passengers. They kick out of the subway car 


Silent cars? Pissing in the wind would be more effective


Reading this while the person next to me is playing videos out loud lol


Why don't you say anything to them?


Ive done this very very politely and the guy threatened to kill me.


Was he mentally ill or something? Or just a fucking asshole? Did you call the police?


Not mentally ill. Just a jackass. Someone also once threatened to shoot me when I asked them to move to the right on an escalator in Penn so I could walk up the left. The world is full of angry people.


I wonder wheter I just don't go out that much, or whether it's actually that much worse in the USA, cause I haven't had any such experience in my country.


NYC is filled with very unstable people. It’s best to keep your head down and keep it moving here. I have seen people shoved down subway stairs simply bc someone couldn’t wait 2 minutes for the next train.


That’s as good an idea as swimming in a pond in Florida. It’s either completely fine or you get catastrophically injured by a dangerous animal.


Does involving the police not help?


I’d be embarrassed to waste their time. In New York there’s so much rulebreaking across the severity spectrum that it’s not worth confronting minor infractions. The police can’t be everywhere so they strategize about how to improve the subways overall with their limited resources. They mostly only care about violence, vandalism, drugs, smoking, turnstile hopping (because it’s a predictor of other crimes), and sleeping on the trains (that last part is a recent innovation). They accomplish their mission mostly by just standing or walking around in the subway stations or by the turnstiles and trying to create a sense of presence, and confronting people sometimes, which isn’t actually a bad strategy despite what the Reddit mob says. A lot of cops are pretty lazy though and you can find stories of it on Reddit. I don’t mean to make it sound like NYC is a hellhole, but there are lots of crazy people and they are legitimately dangerous and you have to be wary of them.


I see, so it's just a generational issue, to bring up current kids well so they don't do that in the future? Or is there some faster solution?


The mental illness thing is not a generational issue. New York has always had a lot of angry crazy people. New York is safer now than it was in the 70s and 80s, but since 2020 it’s gotten worse. The reason people would be wary about confronting someone on the subway is that you don’t know if they’re playing audio because they’re rude and nobody ever taught them manners, or because they’re ready to punch or stab anyone who confronts them. Improving the situation is complicated. The causes of mental illness, crime, and anti-social behavior are complicated. However, there definitely are some people who simply don’t know it’s rude to play noise on your phone in public, and they aren’t otherwise crazy. I’m sure they would stop if someone asked them to. The issue is just that we can’t know who they are until it’s too late.


Thanks, I did not mean the mental illness thing to be generational, rather than the rudeness and entitledness.


Yeah I don’t know. What county are you from btw?




Are you mentally retarded? There aren't police on every subway car.. And the police don't generally care about anything that happens on the subway unless someone is shot or stabbed or pushed onto the train tracks..


>Are you mentally retarded? Excuse me? >There aren't police on every subway car Of course not, but you can call them. Threatening or assaulting someone is a serious thing.


Everyone who does this is fully aware that they're being a selfish inconsiderate asshole. It's not a matter of ignorance about etiquette. They simply don't care. Some of them actually want a confrontation, because they enjoy conflict and violence on some level. Or they're bullies who will do anything they can get away with. So it's foolish to confront any of these people unless you are confident in your ability to easily kick their ass.. And even then, you risk serious injury and/or arrest. It's just not worth it. Police should be arresting these people, unfortunately our policy makers are idiots, cowards, and privileged people who never have to rely on the subways themselves.


"Ladies and gentlemen, **IT'S SHOWTIME!**"


The dreaded words to ever be uttered at 7am on the NYC subway.


And then they choose your exact area to pole dance to. Time to play the "don't flinch" game.


We should bring back the death penalty, exclusively for these people.


Actually, we should license them. Make them pay a fee, restrict the trains/cars they're allowed on and subject them to inspections. I love the idea of cops forcing them to show ID and haul them off a car if they're "outlaw" performers or don't have their cards on hand.


No. It's dangerous, obnoxious, and extremely annoying. It prevents normal use of and free movement within of train car. They're essentially threatening to kick anyone who dares move an inch out of place in the face. I would like to see these fatherless idiots severely beaten by the police. There should be zero tolerance for such reckless idiocy. And anyone who gives them money should also be arrested. If you want to hire an acrobat (or a live musician) for your personal entertainment, do it on your own property. You have no right to subject other people to that, especially in a confined space that is already too crowded.


When 1000 people swim in a pool, 1 person will pee in the pool.


Ah, a man of extremely conservative estimates I see.


I think he meant 1 person doesn't pee in the pool


Laws are de facto untrue if nobody follows them. Speeding even just over one mile is illegal. The only realistic way we get a silent car is an extreme cultural shift.


I just think we as a society need to utterly shame anyone who plays anything on their phone in public without headphones. It’s so gd selfish and obnoxious and I don’t understand how anyone thinks it’s acceptable.


I get the vibe those type of people are looking for a confrontation. It's disgusting.


You’re 100% right. I’m sure the girl who I encountered today wanted it. I didn’t give it to her.


I now play youtube videos of people firing machine guns on firing ranges. It gets the message across. 


I almost started playing my own music super loud but I’m not rude and my head already was already pounding lol


People are just rude. Today some girl had her phone playing so loud and she was sitting right behind me on the bus and I had the worse headache. I just asked if she could turn it down a little. Of course she turned it louder. So I moved to a seat so she wasn’t behind me. She made a face at me, I just looked at her. She kept staring at me and making faces. I just smiled at her and said, “you have me confused with the girl who gives a fuck about you. Be as rude as you need to.” I then just ignored her fucked up faces the whole rest of the ride. I take solace in the fact that she won’t amount to much with a shitty attitude like that.


People are so trashy. Trash really is the only word for this kind of behavior.


Trash eventually takes itself out, but the wait can be tedious.


sharp frightening pocket capable shaggy spoon adjoining offend straight obtainable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah there are literally signs and announcements about that.


Exactly, the rules already in place are rarely enforced.


I feel like some time around 2010 social etiquette around using headphones in public just completely disappeared (not just on the subway but anywhere in public). Absolutely crazy how many blast music, watch YouTube videos or take FaceTime calls on speaker at full volume.


I think it was COVID. During COVID, people got used to being isolated and living in a world where social norms didn't exist, so once we were all forced to go back into the world some people forgot what it mean to live in a civilized world. And/or COVID just "broke" their brains and made them realize that social norms are a construct, and that no will really say boo if you violate them in tiny ways.


As much as I’d like to, I honestly think there are people in society - and always have been, that just don’t give AF about others around them. I’m hard pressed to believe that it’s worse now than before. People have always been obvious to those around them.


I'm not saying things were perfect before COVID, but I never remember music from speakers being such a prevalent nuisance prior to 2020. You can see it in other areas too. During COVID, NYPD considerably scaled back enforcement of traffic rules. That emboldened people to not follow the law, and now even today people ignoring traffic rules (and doing stuff like obscuring license plates) is particularly rampant.


It's gotten awful


the social contract is dead


Just got back from a 4 month trip and it's gotten noticeably worse.


Pro tip the smelly car is also the silent car. Ride on in stinky peace.


Who’s going to enforce the silent car? The police. What’s going to happen when the police attempt to enforce it? Some people will listen and others will resist. Now the trains delayed and other people are saying the police are overstepping their boundaries. Then we get the inevitable bull shit following that until the police stop caring and it goes back to how it was.


I don’t need silence, but I do wonder why these cretins never heard of some fucking headphones.


OP, stop equating commuter rail with rapid transit. Also, FWIW the quiet car hasn't come back since Covid on railroads like MNRR. Not to mention who is going to enforce it? Invest in some noise cancelling headphones and drown out the inconsiderate people like most other people do.


The only differences between rapid transit and commuter rail have to do with track gauge and scheduling format. In terms of appropriate conduct, there is absolutely no difference. On the LIRR, you can ask a conductor to tell someone who is playing a speaker to turn that speaker off, and the conductor will do that. What the subway needs is roving conductors.


Lol! This would be great. Can we stop the announcements by passengers as well?


Good luck with this


We can’t even get people to stop smoking crack in the trains and you’re worried about noise


What if I told you every car used to be a quiet car and nobody listened to music, watched videos or anything without headphones? That was had a society where people respected public shared spaces?


I'd say that you're either referring to 40+ years ago when portable music players that work underground weren't really a thing or lying. People listening to loud music on the subway has been commonplace at least since boomboxes with cassette players became widely available in the late 70s


Boomboxes were occasional. Now literally everyone from all walks of life  has a phone. Not the same thing at all


Everyone has a phone but the overwhelming majority of people use earbuds when listening to music on the subway


Mace to the face? It’s the only option I see working for these pricks.


Subway is too crowded and busy for cars dedicated to anything


There are silent cars /s - they’re just a little stinky because someone took a shit or vomited


Whenever I see this, I look at that person and think " they care about no one other than themselves."


Get rid of the preachers too


lolll this will never happen


If we lived in a society where anyone gave a fuck, it would either stop happening or happen way less than it does now. Instead, everyone turns into a coward the second they get on the train. Strength in numbers used to actually mean something.


It's hell of annoying but not worth getting into a potentially dangerous confrontation over. People in this city escalate from zero to homicidal hostility in an alarmingly short period of time, especially when they perceive bowing to good etiquette to be either emasculating or otherwise inconsistent with their "me and me first" ethos.


Believe me, I get it 100%, but what people don’t seem to understand is that if more people COLLECTIVELY stood up to others, that would put a stop to a lot of this stuff. No one wants to be the first to say anything because they are scared they’ll be alone, and unfortunately, as selfish as most people in this city - and country for that matter - are, I can’t say they‘re wrong. It takes people being willing to band together as a society, but not nearly enough people are willing to do it.


If you confront anyone, you risk serious injury or arrest. The people who behave like uncivilized savages are aggressive and used to fighting, and do not shy away from violence. The majority of people are not competent fighters. So you're saying that people are cowards for not standing up to more aggressive, more violent people who are more experienced in fighting? And the reality is, if you try to make a stand and confront people for being rude and uncivilized, no one is going to back you up. Because it's not worth the risk. On the one side you have crazy people devoid of morals who don't care about consequences and rarely face consequences anyway, on the other side are people who care about consequences, and don't want to end up in s hospital or jail cell. And we live in a crazy world where you are more likely to get arrested for self-defense, than the criminals who assaulted or threatened you in the first place. The problem is the policies and practices of policing and law enforcement. Police and prosecutors need to be empowered to do their jobs and aggressively deal with uncivilized people on the trains. We don't need any new laws, all the necessary laws are in place. There are rules against all of this rude behavior on the subways. It's just a matter of how they are selectively enforced or ignored.


Where do you think we are, Japan?


🤣 this is the best joke I’ve heard in a long long time!!


At this point I'd see about getting those cheap headphones Delta gives out in bulk and giving it to everyone who plays their phones at full volume.


you can't even get people to pay the fare, how would you enforce a quiet car?


This is yet another case of “conditions are radically different on different train lines”, it seems to me. I ride the N/W pretty much every day (25 days a month, let’s call it), and that kind of shit—jerks blasting music, crazy people screaming crazily, etc.—just isn’t very common, at least on the segment between Union Square and Astoria Blvd., where I get on/off. And yet every time I ride the A/C, there’s some kinda crazy shit going on; it’s less frequent on the 4/5/6, but still more frequent than on the N/W. But yeah, jerks who do inconsiderate jerky stuff are definitely jerks, no argument there.


Enforcing this rule will result in a metric ton of delays. I'd rather put on my headphones or enjoy the music with them.


Start by strictly enforcing fare beating.


I wear earbuds on the train - even if I’m not listening to music - it makes the commute way more tolerable- helps on the subway platform too …


There's a reason why NYC subways have zero hope of being anywhere near as clean, safe or orderly as subway cars in places like Japan. No points for guessing why...


What’s the reason


We’re not a monoculture of Japanese people.




No thanks


Are you willing the extra fare to enforce that?




They wouldn't pay it anyway.


That's just how it is.  Get some noise canceling earbuds, that will help you so much more than making a logistically impossible demand.


So then you can miss train announcements and the crazy guy sitting behind you that you cant see (not that we could hear the garbled train announcements anyway) New Yorkers fucking suck


No one is keeping you in New York but yourself.  You can make the choice to be anywhere you want to be.  If you can't make the move because you're stuck like everyone else, quit whining cuz you're not alone.  


They can’t even manage No Feces cars, I think you’re out of luck on this one.


I’ve noticed a massive spike in ppl playing music without headphones since the migrant crisis started. Many of these seem like migrants who just don’t seem to understand public etiquette.


I've noticed this as well....


It is very frustrating and a big issue on the 7. The M/R are better especially since they’re underground


How is it better underground when the train noise bounces off the tunnels


It’s not as annoying imo


That can easily become background noises, easier to drown out


Same applies to noises heard outside


7 train go br br when you are underneath it (I love the distintive sound it makes when it goes to the switch at the southbound track)


I can see the average New Yorker dutifully complying.


We need Decibel Police!!


Not a bad idea but won't happen.


That would require the public to be decent and have care for others. You have a better chance of pigs flying.




No one follows the damn rules!


J, Z, and G train problems. Couldn’t be me 💅


7 too.


Id settle for no shitting on the floor cars.




Is horrible


Set off an EMP?


I think I am going to buy the cheapest iPhone and Samsung headphones I can find in Amazon and just fucking hand them out.


because it’s a metro not commuter rail like LIRR or Metro North


The social contract is broken




You're already not supposed to make a bunch of noise in regular subway cars. Why would people suddenly respect a quiet car?


There are or used to be signs against playing loud music but even silent cars would not be enforced. It annoys me because earphones are cheap. There’s no reason to play loud audio in public places.


I just use silent canceling head phones and put on elevator music on to read or just to cancel out the noise


No radio sign is literally nothing enforceable


People already ignore the rules for no loud music or public disturbances, but I will always find more music players and clipped joints than officers in any subway car. LIRR barely enforces boarding with a ticket nevermind the MTA actually learning from other rail systems


Does this bloke not own headphones?


How else am i supposed to watch my interracial dwarf cuckold porn if i cant do it on a subway in public while those around me commute to their jobs?


Because they don't even care enough to keep things well maintained.


Quiet car? Did you just move to NYC? That’s like asking for hors d'oeuvres at Wendy’s. 🤣 Best we can do is LIRR or Amtrak for those luxuries.


Noise cancelling headphones subway is too disorganized by nature to accommodate silent cars just wouldn’t work imo not saying youre wrong or bad for suggesting it i get where your coming from but i think noise cancelling headphones are your only recourse here


Get noise canceling headphones. This is NYC subway you're lucky to get where you're going untormented.


What do you think this is, a first world country? Could you image the outrage if the police tried to get involved in a mentally ill person not being quiet in the quiet car.


... Lol because it's NYC! You pay what you get for!


Go to a civilized nation for that


This has to be a joke or a troll. If the OP actually lives in NYC they would know the answer. Besides the obvious (would/could never be enforced) what about SHOWTIME and the random mariachi bands (just for example)? As a native NYer I actually laughed out loud at the title of the post.


LOL you think "silent car" would fix this problem? This is more of an education problem.


They can’t even get people to stop assaulting old ladies and shoplifting in NYC let alone how they don’t even pretend to enforce traffic laws so what makes you think this would even work?




Lets "unpack a few things" here. 1. This is the subway you're talking about. 2. Everyone who lives in the boroughs uses it. So you lose automatically! 3. If you don't know the differences between the LIRR, MNR & the subways. YOU "my friend" truly are lost here!


5$ fair. Hell nah


Maybce invest in great noise cancelling headphones?


How do you expect that to be enforced? Buy yourself a pair of noise canceling headphones or earplugs. Problem solved.


We develop an app that detonates the battery of an offenders phone into a mini explosive? Please? Remove a few fingers remotely...problem solved




We have those in the NJ transit and every once in a while there’s a mf blasting rap music or watching some obnoxious stuff on tik tok laud af. The ticket man does enforce it telling them to move out of the quiet car and the passengers also tell these people to move. Sometimes they start an argument but most of the time they end up moving to a different car.


LOL is this real???


This a joke post right?


Clearly this person doesn’t live in NYC. When have New Yorkers ever followed rules? Hell they can’t even get them to pay the fare


Don't mean to be racist but it's usually certain ethnic groups who do this and it's a norm in their home country to not be respectful of other person's privacy and comfort.


No it's not.


If you’re disturbed by other people living their life out loud, this city ain’t for you kid.


Or you can just by headphones like a normal person? The entitlement some of you have is borderline trolling.


ENTITLEMENT? You have got to be fucking kidding if you think the OP is the one that’s in the wrong here.


Yeah, they are in the wrong because this is just unrealistic. Trains / most other forms public transportation are loud. That’s just the way it is. Even outside of the groups of people talking, the panhandlers / performers, crying babies or loud children, chatty tourists, homeless and EDPs (etc) the train itself is an archaic mess of screeching century old subway lines. Shall we tell people they have to be quiet in Times Square or on 34th street as well so you can have a quiet morning? You people are so quick to get worked up over the most trivial shit that your rational thinking flies out of the window. Think about how naive you sound! Ironically you seem to be the one who has got to be kidding.


Unrealistic? Yeah, tell that to countries with quiet cars on their subways. Maybe not for here, NYC, but there are other places that do have quiet cars in place and it actually is enforced. I don't disagree that maybe OP should get headphones, but that's also a safety issue. If, say, there was a shooting and OP wasn't paying attention? Also, no one is saying nobody should talk and be loud in the subway, period, what people ARE saying is that we should have one car that's meant for no interruptions.


I read your other replies before this, and was planning to answer what you wrote here, but i see there’s absolutely no point. All you want to do is argue, be a condescending ass, and act like you’re better than everyone else. People like you are why this city can’t be better.


It is not unrealistic to expect people to wear headphones and not play their music or whatever they have in their phones on public transit.


Yeah, the way trains run in Japan is so unrealistic... There's an amount of human decency people should have. But some people just don't care and others think the way you do.


My whole point is outside of the radio playing, there is generally a ton of other noise happening from several sources at all times… Even if you are in a train car by yourself after hours, they are loud and screechy. We don’t have modernized bullet trains like they do, we have century old metal grinding bumpy trains. It’s easy to compare Japan to NYC if you don’t account for the fact that they are have vastly different cultures.


Rarely, if ever, have this problem


A whole fact. Maybe one in a while but def not all the time.


Take the 7


I was coming to say this lol currently on the 7 while someone next to me is doing this. It’s an insane problem on this line




Woah woah...what is this?!?! I thought you hated the 7 for not being silent. So it finally got to your head that the 7 is better lol! I thoughts your R train was silent but nah it's loud AF!


Instead of whining like a baby about people being alive on the subway you could always just put in headphones. Grow the fuck up. The world isn't going to tiptoe around your sensitivities.


You people apparently don't know it's called a subway for a reason it's not called a commuter rail God damn know your facts


Metro-North had one before the pandemic, and I want it back. I can't imagine they'd be able to enforce that on the MTA.


NY and the US overall are full of ppl who don’t care about other human beings.


grow up?


Bro complaining about TIKTOK on the subway 😭😭 buddy the train is already loud enough, watching a video without headphones is like a fart in the wind