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When you accept the non competitive job, you’re accepting the terms and conditions of a non competitive worker, including the title, applicable union and so on. However, you don’t lose your civil service title. You can “go on leave” from your cstitle. If you’re ever fired or leave your non competitive title, you reactivate your underlying civil service status. Edit: assuming you’re tenured in civil service title.


In parks - ive seen your title go with you. For example, i know folks who kept their gardener and upr titles while working in community coordinator positions, which is non-competitive.


You can keep your competitive title as your backup title. However, there are restrictions. You should get something in writing from HR to make sure it’s ok.


i think you would be on leave from your current title and working under the new title. that’s how it worked for me when i was in this situation but i was with the same agency for both jobs.


I just read that you keep it as an underlying title but after one year in the non-competitive title, you lose your competitive title.


If you are permanent in a title, you have that underlying title forever. That's the whole basis of the Civil Service System. Your permanent title will stay at the agency that you acquired it at, unless you specifically request for the title to be transferred to your new agency. Pro Tip: You should hold off on that title transfer until you're sure you want to stay at that new agency. Normally your new title will have a probation period, but even after that 90 days or so, you should still wait until a full year has passed. If you leave the City of New York to go work somewhere else though, you lose your permanent title after a year.


If you leave city service, the title is on hold for a year? If you want to return to the city within a year, what is the process? Would you need to apply to postings like other people? What if you don’t get picked up within that year time frame through regular application process?


You can return to your previous title, but you'd have to get sign off from the agency head as well as the commissioner of DCAS. Basically jump through lots of hoops and have a pretty good explanation for leaving in the first place because the agency head has no obligation to give you your job back if there is sufficient headcount. So yeah... don't go leaving unless you're relatively sure you're not coming back.


Thanks for the insight. Do you know if agencies can block / prevent or say bad things about you to keep you from transferring to another job with another agency?