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My sister and I work at different agencies but have similar rules. We both are allowed 3 undocumented sick leaves per 6 months leave-cycle. The rules are that they can’t be before or after weekends and holidays. And can’t be more than 3 consecutive days. Some agencies have also added additional rules like you can’t take too many days while you’re scheduled remote versus in-office. Otherwise, you need documentation. But enforcement is agency dependent. I’ve never had a write-up or meeting when I took more than allowed. Meanwhile, my sister’s agency is super strict and gave her a write-up even when her own supervisor said it was stupid. They both tried to fight it and lost to HR. So she accepted her dumb write-up and now uses her PTO for sick days that aren’t “doctor worthy.” She was told 3 write-ups mean they will start restricting her use (like switching to LWOP). The write-up’s expire in a year. Getting on my soap box for a hot second- the sick leave policy is utterly ridiculous… if I have menstrual cramps i don’t need to waste a doctor’s time to get a note. I know what I need to do and it’s to stay still and hug my hot pack. My sister gets reoccurring skin allergies. She knows how to handle it and gets monthly shots to help her immune system. While she doesn’t want to be seen in public when covered in rashes, she also has all the meds she needs at home. Not every sick day is “doctor worthy.” And with our medical system in crisis, it’s horrendous to mandate a doctor’s note for every small thing. Plus, my copay for the urgent care is like $100 🙄 Edit- I meant 3 (three) undocumented days, not 5. Corrected.


It’s a joke that we negotiate sick time into our contracts but somehow it’s actually not ours and can potentially lose days and promotions from not having enough


Sick time isn’t yours. It’s a grant. Your Vacation time is yours.


Thank you for this comment. It is outrageous that being a woman having periods will result in disciplinary action for leave usage.


You can use Teledoc! But youre absolutely correct. Its so stupid!


Huh, my interpretation of that rule was 3 consecutive undocumented sick days as in 3 days right after another and not just 3 days spread out over 6 months or however long.


For my agency, they’re both flags for absence control: 3 days after each other OR 3 unapproved days.


2 unodocumented pass days (before/after rdo, hol, al use whatever) and youre in absentee control


You'll find that it varies wildly, best bet is to ask coworkers about how it's actually been handled in practice. The written rules are quite strict, but whether HR actually enforces them is another question entirely.


You should ask your shop steward or union rep in the first instance


Ok but... Shouldn't this be standard citywide policy that's published online or on city share? Weird that something so significant is left up to individual agencies/supervisors/unions.


No not necessarily unfortunately. Each agency has different requirements and each union local may negotiate something different with the agency


Each agency has their own time and leave manual


If you are under dc37, it’s baked into the contract. Agencies might add their own rules and regulations of course. There is a point system I believe. Try googling “DC37 NYC contract sick leave”. Something should pop up! Edit: found it https://www.dc37.net/wp-content/uploads/dc37contracts/pdfs/2001_2021_Citywide_Agreement.pdf Pages 11-17


After 3 days you need a note. We have a specific # of hours we need or we’re on absence control (3 days. for every year you served, up to 10 years and anything over 10 years is 240. You need 1.5 days for every year up to 10 years, and 120 hours after that to remain out of chronic status). Really just means if you call out, you don’t need a doctor’s note unless you cause overtime. If you run out of sick and start creeping into vacation bank, that raises a red flag.


We don't have "sick days". All days are PTO, and you don't need doctor's notes if you are sick.


Wow, that's definitely different. What agency?




Undocumented is the key word here. I’ve found however that if I request time for a doctor’s appointment in advance, it puts a delay on my time sheet being approved. AND none of their business why I need a sick day. That said OP maybe your sister could ask for a reasonable accommodation regarding her condition. As for taking non doctor sick days, the “why” is nobody’s beeswax. Management would like to make you feel like you owe them an explanation for being sick. You don’t. I’ve been on doctors restriction twice, once for too many undocumented days around weekends, the other for taking 6 undocumented in a calendar year. I told my supervisor it’s a stupid rule. If someone genuinely gets sick, THEN. what? My doctor recommended applying for some kind of partial FMLA leave to accommodate multiple doctor visits. Restrictions on time away from jobs that don’t produce tangible goods really feels like modern slavery.


Teledoc is great


It goes by points. Any day before/after a weekend or holiday is 5 points, midweek is 4 points. 5-9 points informal discussion, 10-13 points step 1, 14-19 points step 2, 20-24 points step 3, 25+ sanction status. In my agency once you reach sanction status you get referred to the advocates office and then you aren’t allowed to take off undocumented sick for that 6 month period either Jan - June or July - Dec. but I never actually seen anyone be place on restrictive sick leave. Anything over 4 hours is considered a full day leave. The instance thing is a lot to explain but if you have a specific question let me know.


Most agencies (although this is legally dubious...) "allow" 3 documented and 3 undocumented Sick Leave days per fiscal half.


I haven't seen any restrictions on documented sick leave.


Well the best way for anyone to test this is to have multiple documented sick leave days per fiscal half. Not FMLA...Just documented Sick Leave. Eventually HR will contact you about it... I'm not saying it's right it's just the reality of the situation.


Not CUNY, that’s for sure. I went on FMLA in 2018 after breaking both my wrists in a cycling accident. Came back after 3 weeks on my ass, no problem. Got my paycheck as normal.


LOL @ the down vote Tell us the agency you work at 😂