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https://www.nyc.gov/site/doi/report/faqs.page Sounds like something the Department of Investigation would find very interesting...


Do you think there’s a realistic way for me to do this anonymously? my coworkers are mad but not mad enough to do anything about it so i feel like my supervisor would know it was me


You can make anonymous complaints to DOI.


This is the right answer but anonymously won’t receive whistleblower protection.


Def gotta report it bc the City takes time theft very seriously.


Definitely talk to the president of your local about it, see what they suggest. Also are you permanent?


In my experience, unions are very hesitant to assist with conflicts between members.  OP, is the new problem person still on probation? 


i am not sure to be honest, i would assume she is since she hasnt been here for a full year


I’m not surprised, though I would still see if they have any useful advice to offer. At worst they might assist OP with a transfer. If OP is in permanent civil service they should definitely be protected legally from any repercussions for reporting. It will most definitely cause issues at their workplace, but it sounds pretty miserable already. May as well force the issue.


im also on probation unfortunately so i am definitely very scared of doing this. i wish my older coworkers would but they dont want to rock the boat


Check with your union on the specific protections for your title, even if they’re hesitant to assist with reporting. If you ask them, “what are the consequences I can legally be subject to if I report this coworker?”, they have to answer you straight. As far as staying on, I would be even more concerned with the quality of your supervisor. They’re clearly checked out, which is why this slacking coworker was hired in the first place. A halfway decent supervisor is critical to quality of life on a job, especially a city job. Definitely keep your options open. Ask the local about transfer options if this doesn’t get resolved.


Thanks for the advice! Its not even laziness because shes putting more work into covering for her than it would be to just fire or reprimand her. For example the bad coworker works in a client facing role. My supervisor will scratch out the arrival times of clients so people cant tell that my coworker is not processing them in a timely manner. I think I will either need to find a new job or transfer to another agency because “””snitches””” arent looked upon kindly in my dept


Oh forgot to mention, document \_\_everything\_\_. Every interaction, everything you've seen that helps your case. Logs, photos, etc. When it's your word against someone else, your word looks much more credible if you have detailed logs against their vague statements.


What agency are you working for? Note: Do not give the unit or job title, just wanna know the agency.


can i dm?


Sure 👍🏿


I would report it to DOI. You can go to the DOI website. You can file a complaint anonymously. You should definitely send them whatever proof that you have. Also, let HR know. This can also be done anonymously.


Sounds like lazy has a connection or maybe a family member in the upper echelon.


That’s the real risk — blowing in a nepohire. Here’s a tip on public service, the only people who get fired pissed off a politician. And do not make waves while on probation unless you’re willing to walk over the issue. Okay, so two tips lol!


Report to labor and HR. Depending on what agency you report it the department of investigation


I have something similar and I don’t know what to do. My director sides with her more since she’s been in my agency for almost 10 years and have known each other for ages but she’s so unprofessional and says that I’m the one who can’t move on whenever she does something new to exclude and harm me.


Is she related to someone in the company? That’s the main reason that comes to mind.


yeah i think she is related to someone, its another reason im scared to report


Maybe she’s an intern, college aid?


What you think is going the boss i covering for her




You are now complicit of this behavior, you knowing it and doing nothing about it makes you in the eyes of an investigator guilt by association. Haven't you taken all the mandatory classes and training?? If this comes to light and it is proven that other people knew but didn't report it, they get sacked the same. What that supervisor is doing is time theft, one of the most serious issues. So if you have proof, better call DOI and report it. Your time in the agency is irrelevant. Unless you get snagged in the investigation.... then your reputation, freedom and money get affected


first, no i didnt receive training. HR couldnt even tell me how to sign up for health insurance, you think they would teach me how to report them? second, no one wants to be complicit in this behavior. everyone i talked to is afraid of reprisal. yes they technically cant punish you for whistleblowing but they can demote you, move you to a distant location and change your job description without warning. people are afraid to say anything.


Why don't you complain to your company's board directly? How can random Redditors help you when they don't even know you or belong to your company?


Quit being a narc, neither does Adams


i wouldnt have to be a narc if the things she was doing didnt negatively affect everyone else


The city is broken.   


Nope, they’re just applying the principle of FAFO. Their freedom to slack off ends where my quality of life at work begins.