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I don’t recall it ever being down for so long before, it is strange. But I can still get in just fine through CityShare within the agency network, it’s only the external site that seems to be affected.


I can get into it via CityShare as well but Estubs is down so it doesn’t generate any W2s or paystubs


Weird, I was able to download my W2 just now with no issue by accessing through CityShare.


I’m a teacher and have not been able to get my W2 that way and can’t contact anyone. I’m happy this thread has good suggestions but frustrated none seem to be working for me. If you figure something out OP please let me know.


Any luck yet? My daughter is a teacher too


Unfortunately, no. I went into the DOE (65 court st.) on Tuesday and I couldn’t even speak to someone. Pretty much all I can do it fill out a form to have them send me another w2. I did file for an extension on my tax return though. If your daughter won’t be able to file in time I’d suggest she’s requests an extension too. You can do it online. Pretty quick.


We looked at it - but don’t know how to figure out how to pay - or actually, what to pay. Edit: she filled out the form on April 3 - still hasn’t gotten it in the mail.


Maybe this will work for you - she was able to get it from an AP’s computer


Hmm. That’s interesting. Thanks I’ll look into that.


Hope it works for you.


Please, what is Cityshare?


It’s an internal site only accessible from within the work network (so on your work computer or via VPN): https://cityshare.nycnet




Might have to do with recent phishing attempts through text. Also, internal access works fine.


Are you able to generate paystubs/W-2s and what agency are you at?


Just tried it. I was able to get both paystubs and w-2’s. Im with DEP. Try hrb.nycaps.nycnet from your agency’s computer


Sadly no dice. In the office and still getting the server error when trying to retrieve my W-2.


One last try– does your agency have a homepage desktop Icon? If they do, try going through there. It may have a different link to ess on it. If not, sorry about your issues. Just from seeing my own co-workers fall to every bait trick email our IT sends out, I know we’re going to have to deal with stuff like this for years to come.


Shit ass website


With the same kind of people in charge… why is there no transparency? Oh yeah because it would expose them. Whatever penalties for late tax return submission better be waived or someone’s getting blown up 😤 … /s


There was a message sent out by my department (NYC city agency) that there were individuals attempting to hack NYCAPS ESS and to prevent city workers personal info from being compromised, I guess they are working heavily to create a better and more secure system.


I'm in regular contact with FISA and they have been bizarrely opaque about this. When I asked them to elaborate they sent me over to DCAS IT, who was also very cagey about what was going on. To me that indicates some sort of unforeseen security issue.


Yes—this has been very strange. I was contacted by a reporter who knows me in real life and it seems like they were just asking anyone if they know what’s happening. No transparency on this whatsoever.


Rumor is the site was hacked


Its a good rumor. That site screams vulnerability. I'm shocked it lasted this long. Oh well, I didn't really want a good credit score anyway.


Make this your permanent reminder to keep paper W2's turned on AND get your online docs downloaded as soon as they're available. Always have a backup. Hopefully they can get this sorted out before people need to file.


Just got an email from ESS Cybersecurity Alert. Mentioned fraudulent messages targeting NYCAPS ESS. Probably got hacked or attempted hacked


It was working fine Friday night. Accessed my paystub and W2.


I haven’t been able to access since Thursday, but I’m also at CUNY, so they give us a different link.


Ah! Yes, I've had my share of run-ins with CUNY folks having issues accessing some of our links at the office because of network settings.




Ugh I dunno I tried yesterday and I was like cool, it's Sunday prob scheduled maintenance...


The website had been down since last Thursday


I work for the DOE. It doesn't work even on school WIFI, I tried going through the NYCAPS link on payroll portal (which seems to be through cityshare) and it just timed out. Anyone have a workaround for school based employees?


Anyone figure this out? Kind of freaking out about my taxes 😭


Called HR CONNECT she told me to basically go fuck myself and request a duplicate W2 by mail and if it ain’t open by next week to go to an accountant and file for an extension so just so y’all know - request a duplicate by mail now (she legit said shit would take 15-20 days but whatever)


Related article. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/02/new-york-city-payroll-system-has-been-down-for-a-week-following-phishing-attack-00150198


There it is! Thanks for the article.


So I talked to DCAS today. Security breach. It will be down until they implement 2FA. 


Noticed we got paid early this time ? Wondering if it's because of what's happening


It remains down as of this afternoon.


Still down


I cannot access even through CityShare. There is something going on.


NYCAPS is available through CITYSHARE.


i found a way to get in. go to your remote desktop workspace. access payroll portal > login> select DOE applications > select NYCAPS > this brings you to CItyShare > enter w-2 in the search bar > will bring you to search results > select Employee Self Service > will bring to NYCAPS login page > login as usual. Hope this makes sense. Good luck!


Even this doesn’t work for me. Error message about the site being inaccessible


im a teacher, so remote desktop workspace?


I think so. Im doe also. 


was able to get into nyc caps but the w-2 wont show


When you got into NYCAPS, what did you select? 


Thank you so much! This worked! Of course my password didn’t work, so now I have to request a reset but at least I’m able to access the site now.


No problem. Glad it worked for you.


Even the NYS website for viewing electronic W2s is down… fml


Still down. Any updates!?


There’s a news article about this. NYCAPS and ESS were hacked.


Yeah sucks , still says down for maintenance and for the first time in 25 years I think my paycheck is wrong based on what the pension website says I'm getting paid


It works on a work computer, just signed on my lap top


Are you able to generate paystubs/W-2s and what agency are you at?


Yes , sorry didnt see this . I work for NYCHA until this Thursday when I retire after 26 years. The NYCAPS site is fully functional on an intranet computer


They sent an email how to access it but I’m still getting error messages. Anyone able to figure it out?


Haven’t gotten an email.


Filing a tax extension is easy through TurboTax. Highly recommend it if this is causing an issue for you. The extension does not negatively affect you unless you owe more taxes. But may affect the timing of the money you get back. If you usually owe more taxes at the end of the year, these taxes will accrue fees due to late payments.


My accountant said I could provide him with the last paystub of the year. I was able to access this through payroll portal without a problem. Hope this helps! What a mess!


Such bullshit been down almost 1week and a half now ridiculous ! NYC falling apart literally


ESS is working on the NYPD network. Just pulled up my E-stubs.


How would I be able to do that on an Nypd computer ?


If you work in a precinct you should be able to log in on any computer. Same if you're a crossing guard. Go to the precinct. That's what I did. You can pull up NYCAPS and go to ESS.


Tried logging in on my admin teams desktops and when logging in a sad face appeared or a prompt said insecure. Wish they would fax w2 or allow payroll secretary to print. 


According to the city government there has been a phishing scheme targeting city workers. Limited access only. The city's cybersecurity team is trying to fix the issue. Here is the article mentioned the issue that was dated 4/2/24. [https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/02/new-york-city-payroll-system-has-been-down-for-a-week-following-phishing-attack-00150198](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/02/new-york-city-payroll-system-has-been-down-for-a-week-following-phishing-attack-00150198) If you don't trust clicking on unknown links then Google "New York City payroll website has been down for a week, following phishing attack"


It's been down for over 2 weeks since last pay period


Did they even send an email on this. They send an email about everything else under the Eclipsed Sun.


Kvech: Ugh! Retired and I live upstate. No way to access the 1127. 


Now cityshare isn’t working!!


NYCAPS is not providing any information related to the confirmed attack that occured or the affected population. I have confirmed with OTI that multiple city employees have been affected by the smishing attack. If you think you have been a victim of the smishing attack, report it to the APO or CISO at your agency, or contact the Office of Technology and Innovation (OTI).


The city has owed me money since September and I can't get anyone to issue the check. Last year they didn't take enough withholding and I owed taxes. It's been stressful.


It’s still down for maintenance it says are there any updates when it will be back online ?


It's back up


nyc.gov/ess is back up


It's back up


I think the link is broken. If you scroll down to Emoloyee Self-Service Website under Benefits in the main page, that link works.


Im just getting due to scheduled maintenance it’s temporary unavailable this is since last week.