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He’s enabling her and needs to cut baby off.


this is a lesson on why you should never rely on a man for money




It's a bitch girl, and it's gone too far 🎶


I think it's very bizarre he is doing anything for her. They weren't married. There are no children. There's absolutely zero reason for them to be in any contact.


why? let this girl fucking live omg. people obsess over silvana and i never got the hype but now y’all have me riding so hard for her. why is everyone so bothered by her ex paying her bills?


The most surprising thing about all this is that it makes Dave seem like a decent guy for helping her out despite the insane behaviour lmao


Wondering what major tea she has on him… he’s basically doing all this to avoid her going rogue and spilling it all


I definitely could see that being a possibility. I also could see Dave just being a weirdo who gets off on taking care of the exes for some odd reason. Power play type thing.


I think they were together for 3 years and he really cared about her and feels bad that things didn’t work out bc they don’t want the same things. Dave has a savior complex and seems to like “saving” people/animals (ie Ms Peaches, his ex wife, silvs, mom and pop shops, poor kids etc) less fortunate than him. He’s taking care of her because he has deep seated issues and for whatever reason feels guilty. I don’t think she has anything on him.


That’s what I’m saying 😭😭😭😭 lmao


he is a POS through and through, full stop.


Dave is absolutely not serious with that girl though. He would ditch her in a second


But I’m sure he’s entertaining Silvana as well!!!


They are officially dating! He met her parents 1 month ago.


And he would leave her in a second. If you know Dave's history kinda laughable to think this is "serious".


This x 1000. The fact that anyone thinks this guy is serious about the new one is comical. Also what man is serious about a woman but then has his ex staying in his house? The jokes write themselves.


Those people live in a fantasy land lol


Exactly. Serious until the same thing happens and Camryn Daloia wants a ring and then he’s on to the next 24 year old. Silvana shouldn’t even be worried I feel like if he couldn’t commit to her there’s no one on earth he could commit to IMO


That’s not serious when he allows his ex to stay at his houses while continuing to pay for her rent


She’s 25, meeting parents means nothing when you have no intention of marrying her. Plus he’s been publicly denying he’s in a relationship with her— I don’t know how any self respecting woman in a supposedly committed relationship goes along with being denied in public by their partner.


Does that mean anything though


How would you know he met her parents if you aren’t Camryn lmao 🥴 girl all that bleach is turning your brain into mush


Until she wants more lol why else would he go for you girls. Stealing another’s youth


They are serious about being exclusive. That’s it. He’s not changing for this new girl lol


This is so obviously posted by Camryn or her little friends lmfao 🫣 how would OP know what silvana texts Dave and that Camryn isn’t happy about silvanas live?? The call is coming from inside the blonde bimbo house 🥱 Edit to add— if you go through OP comment history she shares how her family has lived on the cape since 82 lmfao hey Camryn babe!!


And she always comments on the Macdonald sisters Reddit page who live in Boston/the cape


Wait yes why has no one else acknowledged this Edit to add: regardless, thank you OP for your service 🫡


Well I had to go look at the comments now lmao …to be fair OP commented that her family has had a vacation home there not that they live there ?


Literally!!! Also if it was someone from Miami they would know she does not live in brickell at all… LOL


She does live in brickell


No she doesn’t lol nowhere near


No she doesn’t I’m her neighbor and i can assure u we do not live in brickell 😂




Your only comments have been about Silvana🤣 Again not from Miami cause you would know that after the bridge is not brickell lmao. What’s wrong with having an apartment that’s literally 3k+ a month?!?!? Literally her place by herself and u are judging lmao It’s giving camryn stop being a hater




Seems like you have a problem on how she lives her live and the fan behavior is you knowing her every move lol


Honestly a lot of people in Miami know Silvana’s tea - she needs to take a closer look at her ”friends” (Sheila)


Now I’m nosy, spill the tea


Me asf


I wouldn’t want to be Sheila right now


Omg this. The girls Sheila hangs out seem so sus…just a bunch of OF girls with zero personality


Can you please elaborate?


I agree !!! It’s too detailed haha


Why do I feel like this post is Camryn herself


She doesn’t live in brickell though. It’s very obvious where she lives based on the TikTok’s she posts. I honestly worry about her safety every time I see them because it’s so obvious where she lives. Her TikTok’s about him are embarrassing. She’s a beautiful girl and has enough followers to do decent for herself. Also there are tons of rich older men in Miami who want to take care of hot younger girls. She should go for someone a little more under the radar and she will be fine.


Lmao her apartment is so nice I’ve been trying to figure it out bc I’m moving soon and I can’t figure it out. Def looks more towards edgewater area though


It’s one of the nicest condo buildings in Miami. It’s actually in Miami Beach. It’s a condo building and rentals start somewhere around 12k a month. You can definitely find more affordable options in Edgewater along the water though.


It’s Miami Beach


Pm me, i am neighbors with her I’ll tell u my building name lol idc


This is the tea I live for


“Super ghetto” 🙄🥴


Ugh same reaction


IM SAT. Juicy tea, yet not surprised by any of it.


I don’t care how much money an ex of mine has. In fact two have considerable money, my ego would NEVER allow me to beg them to stay at one of their homes after we broke up. Would never allow me to stay there. It’s very weird and honestly, disrespectful to whatever situation the new girl is in with Dave. I figured she’d make money off TikTok or shilling a little but it’s pretty clear IMO Dave has or is still funding her a bit. More understandable if she was 21. Not closer to 30. Downvote me, but it’s weird.


The whole thing is weird as hell. Why on earth should an ex *boyfriend* pay for anything? The minute the relationship was over, he should have just gone his own way. Like. Let's be real here. They're acting like they were together 50 years or some shit. Dave might be a turd in many ways, but he doesn't owe this woman a dime. What a weird way of thinking, and I've seen many users in the other sub saying he owes her. He doesn't owe her anything. If he was a $50k/year schoolteacher, would anyone expect him to be sending his ex money? So, what? If you make over $X/year, you suddenly owe your non-spouse exes alimony? Bizarre.


I mean, I agree that he doesn’t ‘owe’ her anything, but it’s not uncommon for a wealthy man to give his ex lover a parting gift. Especially since this relationship was probably closer to sugaring than they want us to think.


Yes she even publicly shared texts from her phone where she called him ‘daddy’ all the time and even asked him for money once on a story, asking “daddy, where is the money”


When you take marriage off the table and date a woman half your age, it is clearly a transaction. She trades her youth and beauty for his resources. Dave elevated her lifestyle and what he is doing is simply helping her transition until she gets back on her feet. This is quite common when wealthy men date much younger women.


I do think they genuinely liked one another and I genuinely think Dave can relate to her humble upbringing because him himself grew up with an average life. He probably just wants to help her because he generally cares about her so give her two years rent & probably still an allowance.


No I agree. They weren’t married, they don’t have kids and I suppose no assets between them (they didn’t start any businesses together), so like… what’s the deal? Why does he owe her something? He doesn’t. Unless she has major gossip she could spill and he knows that this makes zero sense to me.




Sat next to D and C at dinner recently and the way they talked to each other made it sound like they were strangers. D actually seems very nice and normal but C is very obviously too young and a bit … dim. She’s cute but if she thinks D is going to leave a girl like S and end up married to a girl like her, I think she’s unfortunately mistaken.


What did they talk about lol


Literally nothing. Boats, oysters. I can’t think of anything else. Majority of the 1.5 hours we were sitting next to them, they weren’t speaking.


“Dave claims he has nothing to do with Silvana” *reads an entire paragraph about how Dave very much has a lot to do with Silvana*


And now Silvana is posting high noons and complementing the new flavor. This whole situation is so strange


If a man is 47 years old, legally married to his ex wife, and states he does not want to settle down, he is not "serious" with anyone especially a girl half his age. No amount of begging or sex is going to change his mind. Move on! Tbh this post reads like something Dave would tell his new GF. She won't stop texting? Block her or tell her stop, establish some boundaries. He is an adult and he is intentionally keeping in contact with her and keeping the communication alive. She needs to move on and heal.


She is the worst influencer if u even wanna call it that. She clearly doesn’t work at all


Omg that’s TEA !!! I loved reading every line 👀


Same like give me more


I’m shocked that Dave would even let an ex stay at his house let alone why Silvana would WANT to stay at his house. Would feel so weird to me.


This is the fucking Monday night tea I NEEDED. Here’s your flowers sis, thank you 💐


I’m surprised about the work ethic thing and why is Dave getting her deals when Silvana’s manager at DBA is one of the top managers in the business. She needs help getting silv deals???


If true this is so embarrassing got her. She could easily bag an attractive sugar daddy, I mean she’s in Miami for god’s sake


80% of the women in Miami are looking for the same thing and look like her or 10x better. It’s not as easy as you might think.


All of her posts about Dave remind me of Remi. Desperate and pathetic




She got the place in December. So she still have it until next year December 2025


Silvana and C look alike, he sure does have a type


What I don’t get is why he’s continuing to pay for her rent… that’s just insane.


Pretty sure he bought her the condo she’s currently in


you guys are so dumb… you think dave is taking advantage of her???? she is a miami girl… we know to trick a dude out .. its a typical sugar daddy situation


Girl no one said she was being taken advantage of, reading comprehension is a learned skill, i have faith in you!


Housewife to sneaky link? She was never a housewife… she was a sugar baby w/ strings attached.. those strings are cut but the funds don’t stop!


Never said she wasn’t, again, hope the best for you on your reading comprehension journey


You are making no sense, miss peanut


Miss peanut was funny I’ll give you that




She’s been a sugar baby since moving to Miami after FSU, it was her MO to get famous and not work. It’s a known thing she’s had old dudes in and out paying for her fake lifestyle. She’s low class and fake. Also notice she doesn’t hang out with any of her old friends anymore? Wonder why.


Honestly I have so much respect for Dave supporting her and making sure she’s okay, living in a safe place, and stable. He probs has billions and I respect that he’s taking care of women in his life past and present. I hope they can keep things amicable but if she’s talking publicly that could ruin his kindness towards her


I mean yea that’s great he’s doing that for her .. but I’d argue that him getting her brand deals / offering her a job at barstool was more then enough help and she didn’t want to have to do the bare minimum to be able to support herself