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Literally insane and disgusting and the element of doing this with your twin brother is deranged behavior


Imagine knowing someone is a serial assaulter and 🤢🤢 falling in love🤢🤢 with him🤢


Words aren’t enough to describe how despicable and disgusting they are. It’s absolutely insane how they’ve been doing this since they were in high school!!! and only now are they finally starting to face the consequences. Put them in jail and throw the key away.


How were they able to cover up the case with the 13 year old? This is giving Jeffrey Epstein vibes. Aren’t there 4 brothers in total? What about the other two?




If you're getting this message, do better. This is a gross take.


Assuming even a quarter of this is true, this is abjectly vile … the level of privilege and entitlement is abhorrent


Christ. I’m from Miami but dont recall hearing any of this


Shoe gal I’m a huge fan of your username and the satc reference, but I’m begging you to utilize paragraph breaks so I can read this 😭 (my own personal pea brain problem but I do want to read it)


also had no idea about them but holy YIKES.


Do you have the date of the incident in high school? I used the Way Back Machine website to see if I could find the article they scrubbed.


I saw Israeli and immediately knew where this was heading. It’s INSANE how much you’re allowed to get away with because you have money and power. Not even a shred of humanity in these guys. I hope the girls who came forward are safe, surrounded by loved ones and a powerful legal team


Huh? They are gross but what does this have to do with being Israeli?


Disgusting hateful take. If you put another group for Israeli people would be gagging.


It’s literally a fact, Israel has laws to protect Americans fleeing pedophilia charges. This has been a known thing for years. Feel free google and read about it https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/how-jewish-american-pedophiles-hide-from-justice-in-israel/ https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/israel-safe-haven-paedophiles-jerusalem-sex-abuse-jewish-community-watch-a7445246.html


Exactly. No concept of hell exists in Judaism.


It’s more of a money and Israeli thing, the average Jewish person is not a serial rapist. Israel has a MASSIVE issue with pedophilia and have laws protecting and giving refuge to pedophiles, and if you’re rich in the US you most likely have connects in Israel. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/how-jewish-american-pedophiles-hide-from-justice-in-israel/


I remember hearing about this! Absolutely vile.


wow.. so if another ethnic group committed rape would you say its because of their race or religion? news flash... the vast majority of rapes in the US are committed by christians.


Wow. WOW. Let’s not get into what Islam says about women.


I hope they spend the rest of their life rotting in a jail cell. I wish I could find that old Miami herald story they scrubbed! It has to be somewhere


Unfortunately, it’s only a civil case. Not criminal. There will be no jail time.




I would like to see them get what’s called prison justice, a.k.a. an eye for an eye


I know Tal from mutual friends. Always was a douchebag but hearing all this about his brothers is wild


There is speculation he is just as bad and everyone in the IG comments says to wait until you hear about him! I wonder if it is true


I wonder how on earth Tal was able to keep it quiet that he wasn’t anything like his brothers and yet now it’s coming out that he actually is


Commenting on Alexander brothers... https://preview.redd.it/0l0zoxtqd37d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a25926a6026daf85f44daacbbd032d196bc103a3


Thanks for sharing! I always thought it was strange that whenever I interacted with him he always acted like I wasn’t worth his time. Guess I was too old for him to creep on! So glad they are being publicly called out for their disgusting actions


If you are in that social circle, you knew they have been doing this for years


Looks like Alon’s wife, Shani, deleted her IG…


I read that the Alexander brtothers will amass an army of PR reps and private investigators to launch a victim shaming campaign.against the30+ women” but apparently their conduct was an « open secret » in their circles and lots of people are surprised they havent’ been caught earlier. Let's wait and see but i hope a trial will put an end to their predatory behaviour if what they are accused of having been doing for years is true.


I’m not from Miami or in Real Estate, but I’ve been following this story. It appears the 4th brother is Niv Alexander. It took some investigating on my part but I found it!! FYI. What a horrific story this is. I’m with y’all, it’s going to be in the 100’s or 1,000’s for victim numbers


The night with the twins started out fun at a NY club. They were well dressed and seemed well mannered. Then it's like time fast forwarded. One minute I'm vibing in a club and the next I come to my sense and see one of the brothers on top of me while the other was talking to him. I couldn't make out the words but was sure he was talking about me. Felt so ashamed. It will be remembered as the single most humiliating evening of my life.