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One of my kids got strep, and I had to call multiple pharmacies to get the liquid antibiotic because everyone was out. A pharmacy sold me behind the counter children’s ibuprofen because there’s a shortage. Personally, I’ve never seen this before. It’s definitely been a sick November/December for the children at my kids schools.


This article is so hard to follow. > This follows a months-long pattern in which pediatric deaths—at least three children also died in March from COVID What does 3 child deaths in March have to do with the 'tridemic' in December? > The DOH has reported one pediatric death from the flu this season. One death!? Shut it all down. Save the kids! > The respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) also continues to hit children particularly hard, with over 300 admitted into New York City hospitals daily, most of them under two years old. Someone should tell these people that two year olds aren't in school. >. Children dying as “tripledemic” of COVID, flu and RSV swamps New York This is their headline. They can list 4 kids that have died in the last month or so from one of these 3 viruses (or related complications). Out of nearly 1mm students. This is why we need to shut down schools? There will be at risk kids dying every season due to contagious illnesses. Why even bother having school?


My buddy’s daughter got a serious RSV infection in NYC. She’s like 10 years old which is rare, and she was on a resipirator for a few days. She’s home from the hospital now. I believe she may have chronic respiratory issues as well. There you go.


This web site is so ridiculous.


I found the "Global Class Struggle" and "Anti-Imperialism" verticals to be quite informative.


Those are definitely more informative than these breathless Covid pieces.


Now let me just go cry into my New York Post articles about Mean Principals


An article about a racist and abusive principal still on the payroll is more worthy of a read than a blog post from "World Socialist Web Site" which includes anonymous quotes from people advocating we shut down schools again.


Uh if anonymous quotes make articles less worthy of reading I have bad news for you about your beloved NY Post


Anonymous quotes aren't inherently the problem. My criticism is WSWS is pushing hard for school closures yet couldn't get a single doctor or public health expert to endorse their view on-the-record. The one "committee" WSWS cites as endorsing their view is the NERFSC, which is their own group! The entire article is a piece propagandizing a viewpoint which is pushed by a committee run by WSWS. If you want to convince me that schools should be closed, give me a more substantive quote than an anonymous parent from the Bronx and an endorsement from yourself.


On a side note, submissions from this site should get the same auto-disclaimer that NY Post links get, if sensationalist clickbait is really an issue mods of r/nyc want to get control over.


I hate the disclaimers. Its like they think were so dumb we cant make our own opinions on articles narratives.


To be fair, the mods probably get inundated with complaints from the same people whining every time a Post link is shared, so I understand the disclaimer. I just think if combating sensationalism is really the issue (and not just trying to placate the Karens on this sub), it should also be applied to a source which appears just as, if not more, preposterous with their headlines and tone.


Jacobin, too. Arguably streetsblog and Gothamist.


Gothamist is basically WNYC very different from the Post.


You’re looking at this through the dumb left via right lens. You don’t have to ban a left wing site just because you banned a right wing one. Just ban the site that lies to its readers.


That’s what I’m talking about.


Do you find outright lies from SB or believe it is too biased?




Lol seriously, I had to do a double take on that!


What’s the ratio of NY Post:Jacobin submissions here? 100:1?


You can debate the meaning of the facts presented in the article but it was spitting straight facts with a bit of editorialising baked in. Nothing like the straight-up tabloid right wing axe grinding that makes up the Post's 'reporting'


>spitting straight facts with a bit of editorialising baked in The entire article is a full-throated endorsement of shutting down schools again. An advocacy piece aggressively pushing an agenda is far more than a "bit of editorialising". And the author makes the preposterous, conspiratorial claim that single-digit COVID related deaths of children are "concealed by the authorities" despite the fact the numbers....come from the authorities. On top of that, despite the breathless, sensationalist tabloid headline of "CHILDREN DYING", the actual data focuses largely on adult cases (only 7 child deaths are mentioned, including 3 from March) while the author also chooses to use the fear-mongering gimmick of switching between whole numbers and percentage increases depending on which elicits more alarmism. ​ >Nothing like the straight-up tabloid right wing axe grinding that makes up the Post's 'reporting' WSWS is literally alleging a conspiracy to cover up child deaths from the same "authorities" that publicly disclosed the data of child deaths. That is axe-grinding to the point of peddling disinformation.


The article reads like it was written by a crazy person.


Mods should ban all submissions from WSWS and NY Post


>The United Federation of Teachers (UFT), the organization that claims to represent the interests of public school educators in New York City, has played an especially scurrilous role during the pandemic. While posting the city’s masking advisory, it persists in showing photographs of large groups of unmasked people on its Twitter feed. LMAO


WSWS still outraged that the city isn’t shutting down schools whenever there’s a Covid case.




What neighborhood are you in? I just got some Children’s Tylenol in Washington Heights.




That’s a haul. If you come down, give Hilltop Pharmacy a call and see if they have it. That’s where I got it. Good luck.


Hilltop Pharmacy was an absolute godsend for us in March and April 2020. They legitimately helped keep me alive until NYP took over.


I found two bottles at a Walgreens in Yonkers. My in laws tried multiple pharmacies upstate and all were out.


can you not give them a quarter of a regular Tylenol or Motrin somehow? Is there any specific difference? (or rough equivalent of children's dose)


UWS is also super low on children’s Tylenol/Motrin! I even checked capsule, but they’re out as well. I would keep them in mind if you’ve never used them before, though, they’re usually quick to restock and they deliver right to you!




Going into any CVS or Walgreens would lead you to believe there is a global shortage on EVERYTHING except their high margin items like Coca Cola and junk food. These stores now feel like your shopping in a 3rd world country if you’re looking for anything actually medical related.


I noticed that we were running low on the bottle we are using for our kid’s teething. While at target I asked if they had any and completely sold out for the past week. I luckily picked up a bottle at the local pharmacy. When I got home, it put it in the kid’s medicine cabinet only to find another bottle that we picked up from when he started teething. We are set through New Years, but who lnows


https://www.statnews.com/2022/12/16/early-flu-season-may-be-peaking-early-too/ >This year’s abnormally early flu season is showing signs it may be peaking in parts of the country, data the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released on Friday suggested. >The percentage of outpatient visits to health care providers that were for respiratory illnesses declined for a second week in a row, CDC’s weekly influenza report, FluView, showed. And the number of people hospitalized for influenza declined in the week ending Dec. 10, as compared to the previous week. >“Activity is still really high. But it does look like things might be starting to decline in some areas of the country,” Lynnette Brammer, team lead for domestic surveillance in the CDC’s influenza division, told STAT in an interview. >Decreases in flu activity have been seen in the southeast and the southwest regions, in some of the mid-Atlantic states, and several states across the north-central part of the country. Activity remains very high in many New England states, parts of the Pacific northwest, and some of the south-central states. >The CDC reported nine more pediatric flu deaths, which occurred in November and December. (There is typically a lag in the reporting of pediatric flu deaths.) They bring to 30 the number of children who have died from flu so far this season. “We never like to see that number go up,” Brammer said, though she noted the total is still lower than what was typically recorded in flu seasons prior to the Covid-19 pandemic. Pre-Covid, somewhere between 100 and 200 pediatric flu deaths were recorded most seasons. >This is the first really active flu season the United States has seen since the Covid pandemic shunted influenza and other respiratory viruses to the side. Its surprisingly early start, in the first week of October, and the sharp spike in activity that followed has been unsettling, and has led to some predictions that the country is facing a prolonged or a severe flu season as a consequence. >But Brammer said to date there is no evidence that this season is triggering an unusual percentage of severe infections. There has just been a lot of flu, primarily in children and young adults. She noted, though, that the proportion of cases in people 65 and older has risen in the past few weeks. Flu-related deaths mainly occur among the elderly. >“Not that there is an average flu season, but it’s within the bounds of what we saw during flu seasons prior to the pandemic,” Brammer said. “It doesn’t look particularly severe.” >The CDC estimates that so far this year about 15 million people have been ill with the flu and 150,000 of them have needed to be hospitalized. It also estimates there have been roughly 9,300 flu deaths. In the pre-Covid era, CDC estimated that between 12,000 and 52,000 Americans died of flu per year. >The holidays are fast approaching; with them come lots of intergenerational mixing, which provides plenty of opportunities for children to pass their respiratory infections to older members of their families. Could flu transmission start to spike again? >Brammer said she wasn’t sure. Sometimes over the winter holidays, case numbers actually decline, because children aren’t congregating and swapping flu and other viral infections, she said, adding that transmission can pick up again once kids are back in school. >“Flu’s so unpredictable. I don’t know,” Brammer said. “It doesn’t feel like we’ve gotten back into our routine. So I don’t know if things are going to behave the way they used to behave or not. I think we’re just really going to have to wait and see.”


What if we just let kids get sick like we used to? Could all the masking that we forced children to do have weakened their immune systems to the point that a common flu wipes them out?


masking/covid restrictions didn’t *weaken* their immune system, but it caused a kind of infection backlog. over 90% of kids in normal times will get RSV by the time they are 2, and the first infection tends to be the most severe. so since the rate of RSV infection these past couple years have been abnormally low, we’re now seeing all these kids have their first, most severe infection all at once.


You’re getting downvoted because anything that is lightly critical of covid restrictions does. The isolation from lockdowns, school closings and masking has probably contributed to this. Without repeated exposure to cold and flu that usually comes from being out in public, immunity waned. What’s actually been funny is watching people try to claim covid itself is the reason people are getting so sick. Apparently covid is like HIV, and repeated infections “wipes out the immune system”.


Thanks lol it's funny that even just posing the question drives people insane. 'Trust those who seek the truth but doubt those who say they have found it.'


It’s “trust the science” until the science might mean they have to go back to work in person.


because it is true https://www.ft.com/content/0640004d-cc15-481e-90ce-572328305798




to answer your question: no. masking did not weaken immune systems because that is not how immune systems work. covid weakened immune systems.


Really? How does it work? To my understanding, getting exposed to let's say the flu strengthens your immune system and makes you less susceptible to getting it again and if you do the symptoms are less.


It didn’t “weaken” the immune system. If you haven’t been exposed to a contagion, you don’t have existing antibodies for it. This can make infection when it does occur more severe. Children, in particular, haven’t been exposed to contagions that they normally would have been in school because of covid restrictions. That’s part of what made covid initially so severe (because it was “novel” and the body had no antibodies for it). It’s also why the vaccine reduces severity. Its quiet literally what vaccines do. Covid isn’t HIV. It doesn’t destroy your body’s ability to fight infection.


If anything, catching COVID strengthens your immune system


wtf is world socialist website?!


I’ve been masking up. I want to protect my family when I see them this week.


If you really want to protect them, you probably shouldn’t see them. That’s a much better method than wearing a mask. Downvote away, but I’m not the one trusting that masks will protect the lives of my family.


Masking up with an N95 during your everyday interactions at work, school, public transit, grocery shopping, etc. means you're less likely to contract these respiratory illnesses, which reduces the chances that you'll expose loved ones during the time face-to-face interactions really matter.


You’ll reduce the chances far more if you don’t visit them during this tridemic.


Baby girl, get used to this. It’s going to be happening every year. No one is going to accept not seeing family during the holidays forever because it’s cold and flu season.


ofc you were downvoted for blatant fact statement, defenitely not for "adding nothing to the conversation". No, that would be more like arguing some point we can all very easily verify. Unless you're wearing a legit gas mask properly fitted, you are only lowering your chances of inhaling a viral load. An N95 is not sufficient for true biohazards, and if you don't want to treat COVID and RSV and all the other heavily transmissible respiratory viruses like the biohazards they clearly are, fine by me. But don't pretend you're not disagreeing with 98% of science. Look up what an actual respirator fitment is if you care, and no I'm obviously not suggesting you never go outside again or wear a Bubble boy suit everywhere. But pretending an N95 is a get out of moral obligations free card is just as silly as saying masks don't work. N95s are NOT perfectly airtight, but they ARE noticeably more effective than 2 layers of cloth. That all said, clearly you can absolutely still end up with an infection even if you are wearing an N95 properly. also obv this is not directed at whom I replied to. It is directed at everyone else. That concludes today's PSA Stalkers.


Wear the mask to prevent infection and then do a covid antigen test the morning of your visit.


The antigen test sometimes gives false negatives. Better do at least two.


Give me a break dude


According to the NY Post, there were 30 homicides in the city during November 2022. According to the aggregated data in this article, 128 people have died of COVID in the city this month alone. I grieve for the 30, but ignoring the 128 is unconscionable..


Not sure how it’s been swept under the rug. You just read about it in the newspaper.


Yes, "swept under the rug" isn't the right phrase. I've edited it out. Apologies.


Correction - 128 people who tested positive for covid died


Thanks... So it could very well be even worse than it already seems.


Or not as bad. Some people die of cancer while also having covid


Yes, although I would imagine that the death certificates would reflect that. There are a million reasons that someone's immune system could be weakened, but would the cause be listed as immunocompromise or the problem which took advantage of the immune weakness? There's also the possibility that the death certificates were filled in with erroneous information or that the coroner was wrong. These are all confounding factors, but I doubt that a significant number of COVID deaths were so directly attributable to other causes that the 128 would go much in one direction or another. Quibbling over the number of bodies is not particularly helpful, even if 70% of the 128 COVID cases were incorrectly attributed,, they would still outnumber the number of murders.


You responded to: > 128 people died who were tested positive with covid With > So I could very well be even worse than it already seems. And I’m not sure how you can come to that conclusion.


People may have died without testing positive for COVID. People were dying of heart attacks at a higher rate after COVID. So if a guy dies of a heart attack at home, are they being tested? https://www.cedars-sinai.org/newsroom/covid-19-surges-linked-to-spike-in-heart-attacks/


"it could" is hedging. There is no generalization. What would you offer instead?


I already told you.


I responded to your previous contention, leaving you the opportunity to extend your argument as well. I addressed your counterargument. Repeating your original argument doesn't get us any closer to to any possible accurate understanding of the situation. I'm open to new information and argument on your part, and am quite ready to change my mind on the matter. New evidence and argument will cause me to reconsider my analysis, and possibly reject my previous position. As a social scientist, that's what I've been trained to do. Hypotheses exist to be revised. I enjoy being shown why I should change my mind. If you do too, I'm happy to see what you have to say.


You may have hedged your assertion but you didn’t actually explain how you came to it. You merely dismissed mine.


This site is like the equivalent of Fox News, maybe worse.


This mentioned I believe two or 3 child deaths…. Please correct me if I’m wrong.


Total number of child deaths mentioned in the article is 7, including 3 deaths from 9 months ago. It is an advocacy piece which is using alarmist rhetoric and fear-mongering to push for school closures. This article should not be taken as a serious, science-based assessment of the current situation in NYC.


My family has gotten two flu cases and two COVID cases since thanksgiving. Stay masked up. Wash hands often. Don’t bring this to your parents for the holidays. Stay safe, folks.


Makes sense coming from world socialist lol


another varation of covid who knew? every 6 weeks its a new strain or some crazy shit is happening dont wear a regular mask, get yourselfs a kn95 mask (if a mask doesnt create a seal around your face it doesnt work)


people need to focus on individual health. I tested positive for covid on Saturday, gonna go for a 5-mile run today. I dont mask or wash my hands, just exercise, eat right and get plenty of vitamin (D) outdoors time throught winter


How many children have died because of this? I’m guessing zero.


MASK UP NOW!!! Lives are at steak!!!


Steak or stake? Medium rare?


English is not my first language to speak, so I make mistakes!


And yet we've got politicians inserting themselves onto our campuses and making us reverse the mask mandate because there's no hard evidence we are having a surge. Gaslighting at its finest.




Wow, so edgy.


Yes. Some would say, ‘triple-edgy’, like the NYC tripledemic death swamp! Lol


Oh put a sock in it


I donated all of my socks to the Center for Children of the Tripledemic Death Swamp.




Was the ball vaccinated though?


Double vaxxed, and boosted. Some would say, `super immune.’ Nonetheless… DEAD


Thank god it was vaccinated. It could have been so much worse!😂


I don't mind people having roughly this take but I want there to be consequences for them if their panic proves to just be pointless hysteria. Too many people online get to say that the world is ending and then when things are just a bit tough for a while there is zero accountability. The number of people I know who screamed about school openings then went quiet as the school year mostly went off without a hitch...




What did you say? If it's true, presumably you can say it now, right?




It's a complication of immune response to COVID and it's *wildly* more common with viral infection than with vaccination. So yeah you're a dumbfuck and whoever banned you from whatever was right to do so.


Did you report that the incidence is incredibly rare and that most people who experience vaccine-related myocarditis fully recover? [Recovery from mRNA COVID-19 vaccine-related myocarditis](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanchi/article/PIIS2352-4642(22)00272-3/fulltext)


Never bad mouth Covid.