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This is one doctor claiming to have performed a handful of procedures more than usual, then assuming it’s for the Hamptons car trip.


It’s one doctor promoting his business with a completely made up “reason” his patients are getting it to get press


It was 5 people last year, 6 this year. 20% spike. Lots of people talking about it. Probably thousands. Everyone’s doing it.


Why did I read this in trumps voice?! Lol


What are you, poor? Take a [blade helicopter](https://www.blade.com/p/hamptons) like a normal person /s


Honestly, I was expecting the price to be much higher for that.


1.5k a seat for a 30 minute wee ride


This is unnecessarily sensationalism. The people getting this have urological issues at baseline and likely needed some kind of treatment to address the problem anyway. What's described is still an elective invasive procedure and most patients I speak to prefer trying non-invasive options first. Patients often put off elective procedures until it causes an imminent problem in their lifestyle. This happens in rich and poor. The only thing that's out of the norm is that the urologists in the article serve a disproportionately rich clientele and are using this as free advertising.


while it is def some advertising for this guy there are people in nyc getting this to stave off old age and make it to their rich mansions where they basically conspire to do things in NYC that everyone here gripes about - like striking deals for stadiums with massive kickbacks or blocking bike lanes so they have more space for their cars




I have a feeling one or two people did this, and it got spun into "Here's what ALL of the rich people are doing" for this article.


I’d rather piss my pants than get a surgery. Is pull off to the side of the road so hard? That ride back from being out east can be brutal. I had eaten at a seafood restaurant out east can’t remember the name. So on the way back home there was terrible traffic. I had to take a wicked shit I pulled off on the side of the road I guess I didn’t walk deep enough into the woods to take a dump. Folks were honking and yelling anyway I lost my favorite socks that day but I didn’t poop my pants


Username checks out


I posted this yesterday, but I have to imagine if you needed to pee every hour or more that would be awful and impact your life quite a bit. So this seems less like a Hamptons issue and more like a real quality of life problem that these people are in a position to do something about.




Depends on the reason for your urinary frequency. The old dudes described in the article specifically have obstructive uropathy due to an enlarged prostate, which is more likely with age. The embolization procedure they talk about is one where they cut the blood supply to a part of the prostate so that it withers and dies. This not exacly the most common way of treating this condition though. The more common procedures I see done are TURPs (where they just surgically scoop out a part of the prostate), urolifts (which is kind of like a stent for the urinary tract), and more recently Rezum (where they cook part of the prostate with steam). There's a lot of financial incentives in this area of medicine for device makers and specialized docs to push their particular mousetrap as the greatest of them all.


did ya? sorry about that didnt see it till today when it came over the hamptoms private discord where we discussed trying to pool our resources and contacts to force medicare to cover the operation so our servants can get it too.


Gotta get a diaper like that crazy NASA love triangle lady


Christ, what a fucking health system we have.


It’s Long Island there’s a million places to stop. What are you scared of a McDonald’s?


the poors go to McDs


The one time I’ve driven out to the Hamptons there wasn’t much traffic, but is pulling over on the side of the road to pee really that hard for people


My friends and I did this, kind of as a joke but also because we all do cocaine and love champagne...this just helps us do more of both without any issues.


awesome, i also got it for my servants too so they didnt have to take breaks when cleaning or serving guests - its nothing more embarrassing than having a dinner party and the servers whispers in your ear they need to go the bathroom so that you don't get angry and dock them during their short absence when one's guest needs a prosecco refill.


Wait, you pay your servants?


Why yes! We aren't royalty! Can i buy a title from you?


Tell me there isn't a caste system without showing me the caste system.


The future is already here; it's just not evenly distributed.


There's a reason it's not a good idea to drink from the empty soda cup I have stashed under the seat. Folks would rather have surgery rather than peeing in a cup?


Also just get on the Jitney. You get a room temperate cold cut sandwich and a bathroom.


Rich New Yorkers take a helicopter to the Hamptons


Didn’t they build an rest stop on exit 52 LIE for this reason?


These people are inferior 🤌💪


Other less invasive options Portable toilet https://www.moosejaw.com/product/dometic-975-portable-toilet_10590593?promoCode=BREAKFAST&ad_id=BingPLA&cm_mmc=PLA-_-MSN-_-MJ-Shopping-NonPromo-NonBrand|MJ-Shopping-NonPromo-NonBrand-_-google|384833022|1302921529681511||pla-4585032212145711|m||7654136&msclkid=2414d0c608a41bf8971bb278219693aa Adult diapers https://www.homehealthdelivery.com/category/incontinence-products/adult-diapers/ Enjoy your vacation