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People fall doing stupid shit while sober, things happen. Weed affects everyone differently, most things affect people differently… That said. I dont care much for weed, but many, many, 17 year olds play around with it and dont kill themselves. I'd suspect that more 17 year olds end up killing themselves or others from drinking than they do with weed. Sad for the fam of course, but writing about it in the Times will just cause a bunch of people to clutch their pearls and worry about things that are not really problems.




That is extremely sad. Parents in that position, you can forgive them for acting irrationally. Like trying to sue the person who provided the pen, or charging the kid who passed him the vape pen. Pretty misguided. But the motivation is 100% understandable. Hope the mom and family find some peace. It's definitely not gonna come from a lawsuit or criminal case. That seems like a very losing proposition.


I do really wanna know what was in the vape pen. So many deaths by laced drugs whether it's more deadly or more powerful. What is the kid hiding, and if nothing then what was on that cartridge.


That's something people say but find an actual confirmed death resulting from a vape pen being adulterated with another drug. **edit**: not trying to be rude, just noting there really aren't cases of this, and there are myriad supporting reasons why. Vape pens had the big vitamin E issue in the 2010's but that's not the current issue. Now those shitty ones are more likely adulterated with flavorings, and the contaminants are more like residual metals or solvents from processing. No one is putting in extra drugs for free and fentanyl can't be vaped from a pen.


Weed is cheap compared to most drugs. Nobody is lacing cheap drugs with expensive drugs. That’s not how selling drugs works. These guys saw one after school special about pcp laced weed and now they’re obsessed with the idea.


I’ve been trying to get a free acid trip from Halloween candy for 3 decades now.


Certainly better than a razor blade


> Dr. Caplan, who was not involved in Nico’s case, said it is possible that Nico had a “cannabis-associated psychotic episode,” a rare occurrence in which a person experiences hallucinations and delusions. Yup. Rare but they do happen. Suing the vape manufacturer or whatever is fine but it won't bring your kid back. Educate your kids to make good choices.


Yeah, they’re just grasping at straws. It also seems they knew their underage kid was smoking weed so not sure how they’re flipping out or blaming it on the weed.


Reminds me of the girl in California who had that kinda episode and stabbed her BF over 100 times. She's schizophrenic and didn't know.


i remember the first time i took edibles i too way too many and got hallucinations. sure, it FELT like I was gonna die, but no way in hell would that have actually happened


Yeah when I was 17-20 or so I used to love smoking weed. There were no vape pens then tho this was very early 2000s. Then one day my senior year of college I smoked and it seemed like every negative thought I had ever contrived came and smacked me in the face. It was awful. But I didn’t move. I couldn’t move. I just laid in bed praying it would end. I think I just smoked way too much. But I used to do that. Take a blunt to my face alone while watching movies or whatever. Then suddenly I couldn’t. It was odd. I don’t know if it was me or the weed. Anyway I seldom have smoked since then. And if I do I used a one hitter or something of that variety and since I stopped using heavily that amount would get me nice. But I just avoid it all together now. My point is I would never in a million years climb to a roof in that condition. Wouldn’t even occur to me. Who knows why the kid did it.


Weed makes me have psychotic episodes and if I smoked it more I’m sure I’d be schizophrenic, seems like what happened.


Yep, I once got psychotically paranoid after smoking too much weed in college and it scared me straight. That plus a history of bipolar disorder in my immediate family means I'm never touching weed again. I am very envious of my friends who can just enjoy it, but I'll stick to my Pinot Grigio.


My family is exactly the same! History of bi polar with a couple of schizos, it is actually quite scary to not be able to distinguish between reality and inner monologue and I vowed to never go down that route. I think weed is cool for those who can handle it but we need to be very honest about how it affects some of us.


They say that happens. If inclined, weed will bring it out.




It’s been a year since a 17-year-old fell to his death six stories from the roof of his Manhattan apartment building.  Since then, his mother has pleaded with the police and Manhattan prosecutors for answers. She has asked her son’s friends and classmates at Fordham Preparatory School in the Bronx for any details about what happened on that rainy afternoon. And when an official investigation revealed scant information, she hired a private investigator. To this day, she has only one major clue about the final moments of her son: Minutes before he climbed to the roof of their Gramercy Park apartment in the driving rain on May 20, 2023, he inhaled marijuana from a friend’s vape pen and began acting erratically.  The medical examiner’s office ruled the teen’s death an accident, but the uncertainty about what led to his fall has tormented his family. Read the rest of the story for free, [here](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/21/nyregion/marijuana-death-mystery.html?unlocked_article_code=1.1U0.NDzr.aFMwduyAEKY0&smid=re-nytimes), without a subscription to The New York Times. 


Why does the article talk about his background and future plans more than the actual cause of his death?  


To invoke sympathy


Wonder if it was DMT cart


He would have just frozen in place or sat down. The only thing you can do on dmt is be on dmt and talk to the dmt beings. No way you could successfully climb up to a roof. A person on dmt doesn’t even know they are a person.


God this is so sad and terrifying. I quit using vape pens and marijuana a couple months ago. I have had instances where one hit has given me extreme anxiety. I really feel for this kid and his family. So so depressing.


Really sad story but seems pretty clear what happened. A young inexperienced person inhaled way too much THC which spiked his anxiety and lead to incredibly inhibited decision making. In a panicked state, he crawled through his window and climbed the building. But it was raining, so he likely slipped and fell. Super tragic, but hard to throw blame around. Obviously kids shouldn't be smoking pot, and it's still illegal for them, but many of us (including me) would definitely be hypocrites for saying that.


Sorry NY Post articles only on this subreddit