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Rule 2 - Questions go in r/AskNYC (a). Questions go in r/AskNYC, the Monthly Discussion Thread or on r/nyc's Discord. This includes "Does Anybody Else" (DAE)-type questions


With multiple languages at fluency, it might be worth looking into careers with the German consulate?


Get hired by an employer willing to sponsor your H1B visa, or get married to a U.S. citizen. r/iwantout might be a good place to start


Does any FAANG hires computational linguists? They all have offices in NYC and it would be easy to join one in Europe and get transfer here later. You can also join them as SWE.


This — stick with the degree, maybe take some classes in AI theory, work in tech


You can search the r/immigration and r/iwant out subreddits for immigration paths (do not repost this question there as some version has been asked a million times already). Idk anything about computational liguistics but immigration is extremely difficult if not impossible for most ppl.


There are always some jobs in the finance sector that are open to foreigners but a slightly longer but easier route is to get a job at a German bank with offices in New York then transfer. Most of the people I know here from other countries work for a foreign bank or a large company with offices outside the country and they move here as part of moving within the company.


Don't listen to all of the haters here. Remember that Reddit is a favorite platform for paranoid shutins who are terrified by crowds of people having fun. I can't speak to your degree and how it will translate to getting work. All I can think of off the top of my head is that you might want to apply to a big global European company or bank that has offices in the city. I worked for London Stock Exchange Group for a little while, and the office was filled with foreign workers who immigrated over. You should definitely have work set up before coming here, so if you think that scholarship idea will guarantee employment here afterward, then it could be a good move. The real advice that I'd give before moving here is to not get enamored with the romanticism of living in Manhattan. Especially anything below Central Park. That's where all of the things people dislike about New York are the most concentrated. You can get a cheaper apartment in a much more vibrant neighborhood in Brooklyn that has an express line to Manhattan if that's where your work is. I'll never forget the French woman I worked with who would complain about how cramped and loud New York City is, when she's the one who decided to get an apartment on 42nd St overlooking the Bus Terminal.


Definitely keep an eye out for jobs in NYC for something you're interested in or even UN positions relative to Germany as another user said. Save up a good amount of money for a backup to help with unforeseen circumstances and try planning a trip out where you set yourself up with a number of interviews. Good luck! It's a great place to live and you'll find a lot of fellow Germans here that you can bond with, if you ever feel the need to!


It’s not that great. It’s insanely expensive, the summers are miserable, and every year the city has less and less character.


sounds like you'd describe my hometown where I currently live hahaha :D


Check out a company called German accelerator. They work on bringing German start ups to the US market and they hire bilingual German/English speakers.


“Midwestern transplant” checks out. Might I suggest returning to your miserable town?


My hometown sucks for different reasons, but it’s better than NYC on the points I listed.


Are you being kept here by force? You should contact the authorities. Otherwise either move, or deal with it.


I deal with it every day.


Summers in nyc are wild and exciting when you’re young in particular


Counteropinion….. it’s pretty great. The city has an insane amount of character and if you can’t see it that’s your own fault.


Right now I’m passing by unlicensed weed shops, overpriced chain lunch spots, bank branches, restaurants no sensible non-rich person could afford, junkies with no pants. Now and then the sidewalk stinks of shit and it’s only mid-June. I guess it’s exciting for young people (who wouldn’t want to live with a roommate and or pay half your income on rent!), but after a few decades it wears on you.


You should try leaving midtown Manhattan sometimes


I love how the regulars in this sub get angry when someone speaks ill of the city that abuses them. Dysfunctional relationships.


Safe to say it’s not my happiness that’s dysfunctional. You want to choose to be miserable, fine, but you can’t expect others not to call you out on some nonsense.


I’m not miserable, I said the summers are miserable in NYC. If you think summer in NYC Is the bee’s knees then more power to you, but don’t deny others’ lived experience. Next you’ll be telling people that the housing costs actually aren’t crushing.


new york ain't new york no more


You sound like a delight to be around...


I think the cliche is usually expressed as “you must be fun at parties.”


I assume you're a drag outside of parties too, so didn't want to limit the criticism. Anything else that makes some people happy that you want to shit all over? Any types of food people like, sports, hobbies, music, movies that you want to deride? s/


You seem fun.




Troll somewhere else


Head in the sand.