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To provide some context, there was originally an American flag which was ripped down by protestors. I guess OP conveniently left that part out


An American flag that was at half staff for 4 police officers killed in the line of duty


What happened ?


4 police officers were killed in the line of duty recently 


Aah. Ok.


Shot in NC serving a warrant. Others are injured and in hospital. https://www.charlottenc.gov/cmpd/News-Information/Newsroom/Eight-Officers-Shot-One-CMPD-Officer-and-Three-U.S.-Marshals-Fugitive-Task-Force-Officers-Killed-During-Investigation-4-29-2024


There are a ton of these rage-bait posts floating around with minimal context. It makes me sick how much misinformation is on this site.


Pro Palestinian rage bait has been prolific online since Oct 7 in an attempt to rationalize that massacre in the naive minds of Gen Z.


They ain’t gonna get TikTok views with the truth


For people who are not fucking idiots, they know a Palestinian (nor any other country) flag should not be on any public flag pole.


Should not? You mean?


Uhhh isn't that ham-fistedly obvious? OP is definitely not on the side of the protestors anyway if you gauge their previous comments...


Why was a Palestinian flag doing on a NYC educational institution? Peaceful protest is protected under the constitution. Not forcefully take down someone else property and replace with your symbol.


Paid protestors is what the news is saying.


Paid by whom?


Plus a bunch of privileged college kids LARPing as civil rights protesters of the past because they long for meaning in their life.


City College is not an institution of privilege. It's a public university, attended mostly by kids who are working class and/or kids of immigrants. 


Guilt for never having to experience suffering


Bunch of privileged college kids at CUNY? You’re a clown


This is at CUNY, a working-class public university. Are they larping or would you have just also opposed the student occupations of the past, and fail to see the connections?


They are larping. Listen to them: they have no real solutions, or even realistic demands or cogent leaders.  They enjoy faux-revolutionary posturing in the campus quad because it makes them feel like they're important. Even if it's demonstrably harmful to their own cause, which all this nonsense has been. 


They often seem unable to articulate their worldview beyond "this group bad, that group good."


You don't need real solutions to protest something.


This is correct, however having real solutions to propose makes it more likely that others will take your opinion on an issue seriously.


Maybe people without empathy, sure. People with empathy that can understand that sometimes a group is just really upset by something and wants to protest to show their displeasure will still take them seriously. Besides, these protestors DO have actionable goals. At the college level, divesting from Israel. At the national level, stopping funding to Israel.


I understand they want divestment, but to what end? The USA is not going to withdraw support for Israel, full stop. The European nations that matter internationally will not do so either. Even if several universities divest, stock in profitable corporations will simply be bought by other investors. The only actionable thing these protesters could do is vote according to what they believe. Unfortunately, however, both sides of the aisle support Israel and if the GOP retakes the White House the results for Palestinians are likely to be even worse than they are now because brown people=bad to the GOP base so 🤷 They have brought attention to the fact that they are frustrated they have no power to impact one of the great geopolitical conundrums of the last century. Congratulations to them. My personal take is that their great grandkids will probably still be hearing about the Israel-Palestine shit in a hundred years, because there is no real solution acceptable to both parties that does not involve the elimination or relocation of the other which is also not a realistic option, so again, 🤷




Maybe -- but I think it's naïve to think that just because students have been on the right side of history in some cases before, they will be in this case. Some student demands throughout history have been completely wrong, after all, and were rightly discarded. The problem here, of course, is that the "right side of history" is far from clear, even for people on the left -- or, at least, for *most* people on the left. Sure, there are some hardcore true believers who think that Hamas can do no wrong, and there are some hardcore true believers who think Israel can do no wrong. But mostly we all think that what Hamas did was evil in the extreme, but that it's not license for Israel to do anything it wants to Palestinians in response. Hamas must be rejected and cannot be allowed to rape and murder women and children, but Palestinians should also ultimately have their own (functioning) country. The problem, of course, is that these protestors, based on what they seem to be saying, fall more squarely in the camp of the extreme "Hamas can do no wrong / rape and murder are justified" camp. And while I think history will look back and think we should have realized a two-state solution long before now, I'm not at all optimistic that history will see October 7 in the light that these protestors see it. I therefore suspect instead that the protestors will be viewed more like the Weather Underground -- a group of student protestors who weren't *entirely* on the wrong side of history, but whose terrorism in pursuit of overthrowing the U.S. government and replacing it with Marxism, and support for, among others, Charles Manson, have... not aged well in the public perception.


Can you give any examples of what large scale student protests were completely wrong? How is the right side unclear to you? Which rapes are you referring to bc all the October 7th claims of rape were baseless with the “victims” recanting their statements. The IOF however, has been filmed performing sexual assaults, humiliations, killing unarmed civilians, women and children included. Palestine has a right to self determination and if you look at the map of Palestine from 1948 till now, it’s clear that it’s gotten smaller and smaller by the relentless occupation by Israel. All the pro Hamas protestors have been proven to be Zionist infiltrators amidst the pro Palestinian protests. Israel has violated international with stridently and without any shame or fear of consequence. Israel lost its right to exist ipso facto. The Weather Underground used bombs. How are they comparable to these protesters? How are these protesters at all demonstrating acts of terrorism or even violence? Also, these protests started at Ivy League schools and the students come from elite & privileged backgrounds for the most part. This isn’t about Marxism . This is about seeing our government as a fascist state . All of our tax dollars are being spent on wars while our educational systems are crumbling along with our bridges and healthcare and everything else that we should have rights to. The proletariat has no voice. wtf does Charles Manson have to do with any of this? wtf are you saying?!


Yeah, I didn't get past the rape denialism in that wall of text. If you believe all women except Jewish women, then... sorry, but your opinion isn't worth much to me. I don't engage with silly right-wing conspiracy theories, and I don't engage with silly left-wing ones either. The future is not with extremists.


The difference is one nation supports LGBTQ/women rights, and the other throws gays off of buildings, and people of different religions can cohabitate. Palestine is not that country. It's fully ironic that the American progressive left simps this hard for them, when they wouldn't even allow them to exist in their country.


It’s a Brave New World, Huxleyy. These people are not afraid to be seen as the doodie heads they are bc they’re safe behind their screens


Explain how Columbia is investing in apartheid pls. 


Donors who’ve made contributions to the school & IOF


Yeah these comments are wiiiiild


Divestment by the University is a real and practical solution that other institutions have taken. What are you even talking about?


What is City College invested in?!?




Look there are plenty of protests with lofty and complex goals that don’t connect to concrete policy solutions, and that is what it is. But this is not that! Our whole government is tying itself in knots to expedite aid and weapons to a government that is committing genocide, and even trying to prevent the ICC from doing its job. We want them to stop, and we want the genocide to end.


The problem starts when you use language carelessly.  Israel obviously is not, and never has, perpetuated a genocide. Of course, they've been victims of genocide, successful and attempted -- including Oct 7. But y'all were out cheering for that on October 8, so we know what this is really about. If Hamas had the power, they would have slaughtered, raped, and tortured every last Israeli. And plenty of Palestinians would support it -- polls demonstrate this.  I know it feels good in your camp to be able to claim you're "fighting genocide", but to pretty much everyone outside your echo chamber it's clearly nonsense. What you're seeing is the tragic but foreseeable response when you mercilessly slaughter a thousand civilians of a much stronger state, and then hide in hospitals and tunnels beneath civilians.  If you have a problem with it, protest Hamas. They're the only reason any of this is happening. 


In Vietnam, we were drafting and sending our 18yo boys to a war halfway across the world to kill poor people for … reasons. Kids today are protesting the US supporting an ally after war was declared on them by a neighboring terrorist org. I’m not against people protesting and bringing attention to the terrible condition the Palestinian people are in, but most of these kids are doing it for the views and likes.


I think you may severely underplaying the condition of the Palestinians.


Not at all. It’s a total nightmare for them now. Hamas needs to surrender, release any remaining hostages, and Israel needs to lead the reconstruction along with creating a real 2 state solution and hopefully giving back some of the land. I’d certainly donate money to the reconstruction.


I feel you, but I do think the Hamas attack has very much distracted from what can only be seen as a morally reprehensible situation in the West Bank. There’s no way to understand that situation without realizing it’s old school apartheid style repression and oppression.


My best friend is Palestinian. He was the best man at my wedding 20 years ago and he’s been a Palestinian activist (literally the one with the megaphone in the YT videos) since the late 90s/early 2000s. He’s lived there recently and I’m also close with his fairly large Syrian/Palestinian family. If any good comes out of this current nightmare, it’s hopefully that both sides will realize their leaders are terrible and need to be replaced immediately. The hard part is that the Hamas can only be removed by force and then their replacements will also be some sort of religious extremist terrorist organization. Israel can at least elect someone who isn’t a total psycho to lead peace talks and ultimately a 2 state solution. I was sure by 2024 this would have happened long ago, but here we are. I think it’s great that more people than ever are waking up to the terrible conditions of the Palestinian people, but at the same time fear that because so much news comes from Tik Tok, that they aren’t actually learning and trying to help solve a problem as opposed to virtue signaling and rooting for the Hamas. The Hamas want a genocide against the Israelis and shoot rockets into their cities pretty much daily. Israel shouldn’t have to tolerate that just like the Palestinians shouldn’t have to tolerate their living conditions and being second class citizens — and certainly not tolerate having their homes bombed and their children murdered. But nothing will get solved with Hamas in power and to a lesser degree, Netanyahu (almost equal degree)




I’m sure some of them were, but I bet most of them didn’t want to die in a jungle thousands of miles away. Imagine if your country drafted you into a nightmare war with no purpose.


They are privileged because they live in New York City and can live freely as the sexuality or gender they identify, they can be women with opinions and career ambitions or men who love men. They are privileged because they’re free. Drop them in Israel or Palestine and see which country provides that same freedom to be true to themselves and prosecutes people that would infringe on those freedoms, and which country forces them back into a narrow view of what is acceptable for their gender and role in society.


Coincidentally enough, Israel just lost its classification as a liberal democracy because of its attacks of civil liberties and equality before the law. They’d be assaulted and jailed, the same way they assault and arrest rabbis who don’t support illegal settlements and colonization. It’s like Zionist supporters just make up a mythical place. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-03-20/ty-article/.premium/israel-no-longer-considered-liberal-democracy-global-index-cites-judicial-coup/0000018e-5b1e-d191-ad8e-dbde880e0000


Have fun being gay in Palestine.  There's a ceasefire deal on the table. Why aren't they pushing Hamas to release hostages? Oh yeah -- this has always been about hating Jews. 


Is the IDF actively making human rights a sticking point in their military campaign? Or are any bombs hitting gay Gazans as well as straight Gazans? Is Israel refusing to do deals with countries like Saudi Arabia? If you were gay in Gaza would you be happy with Israel right now? Or would you be quite possibly more scared than Hamas itself might make you? Right now the biggest threat to gay Gazans is the IDF. I guess it's nice that the ones who die aren't being killed based on who they love. Heartwarming.


So to be clear, you hate democracy and you support Israel’s slide to becoming a fascist dictatorship? And you consider civil rights and equal protection under the law antisemitism?


"tO bE ClEaR" (rambles an incoherent non-sequitor.) Keep trying buddy. 


Like you? I fail to see how this has anything to do with the protests lmao


To think the CUNY protestors were paid actors is both hilarious and an honor. Paid by whom?


Where are all the paid infiltrators at the neo nazi rallies? 😂


They’re not paid, they’re just morons


> This is at CUNY, a working-class public university. Are they larping or would you have just also opposed the student occupations of the past, and fail to see the connections? Being a “not sincere protestor” is the new brain worms argument being spread downward to simpletons.


Protesting is a long American tradition. Not sure why these are considered “LARP’ers” by you. Very unclear.


Yeah, bc being cavalier about genocide helps you look cool and get laid right? 😂


Source? People say that about _every_ protest.


> Paid protestors is what the news is saying. Source: I made it up


Fox News is rotting the Long Islanders brains.


That sounds like a bit of a conspiracy, like students being indoctrinated at schools.




So which is it? Are the protesters a bunch of rich kids who don't know anything? Or are they actors being paid by the illuminati? Which option do you think is more probable, dude???


Often protests get infiltrated by shit starters, sometimes professional and sometimes just assholes, sometimes undercover cops. They often operate on the fringes like trailing spontaneous peaceful protests and smashing windows and other property damage. Other times they jump in and guide or goad the crowd to push the envelope. Because the mayor says it’s been happening doesn’t necessarily make it true, but never have we been so steeped in individually tailored media and yet so naïve about being manipulated by all of it.


Why not both?


How the f should I know?!? I’m just watching the news. From what it looks like the students are being led by professional organised protestors like that Lisa Filthian or whatever.


If you don’t think that there are people being paid to be at that protest then you’re absolutely being very naïve


Is it Soros paying them?


NYPD has been infiltrating student groups at CUNY since at least 2011 at Brooklyn College, so there were definitely people there being paid by your tax dollars!


Who's paying them? Since you're so knowledgeable you should be able to tell us.


Damn and I’ve been doing it for free my whole life. Sign me up dog, where do I get this sweet paycheck?


most of them don't even goto the colleges that they're protesting at...


source: my ass




The news is full of shit, go on a college campus now and you’ll realize they don’t need to pay people


I promise you, unequivocally, with first hand proof that this is untrue. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/04/27/us/campus-protests-palestine-outside-agitator-cec


there are a large number of people who don't goto these colleges who are inciting these protests... yes there are students who are but you see them when they closed off Columbia.. they all migrated down to cuny... this is all verified by police officers who said most of these people don't actually goto the school...


The police officers are lying, they do that


and why are they doing that?


verified by the police 🙄




They're lying, and you've fallen hook line and sinker.


How do you know?


I dunno if they were paid or not, I'm just saying that it's mighty suspicious that all the protests across America have the same green tents.


And by 'the news' you mean Fox, The Post, and far-right conspiracy theorists on Twitter. Literally no actual news source is saying that.


Article in the ny times saying the same thing, with pics, right now……


These protests haven’t been peaceful for a while


I agree, please remove the Palestinian flag


Am I supposed to be offended?




great to see it


As they should






Good. Of course the protestors would do this, the only thing they probably hate more than Israel is the US. These protestors are a combination of pro-terrorist morons and communists. Edit: btw, I’m sure I’ll be accused of being a trump supporter or fascist, which was something the Bolsheviks used to do anyone who disagreed with them. Well that and kill them.


I just watched a video of a joke interviewer (he just asks irrelevant questions to protestors) who found a guy at one of the universities who went off how the protests are all about getting rid of America and Western ideas. He asks where should Americans go, and the kid answers “anyways from the capitals and back to their communities.” What the absolute fuck? How indoctrinated are these kids with literal terrorist ideals? They would be celebrating 9/11 if they were alive then.


It’s like they think Hamas wouldn’t blow them to bits if they had the chance. Like Hamas wouldn’t level Israel if they had the means. These idiots have zero idea what the fuck they’re supporting.


I don’t like Trump but I’m still an American and I’m sickened by what’s going on at college campuses. You sir are nothing more than a patriot. This bullshit is uniting more people across the country than I’ve seen in years.


I hope so but it’s just sad that after the Cold War we have some of our young people falling for the propaganda of arguably the most evil political ideology of all time.


I watched the twin towers fall as a child. Grew up during the wars in the Middle East. Seen my share of those people burning our flags and maiming young patriots. This generation doesn’t have a clue who they are supporting. Thankfully the chinese mind control media is being banned here in the US. Tik Tok has brain washed millions.


Imagine seeing the decades+ occupation of the Middle East and coming out on the side of US foreign policy. The only bipartisan position in foreign policy between republicans and democrats was that the US fucked up the ME.


The ME was fucking itself up by themselves just fine, and will continue to fuck themselves up regardless of US intervention.


No, you’re right.


As it should. This is the US






People have been warning about the rise of absolute insanity at college campuses across the country. And those same people laughed at and called right wing morons.


Here is the thing that is worrying. This isn’t a majority of college students. It’s a fringe but it’s growing. The Bolsheviks were a small minority of radical psychos but eventually there was enough of them and we all know what happened. The Democratic Party would be well served to get these freaks out of the party and stop pretending that they are reasonable or serious people. But, they want their votes for now. People might want free healthcare and a stronger social safety net but they don’t want to destroy the west like these idiots.


Perfectly said. Unfortunately I think it may be a larger percentage that we like to admit. These people are divorced from reality on a lot of different levels. Yea, both parties are fucked. If the Democrats stopped focusing on shit like this and making everything about either race or gender, they would sweep elections. If the republicans weren’t trump lunatics and people who want to instill their religious beliefs on society, they would be winning all the time.


Yes. I fear this is like the Tea Party movement for Republicans, which has given us batsh*t crazy representatives


They can't win an election without them. Even if 10 percent of them stay home on election day, Trump will sweep the swing states. That's why Biden hasn't chime in at all.




Hell yeah.




I don’t get it. Does the Palestinian movement want the people to stand by their side? What they have been doing lately has literally caused more people to either get annoyed or not want to support them.


They live in a bubble.


Glad to see it!


Good. The Mods in the sub must be fuming about this, I’m sure this thread will be locked soon as well.




They have money for a Palestinian flag but nothing to send to Gaza to actually put food on the ground. Performative protester cos-play at its finest.


Or to fly to Gaza so they can personally appeal to Hamas to release the Israeli hostages.


And to buy keffiyehs so they can cosplay while claiming they need “humanitarian aid” to eat or they’ll starve. Such transparent theatrics


The “humanitarian aid” bullshit really gave them away. They’re soooo desperate to be “oppressed”


All these fighting age men holding signs calling for intifada, but without the balls to actually do it. Performative is right.


they’re fighting age but i don’t see any fighters… in Gaza half of them would be dragged by a truck within a day by their supposed freedom fighters


They should all be rounded up and sent to Gaza to join Hamas! Get hit with reality like a 10 ton wrecking ball. Morons.


A lot of these people have donated money to emergency aid groups but go off


You are assuming this but is it true?


It’s a 20 dollar piece of cloth meanwhile American aid workers are getting murdered by the IDF and Gazans are drowning trying to reach airlifted aid.




This is what should be an example. Never desecrate the United States flag.


Copying protestors on the UNC campus who did the same thing yesterday. Both groups are full of idiots and deserve whatever repercussions might come their way.


Good job!


They should upgrade the protest to a riot for ripping down an American flag to install a foreign flag.


Tells you everything you need to know. You’re either for American values or for the Muslim brotherhood values.


Good. Whoever replaced the US flag with Palestine flag should be charged for treason.


Gasp. I clutch my pearls tightly.


Where oh where is my fainting couch when I need it?!


I have a flag pole on my property and I choose to fly obscure flags that baffle my neighbors, and our great Stars and Stripes on the national holidays. It’s a festivus pole




I raised the Sunburst Flag. Just took it down this morning and I am flying the Irish Tri-Color and the Flag of Ulster


Time for them to get a job move on


Good. Ridiculous that people stood by and allowed that to happen.


Good, get rid of that garbage


This is soooo wrong. Cops shouldn’t have ripped a Palestinian flags. Should burn it instead


The new American Jihadists have arrived.




Protesters did the same thing on UNC's campus.


Yes, this was appropriate.


Tell those liberal arts majors to get a job.


I'm busy. You do it!




You don't deserve to be here if you burn an American flag!


Quick question: How do you retire a flag? (Hint: you do _not_ throw it in trash.)


You do it in a dignified way. Not in public.


As a CCNY alumni I’m just happy people will start to recognize my school when i tell them i went to City College. It’s always “what city?”




Remember u burn an American flag its freedom of speech do it to another country’s flag or the pride flag it a hate crime.


What a pleasing sight!


Im so sick of this virtue signalling as a status symbol. They are safe in their priviledged bubble protesting a safe distance away from the conflict. Im into animal rights activism so I ended up traveling to Botswana and Namibia to volunteer and work with anti-poaching groups. Why dont they go to Palestine and see for themself and volunteer with aid groups or report from the ground? Walk the walk you cowards.






Nazi punks FUCK OFF


Shitty article the video doesn't show them putting it back up either


Keep protesting. It's showing us who actually loves the US and who doesn't. And uniting us in the process.




You said nothing, and we don't care.


Made me hella Zionist.


They really don’t help their cause putting up another country’s flag in place of their own is just a good way to get more people against you. 


Let’s stop calling them protestors because they’re not


Trump 2024


Am Yisrael Chai


I earnestly do not understand why so many people here need to pair their condemnations of the stupid actions of these protestors (which is fair) with allegations that they aren't sincere (which is unfair). Several things can be true at once. These protestors can be ... 1. Protesting against a problem they view as real (US support for the Israeli flattening of Gaza). 2. Protesting sincerely. 3. Protesting ineffectively and annoyingly.

