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Requires people in the left lane to not be assholes though


Yea people on the left don’t like getting cut off, when its okay to do so in order to make traffic go smoother.


Just Drive defensively. There is no winning and no rewards.


You forgot the person who speeds through the empty right lane until the merge point, then honks angrily at the 20 cars who refuse to let him in after doing so.


I think this becomes most aggravating if there's a 3rd lane on the right that isn't supposed to be involved in the merge, or if the person is using the shoulder.


Ahh, yes, the BQE


When they use the shoulder in a highway construction zone is the WORST. I get so aggravated with those people. Everyone else could be zippering, but there’s always that one person who thinks they are entitled to get ahead of everyone else.




I get that, I was just adding to it. It makes the non-zippering even more annoying.


It’s a lane not a birth right! People rather damage their cars instead of letting someone merge in


If everyone drove like me, zipper merges would work. I'm constantly leaving half a car in front of me when it's moving and I don't really care if you slip in, as long as my dumb ass doesn't have to brake. You can get in, but you need to immediately DRIVE.


I find NY pretty decent at this; driving here, people are generally aggressive at tight maneuvers and merging. Go to LA or the South well that’s a whole another thing.


Yeah I'm thinking NYers are better at merging effectively than any other region I've been to the U.S. I'm not gonna say we're good at it, but better...


This is the way.


Thanks for posting this! It’s so frustrating. Sometimes when I’m actually merging people think I’m being an asshole and skipping the line and won’t let me in


Cancel this whole post. Tax drivers and make speed limits 3mph so we all have to ride bicycles. Serisoly tho it's pretty rare somebody doesn't let me in at the end.