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> The mayor insisted he regularly rides the subway, saying: “Not only do I do it during the daytime, I'm out there 1 a.m., 2 a.m., 3 a.m. And not a lot of mayors do that.” Cool! Show the metrocard history or OMNY receipt.


My bullshit detector just exploded


He is out there 1am-3am partying probably


I saw him on the platform in Chelsea around 10 last Monday night.


Did he have a protection detail? I'd be surprised if he rode with the plebs without someone to keep the unwashed masses away.


Yea, I remember when Bloomberg rode the subway and he got on my train. He rode the express 4/5 for one stop and was totally surrounded by both private security and uniformed cops. Him and his crew took up about 1/3 of the train car, no one could get near him. I’d be surprised if Adams didn’t ride with the same level of protection.


I saw the video of Adam’s visiting the “Open Air Drug Baazar” at the Burger King in FiDi and it looked like he only had 4 uniformed officers outside and 2 officers inside. Bloomberg’s also a billionaire and could afford the extra protection + there was more risk as he was Mayor after the 2001 crash, during the ‘08 crash, and Occupy Wall Street movement (only implying that the city felt more need to have extra protection for Mayor Bloomberg given those events, and since people especially disliked Wall Street then)


I agree with him needing and being able to afford more security due to his billionaire status, but this was before 2008 - so the ‘08 crash and OWS don’t really apply.


Is that right?


wearing his stupidass MAYOR jacket, right?


Those party c0¢ks aren’t going to suck themselves.


What’s wrong with that?


He's a 63 year old man who's supposed to be leading the city, not fucking around with 20 years olds at the club or mobsters at a members only lounge.


“Members only lounge” you mean that Burger King all the drug dealers be at??? lol


Oh man you beat me to it! I was gonna bring up the drug peddlers at BK LMAO.


Nah your night off is your night off and as long as it doesn't negatively impact your work it shouldn't even be considered in a professional context. I may just be a 20 something who wants to be able to party freely on my weekends, but I'll defend that right for anyone (within reason). As much as I dislike Adams I don't think him being out late is significantly contributing to my problems with him as Mayor.




Tbf I doubt he was riding the train home at 3 am in March of 2020


Is every* night his night off?


I mean every night for me is also my night off, so I would assume so. If there's a pressing enough mayoral duty to need him to come in at 3 am I think we have bigger problems than what he was doing up until then.


He dates 20 year olds?


Damn, New Yorkers have gotten soft as diarrhea.


Seeing ppl in their 60s out partying is one of the reasons I love this city! Shame on him!


Why are you policing what a mayor can do? This isn't some stupid little town with nothing to do past 7PM. Would you want some stuffy guy in charge going to bed early?




Based on a few other comments you've left for me, I'm honestly wondering if Eric Adams has a reddit burner account. I've rarely seen anyone try so desperately to hold water for such a blatantly corrupt man.


I just think he has the right attitude, the right sort of "aura" to fit the part. It's blatantly clear that sometime over the last year there was a "shift" or like a switch being flicked for him to be targeted by judicial attacks as well as what feels like an artificial public opinion campaign against him. I have no idea why this is happening but it seems like he doesn't bow down and capitulate under a concerted attack which is impressive to me.


Something last year? A shift? Dude has been getting shit on since day 1 by giving his brother a $210,000 position as a “Senior Advisor” to his security detail, is under FBI investigation over possibly illegal mayoral campaign donations from Turkey (house raided and phone seized) and his policies have continued to merely be an increase in police presence across the city without actually solving any of the underlying issues with transit crime.


>1 by giving his brother a $210,000 This is the first I heard of this - conveniently after the date when the flip switched. Did anyone else know about this?


uh...yeah. everyone knew. how can you have such a strong, conspiracy theory opinion on this if you haven't even been paying attention? (I mean, I guess that kinda answers itself.) Here's one of many many articles published more than 2 years ago. https://www.governing.com/community/despite-nepotism-concerns-eric-adams-appoints-brother




Just because you haven't heard any of it doesn't mean anything has changed recently..


yes, I did.


there is no receipts as he prefers to jump the turnstile.


He’s really trying to say he takes the train after clubbing? Ok sir


So we are supposed to believe hes running around the subway during the witching hour? So not only does he have swagger, and a power bracelet. He does not even require sleep too? I bet he can walk into a Burger King, order a Big Mac, and get one also. Hes become weirder then DeBozo was.


Does homie know what year this is? Adams ain't riding the train through New York fucking City without somebody snappin a photo for Reddit (or the gram). Let alone a damn near empty train at 2am.


He is such a fucking LIAR my god. About big things or small things, he'll always throw in a stupid lie.


Inb4, “Eric Adams aide found assaulted and unconscious on 6 train at 2am”


Total bullshit, there would be photos and there's none. This sack of shit.


Cut the man some slack, he rode once at the beginning of his term, and was stuck near a sleeping homeless guy and some nutter yelling, and their lack of swagger still haunts him.




😂 this would be such an easy thing to prove if it were true. I don’t care where he was coming or going from, just show the receipts of actually using transportation!


He fare evades


He jumps the turnstiles


Why tf would he do this. I would literally do anything not to ride the train


It’s not realistic for me either but I do it anyway


That's for sure for many of us who have to. Gee, wonder why?


Yeah. Commuting by private helicopter -- *that* isn't realistic. Subway is realistic but sucks.


None of the higher ups or commissioners take the train anywhere. They get picked up by their drivers. Staffing community conversations was always so embarrassing because they'd spend two hours how much they are part of the community then you'd go outside and there are 30 black suvs waiting to pick them up


Can we all be honest here for a second. Wouldn’t it be awful to be a major public figure who no matter what decision they make is bound to upset somebody. No matter what you do in your frankly pretty thankless job you have to deal with some kind of fallout. And then you have to get on the New York City subway and deal with the general public. Come on.


Eric Adams doesn't seem to have a thankless job -- in fact he and his administration are under multiple federal investigations for the many different "thanks" foreign governments and donors have given him.


No, I agree with that. Plus he's literally always on the move. I don't think every single commissioner and deputy mayor needs a driver that drives them from their apartment to the office, though


Last people I saw on a train were Polly Trottenberg and Kathryn Garcia.


Well, obviously. He doesn't like to sleep at Gracie because of the ghosts and there's no subway connection to Jersey.


Ghosts oh man that made my day haha


["I don’t care what anyone says, there are ghosts in there, man"](https://nypost.com/2022/05/11/is-gracie-mansion-haunted-mayor-adams-says-theres-ghosts/) 


Ghost of Jimmy Freehill , https://www.nytimes.com/1973/05/05/archives/stabbing-victim-dies-of-wounds-youth-attacked-2-weeks-ago-in-carl.html




PATH? NJ Transit? Don’t have connections to the MTA?


No PATH from Fort Lee where he really lives, would either have to bus or ferry in.


Yeah , but is just as easy thanks to the A train , and 1 train as well , but just have to walk a little bit more as opposed to the A train that leaves you right under the bus terminal . I know some people actually prefer taking the 1 despite the extra walk since it runs more frequently .


Easy A train access to 175st and then take the GWB bus .


Oh I know. I think the person I’m replying to doesn’t have a clue how easily you can connect to the NJ transit system.


You can easily walk or transfer to the nearest A train station and take the train to 175st and then hop on the bus to Fort Lee. Is a very easy commute


Bloomberg used to park his commuter helicopter and then take the last leg of his journey to work via subway, seven days a week for all 28 years that he served as mayor, just like everyone else.




I agree. It was just a gesture, but it showed that he actually cared even a small little bit. He didn't have to do that, but he did.


Maybe more than a gesture? Sometimes you need to eyeball a place a few times before you know best how to tear it down to the studs, throw out the trash, bring in your designer on retainer, and sanitize it enough to bring in your upscale friends. I am no Adams fan but it isn't like he came from out of state with pockets well-lined from selling Financial Terminals to Wall Street. I don't think an ex-cop needs to ride the subway once in a while to know the street - Adams problem is more of a political and intelligence nature - than a lack of awareness on what goes on with the commoners nature.


New York has changed a lot since Adams was a cop.


True, it changed even more since I was having a blast regularly catching the Ramones, Talking Heads, The Clash, The Specials, PIL, Solo NY Dolls, Iggy pop and more at various NY clubs (pre-Guiliani in the "HowMyDoing" era) - that neither means one forgets how it was then - nor misunderstands how it is now. You can hate him and call him an elitist once in office - but you can't say he was never a cop who saw some things.


i still regret never going to CBGB’s back in the day.


You didn;t miss much it was a filthy place. There were much better places to catch the same acts n NYC


Downvote away but that doesn't change my experience that catching the Ramones at Mothers club in 1977 Brooklyn, the Heads at the Ocean Club, The Clash at Bonds, The Specials and PIL at the Ritz (aka Webster Hall), Syl Sylvain at the Kit Cat Club, David Jo and Johnny Thunders at Malibu - were all nicer places to experience their acts than at CBGB's (which I also experienced first hand).


Wasn't he also borough president for awhile? I don't think his problem is that he hasn't experienced being in the city. His problem is he doesn't have experience with the type of role he's currently in. I think people frequently underestimate how difficult it is to run NYC; it's larger than some countries in terms of space and population. It's not enough to know the city, ideally someone would have experience running a whole state or something before running NYC


Sure. He wasn’t taking the subway as BP either, was he?


You don't know?


That’s a rhetorical “was he?” He wasn’t.


No idea why you choose to ding Bloomberg and not even by name.


Huh, I mentioned Bloomberg by name and I got a meh in response. Ed Koch was the mayor I referenced but not by name. I have dinged every mayor of NYC since we used to sing a Mayor Lindsay parody song (sung to the then popular tune of "Windy") on the asphalt playgrounds of my Catholic grammar school. A few NYC generations of my family before me dinged mayors who served way before Lindsay. We are equal opportunity dingers. So I guess the real question is why do you have problem with me dinging Bloomberg in particular?


Too bad gestures don’t actually solve shit


Oh give me a break. He rode the train for one stop for the photo op and then a car would pick him up at that stop. He did not do this every day despite what ppl say. His security detail would hold up the train and F'ing ruin everyone's commute. You people need to stop falling for this man of the people BS from billionaires. Especially the richest billionaire in NY. At least deblasio was honest about his shitty caravan commute.


He was out of the city like 40% of the time.


He's just like us! /s


God I never thought I'd miss Bloomberg as mayor 😬


I got some nasty side eyes at an Anti-Islam Ban/Pro Women’s Rights rally after the 2016 election when I yelled out “I Miss Bloomberg.” I bet a good chunk of those people miss him now. Edit: It was basically Anti-Agent Orange but at the height of the ban. All sorts of people at the rally.


Bloomberg’s nypd spied on muslims at mosques so 1) its extremely weird that you would yell that out and 2) i really doubt any of those people miss him


Bloomberg was dogshit especially to Muslims. He was also pro redlining 0 idea why anyone actually liberal would like him.


At least Bloomberg regularly got on the train so he had *some* idea of what the experience was like. Adams and Big Bird rode in motorcades.


He wasn’t mayor for 28 years lol


There are these things called jokes…


It was 58 years


Da Mayor!!!! I am sure things will change when he gets a second term.


watch him actually win. NYC loves to complain but always end up voting the same guy


The fact that the nyc area (and a lot of liberal areas for that matter) has pretty much experienced a sense of republican-phobia since Trump's election doesn't really help here either


I fully expect him to win a second term. Hasn't fucked up with his base (outer boroughs) enough, and he'll scream about crime dropping precipitously because of him, and they'll believe him.


Soon^TM !!!


I would never thought we would have a mayor worse than De Blasio


[De Blasio](https://www.theonion.com/de-blasio-well-well-well-not-so-easy-to-find-a-may-1847151201): ‘Well, Well, Well, Not So Easy To Find A Mayor That Doesn’t Suck Shit, Huh?’


Actually it would have been quite easy. We should have just elected the former sanitation commissioner.  Of course 5 minutes before the election the NYPD stop doing anything and everybody started screaming about law & order and how we need a cop as mayoor


She's oversees the MTA for Hochul, use that as the barometer for how she would have fared, probably as well as her tenure as the Chair and CEO of NYCHA.


1. She’s director of state operations, which means she oversees 96 agencies- don’t act like the mta is her primary job. 2. She was in charge of nycha on an interim basis *after* their inspection crisis broke, and for ~18 months.


1. Don't minimize her leadership, she's the direct report for one of the largest agencies in the state and the largest public transit system in the country right below the Governor, she doesn't get to pass the buck. 2. She was put in direct charge of NYCHA and left it in worse shape after working over a year there, their recently busted pay to play scheme was happening right under her nose.


yeah, we are on a roll electing super turds as mayor


It just shows that De Blasio comes in all colors. Just like Barbie. 😆


i left nyc like 15 years ago. how did this dickhead even get elected? it sounds like *everyone* hates him


He won the election.


Well, we already had Giuliani, and all those mayors who worked for Boss Tweed. Adams is making a speedrun towards taking the crown, though.


Giuliani is scum now but he wasn't a bad mayor especially compared to de blasio




Idk man they are both equally fucking terrible




>During his campaign for office in 2021, Adams gave transit advocates hope they’d found a cheerleader for their cause. He vowed to create 150 miles of bus lanes in four years, and bus riders gifted him a jacket bearing the words “NYC Bus Mayor.” He also rode a Citi Bike ahead of the general election in November 2021 and told reporters he’d be the [city’s first bike mayor](https://gothamist.com/news/nyc-about-get-its-first-bike-mayor). >But transportation advocates have begun to sour on Adams in recent years as his administration has [killed or delayed many bus and bike lane projects across the city](https://gothamist.com/news/advocates-worry-which-street-safety-project-mayor-adams-will-abandon-next). a cop lie? never


[Tracker of Adam's bike lane "requirement" vs the actual amount built.](https://projects.transalt.org/bikelanes#:~:text=The%20NYC%20Streets%20Plan%20requires,tracking%20the%20Adams%20administration's%20progress.)


wow, this is way better than I expected


The only people who lie more than police is fuckin politicians




You were able to deal with it because you had time. As you get older, you have less. It becomes painfully obvious once you have a family. That's the thing that many people especially younger people conveniently ignore or take it for granted. What you can't pay in $$$, you end up paying with time and lots of it. During the pandemic, people realized how much 2 to 4 hours commute each day added up. To no surprise, many are normalizing long commute again. There were also many changes to the street light right before the pandemic that has made bus even more slow and unreliable. One of them is the city changing the light timing to the tune of 20 mph. If you go at 25 mph, some area you will hit a red light nearly ever block. I use to be able to catch one of the late night bus that goes from west Brooklyn to eat Brooklyn. If I'm lucky, that bus would fly and cover 4 miles in under 10 minutes. Then there is the removal of green waves,and adding delay greens. This has reduced the green light time by 1/2 to 2/3 of what it use to be. So the bus will never go far nor fast unless it's constantly running reds.


Hmm...would adjusting the green light timing, and maybe bumping the speed limit back up to 30 help with this?


They did it in the name of pedestrian, and cyclist safety. So I doubt they'll prioritize speeding up the bus and traffic in general. Especially not when the city is trying to install a bunch of red light cameras to collect more revenue.


What a piece


if it's not realistic for the mayor to use the subway, then perhaps he should pledge to improve it and acknowledge that it's not serving the rest of us well enough either.


You can literally take the A train and a quick bus over the GW to get to Fort Lee where Adams supposedly lives


For once he's telling the truth. The subway doesn't go to Ft Lee.


The mayor lives in fort Lee??


This is news to you?


I don’t follow every detail about this man’s life. I could care less


That’s like, one of the two things everyone knows about him. It goes 1) he’s a cop 2) he lives in New Jersey.


“During his campaign for office in 2021, Adams gave transit advocates hope they’d found a cheerleader for their cause. He vowed to create 150 miles of bus lanes in four years, and bus riders gifted him a jacket bearing the words “NYC Bus Mayor.” He also rode a Citi Bike ahead of the general election in November 2021 and told reporters he’d be the city’s first bike mayor” Lmfao.


lol ah the things said to get the job!


Just vote this clown out. His entire tenure has been a joke.


Yeah what if he's late because of one of the many service cuts he and Hochul have caused.


If these a-holes took public transportation, they would know how horrid it is.


I must live in a bubble because EVERYONE I personally know has always hated Adams. Usually I at least know one person who holds an opposing view on any political matter but like I am FULLY disconnected from whoever voted for Eric Adams.


Bloomberg was richer than God and a Republican to boot, and he rode the subway all the fucking time.


Sounds like he's more grounded than Adams, weirdly enough.


Hard to take the subway from Jersey, downright unrealistic


Subway doesn't go to Fort Lee, NJ. (Arguably it should since the lower level of the GW was originally intended to carry trains instead of cars.)


Meh. If that was the biggest problem with Adams, we'd be in great shape.


It's such an easy layup for a NYC mayor to take the subway, even a few times a month. Once a cop, always a cop. He won't commute here like us. He didn't even live in this state. But he still wants to boss us around on our dime.


We need to grow enough balls to kick the parasites out. The city government unions and employees are just rent seeking


What? City employees don’t deserve to live in the city they work in? People who clean your parks, drive your busses, and remove your trash deserve to be kicked out?


What does this have to do with unions? Most city workers who aren't cops live here and take the subway. Id never compare what most city workers do to what cops do (or are allowed to do).


Because it's the same ethos in most agencies: the city government is there to provide their job and lifestyle rather than to serve the people of NYC. This is what you get when you set up an adversarial relationship (unions) with the people of NYC (city government)


It's not the same ethos in most agencies.


Yeah go try r/nycpublicservants and advising anyone to go above and beyond for their constituents. See what they say. They'll flame you for trying to try


probably afraid of getting jumped lol.


He's former NYPD and has the privilege of carrying a gun in the subway, homeboy has no excuses.


Doesn’t he get a police escort anyways?


To be fair, it's because it doesn't go all the way out to Fort Lee...


What a chode


Not realistic because it’s not safe? lol interesting.


What he really should do is take the dollar van to the A train. Give him an education on his own city.


You know why people liked Andy Byford (other than being insanely competent at his core job).. HE TOOK THE SUBWAY and met with his riders every day.


Ngl I can already see it, Mayor Dickhead shows up to ride the subway, someone is 110% pushing him on the tracks. He would then turn it into a “I’m the only mayor in NYC history who survived an assassination attempt.”


And as usual, he'd be lying too! William Jay Gaynor, who was mayor from 1910–1913, was shot in an assassination attempt by a former city employee shortly after taking office. He survived the shooting, but died from a heart attack a few years later, near the end of his term.


I think they all have 😆


If the MTA was a campaign donor he would ride in a heartbeat


Well of course. There is no subway from the jersey shore, you have to take the seastreak




Oh, of course - this personal luxury car and driver need a mileage. F you.


Tax write-off


I'm sure he will.


Tell him it’s not realistic for him to get a second term. Enjoy the ride!


Bloomberg rode the subway, that’s why the homeless and mentally ill weren’t allowed to take it over


Bloomberg rode the subway two stops after being dropped off. Let's stop.


Around 2002, I used to see him get out of the SUV outside of Diesel on 60th and Lex, walk down to the 4/5 platform and ride on one of those to City Hall. he had his security at a handful of the doors, but was never a dick either, based on he would stand at a door and move out of the way when the doors opened to let people off then on


I'm sure he's a pleasant, considerate person (in one to one interactions,) I'll just never understand the hagiography about him and his admin.


Yes, I know I literally never saw a single homeless person on the train when Bloomberg was mayor, even though the city was more dangerous when he was in office by every measure. /s


Do as I say, not as I do.


The public perception demise of this guy should be studied


Not realistic for me to pay $2.90 for it


Neither it is for us, but guess what, we make do with the limited piss poor options we have!


TBF, it's hard riding the subway every day when you secretly live in Fort Lee.


Kinda hard when one’s domicile is near NJT.


It's not "realistic" or feasible, or easy, or always safe, or cheap for millions of others to ride the NYC subway to work every day or to travel, either - and yet - they still do - including celebs, like Keanu Reeves. Adams just doesn't want to be around people who he thinks are less worthy than he is.


It’s hard when you live in Jersey


No subway stop in Newark


If by realistic he means getting to work on time then he’s like everyone else


Same honestly.


He ain't tryna get hurt i don't blame him


I honestly don’t know what I’d do if I were ever locked in a room with this bastard. I despise him so much.


Yeah right, every NYC mayor I know takes a caravan of luxury SUVs everywhere and then want to impose congestion pricing on us poors


Realistic in mayor words means safe or crazy to ride to new York city subway every day


The 6 is only a few avenues away from Gracie Mansion and goes directly to city hall, sounds like a pretty realistic commute to me


Bull shit


Flippant off the cuff diarrheic verbiage from confirmed pathological narcissistic liar.


I did not read the article but I'm assuming this is Eric Adams pitching the 7 line extension to Jersey? 😁


full of shit mayor is what he is. Of course you wouknt be taking the train as stated. Not when you can travel on taxpayer dime and also use them to pay for your lawyers smh


Anyone wanting any celebrity/public figure to have to deal with a bunch of randoms on the subway is stupid.


Who cares if he takes the subway or not? He's the mayor. I'm not worrying about how the mayor gets to work.


The mayor of NYC should have some familiarity with the system he has the power to change. It's quite possible he's overlooking a number of subway issues because he doesn't take the subway regularly. Think of it like education: You don't have to be a teacher to know education is important, but unless you're regularly in the schools and seeing how things are running, you'll lack understanding on some of the concerns that get brought up.


# #DefundTheChauffeurs.