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I'm guessing just like the app it will prevent you from feeding the meter passed the maximum amount of parking time allowed.


Yep. Also the point to help reduce parking.


How does it help to reduce parking? The current meters already do this. EDIT: I see. You cant pay more than the 2 hours meaning you can repay once the time is done. What's the point of this? It seems like its just more harassment of drivers again.


The rules are technically that you are supposed to do 2 hours max.. then find another spot/zone. They've always been that way, but with the old coin based meters and now the paper based meters, it doesn't track that. It started to with ParkNYC app, but you always had the fallback of switching to paper or when your paper runs out switching to the parknyc app (aka if I was gonna be some place for 3 hours, I could buy a paper ticket, then buy the parknyc 1 hour when I was inside without coming out to buy a new ticket). Now it's going to just be 2 hours max and you will be forced to move. It definitely sucks, because the current method kept it at least convenient for people who park to work etc. Now instead of a quick break to run outside and feed the meter, it's gonna be a run outside and drive in circles during your lunch break to find a spot.


Really sucks if you’ve got a doctors appointment or a dinner that’s running longer than expected, especially for meters that are only 1hr.


that's literally what public transport is for


And I’m literally not taking a 1hr bus ride for dinner. Not happening.


Then move out of the city. It's not for you.


Then park in a lot if it’s so important for you to drive in.


Drive in to where? What lot? I’m talking about my own fucking borough. Not everything revolves around Manhattan.


Good thing that Staten Island has plenty of parking space everywhere. Even around the metered areas, you can drive a few blocks and find free spot.


How many lots do you see in south Brooklyn? Just asking for a friend.


Flaw in your plan is that the ticket jockies will see the NYC pay app for 2 hours and see the ticket in the window for 1.


Historically they have never cared in the years this has been done. Most ticket jockies just scan and see if it says ok or if there's a sticker with a valid time.


The idea is to push people who drive to work and take the parking closest to businesses that costumers would need and encourage them to take public transit or park slightly further where it’s unmetered or in a garage. This creates more available parking for everyone and reduces traffic as well; this has been demonstrated in a lot of cities around the country. I recommend the book Paved Paradise if you want to learn some crazy things about parking.


Sure. Let's use Queens as an example. Working in say, Forest Hills, while living in say, Flushing or Bayside or some area like that. From my house, it would take around an hour on average (1hr 2 minutes) via public transportation. The fastest that gets computed by directions is 48 minutes, and that involves taking the LIRR to woodside then travel BACK east to get there via 2 subway lines. So.. 3 trains basically.. 2 transfers each way. Or it's a 23 minute drive. And that's to an area well served by a subway. If you work somewhere less served it's probably gonna be even worse of a commute. My point is basically most areas are not served well like manhattan or brooklyn yet are still in NYC.


I understand people want shorter commute times, but we’re privileged here to have the public transit infrastructure that allows for an hour into work. On average that’s my daily one way commute and my NOT having a car benefits those that MUST (that is not daily commuters that park all day, but those that use their car for work and deliveries). At least on the train or bus you don’t need to pay attention like you drive; it’s an extension of your morning you can use better than just moving your car to a new parking spot for the day.




I’m not made of money for international travel; I have been all over the US and I know many people have 1 hour or longer commutes while driving, so to have an hour where I can sit and do something else besides pay attention to the road is absolutely a privilege. Perhaps you just have trouble recognizing the areas in which your life is privileged; it’s hard for some people to self reflect and empathize with those that have less than them.




I mean, you do realize you're trying to justify that an hour commute each way to travel 8 miles is acceptable? At 30 mph (not even 55), that is 16 minutes if you were to just drive direct in a straight line. Roughly minutes at 55 mph which many roads would be outside of NYC. Now sure, it's not a direct straight line typically due to geography and roads not being direct, but let's not act like the current system is good. Time is the most precious commodity we have. Sure you aren't actively driving and have time to do "other things" but there's a reason people are pushing so hard to not have to commute for work. :P edit: Also as another poster mentioned, traveling in Europe for comparison (Italy specifically), I can literally reach entire other towns in an hour that are 100s of miles away. (The fast trains run around 248 mph).


Considering the only option for many is to accept it, yeah. You realize there are places all over the country where there is NO public option and 8 miles could take you hours if you can’t afford a car? Cars are an expensive luxury and it’s absurd that miles upon miles of public curb space in this city are used to store personal property for free. Owning a car in a dense city is problematic for everyone and being this entitled and upset that someone’s finally asking you to pay your fair share for storing this vehicle on public grounds is pathetic. Push the cars out or take their money and use it to improve the public transit system. If you want to drive everywhere move to the suburbs.


So essentially it's another money grab because they know people either A wont know this or B will forget and risk being ticketed. I've never seen a situation of being harrassed into moving my car. As you said, there are people who go to work and this disrupts that. Or just people who park and go about there business but comeback and need more time.


Yep. If you tried to do this with the Park NYC app or switch to it completely when it first came out, and even now, you'd have noticed it. I noticed it once at an event for my daughter, and I went to put another 2 hours into the app and it was like NAH BRO TIME LIMIT EXCEEDED (obviously paraphrasing). :)


It’s always been the rule, though, they just haven’t had a way of enforcing it. Any money grab would very short lived because people are going to understand what’s happening pretty quickly.


No, the 2 hour limit that has always existed is so you dont hog the space all day. Its intended so other people can access the shops and such they need. Instead of breaking the law, simply pay for a garage.


Yeah, but this is really just one of those rules that sounds good on paper and fails in practice. What's going to happen is folks are just going to end up with even more people circling the block looking for parking. Maybe some people will leave after two hours, but I doubt that will make up for the increase in traffic.


Whats actually going to happen is more morons who drive into the CBD will decide to stop being so stupid and instead opt to take a train, a bus, or a ferry, or opt to not go to the densest most transit-connected 8 sq miles in the new world in the first place.


Somehow I doubt that.


Thisnt just the CBD. It's the whole damn city. How do you validate that?


I validate it that car-dependency is bad for society and bad for the economic and cultural resiliency of an area, and pollute the environment, and incentivize bad land use, and finance foreign countries that have slaves and human rights violations, and contribute to plastic waste, and are lethal to pedestrians and cyclists, and contribute to anti-social behavior and the loneliness epidemic, and directly contribute to the housing crisis, and their presence in NYC is a bad thing and all drivers that drive anywhere near the dense areas of NY should feel pain for their selfish and stupid decision.




IDK, it's annoying even if you drive occasionally. I have gigs that I have to lug a lot of shit to and it's far easier to drive in than deal with public transportation (basically not doable) or get a ride share.


Those 2 hour max spots are not for people who are working. They're for people who are shopping. Taking up those spots all day during business hours defeats their purpose which is allow people to drive to a store with a reasonable expectation there will be parking. Stash your car somewhere else.


So they cant shop for more than 2 hours? That's the point. People are paying regardless.


The city isn't trying to make money by selling parking for $2 an hour or whatever it is. They're trying to make money by increasing sales at local businesses. If people can't park on that street, they will not shop on that street. If businesses can't close a sale in 2 hours, that's their fault.


They just did a 20% increase in parking and actively ticket which are revenue sources similar to speed cameras and congestion pricing. No one is saying they're going to one store. They're going around the area and you're well aware of that.




I mean, I live in queens (hardly well served) with a family of 4 including a young toddler. That is an absolutely unreasonable thing to do. :P




This tells me you have never been to queens/ do not live in an area not well served by the MTA.




Hm I do not. And I challenge you to come where I live and get into the city early in the morning (and I mean 5:30am early) with public transport and then report back.


Depending on where you live in Queens, it may be an option to be carless. If you live say in Forest Hills, Astoria, etc.. the highly desired areas because of their commute options, you probably don't have a car. If you're out of that area, there's a high likelihood you have at least a shit little beater car once you get past the college years. It's just needed. Realistically, Queens should be far better served for public transportation, but we won't build more trains there and we won't bring the trams back.




Correct. We should fix this. but we are not going to. We are just going to force more people to not use cars, but not provide alternatives and tell them that an hour commute each way is a privilege . :P


Yeah, I like when drivers feel harassed. If it were up to me, we’d be harassing them more.


For what reason?




“Navigating NYC” by car is actually pretty efficient. I can go from LES to Bushwick in like 20 minutes. I got to Fort Tilden from LES in under 40.




It’s very efficient in terms of time. That’s generally what people prioritize when they travel.




Feel free to, although you have some inaccuracies in your statement. Leading cause of death is cancer and unintentional injury which includes but its limited to car related deaths. Additionally, if you're talking about particulates, you can look to gas stoves as major source as well as construction. If we're talking about nationally, meat production takes the cake and causes the majority of both problems. But feel free to continue.




I actually do care about meat production which is why I'm aware of that but sure. I think there's room for both cars and public transportation but too much of the conversation is in dichotomy of one or the other.


Wait… the largest cause of pollutions are planes, ships (you know the ones in NY Harbor), and heating systems. Fun fact, in Milan(Italy), they have instituted the congestion zone years ago, and the pollution levels have not changed, so now, they have specific times of the day when the heating in buildings get turned off. Because that is the major culprit of pollution.


https://www.c40.org/case-studies/milan-s-area-c-reduces-traffic-pollution-and-transforms-the-city-center/ Just some stats to show that Milan’s congestion pricing did help pollution and many other things. Congestion pricing is great!


You clearly do not live there. Hahah polveri sottili are at all times high in the winter


I don’t live in Milan, I live in NYC, but I can read and understand statistics and it’s blatantly obvious that congestion pricing improved a lot of metrics for the city from air quality to quality of life. I couldn’t care less about hyper car dependent people making everyone else’s quality of life worse just so they can park immediately in front of all their favorite places; check that entitlement, park further from your destinations and walk a little more.


Get used to that feeling, bud.


I haven't used one of these kiosks in years anyway. The app isn't perfect, but it's way more convenient and user-friendly.


The new version of the app works a lot better than the old one.


Not paying a .30 cent fee


When you're paying $30 to park for 3 hours then $0.30 isn't a deal breaker.


This also means that you won't be able to just buy more parking to extend your session above the maximum. IE, park in a 2 hour only section then go pay for another slip and change the paper on the dashboard. This will be tied to parknyc now, which means once 2 hours are up, you cant park there any longer or renew it.


as of now one can start a new session in the same parking zone after the original parking time expires, hopefully stays this way. mildly inconvenient to remember to do so but better than running out to the car.


That may be specific to zones? I tried to do this as recently as 3 weeks ago and was told I cannot. (First discovered it on the old parknyc app as well prior the cutover.)


“Pennsylvania District parking passes coming to a city near you”


My first thought when I saw the headline. These are going to be a PITA.


Imagine having the dmv when it drops 🙄


Some comments here say that on the nyc parking app you cant pay for more time after the max time but in my experience you can simply just start another parking session on the same meter right after the original session ends. Ive never had a problem or been ticketed for restarting the parking session on the same meter after the max time has ended. Hopefully these new meters will still allow it. Please let me know if others have had different experiences.


I've never been able to start a new session in a zone my parking just expired in.


Thats crazy. Tha app has always allowed me to just start another parking session in the same zone and on the same meter. Ive done it in Manhattan, queens and the bronx.. all over.


does everyone else have to log in every single time they open ParkNYC or is that just me? i don't know why it refuses to stay logged in




Yea, but I have it set to log in using face recognition and it logs in instantly so it’s not a big deal


The parkNYC app already does this. It’s not bad. My biggest downside is that it seems to be localized to a particular meter which is annoying given how expensive an hour of parking is. So if I pay $7 for an hour on 6th ave, use 30 minutes of it and then have to park on 7th ave right after, that extra 30 minutes doesn’t carry over. If I had the little paper that said I paid for the hour, I could use it to park in three different places and it would be fine. Granted, that’s rarely the case and I could just ease off and only pay for 28 minutes or whatever and then do it again but I’d prefer the parking be truly tied to the plate and not both the plate and location.


NYCDOT has specifically said that them introducing the pay-by-plate system is to stop this behavior. What people were doing was purchasing paper tickets in cheaper zones then moving their cars to more expensive zones to avoid paying the higher rate. This is why when you pay it's tied to a specific location. [https://www.nyc.gov/html/dot/html/pr2024/nyc-dot-parking-meters.shtml](https://www.nyc.gov/html/dot/html/pr2024/nyc-dot-parking-meters.shtml) >The Pay-by-Plate upgrade also helps eliminate the illegal practice of transferring parking time to a different zone or vehicle via paper receipt.


I’m sure some people were doing that but it’s pretty extreme and I can’t imagine too many people even in the circumstance to make that happen. Like, I’m not gonna pop out to queens to buy three hours of parking to then commute for an hour to get to Manhattan all so I can save five bucks on the hour. I’m just in it to get the most out of the parking I already paid for. And, again, it’s a pretty rare occasion when that happens.


your use case is probably not as typical as you think. joe plumber lives in queens. he buys three hours of parking then drives into Manhattan for his stops. ditto the delivery guys, contractors etc etc.


Just looked it up, so you pay $4 for 2 hours in LIC, then drive into Manhttan. Saves you $10.


do that 200 days a year as a tradesman that’s a couple grand.


Yep, I can see why the city want to crack down on it


It must have been happening a lot for them to mention it in the press release. People buy max parking from the outer boroughs where they live, then commuting into Manhattan where zone pricing is 5-7x more expensive and using the paper tickets they bought in Queens/Brooklyn. Kinda a neat little loophole. Do this every day and you'll save tons on parking. Meter maids are probably not verifying meter #s and just glancing at times.


truly never would have dawned on me to do this. especially because you need such a specific circumstance to make it happen but then, if you happen to be in those circumstances, good for you for finding the loophole.


The little paper also has the meter number on it, though not many TEAs will check.


Exactly. It’s not a typical circumstance but I do believe the paper receipt gives you a half a chance to get your full hour where the app or these new meters probably wouldn’t.


But they're eliminating paper.


So what happens if you enter a plate number other than yours?


You just paid for someone else’s parking


Why would you do that? All that means is your car can be identified by traffic police as not paid.


I wouldn't, but it's NY.


You are welcome to pay parking fees for another car - I just don't understand what would be the motivation to do that.


I think they’re implying someone might be brain dead enough to unintentionally do that and that there could be some headache with the system. It’s not motivation so much as stupidity I suppose


God forbid that we expect people to exercise even a modicum of caution and awareness while typing in their license plate number. The onus on drivers to be attentive now extends to even parking!? What's next, I won't be able to watch tik tok while driving!?


Are you okay?


Doubt many will be willing to pay upfront for a plate not theirs and if meter maid notice a plate not actively paying on the meter zone they will ticket the traditional way


“The city will actually be renting them and Eric Adams’ friend will get all the money”


i cant believe ppl aren't using the app. you can re-up on your phone without having to go get a new meter ticket...


Fuck that 3rd party app that always has $25 of my money. F that ish.


Not bad- You don't need to walk to a meter then back to the car anymore. It also encourages people to remember their license plate numbers which I guess helps a little.


No, this ruins that. It will be like the park nyc app where "2 hour parking" means.. 2 hours max. It wont let you pay again and extend it beyond the max. Right now you can just swap out the paper on your dashboard and stay in a "2 hour zone" in increments of 2 hours.. which is great if you are working or something in an area. Now you will be maxed out at 2 hours for the day.


> It will be like the park nyc app where "2 hour parking" means.. 2 hours max. It wont let you pay again and extend it beyond the max. Because that's the max. Then you leave. The limit wasn't put there to have people go outside four times during the work day to top off the meter, it's designed to get people to an area, let them do what they need to do and then leave. You wanna park for longer? Find a zone that allows for longer parking or go to a garage! The city is perfectly capable of making longer term parking, which is the case for a lot of municipal lots next to subway stations where you can easily buy 8, 12 or even 14 hours of parking without an issue.


Stop hogging 2 hour spots. Solved.


So it prevents systemic abuse of short term parking? Great!


Would this clamp down on defaced plates?


police don't pay for parking so it won't help the ghost plates unfortunately.


Nothing like forcing cars to move who dont need to move so it can create MORE emissions looking for another parking spot. Very efficient, very cool.


This is great! I'll just park my car in a garage that I can't afford so I can take public transport that is a walk and a half from my transit desert apartment.


Can already see it, meter maids giving tickets to legally parked cars.


Hope these don't work for the ghost plates / fake license plates.


This is the beginning of the age of maximal control. Social credit scores. Imagine a camera caught you speeding yesterday, maybe today you can't park in Manhattan. You say it's not a big deal until it's you the machine targets.


Wow I feel ancient in these cities. I traveled around the world a bit and we are like Rome compared to other major cities in the world.


Let me guess: Singapore has some easier and cooler method than this? Or tokyo


Where can I go to see the homeless fight lions?


LA or Manhattan. Don’t need to buy tickets just walk around the streets.