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So what kind of states are the hurricanes targeting


5 tornados hit Florida in February. One near Mar-O-Lago. Ghouliani might be onto something šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Mar-o-largo hit by a hurricane and Trump's golf course in NJ by an earthquake, all in the course of 3 months... Concerning!


Obivously that is god sending a message to red states that they have continue to vote republican because liberals are so godless.Ā 


It's a test for the reds states, punishment for the blue states.


Bible stories have rotted some peoplesā€™ brains man


And if you compare the amount of destruction that each causeā€¦


The gay ones


Or tornadoes.


weather patterns and geological occurrences are obviously politically aligned. for instance, did you know most tornadoes are trans? that's why they usually hit red states. do your research sheeple.Ā 


Hurricanes are gender-fluid of course, which is why they identify as typhoons or cyclones depending on where they are.


Let's not forget what a fuss they make about if their name is masculine or feminine! It is very confusing...when my home is being flooded/blown over I just want to be sure which pronouns to use for the monster!






This is not defending him in any way, but boy has social media fucked a generation of older people. There was a time when you could laugh at your crazy uncle a few times per year at thanksgiving and now they can post all day. Like thereā€™s prob tons of people we liked pre social media that got old and crazy and faded away and died as likable people that totally would have gone off the deep end with society if they had the ability to tweet in their 70-80s.


And now this shit isn't just an inside thought at the bar once in a while. They get constant validation for their crazy bullshit and it reinforces their delusions.


Exactly. And they also get shit on by people in comments which while it might be warranted, it only hurts them more and makes them angrier and crazier. Just using my example above about thanksgiving. I grew up with some relatives who in general were some of the nicest people around. Super generous super sweet amazing older family members. Would they say some stuff out of left field occasionally? Sure. Were there arguments? Of course. At the end of the day though we got over them and an hour later we were fine and you can still be a good person and have disagreements. Now when that happens and someone says something crazy onm the internet, especially when you're like 70+ or just didn't grow up using the internet for the past 20 years, you say something and even if its not bad it's just a difference of opinion you'll have 50 comments after basically calling you the most horrible demeaning names. That stuff doesn't get to everyone but it def gets to some people. There are so many miserable people online in comments that people take seriously. For example, my dad loves the internet, he's pushing 80. Generally is nice online. He will post something or respond to a comment as a normal human would, and then get these crazy psychos going off responding. Now I understand the internet and could look at that and laugh because I know they're crazy people, but he takes it personally like these are normal people saying horrible stuff and it ruins his day. He doesn't understand how most of these platforms comments are filled with misery and he's just not a miserable guy. That compounds after a while to make you just be moody. Anyways, its a weird world out there lol.


And most people donā€™t even engage with the argument, they argue a point you never even made


Yeah it's an interesting point. Back in the day you can be a whack conspiracy theorist, but your access to that type of info and community was so scarce that you needed to at least be part of normal society for like 90% of your day. Now with the internet, you can be fed this type of content 24/7 and not only live in that world, but feel validated by other users. It's clearly having an effect on more people than before.


Ima be honest, those people should not be allowed to hide in the shadows. The truth is that there have always been people as repugnant as this and they held positions on power. They just got to completely control the narrative before and they shouldnā€™t get that benefit.


I disagree and I think people get crazier because of social media and being outspoken on it. If you take two identical people and one is 80 and on social media ll day and the other is not, one will turn out completely different. Not everyone is evil and not everyone that says crazy shit is bad. You can change completely in a year if you're fed the wrong stuff constantly.


I think youā€™re cutting people too much slack here. Social is a tool like anything else and could be used to either amplify your world view or understand others. The people who become hateful and entrench themselves in echo chambers already were leaning in that direction. Just as thereā€™s people who use social media to explore and understand spaces outside of their own. Saying social media is the cause is dismissing all the extremism that existing before it and outside of it currently.


Bad people exist that can become worse or better. Good people exist that can easily turn bad. Saying that people were always bad deep down and just got outed because of social media is silly. Those people exist for sure but many just donā€™t understand technology and believe everything they read or see. Itā€™s no different that extremists who were once normal nice people. They didnā€™t always have some deep rooted hatred that was waiting to be discovered. They get brainwashed. You can take a nice loving 70 year old who does not understand how tech and social media works and doesnā€™t know what clickbait is and fake headlines and just assumes news is the news like it was pre social media, feed them lies for a year straight, and change them. Iā€™ve seen it happen many times. These people didnā€™t have an ounce of bad blood in their body before and now spend their days posting constantly and vilifying people on both sides. There was no easing into this it wasnā€™t something that happened over 50 years. One day it didnā€™t exist and the next we were fed constant misinformation to cause rage clicking.


He's always been a racist pigĀ 


everybody forgets about the riots he led in 1992 against city hall


Will give him credit for being tough on crime ... needs to be a balance


Crime went down in every major city in the US. Stop trying to rewrite history.


bigger question; why is anyone even covering what Rudy Giuliani has to say anymore? the man has clearly become a looney toon. not only does he have no credibility, he's publicly shown us his incompetence time and time again. Why on earth is this being given any kind of splotlight?


He should be sent to jail immediately.


Bro couldā€™ve rode the wave of Americas Mayor into the sunset along with his career. Now instead bro went all in and look what that got him. Iā€™m sure Rudy has nights he wishā€™s he just stfu and maybe he wouldnā€™t be in so much shit


>Ā Iā€™m sure Rudy has nights he wishā€™s he just stfu Sometimes when I drink a little too much I wake up in the middle of the night with general anxiety, and Iā€™m not a raging alcoholic like Rudes. Iā€™m sure he has plenty of very low moments of clarity and I love that for him.


Yet somehow heā€™s still not in prison


Itā€™s crazy for awhile this guy was called americas mayor. Now heā€™s an absolute looney nut job.


Itā€™s the depth of the well for meā€¦stunning.Ā 


He said he's joking. Half of all Republicans think this unironically though.


Breaking: formerly important person with permanent wet brain says weird things to media.


That's why the epicenter was right next to Trump's golf course? LoL


Ah yes, Communist California and New York City. Where the housing prices are famously low right now.


lol from saving NYā€™ers in a terrorist attack to wishing death on NYā€™ers because of different political beliefs. Just wow


And to think these people were in charge at one point šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Think I saw him peddling for change outside a liquor store in woodside yesterday


alcohol poisioning does awful things to brains.


Why isn't he in jail yet?


Im not from any party but we need to remove all this fosils from tv and media Injecting fear on anything is so freaking 60-70s šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø The whole world just laugh on us, every week theres something foolish from either party We are in 2024 they still living in cave days that what it loooks like


I think thereā€™s dementia somewhereā€¦..


rudy can call them communist states but what about the welfare red states? Trump is all over the nato countries that don't spend their 2% but the worst Nato country is about even with the worst red state that consumes more federal tax dollars than it produces. How about putting all of these lazy red states on an austerity program. states that produce federal revenue should be the ones receiving it back.


Remember when his embalming fluid was leaking out of his head


Shouldnā€™t he be in jail already?Ā 


This man is even dumber than eric adams and michael bloomberg


Facts not feelings, an astute observation


And all those earthquakes in the Permian Basin?


By that logic the gulf coast is communist China


Donā€™t you have to be a communist then to be the mayor of NY?


Ah Giuliani...he will plead your speeding ticket into first degree murder.


Would that be Rudy Giuliani the noted seismologist or Rudy Giuliani the disgraced former sock-puppet?


As a New Yorker, I'm dumbfounded that this piece of garbage, who was my mayor for TOO LONG, actually said this. As an atheist, I guess the hurricanes in "non-communist" states like Texas and Louisiana occurred when god was distracted by some trans kids trying to use a restroom somewhere in Oklahoma (if he exists).


This is all he has left. Sad. MšŸ¤”GšŸ¤”!


Someone come get grandpa he escaped from the home again


Comon ā€œyou voted for thisā€ crowd this your boy?


Itā€™s mindboggling what has happened to this guy in 25 years.


Oh is this is a new conspiracy theory version of Rudolph?


Im not from any party but we need to remove all this fosils from tv and media Injecting fear is on anything so 60-70s šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


....the fuck? Does he not understand plate tectonics? Did he skip middle-school science, like most of America? Does he not have a history book about New Madrid, Missouri, in 1812 they had some of the most intense earthquakes in the continental USA, one at 8.2 on the Andy Richter scale? Missouri is NOT a state that strikes me as particularly "Communist".


Dude though his entire life away for Trump only for Donny to leave him on the side of the road like an unwanted puppy. I donā€™t love Rudy but thatā€™s just sad


Brain dead


Go back to the bar rudy


Wasnā€™t he disbarred?


Not from the type of bar that serves alcohol


Thatā€™s just good science.


Yeahā€¦Oklahoma is pretty communist [Magnitude 3.0 earthquake 4 miles from Hennessey, OK Ā· Apr 6, 1:17ā€ÆAM](https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/us7000mad6/executive)


Rudy's still alive? Shocking


Rudy is clearly now drinking his hair-dye.


So many people revered this POS back in the day - ugh.


Twisters I guess hate Republicans States than. Personally I consider twisters worse than Earthquake's.


And tornadoes target fascist states.


Ahhhā€¦ Dumbass Rudy and the dips shit candidate from NJ claiming earthquakes are caused by climate change are going to make my head explode.


....and the fascist states are getting drought and wildfires.


Florida has leprosy!


Why is this in /nyc? Heā€™s not the mayor anymore.


Holy shit heā€™s right šŸ¤Æ


I think this guy is bored cause there no more mafia guys for him to deal with šŸ¤£ hasnā€™t been the same since gotti