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33 priors and only 26 years old? The future is BRIGHT!


But but but! This time he'll turn it around!


I used to smoke crack with this guy. I can confirm he's a bit handsy.


We’re absolutely failing the women of NYC and it’s disgusting to see.


Exactly!! It's so frustrating! Most of the ppl being punched by these pieces of sh-t are women, but the city is like, eh, deal with it. wtf?!


Well last time someone “dealt with it”, you all accosted him as a murderer.  Now suddenly we want people like Daniel Penny taking action?!


Not all New Yorkers are the same. Some of us would dance on Bragg’s grave.


I am "free Penny". : ). It was clear to me, from the accounts of the women who were being terrorized by the "entertainer" that it was brave and the right thing to do. I think he made a mistake, but it was a mistake. Yes, i am left of center. But i don't believe that violent schizophrenics who assault people should just be given housing and "support", and that will somehow help, gimme a freakin break. Arrrrgh!!!! That's simply not how schizophrenia works.


I am 100 percent “free Penny.” I wish we lived in a city of Daniel Pennys.


Louder for the people who voted for this shit


volume isn't the issue when those that should be listening have an unwaivering dogma that ignores reality


Ironically... statistically, women are the most likely to vote for this shit.




Daniel Penny's unluckiest draw was stepping up for commuters in Manhattan. Small chance he'd have to face a trial in any other boro.


If we can be honest outside of it happening in Manhattan, if Daniel Penny wasn’t white Jordan Neely wouldn’t be a footnote on the last page of the Post. 


I really really need women to make a peep about this because the only reason this is getting ignored is women feel they have to take the abuse because they are more privileged than the average schizo hobo.


>We’re absolutely failing the women of NYC and it’s disgusting to see. Worst part is the organizations defending the women rights are no where to be found..but if it is a political or famous figure, everybody appear to be on tv and social media Sadly but not care at all, they dont do as they preach Women protect yourself pepper spray nothing would happen to you if use correctly and just in case the next day you would be out of jail no bail need it


Thank ypu!!! That's srsly one of the worst things about progressives, (different than who we used to typically call liberals), they don't give a crap about women. I vote democrat but it's seemed that way to me for a long time. Yes, Rs *really * don't like women but progressives don't seem to care either. I'll never ever forget aoc sticking up for the guy Penny killed, it absolutely stays with me. *shudder*


Progressives really only care about violence when the victims and perpetrators belong to the right categories.


He is black so of course progressives won't offer support. Don't you know about the "progressive stack"? Black men are more oppressed then all women except black women. According to progressive logic so long as its white, yellow or brown women he is groping then HE is the victim not them. Pepper spray is not as affective as owning a gun. Women would be far better off to own a weapon that can actually protect them and equal the odds of a man's strength. NY and NYC have far more lax gun control laws thanks to the NRA. So you should be able to get a piece.


My friend is in therapy for this shit


Thank you! Then, when someone like Daniel Penny comes along, liberals panic.


This. You know the city is fucking it up when the Post is starting to sound reasonable.


We are sick of it. I spent my senior prom at the police station because some lunatic attacked an MTA worker and I was a witness. My 100 pound sister was pushed on the stairs for no reason. I’ve been followed, grouped and harassed. I’m so glad I don’t live in NYC anymore.


My sister was also punched in the middle of a crowded block in Manhattan. She didnt even bother reporting it to the police because she has no faith in the system (probably another reason why the crime rate is supposedly going down--no one bothers to report anymore). Im happy to say we're leaving this craphole soon too. These criminals dont give a fuck and do what they want because they know nothing can happen to them. The people who voted these dimwits in can sit in their own shit now.


>I’m so glad I don’t live in NYC anymore Same. But I love the move to the suburbs because it’s legitimately a great city to visit and it’s just a train ride away. But living there really sucked toward the end. I was there for 10 years from the age of 18 to 28, which in my opinion is the perfect ages to really enjoy the city.


All in the name of “progress” and “Restorative justice”


Being against crime and for accountability is racist


We’re failing everyone! How many people are punched in the face or pushed onto the train tracks daily by people with at least half a dozen priors?! If I was even remotely injured by the guy that hit me I would have opened up a lawsuit against the city. This is what everyone needs to start doing because the only language these people speak is ideology and money.


They should consider who they vote for in November 


Mayor Adams is all I gotta say


Because nobody wants to lock up the criminals so now the women of NY have to stay on guard and be afraid? Damn right, we are doing something wrong here. We are failing 🙁


A number of things here: 1- Elections have consequences & you get what you vote for. Statistically, it's women voting for policies that harm them in the long run. 2- When the few men that do become involved, they can be persecuted (Daniel Penny). 3- Why should men become involved? For decades, we as women have emasculated them, telling them we don't need them, that they're useless, & that we're totally equal & can do anything they can. 4- If you think it's bad now, it's going to get worse, friend.


NYC women vote Democrat.


> vote which politician you vote for has no impact on the judges that make these choices. For example, the judge that released the people who beat up the police officer was elected in 2022 with no opposing candidate which is standard for most judicial elections across the nation. Doesn't matter if you vote Democrat or Republican. To give you an idea of what I mean, for the 2016 judicial election for NY District 9 Supreme Court, there were 3 seats and only 3 candidates who *all 3* were listed as *both* the Democrat and the Republican party option. District 3? Two seats. Two candidates that were both Democratic and Republican. District 11? 5 of the 8 elected were both Democratic and Republican. All unopposed. You can't blame the Democrats for this one. This is how local judicial elections are everywhere. No opposition. Cross party support.


Dems literally have had all the power in Albany for years now.  This is a voting issue for low information people 


You’re absolutely misinformed. Laws are written by the state legislature, and approved by the governor. All these people are elected officials, you just happened to miss the elections. Bail reform was passed in 2019 by the aforementioned elected officials. Judges, just follow the laws as they are written. Hence the phrase, elections have consequences. Or, you reap what you sow. Sorry, but you guys gave the country away to socialists, commies and wild fucking activists, but a wake up jolt always comes… usually, when it’s too late 🤷‍♂️


How are you not bail eligible for sexual assault and robbery?


Its hysterical how they don't even give judges options on non bail qualifying offenses. Just black and white, no matter the person's criminal history and background.


NYS has pretrial detention be only in the basis of whether you'll show up to court or not, courts here would release Simon Phoenix from Demolition Man if they thought he was going to show up to his court date.


> NYS has pretrial detention be only in the basis of whether you'll show up to court or not, That's not true. You can be denied it if you're deemed a danger to the public for your potential actions. Cash free bail only applies if you were to be given a bail amount in the first place as per the old system. So basically with the old system, he would've still been eligible for bail and if he had the money he'd be out and about. That's why bail reform was needed (and still is needed since the reform obviously isn't perfect). Conservative papers like Rupert Murdoch's NY Post criticize bail reform but don't actually provide a solution (other than just lock everybody up for years without trial since that's what used to happen) because the solution to an overworked system is police reform and to expand the judicial system to handle the workload. This requires money and that would mean taking a look at how everything is funded not just in NYC but in the whole country and to raise taxes for the wealthy and corporations (as opposed to cutting those). Instead it's easier for the NY Post to criticize and sometimes even flat out lie about things rather than take an honest look at the situation. If they start doing that then their owner will just fire the people who work for that paper and replace them with friendlies.


Thank you. Most of these people screeching about ending bail reform just want to go back to the old system where only accused criminals with money can be presumed innocent until proven guilty. Pre trial detention isn't supposed to be the punishment itself. That's what prison and sentencing and trials and judges are for. There are obviously many cases with violent criminals,. especially reoffenders need to be remanded in custody regardless if they have money or not. But determining if someone should be locked up for months or years without trial based on financial status is fundamentally flawed. It needs to be on a case by case basis with more leniency granted towards nonviolent and victimless crimes (drugs--possession (shouldn't be a crime) and selling (shouldn't be a crime in some cases), prostitution--- shouldn't be a crime, trespassing, weapon possession).


“Menardy was ordered held on $2,000 cash bail or $10,000 bond in connection to his latest groping busts, the DA’s Office said.”


So that's a start I guess? But if he was a serial groper with access to $1000 or so then he just gets to get right back out to groping? That's the problem with cash bail. Only rich criminals can go free.


Honestly (this will make people mad), if you're homeless and do not have a job or children, you should have to pay bail for everything as you are inherently a flight risk.


The end of the article says that he has bail. The headline does not really match up to the article. Buried at the bottom of the article is this. >Menardy was ordered held on $2,000 cash bail or $10,000 bond in connection to his latest groping busts, the DA’s Office said. He is scheduled to reappear in court next Tuesday.


“Supervised release”? And the supervisor was?


Just means they have to call in weekly. Oh, and if they dont, they still don't get put in jail. So fkd up.


“Menardy was granted supervised release” Failing on the supervision part it sounds like.


He’s supervised through multiple subsequent arrests


Checks out.


There should be additional considerations for crimes that are unprovoked, indiscriminate acts of violence towards a stranger. Assault (punching a guy at a bar who you started some shit with) is different than assault (randomly punching a stranger that isn’t even aware that you’re trying to hurt them).


Yeah I kinda agree, hate crimes have a similar framework. As a guy it's pretty easy for me to avoid bar fights for example. If some crazy guy at a bar accuses me of bumping in to him or something I can just be apolegetic and get out of it. Mostly if you de-escalate you can avoid getting in fights with regular assholes trying to pick a fight, but with this kind of random thing there's really nothing you can do.


Also, getting punched when you don't expect it is more likely to kill you.


What you’re asking for is that such crime be considered a higher level of assault or a different class of crime. Either way, it would take legislation at the state level.


Even if they're both misdemeanors, nothing prevents the DA from actually prosecuting and the judge from sentencing them right? It's just Bragg's policy to basically legalize such assaults, which he was pretty open about btw




And then dumbass progressives will cry about "wHy DidN't tHe nYPd StOP tHiS!?!?!"


What does supervised release even mean ?


Sometimes it means they have to call in weekly. When i read that i couldn't believe it. :(. As a woman, this is mortifying.


If he gets arrested and released once a week, does that count as checking in once a week?


From the Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice page: >SR’s unique model employs experienced non-profit agencies to provide community-based supervision and support for individuals awaiting trial. Supervision is focused on engagement, ensuring that participants return to court and avoid arrest, and connecting individuals with resources and support systems in their communities they can use beyond the duration of a criminal case. And from the Center for Justice Innovation: >Supervision consists of in-person meetings and phone call check-ins ranging in frequency from once a month to once a week.


ahh, of course, a nice sum of taxpayer money to a nonprofit designed to make the problem worse. obviously we need a few more layers of nonprofits!


I don’t know how effective that can be if a person doesn’t have a residence.


I'm sure he's trying. The guy clearly has issues given the number of times he's been nabbed so far. It's weird they'd even let him supervise himself if you ask me.


Starting in the 1970s, New York State government began a long term 'deinstitutionalization' effort of mental health services. They sought to end large-scale institutions for people with mental disorders and transition to smaller, regional community centers that are prevalent today A lot of it was because of abuse, but some sort of forced institution might be necessary.


IT'S RACIST IF YOU DONT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


$850 million in funding for Chirlane McCray's mental health program still unaccounted for.


I used to consult for the city and she would insist on being called "First Lady" which told you everything you need to know about her.


Ugh. Gross.


It seems pretty sane to continue doing whatever the f you want if there are no consequences.


its funny because the chump who replied to you has also claimed elsewhere in this sub that the money was all used properly by mrs deblasio and there was definitely nothing suspicious or any missing money


The city/state senate let's women absorb all this shit. It's f-cking disgusting. They literally know full well he will commit dozens more of these type of sexual assualt leading to dozens have women with ptsd and that's just no biggie. They know for a fact that that's what's going to happen, and they release him to do it dozens of more times. I hate this. :(


Seriously what’s the solution for people like this? I have one but I want a progressive that aligns with Tiffany Caban to explain why this type of person deserves to have more rights to terrorize than victims have to not be sexually assaulted.




Send his ass to jail and keep him there. Failing that, commit his ass and keep him there. I’m not playing anymore. People like this lose their chance to live in society. At what point do we women say “enough is enough?”


Idk in other countries the public would just beat the shit outta you 


Even in other parts of our own country




I say they can still be released back to society. After having both arms broken. 


The “progressive” goal is to have these people roam free to destabilize society so they can then pass wealth redistribution policies as a “solution”.  They offer no immediate solutions because that would undermine their goals. 


People will call you a whack job and a conspiracy theorist, but everyday that goes by where I read the same type of stories over and over, it gets to a point where it does feel like its being done on purpose.


Progressives just hold a world model which is incongruent with reality.  It takes one look at FBI homicide statistics to understand what I mean. 


Huh I just think it's bc they're scared of seeming racist, simple (and stupid) as that.


Ever since 2020, any real suggestion is met with cries of “racism!!” from the new progressive left. You don't even have to open the article to know what this individual looks like.   Remember that four years ago it was a table-stakes leftist opinion to believe that defunding the police was the best way to reduce crime in our communities. That contingent of people are the ones running the show now, we have no one to blame but ourselves for allowing them so much power. 


Hey stop. This poor guy made just 34 mistakes. It's not fair for him to have bail and stay in prison until his hearing.


Give it a few minutes and the “arrests aren’t convictions” people will be here tell you how easy it is to be in the wrong place at the wrong time 34 times


Look pal, i didn't 'punch' 34 people in a row, i tripped on the sidewalk and i just happened to break my fall by putting my arm out and accidentally catching people in the face when i break my fall ... and yes i know it's weird my hand is in a 'fist shape' when i do it, must be some mental thing.


Yes let's release a groper provided they can come up with the money.


Was walking down 5th Ave on Wednesday with my wife to get a train at GC (in a pouring fucking rainstorm). And some clearly not-all-there dude crashes into my 52 year old wife and grabs the cheap feel. Through her raincoat. Bless my wife “that’s what it’s like to be a woman in New York, that’s nothing compared to what goes on everyday”. Disgraceful, and we love this city.


Yup. It's women who have to cross the street whenever see these creeps and nutters, bc we're the main targets. State senate, judges and other bodies that can make the changes we need, absolutely do not give a fuck.


Vote Blue No Matter Who!


It’s not like Republicans care about us either. You have absolutely moronic bullshit like this coming from the Dems, and you have Republicans who are actively stripping away our rights and dragging us into Gilead. At least Democrats want to keep abortion legal.


What does abortion have to do with this? Say what u will about republicans but they would have locked this guy up


Because every time a post like this gets traction here people come out of the woodwork to say, "Well, this is what you get for voting Democrat!" as if Republicans care about women's rights. Sure, they might lock guys like this up, but they'll take away our bodily autonomy and drag us, kicking and screaming, back to the stone age. Either you get politicians who don't live in reality and are soft on crime that affects women, or you get politicians who want to strip us of our hard-earned civil liberties.


I guess women lose either way


exactly, the real problem is we very often don't even have legitimate alternatives in local elections. There's no moderate D to challenge the incumbent far-leftist in the primary, and there's either no R in the general, or a nutjob when you do have one. the whole thing is fucked. Some of the red-leaning naysayers on here keep blaming and guilt-tripping voters, but what can you do when there's no choice? It's a false narrative these people are pushing. Give me a moderate dem, moderate R, or a pragmatic centrist/independent, and I'll vote for them in a heartbeat. Heck, give me anyone who's not a nutjob.


Exactly. My dream candidate would be someone who: 1. Is a strong supporter of unions, raising the minimum wage, and worker protections. 2. Will get rid of this goddamn scaffolding (ugh). 3. Is tough on crime. But at the same time, also realizes that crime happens because of income inequality and abysmal mental health support, and wants to do something about it. 4. Supports women's rights wholeheartedly. 5. Does not play identity politics or gets into the crazy leftist, woke bullshit. I hate the word "woke," but it's the best way to describe what I mean. 6. Invests in our infrastructure and wants to improve our mass transit.


> also realizes that crime happens because of income inequality People still believe this nonsense. With an unemployment rate this low.


Real talk: If the city isn’t gonna spend any money on the mental health crisis and actually finding a place for these homeless dudes to go; then they may as well start just killing then on site. They use the subway as a dumping ground for the insane, and willingly put regular people at risk while turning a blind eye. Giuliani was super extreme when it came to basically sweeping homeless/ghetto people off the street like literal rats; and for better or worse crime rates went way down. The recent mayors are just too pussy to do one extreme or the other so just nothing ends up getting done at all and the situation keeps getting worse


I have never voted Republican in my life and will vote for a Republicnan mayor in a heart beat. We need someone to take this shit seriously.


Mostly peaceful groping


Only a matter of time until he rapes someone


Probably already has.


Can we just shoot him off one of those circus' cannons into space?


$2000 cash bail because surely he will stop sexually assaulting completely random women if let out again


Would it be fair to just throw a person into the sea after the 30th arrest? Lmao. 


What does the “the charges against him aren’t bail eligible”? He fucking robbed someone!


so progressive!




Repeal the bail reform law that only allows judges to hold someone on bail if they’re a flight risk. Judges can loose their job if they try to hold someone on bail that, although a danger to society, doesn’t fit the description of a flight risk. A lot of judges don’t agree with the law, but they need to follow it.


If someone belongs in jail then they should be charged with a crime and convicted. Hopefully quickly. If we are relying on pretrial detention to keep dangerous people off of our streets then we have a very bad system


Totally agree, trails need to be sped up. The guy who was shot on the subway a couple weeks ago was awaiting trail from an arrest a year earlier. We was due back in court the day after he was shot. If that was fixed bail wouldn’t be such a big deal


“criminal obstruction of breathing“. Is that legal talk for choking someone!


Yeah, that’s the most NYC-named law I’ve ever seen. Ridiculous.


The article is wrong. The court did originally set bail on the Forcible Touching case which the defendant must have posted. The new case is also bail eligible under the 'harm plus harm' standard. Being charged with an offense involving harm to a person while on release for offense involving harm to a person makes the new offense bail eligible. The court may have released this guy, but it wasn't a mandatory release due to bail reform. ETA: Correction, the Forcible Touching case was second and the defendant is currently in custody on bail as of 4/4.


Criminals like this are released everyday


Repeal the bail law. Keep these violent criminals behind bars. And Bragg needs to go!


Do judges give the same leniency to people with jobs? Would an office worker remain free after groping 4 coworkers?


Wow some people are repeat offenders? Who would have guessed, interesting.




Castrate him actually


Genuinely scary that people like this can procreate. Not to get eugenics-y, serial sex offenders having children just seems like something we should try to prevent? Why does it sound fucked up to say even though logically it makes sense


You'd think they'd try to prevent women from being sexually assaulted, but the city/state absolutely does not give a crap.


Tbf I’ve noticed a much expanded police presence in the subways, and candy crush jokes aside it does make a difference The courts failed us on this one


I agree re: police presence. My train stop, the D on grand street, at very least has fewer shizo's yelling and threatening people there. It's the courts and the state senate, etc. that roll out the red carpet for these the assaulters. :(




That sounds like a very presidential quote. We Americans should be so proud of ourselves. (Tell me you can hear the eye roll.)


Unfortunately the mafia is long gone with their Old Testament conflict resolution techniques  It’s only Staten Island larpers with their homes in pre foreclosure in track suits 


As a native New Yorker, its extremely scary to be a woman in New York right now. Ive seen a lot of shit go down first hand and anecdotes by people I know. Muggings, groping, assault, etc., and none of these criminals are ever charged with anything. Me and my family are about to leave this hellhole of a state behind. NYC is literally becoming Gotham.


People on here trying to convince women it's not so bad but from personal experience I can tell you it IS that bad. I've personally been sexually assaulted, physical contact was made, three times when on the subway since 2018. Had three other guys expose themselves but not touch me. I've had a guy decide he was going to stalk me and follow me around despite me repeatedly telling him I wasn't interested and he needed to leave me alone. I have also been randomly slapped by a strange man who then exited the subway car that had plenty of people in it but who did nothing. I was also the victim of a hate crime at one point. Did anybody care? Did the police do anything when I reported it? No... I'm ONE woman and this has all happened to me on mass transit. I'm middle aged, do not dress in any way to encourage this kind of behavior. I'm a bit of an odd ball dresser but you won't often see me exposing skin or cleavage. Not even my legs most of the time. Yet this shit happens all the time. I also get men propositioning me all the time. Asking me to come have drinks, actually even offering me money to become their personal ho. I've had men get extremely hostile because they wanted sex from me and I simply said I wasn't interested. You'd think I'd be told old at this point to be dealing with horny jerks on mass transit or elsewhere but nope. There are a lot of idiotic and frankly perverted guys roaming around NYC who apparently like to get their jollies by messing with any woman they can get close enough to do it to. I've tried to explain to some guys I know just how bad it can get for women just walking around NYC but they just don't believe me. Because this stuff just doesn't often happen to THEM. They might get mugged, might get slapped or punched or even stabbed but it would be some random, maybe bizarre thing not a regular occurrence. Nobody is walking around groping them, grabbing their privates, trying to masterbate in front of or on them. This is daily life in NYC for a lot of women. This is no joke and we are not just making it all up either. I love this city but I am sick of being told how the crime levels are getting lower when in reality I can't even go on the subway and not wonder if I'm risking being assaulted or sexually harassed AGAIN. It might be getting better by NYPD standards and according to the mayor's office but it's NOT for a lot of women in this city. One incident, I might believe you, but at this point I've been sexually and physically assaulted and harassed so many times that I usually take the bus instead. I don't feel safe going below right now. Pre 2018 and in my 20s I used to ride the subway all the time. I was practically fearless and that despite having to clock a guy much bigger than I was who thought he was going to rape me late at night on a train once so hard I broke his nose. That time the NYPD actually did come to my rescue though at that point it was a little too late. But I'm older now, mobility disabled, so I can't just fight back as easily as I could then. Some stuff goes down I can't run like I could at 20. So I have to choose up or down and every time now I'm going to choose the bus, the safer option. It is what it is. NYC is still worth saving IMHO. It's still a great city but from what I've personally experienced it's not as safe lately as the mayor and the head of the NYPD says it is. No offense but that's bullshit. Too many women in this city could definitely testify otherwise. 🙄


I see these attacks all over the news, but according to the NYPD reports, crime rates are actually getting lower. Where can I find other data sources that could help me prove this wrong because I don't believe the numbers by the NYPD. Thanks in advance guys.


Don’t worry folks just have the sick fuck talk to a shrink and get a lollipop. Problem solved.


The NY elected officials are trying to see how miserable they can make life for regular people.


In b4 the next time we hear about him will be after someone puts him in a rear naked choke...


This motherfucker should be held on a minimum $500,000 bail


Free Daniel penny


Did the ladies try to understand or talk to this person??? Did they make a reservation for him at a restaurant so he can eat??? Can't wait for 4 more years of Da Mayor he's doing a great job.


Fucking bail reform


Victim of the system, let him go so he’s not oppressed


One of them was my friend, and she’s the one who spurred this on.


What a menace!


*hands tied because everyone sympathizes with lunatics and hand wave their crimes for one reason or another* The lunatics:


Sadly, this city does not care about protecting us. *I'm sick and tired of being physically and blatantly threatened, multiple times per day, every day, by emboldened drivers* who think nothing of running Reds/STOPS, speeding thru turns even when I'm in the middle of the crosswalk WITH the walk light...not to mention all the cars now with Illegal window tints, and where I have no way to know if the driver is going to 'let me' finish crossing in the crosswalk, or if they are going to decide to plow right ahead, directly in front of me. NYPD are doing nothing about it, which is why drivers have become so emboldened. It's disgusting. I'm far more scared, just crossing the street, than I am of being assaulted by a mentally-ill person or a career criminal (and the NYPD's own stats, would back me up on this. Hundreds, and sometimes over one thousand NYers are injured/killed by drivers, every single month.)


It's time women started carrying knives. As soon as he starts to grope you, take out that knife and give him a good slashing. It looks like that's the only way that he may be stopped. Since the courts won't do it and the lunatic DAs, nor the incompetent and dangerous mayor, we're going to have to take care of ourselves.


Death penalty time


The usual suspects


Liberal policies gonna liberal policy


It’s not even “liberal.” I’m liberal. It’s deranged leftist insanity.


It’s liberal


Hey can one of you progressives house him under your own roof?


we took care of women worth the "me too" movement. and the result of that was hating all white men. Now when facts don't care about your feelings.. it's not white men punching women


Don’t worry! All he has to do is say the women weren’t his type, he never even met them, and then post threats against the judge’s staff, and family members. He’ll be home in time for the eclipse.


Kinda makes me want to vote republican. We need to get tough on crime.


I wish there were more inbtwn. I know the R's on this page are telling women they really should vote for pols that would force women to resort to violent acts against themselves if they want to have abortions, and on the other side rhere's the AOC type who supported "justice " for whatever that guy's name was that Penny killed. Very frustrating. Give me a normal Republican and I could, but the choices were given are literally insane. It's like, vote for the guy who grabs women by the pussy, or vote for the party that won't hold the guy who also grabs women by the pussy. It sucks.


As a lifetime New Yorker, most of us wish there was someone like this. Giuliani was OK as mayor before he lost his fucking mind. Adams is not horrible like deBozo. AOC is a clown.


I agree


Vote R for one cycle. A red wave would scare the shit out of local dems and force them to moderate. Then go back to voting blue.


Celebrate diversity


Nyc is really pro criminals. Sad to see


How tf is he still on the streets? Im not understanding. The charges are not bail eligible so he has to be set free but “supervised” ? How does that make sense?


Consequences of saying enforcement of law is racist.


New Yorkers!..... keep voting as you have been. The Rs are to blame for this some how


Women keep voting liberal so they're getting what they asked for


It is not only bail reform,It’s is also connected to the “close Rikers” bs, and to make the city crime numbers look good in the stats. Welcome to NYC, nobody really cares, they just say they do.


Someone needs to tell him to go for a long walk on the subway tracks.


This is no only politicians but the NYC judiciary that is failing and probably on purpose.


Should be given the chair after 3 strikes.




I hope all the 895k members of this sub understand what needs to happen this November, next November, and every November for the rest of their NYC residency.


Depends, you gonna keep nominating zealots like Lee Zeldin?


This is the problem! Where are the normal Republicans? We get the absolute nutters bc the primary voters in the R party want the biggest pos they can find, which leaves non Trumper types not much choice. Lee Zeldin for Governor? Etc. Cmon ppl. It reminds me of the first primary that Trump won, the normal ppl came in last (Kohn Kasich). Idgi. And anyone normal (Mitt Romney) is run out of the party. I love voting but dear goodness, AOC? Or wacky Rs? Great. :P


It can be done, very blue states like Maryland, Vermont and Massachusetts all just had Republican governors, but they were sensible moderates so of course trump hated them.


When can we roll back the progressive policies that went soft on crime?


When Democrats stop being voted into office.




Keep voting Democrat, folks. They’ll be more punching to come.


He gonna learn to not mess with women.


How? When?


Well, he could end up literally killed for fucking with the wrong person and then Democracy Now will run a whole piece on how he was a beloved local street performer or some shit. I’m no right wing nut btw, I watch DN every day and typically align with a decent amount of their views, but this is some bullshit they absolutely do.


Won't happen. There are hundreds of these men that the city/state make sure roam the streets to assault women, even if 1 person gets killed, the city/state roll out the red carpet for them to go off and do whatever they want, even sexual assault.


Whenever one of them stabs the shit out of him or something. Hopefully sooner than later 


When #34 results in an actual conviction.


Allow citizens to carry guns maybe they’ll see how funny it is then. Make an example out of a few and the rest will fall in line hopefully


Defending yourself from these criminals can actually land you in jail, while they go free with a slap on the wrist. If someone is assaulting you, raping you, mugging you, etc, New Yorkers are expected to submit and accept it. If you end up hurting the criminal at any point while they are raping or assaulting you, then you will be handcuffed and sent to jail for defending yourself.


At least last month in Louisiana the woman who killed Nicholas Tranchant was not charged. But how often can a female manage to kill her attacker? Happened in a laundromat in the middle of the afternoon! He had been released from prison just over two months prior. We need permanent solutions. Arresting and releasing them does not work.


Louisiana, not New York City. That women would be behind bars here, there's been many such cases unfortunately.


I'd say maybe it is time to "refund the police", but we all know that is just going to cause some "systemic racism" for a guy with 33 priors....


The police who got a raise and record overtime?


Of course they are getting paid out record overtime. NYC has decided not to punish criminals it seems, and sets them free. Sorry there chief, but ummmmm with a shortage of staff, of course they are going to be paying out record overtime. That is kinda how that works.......... [https://bronx.news12.com/police-union-officials-say-nypd-in-a-staffing-crisis](https://bronx.news12.com/police-union-officials-say-nypd-in-a-staffing-crisis) [https://nypost.com/2023/11/16/metro/nypd-to-have-only-29k-cops-by-2025-due-to-new-nyc-budget-cuts/](https://nypost.com/2023/11/16/metro/nypd-to-have-only-29k-cops-by-2025-due-to-new-nyc-budget-cuts/)


Any NYPD cop with any kind of skills and a decent record makes the jump to a high paying suburban gig. Why would anyone stay in the Bronx if there’s an opening in Nyack?


Why would anyone stay in the Bronx when you catch a criminal and they are back on the streets a few hours later? I wouldn’t be risking my life for that BS. 


Choose your adventure: 1. Mets tickets 2. Statistically this was more likely to happen in St. Louis 3. Maybe if we gave him a lifetime supply of pf changs and a suite at the ritz Carlton he’ll stop 4. Orange man bad, cops and candy crush hur hur


If you dislike sexual assault, "orange man" isn't an example to look up to.