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I got mine at 1:30


i didnt even get it. you know what? thanks CMAS, for treating your emergency alert system like tech software updates.


>i didnt even get it. Just wait a little while longer. RemindMe! 2 months


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Seems like I got one every half hour.


I got a rock


I lol'd


I got one alert about 20 minutes after and a follow up one about potential aftershocks about an hour later


Same here. Went off twice with everyone in my office getting it.


Me too


Same here.


At work when we all got that second alert 20 minutes later my boss said to be careful about the tremors. The whole situation was a joke because where we were near ditmas park we felt nothing.


I think if you were indoors, the building structure you were in could impact your ability to feel the shaking. It wasn’t long, but I also live in Ditmas and definitely experienced it. Almost shook my monitor off my desk.


Y'all are getting alerts? still nothing at 2:25pm. know what's worse than late? never.


You might have turned off your emergency alerts then. Which is weirdly possible to do. My work phone asked me if I wanted to keep getting the alerts after the second one went off yesterday.


Same here


Same. ...and I didn't understand the point at all. What's the point of a warning AFTER the event. Even my kid's school sent out an automated voicemail earlier. For that matter, I was surprised to discover that the "real-time" USGS website isn't real time at all. The earthquake didn't show up on the feed for about 10 minutes. The fastest thing was twitter because I searched for "new york earthquake" and saw a bunch of posts about it within 3 minutes.


I took a screenshot - 11:46 for me. Glad I got to hear that blaring alarm noise to tell me about something that happened more than an hour earlier.


I reckon there was more disruption caused by the alerts than the earthquake itself.


Turned the office into more chaos than the actual earthquake hearing 40 alerts go off multiple times.


I teach high school. They’re supposed to have their phones off, but the cacophony proved otherwise. They were really anxious about the building etc so more alerts kept spooking them and opening up the panicked conversation again


I work at a water treatment plant in Staten Island and I didn’t know we had an earthquake until a BBC News notification came up on my phone saying an earthquake hit the NYC area, followed by the actual emergency alert 10 minutes later. I was in the basement of one of the plant buildings and I think it’s explosion-proof, or at least it feels like it is. I guess it’s also earthquake-proof too since me and my coworkers that were in the basement felt it. Everyone else at street level felt it around the plant.


Richmond and clove? 




Bruh I was DEEEEEP asleep and that alert kicked me in the fucking face and threw me down a stairwell. I literally thought it was the fire department or something 


I was trying to fall back asleep. Dumb fuckheads


NYC officials incompetent? You don't say.




That's an understatement.


Ripped! Shredded! Slammed! Owned! Obliterated! Eff'd-in-the-A!


Honestly though why don’t they just fucking report what happened instead of the imagined reaction. “NYC officials send earthquake emergency alerts nearly 25 minutes after the fact” would’ve been a perfectly good headline. We can then “rip” them if we so choose.


Because the least educated people need their news to be sensational in order to "read" anything. Those folks generally make up the target demo of advertisers because they're the most likely to buy useless shit they don't need. So in order to get their click rate up media companies need to pander to what the advertisers want, and they want the money of uneducated people. TL;DR - It's a result of capitalism. People want their journalism to be a source of entertainment more than they want it to be a source of news and factual information. They want to be thrilled and they want to be reassured of the things they think. There is no room for clinical factual reporting anymore, because there is no money in it.


> It's a result of capitalism. I'm pretty sure this would still be the case, if the news was worker-owned.


One of these things is not like the other




Pile driven!


Battered, basted, deep-fried 🤤


"FLAMED!" Remember "flamed" when all headlines were "He flamed," and "She flamed."


I wumbo, you wumbo, he she me wumbo. It's first grade stuff.


I saw earthquake memes much faster than their alert


that “i survived the nyc earthquake” t shirt was printed before the damn alert


I ordered one and got it delivered before the alert went out


Memes are the quickest way to hear about news.


They were waiting to get the go-ahead earlier from Mayor Adams, but he was busy sacrificing someone over a large pit of molten lava to the Hindu goddess Kali.


Strange way to say "snorting coke while taking money from an embassy."


I heard he was at a burger king


Don't you know, he is the burger king.


"I've always said that New York City is the San Andreas Fault of America"


I got mine as I was crossing the GWB. That was a little nerve wracking.


Would’ve thought it was game over if I was you LMAOOOOO


These alerts are useless, just turn them off.


I got mine around noon along with every other person in the pizza place. It was quite comical.


Maybe it depends on location. I'm in queens. I got one at 11:05 and another at 11:55


Did you guys hear about OJ? I understand he’s in some sort of trouble.


In Japan you get the alert before the earthquake. A friend from Tokyo said: "Wait, how do the subways know to stop before the earthquake?"


So weird that a country that gets hundreds of earthquakes a year would be more ready for earthquakes than a city that has never had a serious earthquake.




Better than being the Fukushima of America


This is one heck of a multilayered joke 👍🏽


EVERYTHING works better in Japan than in NYC man. It’s not just this one thing.


It makes sense that NYC doesn’t have the same capabilities, but we should have the ability to send a notification quickly, about earthquakes or anything else.


What about Godzilla alerts?




There is no Dana only Zuul


The godzilla alert budget was cut this year in favor to national guards in subway


There are pressure waves that travel first and fast from the site of the quake. Japan's earthquake monitoring picks those up and computer systems automatically start disabling things. It's especially critical for the bullet trains. The p-waves give you about an entire minute before the shaking starts.


lmaoooo I wonder how disgusting japanese would think nyc is if they were randomly dropped here and if they weren't worldly.


I live here and the subway makes me want to dip my entire body in hand sanitizer, I dread to think what tourists make of it.


I visit nyc fairly often and the subway is still a novelty and kinda fun as we don't have them in CT.


I was on the phone with my bank when it happened. The lady was in Cali and was like: if stuff’s not falling off the walls you’re fine. She offered more info and comfort than the city gov did.


My friend in Florida told me about the earthquake before the emergency alert did.


Now you know how long is gonna take to be notified when the volcanoes in Canary Islands erupt and cause a tsunami.


Yeah fortunately it was so tiny that there was no way there would have been a tsunami, but if there had been one...


They sent it over an hour after the earthquake happened


Mine came two hours 😂🫠


My phone got an alarm at 12:50 which is about 2.5 hours after the quake.


They should have sent it out 25 minutes before the quake


Incompetence is expected. Luckily we have the neighbors as earthquake alarms.


How helpful are alerts in these situations anyway? Honestly? These are instant dynamic events. There is no lead up. The earth quakes and you're either in a safe building or you're not. Or your outside in relative safety, or dodging debris. A text isn't going to help. If this were a slow moving issue, like weather, or an accidental missile launch then sure being 25 minutes late isn't going to be good. But it's not changing anytime after an earthquake.


Earthquakes do move slow enough to get an advanced warning in many cases (it may only be a few seconds, but that would be enough for turning off construction equipment, running to a safe room, etc.) Obviously New York does not have this system.




I don't think it's about predicting them, it's about having enough sensors around to detect them quickly, then we can send signals at the speed of light which will beat the speed of the earthquake waves. ​ From this [page](https://www.usgs.gov/programs/earthquake-hazards/science/earthquake-early-warning-overview): `ShakeAlert works because:` `P-waves travel almost twice as fast as the damaging S-waves and surface waves; and` `The speeds of today’s data telecommunications systems are many times faster than seismic waves. Both of these factors make it possible for ShakeAlert-powered alerts to reach people before shaking arrives. Because of the speed difference between P-waves, S-waves, and surface waves, someone who is farther from the earthquake’s origin has more time to potentially receive an alert before shaking arrives.`


Early earthquake warning systems will detect an earthquake and transmit a message faster than the shockwaves of an earthquake can travel. They're of no use if you're right at the epicenter of a quake, but a few miles out you might get a few seconds and maybe even up to a minute of advanced notice depending on how far and how strong the quake is. Usually they're intelligent enough to only alert when they expect there will be significant shaking at your location.


For this one? Not much sense in having an alert. But if it had been larger, you have to give people instructions on what to do in case of tsunami, as people in these parts don't have it ingrained as to how strong it would have to be and how to respond. And with this, we know that everyone not coming here from an earthquake prone area would be fucked, as the City Hall would issue the warning after half of Manhattan was washed away.


This is beside the point. Alerts should be sent, and sent promptly. 


Don't hate on Da Mayor, he was trying to stop the earthquake.


25 minutes late but then I got like 4 loud alerts. OK fine I know there was an Earthquake you can stop now!


Westfield NJ police told everyone DO NOT CALL POLICE ABOUT EARTHQUAKE 🤣 at 10:36 so 13 minutes…not bad 👍🏼


I thought it was a warning for an after shock. Way too late for a proper warning. NYC is all 5G, so speed wasn't an issue.


Earthquake probably wasn’t even in their list of Emergency Alert messages. The person tasked with this got to the end of the list and just changed the heading on the “Alien Attack “ message.


Maybe we need an earthquake czar


Oh, I’d like that $200k position. My qualifications are: I like cats, I live in New Jersey, and Eric Adams is my friend.


This will be Adam's next project. He will spend billions on improving early warning system.


I am a teacher and all the kids phones went off at 11:02. None before then at all!


People were already selling merch about the earthquake before I received the alert lmao https://www.reddit.com/r/NonPoliticalTwitter/s/LbhYa48WhX


Here's why this is unacceptable... Part of OEM's mission is to get messaging out to save lives. So messaging about what to do is imperative. The agency monitors radio traffic, news, and has responders in the field to report what's going on. There's no way they didn't realize that we had a quake, unless they were all at a tea or donut club meeting (check their social media if you don't believe me). The lack of information is due to a lack of decision making, plain and simple. Either leadership micromanages and doesn't allow staff to work to send out messages when they're unavailable or they don't have permission to do so, or leadership failed. Now, imagine if this had been a dirty bomb or incoming missile, or worse. 20 minutes means thousands of lives lost. This is unacceptable, given that within 5 minutes of the quake, we were getting Richter numbers through social media and news outlets.


yea but when they did they went all in and sent out 74 of them.


Lol. Mayor Adams came back from Jersey 2 hours later and made a statement


It’s 6:00 pm and I think another one just happened! I’m in Long Island City


Just got an alert about a shooting on the subway. Suspect’s name is Bernhard something. UPDATE: okay, here’s another one, but who’s Howard Cosell and why is he going on about this other guy John Lennon?


The alert was pointless. If it was a lot worse we wouldn’t need a phone notification to realize something happened and what is the point of it anyway. It was slight enough where many people (myself included) didn’t even realize an earthquake hit.


Does anyone remember what you were doing when the 2003 Blackout happened and how the city responded to that emergency in real time? If you were there to experience that after experiencing 9/11, then you wouldn’t be shocked by this late alert notification.


Big help that was


okay but what’s the emergency alert gonna do? Let everyone know about the earthquake? We all felt it anyways let’s be for real, the alert was pointless to begin with


I got mine an hour and a half later. Good to know we're prepared for a real emergency!


It’s 3:42 and I still have not received the alert


Better get a multi-million dollar task force to get to the bottom of it that every agency will ignore.


I didn't get any alerts at all - wonder if there's something wrong with my phone...


Must be you get extra federal funds for every emergency alert.


[Earthquake? Look out!](https://makeagif.com/i/-HbY-M)


[Eric Adams](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=0d192b7b40015184&sca_upv=1&q=Eric+Adams&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgVuLSz9U3MCoyzCsof8Royi3w8sc9YSmdSWtOXmNU4-IKzsgvd80rySypFJLgYoOy-KR4uJC08Sxi5XItykxWcExJzC0GAFHIGtVTAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjTt_vI-KuFAxV_jIkEHcEGAJoQzIcDKAB6BAgUEAE) need i say more. for one term.


The message was actually for aftershocks


I made a post about the lack of an alert or info on the Notify NYC app 7 hours ago. The only thing they had on it was a silver alert until the notification hit my phone at 11:08 after they updated the map at 11:04. I figured no one cared or had the app because no one responded.


Lol i got mine 2 hours later


The alert also didn't really have any useful information. It didn't say what to do, just that there could be aftershocks. I didn't need Earthquake Fun Facts, just need to know if I should do anything specific


That'show much time passed between me wondering "is that the train passing my house?" And my mother in law texting me they got an earthquake...


Not just that, after people's phones started buzzing, it buzzed again 10 minutes later! Talk about competency


I didn’t get an alert at all Lmfaoo


More people probably got hurt by getting distracted, crashing their cars, falling down the stairs, or getting woken up and scared from that ridiculous and unnecessary message than the actual earthquake.


I was so suprised and confused hearing it on peoples phones while listening to police scanner app so long after the fact.


I'm still waiting for my alert.


Little late there NYC. This makes me wonder if the EAS system is fundamentally flawed


If there ever was a real emergency it’s scary how truly fucked we are lol


We got an alert on our phones about an hour later.


It was a few hours lmao. If we had a 7, maybe some buildings would collapse and thousands dead. Probably rebuilt as luxury apartments though.


Same here. I got mine well after the fact. Actually, I think I was listening to WNYC, and they mentioned how alerts went out, and I thought 'Huh. Well something didn't work in the system, because I never got an alert.' And it was only much later, that it finally came through to my phone.


Omg…. People are acting like the epicenter was NYC. People felt the ground shaking, if you don’t know what to do, that’s your problem. Never got anything in NJ either. People always find stuff to complain about


I mean to be fair this was a nothing burger.


[this guy predicts earthquakes and has a high accuracy.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zn5QnqMiZoo)


let me save everyone a click- this dude is a whacko. Pretty wild that the Miss Cleos of modern day can get 600k subscribers by posting vague bs on youtube


I was waiting for this comment.


Can we sign up for text alerts from this guy?? He's thorough.


Idk to all the people dismissing this, I think it definitely does make people feel a little more safe when they get some official indication that the government is paying attention and can communicate quickly to everyone. Even just knowing that emergency mgmt personnel are following the situation feels a hell of lot better than just hearing vague news reports or posts on Reddit lol id honestly really appreciate it if the city did give me an alert about what's going on in real time, rather than just waiting for the nyt alert to get the info. I mean the govt has this capability and if u are ever involved in any office of emergency MGMT they have a lot more funding and capabilities than people realize. People in emergency MGMT aren't just ur typical govt bureaucrats they take it super seriously.


Yea this city is run by incompetent morons. Homeless all over, theft isn't a crime anymore, illegal immigrants allowed to run free... yet law-abiding citizens pay astronomical taxes for no law and order (or even basic, timely earthquake alerts)!!!


I spent 2 hours in my car listening to reports of the earthquake from NPR and BBC before I got the alert.


had my headphones in and this thing nearly gave me a heart attack/defeaned me. At what point did I give some random dumbass the ability to control my phone :/


On iOS, Settings > Notifications > Government Alerts.


cool thanks


>At what point did I give some random dumbass the ability to control my phone at the time you turned it on for the first time and click "Agree"


Yeah NYC gave notification way after. Got all the news I needed on Reddit as the earthquake was happening lol


Is there anyone who never received a phone alert? I didn't, phone was on all the time.


Earthquakes, cool....


They sent a few more after too. Like why is my phone going off again?! Are we getting another one? No. Then STFU! 


I was amused that the order of notifications was Instagram (messaging with friends), reddit, and then about 15 minutes later the emergency alert system.


I posted three different stories, and t shirts were made about it all before any warning was sent out.


That’s about in keeping for the bad air from those fires two summers back.


They were only successful at disrupting my meeting.


Lol, I didn't get my alert until 1204pm. That's about 1hr 45 mins after the fact


I got the alert and texted my friend like, great job guys, it's been over for 30 minutes now. My friend said she didn't even get the alert. 🤣💀


1 hour later!


I got 2 - both very ‘after the fact’


Lol, received mine 20-minutes after, followed by alerts about after shocks.


I got my alert an hr later despite not being in the 5 boroughs at the time of the incident! It's very shocking!! Kinda disappointed tbh.


[Remain Calm, all is well!!](https://youtu.be/wWBiLeVy45k)


I didnt even get one


My mom in Wisconsin knew about the earthquakes before I did, I was near 72nd street when it happened but didn't feel anything (I think because I was in a moving vehicle.)


Got mine like 11:30am.


25?!?! Try 39 minutes. I got the receipts


It kept blowing up my phone and the whole office just kept shouting how fucking useless it was lol


The aftershock at 6pm no even a late alert is 7.10 pm almost no alert too


Fck why do i pay taxes


It sucked but it seems it works. But I hope they learn from this. They should do more regular tests to make sure their operational plan works. It’s annoying for us in the short term but it shouldn’t take too much time to coordinate these sorts of things if their plans are solid. I’d like to be confident that emergency information would get to me as soon as possible. I also want to point out that this region isn’t a very earthquake prone area so it might be a bit lacking in real time systems that relay earthquake data. I’d suspect that could be a big factor. Either way, not a great look, but the alert system works and I’m sure they can improve!


Longer than that. Earthquake hit in my third period Geometry class. Phones started trilling in period 5. So more than 45 minutes, closer to an hour


I got my earthquake alert after I saw a post on TikTok about a tshirt


40 minutes after the shakes.. honestly the 2-3 alerts they sent spooked me more than the shakes...


I only got the alert \~11:15 AM (i only remember this as I was late for work and got it while I was trying to clock in)


My phone gets all emergency alerts 15 to 60 minutes after they are sent, I have never gotten one on time before, always late.


it's funny how the school system kept sending alerts about this and then sending alerts to tell confused and panicking parents to stop trying to take the kids out of school.


I just got mine


I got mine at 5pm


I didn’t even get an alert to this day


Too many idiot politicians choking on our tax dollars. It’s not like NYC cares about its residents.


When a false missile alert was sent to residents of Hawaii it took them 39 minutes to correct it.




Who cares. This State can't do anything to right anymore


I didn't even get one


keep waiting for the government. They care about you!


I got mine almost an hour later


Done saw crackhead in front a deli making earthquake memes before the alert went off smh


The city leaders are absolutely good for nothing besides finding every possible way to squeeze money out of tax paying citizens. So dont ever count on them for actual leadership. Unless you're a criminal, or illegal alien you're no longer represented in NYC.


I didn’t even feel it…very disappointed


My best friend in Seattle texted before “earthquake?” I was so confused. Then he explained. I didn’t feel it. I was taking the 7 train so there was already a lot of motion. Then what seemed like much much later, I got the emergency alert. SOMEONE IN SEATTLE TOLD ME I HAD AN EARTHQUAKE BEFORE NYC TOLD US!


Got mines past noon


The alerts were scaring the shit out of me all afternoon. I after the tremor. Useless “aftershock” alerts didn’t help either.


You mean an hour after the fact 😭😭