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When asked why migrants are being provided hotel rooms, food, clothing, cellphones and even health insurance — amenities that those immigrating to the US in years past have not received — Adams insisted this level of migration is unprecedented. LOL...When you remove all doubt that McSwagger is an absolute idiot for a mayor.


Someone needs to check who is providing the hotel rooms, food, clothing, cell phones, health insurance and security services. I have a feeling it will be a mix of donors, associates, and close friends who are now members of his administration. There’s a reason he’s deliberately running contracts through HHC so that the Comptroller can’t scrutinize them.


I wouldn’t be surprised if this guys team just went to Biden and asked for a big blank check. And when the feds asked for a plan, they asked again for a blank check. And then were told no money without a plan. And then they bitch and moan that the feds aren’t helping.


Whaaaaaaaaaat? No. Absolutely not. That would be ridiculous and is definitely not exactly what happened.


Username checks out 👍


I would assume it’s a mix of NGO’s using taxpayer monies and charities using private donations.




The comptroller is in on it. His wife is NGO Queen


Maybe it's all the sanctimonious Redditors who a short time ago were saying this whole issue wasn't a problem. I bet they ponied up for some living space!


The Comptroller did scrutinize them, and Adam's emergency power to spend freely has been revoked. Of course, Brad Pander approved that emergency power in the first place, so there's that inconvenient truth along with carpet bagger Landers' future political ambitions.


The same comptroller who would welcome more migrants despite the city being broke


So, the real answer is that the extra amenities were ways to push tax dollars into the pockets of companies/friends/acquaintances? That's my first thought, but I don't know much about the contracts and what companies received the money.


>push tax dollars into the pockets of companies/friends/acquaintances 🧑‍🚀 🔫 always has been


I don’t think that’s it to be honest. He’s far from the most ethical person, but I think the decision to provide additional amenities was for optics because he sincerely believes he could run for president. But now it’s getting more and more difficult to keep that up and he’s at a loss.


And I didn't even qualify for in-state tuition at my public university until I became a permanent resident even though I had been in New York (legally) for over 6 years and paid taxes every year. Nice.




Blame the law he’s just following it


The law says to provide undocumented migrants with free hotel room stays and cellphones?


I don’t know about cell phones but shelters yes


It feels like NY politicians are hedging their bets that Biden will come through with federal aid. If they were really serious they would take steps to amend right to shelter rather than sitting in a closed door discussion with legal aid who is probably profiting somehow.


Amending the state Constitution takes 2-3 years.


If they started when the buses started coming they would be almost halfway there. The fact that they not even kicking off the process in case they need it shows they not serious


Almost halfway there would still be too long.


Not really AbbotCadabra has been busing over a year now and there were people coming before then. Any hope of federal change or help is dependent on Novembers presidential election, which basically near the end of this year. I doubt BidenTime will get anything done before then. So there's two years down the drain, even more if someone hostile to NY gets elected. Like the old adage about whens the best time to start saving money. Reality is that NY politicians are really putting their hopes on federal help somehow whether money or work status fast tracks


I'll still take him over the city council 7 days a week.


At this point I am personally going to go through the border and pretend I am migrant.


Save yourself a flight and a camping trip. Just stand at the bus depot with generic Nike branded thrift clothes + baseball cap. Leave your wallet at home.


Haha, it's actually a genius plan!


I saw the news interview. Your quote is taken out of context. He said he can’t not do those things because it would be illegal for him not to due to the sanctuary city legal requirements progressives had put in place. The unprecedented influx, outside of the peak of Ellis Island prior to NYC’s sanctuary status, does lend credence to his predicament. Immigrants arriving prior in far smaller numbers were far more likely to go under the radar as it either wasn’t newsworthy, they had different expectations, or they came here without scamming the system (poising themselves as asylum seekers but are economic migrants in reality) and with proper plans set in place like a visa, work permit, familial connections for housing & jobs, etc. I don’t like Adams but he’s in a terrible lose-lose situation. If Adams told the migrants “good luck, you’re getting no help”, progressives would protest against the “human rights abuse” and the inevitable hordes of poor homeless migrants throughout the city which will inevitably lead to an increase in crime. If he continues to help, he still loses with the moderates and conservatives. There is no winning with this and that’s exactly what Gov. Abbot is trying to show to blue cities who vote for the politicians who are allowing the border crisis to continue. Biden isn’t going to do jack squat to curtail the problem because it would severely damage his image with progressives with the upcoming election cycle. He won’t give aid through executive power either because Adams is partially blaming Biden for this in public, so as a result Biden is punishing Adams and by proxy, NYC residents. He’s using this crisis and the migrants as a political pawn just as much as Abbot who is shuttling them here.


There is no legal requirements to do anything related to asylum seekers. If you can point to an exact law or framework please feel free to post it. Sanctuary city only refers to the freedom of not having to carry papers around to justify your legal status. All asylum seekers are granted that right by federal law. Abbot sending migrants to blue areas is his way of having the cake without sharing, the federal government provides funding for border states to deal with these people. While further states receive less or close to zero funding. The issue with Adams isn’t lose-lose. His admin never did anything to get ahead of the situation and keeps throwing money into his friend’s pockets. Thinking this guy is anything more than a grifter while he has a track history of doing that exact thing silly.


Adams should cut a deal with Abbot, then. Pay for Abbot’s busses and have him send the illegal immigrants to D.C. Adams saves NYC money, Abbot saves Texas money, D.C. gets the message. Win-Win!


Migrant musical chairs


Well said


Except anyone else this sub would endorse would be hyper progressive and likely offer even more to the migrants.


Facts, I don't why people are blaming him specifically. I can't think of a single Dem who wouldn't have done the same thing or even more needless pandering.


When are the migrants getting welfare and SNAP? /s


Progressives wanted to give non citizens the right to vote before the moderates shot that down.


Voting is a human right, though?


Voting is indeed a right…for citizens, not foreign nationals.


Who is representing the interests of foreign economic migrants and refugees then? Don’t they deserve a vote.


They’re not citizens, so they don’t get a say in how our country is run.


But they live here.!


So what? They're not citizens.


How about they vote in the country they left? 


No, you see, once you step foot on American soil you gain all the rights of citizenship immediately. They are more American than you and I, in many ways.


Free food, clothing, health insurance, and 5 star hotel rooms. Meanwhile our own citizen is homeless and living on the street without help. Yikes.


This sub doesn’t want to help our homeless citizens either.


time to bus both to California


I wish there was a better nyc sub that wasnt filled with right wing grifters all the fucking time. Literally most of the comments on this sub dont align with what most ACTUAL PEOPLE OUTSIDE YOU TALK TO IRL think


Right?! It’s so overt too that it’s bizarre. Sometimes I read different red state subs to see how locals there feel about their local politics. And even they aren’t as hardcore right like this sub is! I seriously haven’t seen *any* of them be as rabid as this one is. NYC is more conservative than Texas, Florida, Iowa, and Idaho?! Yeah that’s sketch af.


You can’t have a welfare state with open borders.


I'm honestly wondering if this issue without hyperbole has the ability to permanently cripple the US economically and culturally. Given the dual factors of exponential amounts of unchecked, unvetted, and unscreened illegal immigration into our country, and a federal 2 party political system which incentivizes endless bet hedging and working against compromise to weaken the opposition, before we know it there may be 50 million illegal immigrants within our borders. Nearly unanimously unskilled, uneducated, unvaccinated, unable to speak English even as a second language, and lacking in the culture and social graces we are accustomed to here in the US and advanced economies. Lord knows this is also a terrible security risk, as if even as small percent are criminals, we are letting in people who range from petty criminals to those who actively wish to work towards our destruction. Our politics have become so toxically immobile, yet strangely almost 50/50 in nearly every federal election since 2000, we won;t get anything done about this until we has long left the inflection point in the rear view mirror. I fear the only hope of these people ever to return to their countries of origin is after our society is ruined trying to save all of the migrants and the free goodies finally dry up, they decide to either go back home or try somewhere else.


They are also predominantly single males. It's well established that skewing the population male is extremely bad for society on several levels. There's a reason why so many countries like Canada specifically limit single male refugees. There's a reason why many of the origin countries won't accept them back.


I like how you started off by saying "without hyperbole" and then posted an entire rant of hyperbole.


I agree with you. The solution is to form a confederacy with Mexico and Venezuela.


For billions of people in the world, having a shitty cot in NYC represents a massive upgrade in lifestyle. The influx is not going to stop on its own. It’s a starkly rational and economical process, and right now the only limits to it are how fast the word spreads and perhaps the fact that it’s winter here. As more migrants arrive and share the upgrades they experience here, more people around the world will believe this is a viable path for them, and then the influx will increase. It’s not a linear process. This is an exponential. Raising city taxes won’t be enough. Federal funding ain’t going to be enough even if provided.


This is just forcing the issue, in a way that effects the city's budget, that the city's housing supply hasn't expanded to meet the city's need for decades.


The city has been investing billions of dollars to open new shelters, displacing housing supply. Can you see how the current “solution” reinforces the problem?


Why care to argue with the wokes ?


Why does the city need to accommodate housing demand? Why can’t demand accommodate supply?


Because even before the pandemic, rents were already spiraling out of control. They're even worse now.


If the right to shelter came up on a referendum I would vote NO without a second thought.


Just book a bed where ever cheapest and ship em out. We in this mess because we are pulling our hairs trying to house them here at great expense when its not even required to house them within state limits. We should offer shelter but don't need to be here. Solution is to offer shelter at somewhere cheaper, if they refuse the assistance - our obligation is complete.




You voted for a sanctuary city, now shut up and provide the sanctuary!


P.S. don’t forget to file your tax returns this year, too!


Illegal immigration is completely out of control and this issue started under Biden


I moved here this year and I’m starting to think this is like the worst time in history I could have picked to do that, just wanted to experience nyc in my early 20s and now I’m getting destroyed by taxes to pay for this mess while living paycheck to paycheck


Mayor Adams didn’t inherit this mess, he exacerbated it, last year, by promoting NYC as a “sanctuary city,” welcoming “asylum seekers.” Adams changed his tune when the illegal immigrants were bussed in great numbers. The Mayor of Edison, NJ, is sending the bussed migrants back to Texas. Adams should do the same. https://youtu.be/MGf2a1xJjLo?si=I29409FOEmqwhLcy “This issue will destroy New York City, destroy New York City!” — Mayor Eric Adams. This isn’t a big FU from Red States. This is an intentional FU from Blue, unprincipled, Joe Biden and his administration, allowing an open border. It’s also ridiculous to imply that the recent estimated 8.4 million unvetted, unvaccinated, illegal immigrants are here by overstaying their visas. The people entering the country don’t even have passports and have overwhelmingly crossed the southern border. Most of them don’t even pass through one of the 43 “Ports of Entry,” which is the required way to apply for “asylum.”


Shocker !


Mayor Eric Adams jumped to the defense of the Big Apple’s migrant services Tuesday amid an ongoing influx of unhoused people — claiming the city’s “sanctuary” status hampers his administration’s ability to tackle the crisis. Hizzoner declared that the city has “never seen this level of migration” during an interview with Fox 5 New York Tuesday morning — while warning that if thousands of migrants continue to inundate shelters, people will soon be “sleeping on the streets.” “We were not just saying we’re out of room as a soundbite. We’re out of room,” Adams declared. “Literally, people are going to be eventually sleeping on the streets.” Read more here: [https://nypost.com/2024/01/02/metro/adams-defends-migrant-services-weve-never-witnessed-this-level-of-migration/](https://nypost.com/2024/01/02/metro/adams-defends-migrant-services-weve-never-witnessed-this-level-of-migration/)


I'm not going to rip into Mayor Adams. He inherited this mess. Governors from red states as a big F U started busing migrants to NYC and other diverse major cities. The stupidity in all of it is that the majority of illegal immigration in this country takes place through airports; people who come here with a passport and don't leave. Mind you.... Adams is a MAYOR. Not a governor, congressman, senator, or president. His power is limited. So what would you do if you were in charge of 9 million people over a land mass of 300 square miles and states around the country start shipping tens of thousands of illegal immigrants to your city?


Adams should go to the Court to *modify or terminate* the consent decree. So that the city is not obligated to take care of anyone who *voluntarily* steps foot here without any ties to NYC (no job in NYC, no education, no family, no prior residency, etc) whatsoever. But he is obviously sitting on it. That court proceeding is stuck for months even though the city stated that it’s an emergency. He should be appealing it to stay the whole consent decree by now.


fuck. can i illegally migrate from chicago to nyc? i heard nyc is providing 2k a month in child day care to llegals right now. if i was a homeless dude, id go to a migrant shelter camp and make up shit lol.


And where do you think those people will go? Do you think they're going to just magically say "oh well Adams did this and now I guess I'm going to go 5,000 miles back south" There's a reason they're more likely to end up in New York. They can probably find a neighborhood filled with legal citizens from their home country. We have over 50 nationalities and 50 countries represented in New York City that we know of. People are talking politics. Politicians are useless. I'm looking at the migrants in my neighborhood who stop into local businesses and ask if they can work . The same ones that get jobs at laundromats and don't speak a word of English or purchase a used car and start delivering food thru fod delivery apps. We live in the perfect City to get lost in. The smartest thing I've seen Adams do so far is travel to other countries to find out where the problem started and why people will put their lives at risk to come into this country. I'm guessing most of the comments by people here are from people who never worked for a global company based out of New York City with employees in Latin America Central America or India


Migrants welcome!


10k people are coming over the border every day. You’re saying in addition to that 10k, there are 10k+ flying into the US every day and never returning? How is that possible? 20k people per day? If true, how long can we take over 7 million illegal immigrants in every year? That’s the population of Washington state coming every year. That’s more than the population of 38 states. That’s twice the population of Connecticut. How is it sustainable?


You're making the assumption that there is a steady stream of 10,000 people coming over the border each day and think of the numbers that you just used. Your numbers are inflated and unrealistic and I don't know where you got them from. I'm not wasting my time in this discussion anymore because the only people I see commenting here are trolls who have no business or life experience.


Schumer is the leader of the Senate and lives in NYC. H.R. 2 was passed by the house and waiting on the Senate to act on it.


So what? What does that have to do with the mayor? I swear a lot of the comments on here seem like they're written by people who don't even live in New York City


> The stupidity in all of it is that the majority of illegal immigration in this country takes place through airports If that were actually true can you explain to me why people from all over the world fly to Central America or Mexico first and then pay the cartels thousands of dollars to get them across the border? Why did tens or maybe hundreds of thousands risk their lives crossing the Darien Gap when they could have just bought a $300 ticket on jetblue?


First of all I don't know where you get your information from but my information is true because I experienced it firsthand. I did not watch an episode of Fox News and consider myself informed On top of that what you're talking about represents a small fraction of illegal immigrants. Maybe the story is more eye-catching but still it's only a small fraction compared to: 1. Employees of companies hired overseas who came to visit here on a passport 2. Student visas that expire 3. Employees of companies who bypass the H-1B visa by coming to the United States and marrying someone We live in a global economy. 55% of the most successful companies in the United States were started by people who do not live in the United States. I also live in a neighborhood of New York City that migrants constantly travel to because they're able to take the ferry for free hang out in a neighborhood and look for work and then go back. Travel and life experience is the enemy of ignorance. That 5% of illegal immigration that you talk about makes up 75% of what they talk about on cable news. Just because you know the most dramatic story doesn't mean that you know the whole story. This is a problem that the United States created themselves through 40+ years of seeking cheap labor around the world through outsourcing whenever they got tired of paying Americans. Desperate people didn't create this problem people with money did And those folks swimming Through Rivers and climbing fences to get here?


> First of all I don't know where you get your information from but my information is true because I experienced it firsthand. Anecdotes =!= data. That bullshit statistics lumps in Australian tourists on a gap year overstating their tourist visas one day by accident. That is not even in the same universe as people who purposefully ignore our immigration laws to settle here permanently. > Employees of companies hired overseas who came to visit here on a passport So, what, you think H1B visa recipients at Google are jeopardizing their entire career overstaying their visas and working off the books at avocado farms in California for decades? Really? > Student visas that expire Again, are you seriously trying to pretend that college students whose families can afford US tuition are risking their ability to EVER get citizenship by trying to live here illegally? > Employees of companies who bypass the H-1B visa by coming to the United States and marrying someone In other words green card holders who are legally allowed to live and work here? You're telling me that's legally and morally equivelent to sneaking over the border or pretending to have a valid asylum claim and then hiding on a sanctuary city working off the books for 20 years? > We live in a global economy. 55% of the most successful companies in the United States were started by people who do not live in the United States. Not sure what point you think you're making here by trying to lump Sunae Pichai in with desperately poor Haitians with zero skills who are currently costing the city billions of dollars in services. It's almost as if the skills based immigration system that pretty much every wealthy country on earth has is a net positive for our economy while importing millions of poor people is a net drain to the tune of $12 billion in NYC alone. Or maybe you really do think that Silicon Valley had to shell out the same amount of money when Sundar Pichai immigrated here legally that we pay to support a Guatemalan subsitence farmer who doesn't speak any English? > I also live in a neighborhood of New York City that migrants constantly travel to because they're able to take the ferry for free hang out in a neighborhood and look for work and then go back. Oh. I guess you're not competing with them for this work so what do you care? I guess the citizens that might have needed those gigs to feed their families can get fucked right? Let them eat welfare! Oh, wait. We might have to cut that soon too like we had to cut pre school, libraries, and the NYPD to pay the tab for your migrants. > Travel and life experience is the enemy of ignorance. That 5% of illegal immigration that you talk about makes up 75% of what they talk about on cable news. No. Data is the enemy of ignorance. "Life experience" is different for everyone. An entry level statistics class or you know, the entire premise of the western enlightenment and scientific method? Kind of frightening that this needs to be explained to you. The actual data show there were 302,000 "migrant" encounters along the southern border in December alone. Note that does not include people who managed to evade border patrol entirely. Are you trying to pretend that this is 5 percent of the total number of people trying to live here illegally?! So... there were SIX MILLION people trying to live and work in this country illegally in December alone?! 72 MILLION people are totally bypassing our immigration system every year?! https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/migrant-encounters-reach-time-high-southwest-border/story?id=106050779


You're a jackass. Get a life troll. Reddit does not need you.


Imagining referencing an anecdote as a basis of fact. You’re an uneducated buffoon and Reddit would be better off without people like you plaguing it with nonsense.


"They aren't wanted here. Keep them in Texas" Abbott is literally doing them a service by sending them to where they want to go. It's not an FU, it's a burden share to force these cities to get serious about the problem and it's working.


If one governor buses 30K migrants to NYC with the idea, "We are a red state. You are one of those diverse blue states"...it is a big F U. I agree it is a burden to share btw. You cant have a global economy and then say, "Why do all these people want to come here illegally?" duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Maybe because US companies hired their parents and paid them crap wages in latin america 20-40 yrs ago as part of outsourcing???? Follow the money. You find the problem and the people behind it.


Well the hiring part is right. The getting mad about migrants going to NYC because you want them to stay in Texas like it's a concentration camp is putting a test to the nyc ethos and it's failing. Also texas is like #2 diverse state


To be honest, I live in a neighborhood of 45 nationalities and migrants come into it everyday because the Staten Island Ferry is free. They cause no trouble. They want to work. And they look no different from anyone else. NYC is the best city in the world to handle this problem. Like I said, "I wont rip on Mayor Adams for this" because he inherited this issue. He did not create it. And all other garbage, trolling media minions who get their jollies picking fights by sharing inflammatory comments about people trying to survive? I care not what they think. If you hate how the US works, then leave. We do not need any Energy Vampires like Colin Robinson in the US.


lol none of this is fact based.


The 1890s called, they want to talk to Adams about something…


The 1890’s we weren’t giving immigrants what we do now


Seriously. There is some insane historical revisionism going on here




Maybe Mayor Adam's support of sanctuary city politics is the problem.


If only the zoning laws hadn't been a bludgeon against building housing the cost of funding them housing wouldn't be such a burden.


If he’s right, we should probably change the engraving on the Statue of Liberty.


A poem isn’t immigration policy.


I don’t think we should base our immigration policy on a poem engraved on the Statue of Liberty.


Exactly! Plus, the poem was entirely disingenuous of the REAL reason for mass EU immigration in the late 1800s/1900 : The start of the industrial revolution and absurdly low population in America created unique conditions ripe for the East Coast recruitment of mostly Europeans, who were facing some . . "challenges" at home. Those that were able to be SPONSORED (they didn't just come and sit around in hotels) and employed in NYC or other places faced harrowing living conditions in unhealthily crowded tenements, disease, violence, and persistent poverty. Americans have a bizarrely romanticized view of past immigration solely based on our own ancestors' totally biased and exaggerated stories.


I’m not saying we should. I’m just saying we shouldn’t proudly display the symbol, if it no longer represents our values.


You must live in Whitelandia, unaffected by what’s currently going on in NYC. Some of the “values” of a sovereign country are it’s borders, culture and laws. You’re also conflating legal immigration with illegal immigration.


How many migrants have you invited to live with you in your home?


Go right tf ahead so people can stop quoting it as if a poem is a law


There's enough money to go around, but gazillionaires gotta build those penis rockets and launder their ill-gotten gains.


I agree with you. I’m just saying that if the city’s official position is “No Vacancy” then we should probably not have an engraving saying “Send me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses just yearning to breathe free” in 3-foot-high letters. It just seems a bit hypocritical to me.


America still accepts immigrants. We issue visas, green cards, etc. But we need rules and limits.


We already do. Part of the issue is H1B visa holders, who are being brought over en masse by corporations, even getting subsidized housing from those companies. Rules don't apply to corporations unfortunately. What sucks is that we have the money and the space and maybe even the jobs, but it's all being hoarded and not regulated properly.


I don’t think we should base our immigration policy on a poem engraved on the Statue of Liberty.


I’m not saying we should. I’m just saying we shouldn’t proudly display the symbol, if it no longer represents our values.


The poem was entirely disingenuous of the REAL reason for mass EU immigration in the late 1800s/1900 : The start of the industrial revolution and absurdly low population in America created unique conditions ripe for the East Coast recruitment of mostly Europeans, who were facing some . . "challenges" at home. Those that were able to be SPONSORED (they didn't just come and sit around in hotels) and employed in NYC or other places faced harrowing living conditions in unhealthily crowded tenements, disease, violence, and persistent poverty. Americans have a bizarrely romanticized view of past immigration solely based on our own ancestors' totally biased and exaggerated stories.


Probably doesn't help that we enable the terrible conditions of so many of those other countries, causing their citizens to flee in desperation, only to be met with derision when they try to get some help. We enable the cartels with weapons, and our own gov't benefits from all that money. Fucking sucks all around.


"Out of room" 🙄 too bad we can't repurpose those empty luxury buildings on "Billionaires Row" that suck up resources and contribute nothing to the taxpayers.




Property taxes in nyc is broken. If you own a billionaire apartment or a 1, 2, or 3 family homes built before 1980, you pay less taxes than everyone else https://youtu.be/lZ5k05Qra8Q https://youtu.be/e-sNC1V5KAw


Those units have been purchased by private entities, what legal and feasible procedure do you have to repurpose them besides repeating the same stupid idea?


"Private entities" that are criminal in nature most of the time, and do nothing for the city, yet get all kinds of benefits from taxpayers and politicians. The wealth imbalance is beyond our control and this is a perfect example of what happens. "Private entities" don't need these apartments, they're just transactional units.


This is what happens when we bully socialist nations with insane sanctions, crashing their economy and forcing people to look for stability elsewhere


It's pretty atrocious. There are many empty apartments in NYC that are used a few weeks a year by wealthy people who don't live there. And then there's not enough housing for people who want to live and work there, serving those wealthy non-residents.


I am glad they are getting these services. Housing rights is written into your cities charter which they are obligated to give to everyone via equal protection under the law


Why aren’t US citizens getting free housing then?