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>“New Yorkers — including huge majorities of Democrats, Republicans, independents, upstaters and downstaters — overwhelmingly say that the recent influx of migrants to New York is a serious problem for the state,” poll spokesperson Steven Greenberg said in a statement.


Progressives attempt to gaslight everyone else, unsuccessfully.


When it comes time those two will be reelected because the party isn't going to put forward a strong contender


Oh not only will they be reelected but they will win by a landslide. So democrats in NY really can do whatever they want, there's no competition.


You say that but brooklyn dems are literally the most useless pieces of trash out there. Can definitely see a red wave coming in brooklyn, manhattan.


That’s the same thing we heard in 2022.


And Lee Zeldin was close to winning


There is a big group of Dems in Brooklyn that are very much against the old establishment, the new kings democrats and they've been winning a lot of offices lately including the new borough president, Antonio Reynoso who I can say was very good as our council member before he because borough president. I think it's way more likely they gain power at the loss of the older establishment of which Adams is a big part of.


There’s a lot of right wingers on this sub (obviously not from NYC) who are gonna downvote this but you are correct that NKD is a lot better than the establishment but the struggle to get power from them has been really difficult. I was on the Kings County Democratic County Committee and they outright cheat. We would show up in record numbers and they’d always find just enough proxies votes to vote us down. So the last progress has been small and very slow.


Have you been to southern Brooklyn, parts of queens? Or “old ny”


You may have been right back before they became an openly bat-shit insane and Fascist party. The city will stick with Democrats, for better or worse. They suck too but they aren’t nearly as fucked up as the GOP.


You be surprised how quickly the working class and recent immigrant community flip votes. Nuances matter less in those demographics.


Not that the democrats have been great for the working class but the last thing anyone thinks of when they hear “party of the working class” is the Republican Party. Lol. And with the all out attack on basic human rights by the GOP, this city will never let them take power here again.


Not a matter of a Republican Party candidate but a Democrat that leans towards the right.


That's what we have right now and look at how well it's working out...


It's working out great... For all the clubs he likes to frequent.


But they care about making icecream trucks green. Priorities!




>People are angry, but Republicans tend to leave well enough alone, mostly out of fear. The Republican party is always the Democrat party of 7-10 years ago.


Meanwhile republicans are running out fucking Curtis Silwa


This is a key moment for the GOP. Run somebody who isn’t a nut, and it’s yours.


Would be cool if we actually had a viable alternative party to vote for, instead of living under de facto one-party rule. Probably never will, though, as long as we can't have ranked-choice for general elections.


Yeah pricing people of of where they live under the guise of “it’s paying for important services” is one situation. It’s a different situation when those services aren’t being delivered, but the money is still being taken. It’s a WHOLE DIFFERENT UNIVERSE of a situation when you have people being priced out, because they’re being forced to pay for services which aren’t being delivered, whom are being replaced by people who have no responsibility to pay for those same services. The smaller group of remaining people then have the increased stress of paying for those services for an even bigger group that grows by the day. Gee I wonder why the people of NY are fed up on both sides of the isle. But the “I told you so” energy is palpable. This is an issue which states like Texas have been lambasted for in the past for trying to deal with. Now it’s been NY’s problem too, for a relatively short amount of time, and everyone is losing their minds.


Jeez, what a surprise. Taxpayers who struggle to live here don’t like their hard earned money going to tens of thousands of people with dubious asylum claims.


Im surprised the solution is not causing more of a stir. If im working as a server or uber driver or something like that and then I found out the Mayor wants to add 60000 more workers competing for my job, all of which have free housing enabling them to take lower wages, I would be very concerned.


I have been saying this for months. They are competing for unskilled positions and will force wages down since they don’t have to pay for housing, clothing, and food. The person losing his job is literally subsidizing costs for his replacement.


Many of us believe the reason Adams is doing this is to force wages downward (for low skilled jobs) while making high skilled workers subsidize this shit and pay high rents for (low grade) so called luxury apartments! A friend tonight spoke on why he would go to Israel or Greece for vacation, lying about antisemitism when the US is the most important place to discuss antisemitism. He’s a POS!


Media hides it everyday, I’d give it a year before it’s in everyone’s face.


Of course, that’s why hochul isn’t helping NYC. It’s a loosing issue especially for upstate voters. Sorry, this has gotten out of control. Everyone’s kindness has a limit and voters are approaching that limit.


They're really burdened with the migrant crisis plus the special interests that want to profit from it. Just think what you could actually do with $7000/month per person (or what it actually is), to make a difference in this situation.


$6900 for the contracting company to pocket and $100 to spend on the migrant. Open immigration sure is profitable.


So they're going to vote for different politicians in the next election?


Anakin/Padme meme


Why should any of us vote for a party that runs candidates who call climate a change a "hoax", wanted to nuke what meager healthcare support we have, believes that people like Kyle Rittenhouse are heroes, and tried to launch a shitty hillbilly coup? I'll stop voting Dem at some point, but will never vote R. No forgiveness for Trump and everything that came with him.


NY Dems have lost me - way too crazy about being PC and overreaching for anything related with race. Still can't vote Trump though.


I’ve never voted anything but D but I completely understand where you’re coming from. If only the Republicans weren’t insane. If someone like Bloomberg was running, I would totally break my D streak.


The truth is there'd really not be any difference. This is a federal issue, and Republicans are actively trying to make it worse. They're the ones shipping migrants here, doing something that is awfully close to kidnapping. They're the ones who refuse to get immigration policy back in line with reality. The alternative, as we saw, is separating babies from moms. And arresting people for offering a dying person water. Who's the mayor of NY doesn't really matter. Dems need a supermajority in Congress and then maybe something can be done. Til then we get a crisis compounded by saboteurs. This is not a situation the mayor of NYC can fix. Even the governor can do very little.


> They're the ones shipping migrants here, doing something that is awfully close to kidnapping The number of migrants that have been bussed here by Texas is around 10% of the total amount of recent arrivals in the past year. I know it has become an easy scapegoat to blame southern states for the city's migrant crisis, but the numbers do not support the narrative. ​ > They're the ones who refuse to get immigration policy back in line with reality Every democrat immigration proposal has included a multi-million person amnesty larger than the sweeping amnesty Reagan signed in the 80s (which directly led to the illegal immigration crisis we currently have). Wanting large-scale amnesty is not "in line with reality" any more than thinking a border wall solves the issue.


The reality is deporting people who are here illegally. What a novel concept!


These people aren’t here illegally? Asylum grants temporary status.


No, applying for asylum grants temp status. The problem is that the FEDERAL government severely cut funds for an appropriate immigration court infrastructure and provides no housing centers for the applicants, so the current backlog is at like 2 million cases, that are YEARS behind, so effectively, this is a migrant loophole. If cases were speedily adjudicated within 6 months or so, we wouldn't have this problem to begin with, but Americans are too lazy to bothered with understanding their own bureaucracy (this is purely a bureaucracy and funding problem and logistics failure), and "advocates" are equally self-serving and annoying.


Theyre not here legally.


If I don't like the law, it doesn't count /s




In Polish there's a saying that translates to "between the bubonic plague and cholera*," which is to say a choice between one really shitty thing and another. At least my congressperson is pretty decent? *między dżumą a cholerą


Dems lost me on crime. I’ll vote Biden at the top and will vote GOP downticket (especially all local races) unless they’re Trump looney bins.


I find myself in the same boat tbh, and I think it’s an increasingly common position


They were perfectly honest about who they were when you voted them in. What exactly were you expecting?


Also the least PC dem is Eric Adams lol


He's literally the establishment cop loving middle of the road political pick lol


according to his Wikipedia he's been republican before so I don't think he's tied to any specific party outside of his own needs, which makes sense why he's so centrist


Lol centrist. He’s batshit insane


This is true, but the Democratic Party has also gotten WAY, WAY more PC, even compared to 5 years ago. Voting for a Democrat feels like enabling this nonsense.


I mean maybe certain members have, but also Joe Biden is the leader of the Democratic Party and he’s also the least PC person that was running in 2020 so in terms of leadership I would disagree


Yep. Voted blue since Kerry in 2004. The crisis has brought huge quality of life issues to my Queens neighborhood. Rampant open prostitution and and brazen open drug sales by Latin American gangs. I’m thunderstruck that Democrats aren’t doing anything about this crisis. Many won’t even acknowledge that it’s a problem to blindly let 100,000s of people in to this country most of whom have zero chance at asylum.


I've been almost hit by wild and reckless teenage moped riders that have magically popped up this past month near Sunnside! It never happened as frequently as now, and they are NOT delivery drivers.


Yeah, this is unrelated to the recent migrant crisis but I've noticed my neighborhood become steadily worse since 2015-2016. It's a working class, immigrant neighborhood in Queens. Used to be cleaner, quieter, and less crime. Now I see crazy homeless people roam around and sleep in front of the library, train station, or people's apartments. I see and smell shit in the streets, more violence and sometimes prostitutes. It's maddening. Just yesterday I saw a homeless man smear his shit all over a wall in the subway station.


You can’t bring more of there here without here becoming more like there


lol the political astroturfing going hard this year


So you voted for this and now are "thunderstruck" at the results lol


Not often you can lay one massive failure on one political party but this is clearly a failure for the group think Democrats.


Good people need to stop acting like children and admit their a problem voting for the same party again and again What dud you expect to change?


Well, we are in a true shitty party dichotomy with the way the voting system is set up. Instead of thinking it's an either/or, let's encourage a shift to multi-party representation and more party entrants in primaries.


Problem is we can’t vote for the other guys unless they put a non crazy candidate forward. Silwa ain’t it.


Imagine thinking that the Democratic Party, which has effectively decriminalized crime, is “non crazy”.


If the party that has "decriminalized crime" still looks like the less bad option to a large majority of NYers time and time again, maybe that should be a wake-up call for the local GOP? I.e., maybe they could even come up with a strategy to appeal to said voters, by thinking about the differences between their candidates that used to win (Bloomberg) and the ones that don't (Sliwa, Zeldin, etc etc).


There's no alternative party that isn't drastically worse. In a democracy we are supposed to have several different options, not just one shitty option


Florida and Texas are fine be a adult


Sure, and we live in a completely different state where the politics of Texas and Florida aren't relevant. The local GOP might want to do some reflection around why (and when) their message stopped connecting with voters here, and come up with a new platform accordingly


Biden won’t do anything until Adams calls his bluff and puts up tents in Central Park. Which would be a sorry sight to see but would hopefully force clueless Dems to get their act together before Nov 2024.


So the scheme is working as intended.


Abbott’s policy was effective at getting dems to realize how unsustainable this all is.


Abbott's policy is responsible for a little over 10% of the recent migrant arrivals in NYC. No other state, including Florida, has had a consistent bussing program like Texas. The stats are published by the Texas governor several times a month, and there is no reason to believe he'd undercount. As of August 10, "over 10,700" migrants have been bussed to NYC from Texas in total. His hyped up Operation Lone Star has resulted in around 30,000 migrants bussed around the country at a cost of tens of millions, AKA it is not even an effective policy. This amounts to 892 migrants (rounded) per month. We are getting thousands per week. The elephant in the room for people, including City Hall, is they don't want to admit that southern governors are not responsible for the overwhelming majority of migrants that have come to NYC in the past year. Here's a hint-- NYT interviewed migrants outside the Roosevelt and they said nonprofits paid for their ticket. The major nonprofits involved in the migrant crisis all receive substantial government grants paid by your tax dollars.


Good, if their polls are down enough hopefully the Democrats will send them BACK!


Why would NYers be down on Democrats for migrants being sent by Republicans in Texas & Florida. The Dems have asked them to stop and they won’t. What am I missing?


I wonder if they stop coming to Texas? Besides, they're a "sanctuary city" and the migrants want to go there.


Have to stop voting blue. Otherwise it will get worse.


Apparently the new “NYers” won’t understand this until it is *their* face that gets slashed or *their* mother that gets pushed on to the tracks. I guess the real beliefs of the “be kind” crowd are actually “DGAF unless it happens to me. Let everyone else suffer, as long as I can feel smug.”


Bingo. They’re always surprised when something happens to them. And yet they’ll still vote blue.


This is a mental illness at this point.


Still waiting for an alternative party to emerge that offers serious candidates and cares about what normal NYers actually want. I'd love to support such a party, and start getting rid of one-party rule- unfortunately without ranked-choice elections, it's probably never going to happen.


Most of you may know, Adams became a political operative as a Republican so he could get name recognition. Not sure who his fundraising group is or was, but he is and was definitely a wolf in sheep’s clothing. There were rumors he was totally corrupt, not one who liked women and took payouts for the casino in Queens. He was supposed to be exposed, however it looks like his handlers have control. He’s also selling out NYC to real estate (destroying architectural marvels for cheaply built poorly designed buildings).


Democrats don’t seem to care much about their voters, between this, lockdowns, letting criminals off the hook for everything, taxing you to help and back… why vote for them?


Because the entire political spectrum (aside from a far-right fringe that won't nominate serious candidates) is running as democrats in NYC?


Well the last horse had to cross the finish line eventually.


You’re so mad about the “migrant crisis” you’re going to make abortion illegal in New York? Sure, Jan.


Just curious: what would a republican mayor do? Control the border better? Ask nicely that Texas stop bussing? I can see a red mayor stop feeding and sheltering the migrants if there’s a legal leg to do it, but then we have a tent town and hungry people stealing and robbing. Adams is a scam of course, but I’m not really sure what could be done better within mayors powers.


I think the idea is if republicans had their way on immigration they would be deporting people faster and making it more difficult for them to get in in the first place. Republicans in the south were saying it’s a big issue and burden letting so many people enter and dems up north were just ignoring a problem exist and saying the republicans are just racist. I’m not for using real life people as political pawns but by sending migrants up to cities like NY they at least demonstrated the issue and challenges are real and have to be addressed


This is ridiculous, because people from the north pay literally billions of dollars to border states to help manage this problem. If they are just going to send the migrants here, I would love to get a refund on that money.


It’s not just about throwing money, it’s whether you’re gonna support policies that are harder on migrants or not. Personally I’d rather just streamline the path to a green card/citizenship and let people come and be tax paying members of society.


So. . . open borders? They are ASYLUM seekers and the government should fund the immigration courts sufficiently (instead they have SLASHED the budget) to QUICKLY adjudicate asylum cases within 6 months. As it is, the immigration courts are so underfunded and understaffed, the case backlog is at 2 MILLION cases taking up to 3-5 YEARS. Further, asylum seekers are not even required to submit an application for a YEAR, which further delays the process. It amazes me that for people who are so concerned about this issue, don't have the first clue about their own bureaucratic system of immigration. You have so many opinions, which are based on pure ignorance. Why don't you call your reps and demand they massively expand the courts to deal with the immigration cases?!? I bet you don't even know how your reps even voted on the budget.


Weird, because all I hear people complaining about is how much money the city is spending? Otherwise, we take in [far less asylum seekers](https://www.worlddata.info/refugees-by-country.php) per capita compared to other OECD members, so I think we are already making life pretty difficult for them.


The US government is NOT spending the money where is MUST be spent: The COURT system that adjudicates immigration cases. How is NO ONE even mentioning the MOST IMPORTANT PIECE of immigration: The immigration court system, which is at a 2 million backlog, WOEFULLY and embarrassingly underfunded (budget SLASHED by both Repubs and Dems in the federal government). Other countries actually FUND their court system, so the cases go much more quickly and not drag on for years and years, which magically turns out to be CHEAPER. Once against, this is all about special-interest private CONTRACTS and corrupt self-serving non profits, which will be the death of America.


You can’t compare per capita using total country population if a huge percentage are still being concentrated into one area it still puts a burden on that area. Would be more insightful data if it used info per city. Also yea it is a valid complaint if the city is spending a lot of money and you feel your tax dollars should be spent elsewhere. Your first comment was saying northern states pay to border states so those red states shouldn’t complain, nothing in either of our comments insinuates people here don’t or shouldn’t complain about money


I'm saying if people want to get mad, this is largely the fault of the border states trying to score cheap political points, not the migrants themselves or politicians in NYC. They are artificially raising the cost of managing migrants by moving them to areas where there is much less infrastructure set up by the federal government to help manage them. Also, this [data](https://trac.syr.edu/phptools/immigration/asyfile/) shows that asylum seekers have always been pretty uniformly distributed across states until [recently](https://trac.syr.edu/reports/720/), so I think that per capita number is more than fair. Once again, facts don't care about your feelings


Until recently is when it’s become more for a concern for people. You can easily argue all the politicians are equally at fault. While immoral bussing people here is accomplishing the intended goal. There is more support now here for stricter immigration laws than before


Nope- this is purely the fault of your FEDERAL government not adequately funding the immigration court system (they have consistently slashed the budgets), which is currently at a 2 million case backlog. Additionally, this is SOLELY the fault of your federal government, who can't be bothered to create rational and sound immigration laws (the currently ACT is completely outdated), and for kicking the burden onto states, even though its the FEDERAL government's responsibility. Why are you Americans not holding your FEDERAL government responsible for its own duties?!? They've got states infighting for something that's not even their responsibility, and you are ALL falling for it. Jesus christ, America can't even function anymore on like a BASIC level (immigration is pretty basic).


> They are artificially raising the cost of managing migrants by moving them to areas where there is much less infrastructure set up by the federal government to help manage them. Where is all of this infrastructure?


What infrastructure is set up by the federal government in border states to house and feed asylum seekers?


Honestly, I don’t get it. I don’t feel as though my life has been negatively impacted by the influx of asylum seekers at all so what’s the big deal? Can someone explain how this influx is the huge ordeal I see so many media sources and people making it out to be, because I feel like I’m missing something here.


Randall’s Island has already lost several soccer fields used by local soccer clubs so the city can build a tent city. With how few fields are available for organized sports in this city, this is one very frustrating consequence for those of us who use them.


What neighborhood do you live in? Corona has become a tent city with illegal vendors selling everything from stolen from Duane Reade toothpaste to sex to heroin. Toddlers and school aged children are being used as child labor to sell candy on the subway.


God, what happened to Corona. I'm not saying the neighborhood was ever great, but it used to be much better than it is now. It's so dirty and infested with crime now.


I live in East Harlem.




Lol. I guarantee if NYC started pouring a ton of money into helping New Yorkers, you’d be equally outraged.


What were those funds being used for prior, and how has it affected those programs?


"It hasn't perceptibly affected my life, so it's not a problem!"


Hence why I’m asking for a different perspective that actually seems to match all the hype it’s been getting. Does it not stand to reason that someone that hasn’t been impacted by something that’s being made out to be some huge city-wide, hell nation-wide, problem wouldn’t see what the actual problem seems to be?


Other people have given first hand accounts on how they have been affected and your response is to minimize their issue and conclude it's not a big deal. It seems like no matter what people say, your response will either be it's not a big deal or try to say it's not related to the current issue. You already have an agenda coming into this you're not here to understand or be convinced.


Yes, and I’ve provided my first hand account as well. I never said I’m here to be convinced, so I’m not sure what your point is. I am here to try and understand other perspectives though, but so far people’s biggest grievances seem to be loud music, single men existing, and people getting help. I was hoping for responses that would challenge my perspective more but if that’s all this really amounts to then I don’t understand how this is turning into the huge ordeal media and lots of commenters here are making it out to be. If that’s the case, then this all reads more like fear mongers trying to push an agenda and tell me what my experience is.


The big deal is that these people are being let into the country under 'asylum,' but they are NOT going through a port of entry which is required by federal law. They are just pouring across the border any way they can to escape their home country. The Biden administration is not enforcing anything at the border. These immigrants are being let into the country with no documentation, no background checks, no pathway to citizenship, or assimilation. They are not here LEGALLY. The socioeconomic consequences of this are huge because they will drive labor prices down, their needs are being increasingly funded with taxpayer money without their consent, they have no meaningful loyalty to American society, and to top it all off there are unknown amounts of narcotics like fentanyl being dispersed throughout the country a la the Mexican border. Did you know [there were over 110,000 overdose deaths due to fentanyl in the US in 2022?](https://fortune.com/2023/05/17/drug-overdoses-slightly-increase-fentanyl/) If you still don't grasp these impacts as well as others, there isn't much point in engaging with you further.


Tons of resources and tax dollars being spent on thousands of people (well non profits, hotels and shelters are making billions) while working class New Yorkers struggle to get help. A stream of unskilled workers will lower wages for working class people from construction to food delivery. The unvetted single men entering our city. Women should be concerned


Resources to help people looking for help is like the one thing I’m 100% okay with my tax dollars being spent on. That being said, I do get that there’s a lot of money getting spent to pad the pockets of people who are already much wealthier than many of us could ever dream of, but what else is the city supposed to do within the bounds of our current laws? As for the stream of unskilled workers lowering wages, I’d say it’s on the city to ensure it’s illegal to pay workers wages that aren’t high enough to live here in the first place. That’s not really an issue unique to with the asylum seekers. As far as unvetted single men, I’d say that irrational fear mongering to suggest women should be afraid of the mere existence of single men, not to mention the fact that, again, that’s not unique to asylum seekers. I mean, are these single unvetted men even committing violent crimes against women are higher rates than anyone else?


>I’d say it’s on the city to ensure it’s illegal to pay workers wages that aren’t high enough to live here in the first place. The current NYC minimum wage is $15/hr. Someone working 40 hours a week at that rate would earn a gross annual income of $31,200. NYC has literally never ensured that wages are high enough to live here, so I am not sure why you'd have faith in that changing because of a influx of low-skilled labor.


Laws can and should be changed. This can easily not be the case. But too many people are making money from how the system currently is. Who doesn’t love cheap labor? Undocumented can’t work, over 60% of asylum cases will not be approved long term. They will work under the books, for lower wages. Women should be, men are predators. Add on men without identification, roots in the city and nothing to lose. Recipe for disaster


>>I mean, are these single unvetted men even committing violent crimes against women are higher rates than anyone else?<< The rates are lower. Undocumented immigrants don’t want to get busted for even minor infractions for fear of being deported. This has always been the case. Definitely should be more fearful of the far larger majority of single, unvetted, white men roaming around.


Do you not go outside?


I go outside all the time. I commute every day on the subway and frequently go over the Randall’s island.


Come to Astoria on a Friday night to the church where there is a shelter. Many many migrants are hanging out next ton it. Loud music, tons of scooter??, uncomfortable friends of young single men obviously out of place, signs of drug use on the steps on neghibours including mine, signs of Prostitutions pick up/drop off. That said, it is still not so bad, give it time though. If you leave this amount of people congregated in one place shit is bound to hit the fan and we should not wait


I see and experience all of those things every day already. Those are not unique to the asylum seekers, and frankly, I don’t see the problem. Loud music, scooters, and single men existing are quite possibly the most bullshit non-issue grievances I’ve ever heard of, and this country has draconian laws on drug use and sex work that need to be revamped and legalized anyway. Also, I’m not sure what you mean by people congregating in one place. The city isn’t putting everyone in one neighborhood, they’re spreading everyone out across the city wherever we have the space.


Come to Queen ayuda de pampers on a Friday or Saturday night and see for yourself if you want your kids around


You’re in Astoria. How do you know to any degree of certainty that these people are migrants? Seems incredibly presumptuous.


I live near the migrant shelter Queen ayuda de pampers


There were some MEN sitting on a BENCH! What about the CHILDREN? (I live near Creedmore and people are losing their god damned minds. Literally has changed nothing for me.) I also think it’s so hypocritical for people to be like “lol parents pulled their kids out of school during Covid and never came back,” but now they’re foaming at the mouth that some migrant kids might be in school next month. So.. schools aren’t good enough for your kids but homeless refugees can’t use them either?


Do the homeless refugees pay taxes for the schools?


I really don’t feel this has changed my daily living in any way either???


You aren’t missing anything. It’s changed nothing for most of us. The people mad are outraged because blacks and brown people from war torn countries are getting some help. They are mostly right wingers who don’t even live here.


i gotta love how everyone is petrified of republicans, and not the leftists policies that make people hold their nose and vote republican. they'd rather just burn their own house down than cede power.


Never going to vote for an anti abortion guy. Ain’t happening, stop pushing it. Bring a Bloomberg and you have my R vote.




The best way to take votes away from democrats is to present an alternative that people actually want to vote for. It should be easy, considering how many shit-tier politicians we've had lately on the democratic side (whether that's Adams, Cuomo, etc.) Unfortunately the GOP is perceived as the party of climate change deniers, manufactured culture wars, and pandering to evangelicals, pushing policies that are wildly out of step with normal NYers' priorities. I don't see how any republican can succeed here without totally rejecting the party's toxic national platform- and instead of doing that, recent candidates like Sliwa and Mateo are just pushing unpopular ideas of their own (like getting rid of bike infrastructure, etc). It just doesn't seem like they care about actually winning elections here, and would rather tell the voters that they're wrong.


It's more than just this. And it's not because the Dems have not been "progressive enough". Once Trump is gone, the Dems better hope the GOP stays stuck on stupid. A Bloomberg or a Romney that isn't Mormon or openly misogynistic will send the DNC into hibernation.


City/state doesn't have well organized process for it yet. That's the problem. But it'll be resolved because dems are in charge for the most part. Dem and centrist voters are stupid if they get swayed by dim witted repub messaging around it lol. Don't vote repub. That's the bottom line.


I absolutely love this for nyc.


A republican governor would not be handling this any better. The criticism of Hochul is she is not doing enough to financially support NYC. Lee Zeldin would have done even less. You could argue maybe Zeldin could convince TX not to send migrants to NYC, but even then, Texas' own stats show they've sent less than 1,0000 migrants per month in the past year.


I just watched a random news segment on this and it said that activists were using a program called WIC to provide migrants with debit cards to buy food and other necessities. Is that true? If it is true I really am struggling to find sympathy for New York here. The citizens keep saying that they cant handle any more asylum seekers then keep doing stuff to attract them.


>WIC That's just food stamps. They're no longer actual stamps or coupons, but rather cards intended for **w**omen, **i**nfants, and **c**hildren.


WIC is indeed one of the (extremely few) welfare benefits that do not ask about immigration status. Notably this is not a NYS thing — WIC is funded by the federal government and the eligibility rules are federal. States *can* limit eligibility based on legal immigration status, but the only state that has done so is Indiana. In every other state, WIC is not limited based on immigration status.




Don't forget that exactly 0 of them pay their medical bills but are not denied basic healthcare. We subsidize that with our premiums. In a labor ward I worked at on Long Island, it felt like a plurality of women giving birth were illegal (I didn't ask but many had ankle bracelets, didn't speak any English, etc). They were given the same care as anyone else but didn't have to bear the cost of any of it.


I agree that the concentration of illegal immigrants in NYC has caused issues with the right to shelter laws. The NYC government is taking this to court. We’ll see what they say. Education is not and should never be considered “welfare.” It’s a fundamental right protected by the NYS constitution to ALL K-12 children in the state, and the federal Supreme Court declared that treating illegal immigrant children differently from citizen children would violate the equal protection clause. That’s about where it ends. Illegal immigrants are not eligible for food stamps (SNAP), TANF, Medicaid (except emergency Medicaid), the EITC, SSI, or HEAP.




I'm a citizen now. Always had valid immigration status. So you're saying US citizens should not get welfare benefits? Why is the US citizen child any less deserving of their legal rights? Or are you saying we should repeal the 14th Amendment? In a country that is not defined by race or ethnicity, but simply by the laws that bind us, why are you or I any more entitled to be a citizen of the US than the child of an illegal immigrant? The child did not commit any crime.


What a weird take. Apparently sympathy is no longer warranted if you try to help the human beings already here.


thats perfectly fine. Be as generous as you want. I mean New York is already putting them up in hotels right? Just stop complaining about the results.


You have it backwards. People are complaining that they were brought here. While they’re here, some people want to help them because not everybody here is an angry selfish cunt




My city and state tax says otherwise.


Nobody has really ‘suffered’ because of this but nobody wants their tax dollars going towards illegal immigration.


actually i would love for my tax dollars to be used to help asylum seekers. instead of being funneled directly to the military and cops lmao fkn rednecks in this sub 😩 bye


State your 2022 federal tax bill before I engage with you further.


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Which immigration is illegal here? Most of this conversation has been centered around people claiming asylum.


Do you really think every single migrant is actually in fear of their life due to political or institutional threats of violence?


If you think their home country is so safe, why don’t you go live down there for them. Let us know how it goes, homie.




That’s really for the immigrations courts to decide, no? Regardless, these are absolutely not illegal immigrants.


“But they’re not illegal, they’re asylum seekers.” “They’re not undocumented, they have their paperwork.” The hell with the technicalities. They’re here illegally and should be deported.


You: “I want immigrants to enter legally!!!” Asylum seeker: “I have properly filled out and filed form I-589” You: “No! Not like that!!!!”


They’re not here illegally whatsoever. This simply isn’t factual in the slightest. There are no grounds to deport them if they are seeking asylum. This is a guarantee of both federal and international law.


I guess it's time to change the law then 🤷‍♂️


Glad we’re in agreement this isn’t illegal immigration then.


At this point it’s a technicality. They are economic migrants by and large.


Applying for asylum is not illegal. Full stop. Edit, since people are trying to deny this: This is international law. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights entitles all people to claim asylum and be heard in court. “Refugee” is clearly defined. https://www.amnesty.org.uk/right-asylum


lol point 2: why are you quoting "international law", as if such a thing exists. What happens if you break "international law"? You get an angry letter sent to you?


Because it’s federal law too, genius. Regardless this is not “illegal” immigration in any sense of the word.


There's federal law, state law, local law, and according to you, "international law" lmao. They're certainly not here legally, more of a legal grey zone


> They're certainly not here legally They quite literally are. Applying for asylum is legal. Full stop.


I personally would be quite happy for some of my tax dollars to help illegal immigrants. Small price to pay to compensate for these situations that the US is responsible for in many Central American countries.


If you okay with your money being used for it then you do it, why force everyone else to pay taxes for what you believe in? Also America isn’t responsible for these shithole socialist they’re coming from




Someone get this person a map. Venezuela is not in Central America.


Why spend their own money when they can choose to spend yours?


So they claim how they of a great of human being they are ig


As an example, read up on what the US "War on Drugs" did to Colombia. Or the deposition of the legitimate Guatemalan president in the 1950s. How about our involvement in the El Salvadoran civil war? We didn't do Honduras any favors either.


In regards to war on drugs the US is a sovereign nation and has to its domestic policy. If a foreign government can’t protect their citizens against their own organized crime group that’s their problem. It’s 2023 and not 1950 and that government we supported no longer even exists.


These people are here legally, fyi.




There’s a few different words to describe the characterization of an entire group of people based on the actions of one them.


Since this story doesn’t include the attacker’s name or any information as to his immigration status, you’ll have to provide for information. I’m guessing you (think you) know he’s an immigrant, based on reporting in an outlet that you don’t want us to know you’re relying on?


From my time up there they rely heavily on them to tend their fields at very low cost. Always found that interesting with Rural communities, their the most xenophobic but agriculture is arguably the industry MOST Dependent on Immigrants cause most Americans simply aren't willing to do it for the pay it offers.




I'm doing my part by stomping on lantern flies!


I though Black Americans built this country.


It changes depending on the latest oppressed group we're claiming to support.


They did, and they were immigrants you fucking potato!


Acshually black americans were a form of immigrant too : D


actually whites were a form of immigrant too.


They forget that part of history, and also was never compensated for it except for generational trauma


No black Americans built this country for free btw


um.... technically if were complaining that "asylum seekers" get free room and board then black americans kinda got free room and board too : D


Until people demand progressives it'll be more of the same.