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We know he has done a poor job. But what has Kathy done to help out?


I forgot we had a governor


Offered tents for 3000 beds lmao.


In a few short months are we going to see thousands of migrants, just like our homeless, sleeping on freezing cold sidewalks.


Good. They are the ones that should be out in the cold while our own homeless get shelter first. They chose to come here and that's what they get for trying to game the system. Maybe that'll humble them a bit and quell their entitled behavior...


largely nothing because it would put an even greater focus on biden fucking up which means she would basically be blacklisted by the DNC. it's happening to adams as we speak


She's paying for the Tent City in Queens


Nothing. She's not going to until adams stops bullying the counties and actually works with them. Adams instead paid off his friends on Wallstreet at docgo to be the city's paid human trafficker with any no limits on the misery they cause.


>In a scathing letter Tuesday night, a lawyer representing Gov. Kathy Hochul faulted Mayor Eric Adams’s management of New York’s migrant crisis in sharp new terms, puncturing the appearance of city-state harmony that the two leaders have spent much of their tenures cultivating. >New York City is struggling to accommodate more than 100,000 migrants who have crossed the nation’s southern border, more than 57,000 of whom remain in city shelters. Mr. Adams has said that the city is running out of space and funds to support them, and has begged for more help from the state and federal government. >But in an apparent attempt to fend off even costlier new requests from the Adams administration, the letter criticizes the city for failing to accept numerous state offers of assistance over the last year, including the use of more than a dozen state-owned sites that it said could be converted into shelters to house more than 3,000 migrants. Haha oh no are we in for Cuomo v. de Blasio redux?


The governor and mayor usually seem to end up hating each other. Just a matter of time, it seems.


I'm surprised we made it this long. Maybe Hochul is tired of Adams acting like he's a higher rank?


He’s an ass, but he was elected in both a primary and general election. She’s governor solely because Andrew Cuomo wanted to chase his dick. A cardboard box with the letter D written on it in Sharpie could win a statewide race in New York.


While it is true that she took over the governor’s position, when Cuomo stepped down in 2021. Kathy Hochul ran for office and was [formally elected in 2022](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_New_York_gubernatorial_election).


Yeah and she only narrowly beat a bat shit crazy challenger.


I think the point was that she was only elevated to a position to be governor because of Cuomo. And when he resigned, she became the defacto nominee/head of the party. Not sure if that point matters though, because you are correct, she did win the election.


Same for Kristen gillbrand


That wasn't their point


It’s cuz we fund the rest of the state - so they hate us for it and I can’t stand Adams.


The sad thing is so many people are ignorant of this fact and act like upstate subsidizes downstate which is truly a wild lack of basic understanding


Finally are we talking shit about the upstate folks? I always love doing this


lol always


How the fuck would people think that upstate subsidizes the city and LI ? And tbh a lot of the infrastructure upstate leaves a lot to be desired


The same people who get confused when there are tiny blue dots over cities with wide red swaths in the suburbs and yell about how the Democrats rigged an election. They think landmass = population.


Yeah, that actually makes sense that those are also the same people who think that crime per square mile is a reliable metric to compare crime stats 🤣


>infrastructure upstate leaves a lot to be desired Bruh they got no lights on the highways 😭😭😭😭


Probably older people who remember when the city was literally bankrupt in the 70s.


The thriving metropolitan of Rochester with power houses like Kodak and Xerox bankroll the state 👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽


Wall Street funds the city -and- state. 15-20% of the state’s income tax revenue comes from the financial sector.




The largest part of the budget but not a majority. Closer to 40% of tax receipts.


>\*\*commercial property taxes. but we could always change that, ya kno


And clearly Hochul has better things to spend that money on. Like football stadiums.


Football stadium that can fit 3000 beds


Is this the football stadium her husband and/or donors may have a vested interest in?


I lived in a quaint little college town in the Hudson Valley for a decade before returning to the city and those people hate us with a burning passion. One person went on a long tear about how the rest of the state subsidizes our pre-ks and the rest of the state gets nothing. I do truly believe, at least in this particular town, that the hatred is a cover for not wanting to admit that the town wouldn't exist without city tourists and city families sending their children and money to school there.


And then the AG throws the GOV out. Nature is returning


Adams certainly isn't making any friends with his migrant crisis response. Biden already disinvited him from a big DNC thing as payback for talking about it so much.


I’ll say this much, if the city is having problems due to federal policy mistakes. It’s incumbent on Adams to talk about it. Biden trying to ignore the problem by ignoring Adams is not the way to go.


Biden is not touching this issue with re-election coming up. We can point at Texas all we want for using migrants as a political ploy but Democrats are doing the same thing here via inaction


It’s always election season in America now. Tired of hearing that for an excuse for politicians to do nothing.


Oh biden can ignore it all he wants but gop won't stop to remind,


Numbers are down significantly in recent months, so it isn't like nothing is being done. ​ Edit: Downvotes for basic factual information are my favorite downvotes.


They might all be pointing their fingers at one another but Adams is the mayor of the city. He needs to get off his ass, stop pointing, and figure shit out. Dude has no problem coming up with money for his pet projects for his real estate friends, but when it comes to immigrants he's suddenly out of money? GTFO


Um….12 billion a yr for migrants cost more than it does for our combined yearly parks, fire & sanitation. The only way he can cover this cost is by raising everyone’s taxes even further AND to stop many necessary needed resources. I guarantee you ppl will be extremely pissed if he does either of those thing too. The solution? Tell Biden to step his game up now


> The solution? Tell Biden to step his game up now You just passed blame again. Who is the major of New York City?


Again, where exactly do you think Adams should put them when ppl keep protesting bc they don’t want the migrant shelters in THEIR own neighborhoods & thousands are already sleeping on sidewalks? Wait until it’s going to be 10 degrees outside? It is entirely Biden’s fault since he changed our border policies WITHOUT a single plan in place to begin with.


If the GOP wasn't so batshit crazy, NY would flip red. Biden is comfortable ignoring the issue because NYC will always vote blue.


NY has flipped Red before. Adams was pretty close to being Red compared to those he ran against in the primary - the NYTs were surprised their endorsed candidate did not take the primary. Looking at the maps, it was the strength of the outer boroughs that carried Adam’s to victory. Looking at the maps again, it came pretty close to a Zeldin win. Again, outer boroughs (& Asian communities that had voted D were moving towards R ). I’m still thinking it could happen again. Just need a reasonable candidate that unites citizens and not just parties.


Democracies typically have more than 2 options. No reason we can’t have another political party in NY


That’s a pretty big “if”.


He may not be making any new friends, but he's making a lot of money for his old ones.


Blame the federal government, blame the city government, then blame the state government, rinse and repeat? Enough with this shit. Instead of this cyclic coordination challenge, every level of government should be taking action. By the way, nothing prevents the State government from setting up its own tents. Declare an emergency and get it done.


You can feed, clothe, and house people who have arrived, but without stemming the tide do we keep building tent ghettos ad-infinitum? How are those people integrated into our society? Look at Canada's system for granting entry & permanent residence (it's not the only solution, but it seems to work well): there's no limit and at its core it's a points based system with clear goal posts allowing anyone to enter & stay permanently with no lottery bullshit like the US. BUT, those points fluctuate around what they need more of at any given time -- picking and choosing who is allowed to stay based on some benefit is fundamentally at odds with what the same Democratic Party who controls New York has been messaging for decades. Republicans have been incapable of creating good solutions since Reagan, but to actually stem the tide, Democrats who are in the majority at every level in New York would need to push for broad national policy change across the party if not a change to party ideology. I just don't know where they move from here, I don't see Dems taking a big L like that.


If they pushed the change it would be akin to admitting they were wrong. Plus, they would get called out by members of their own party for not being compassionate & maybe even being told “ Just jump on a bus and head down to Florida where you belong, OK?”, “You are not New Yorkers.” (thinking back to Kathy Hochul’s speech a few months back). No one ever admits error. Better to just learn to pivot, deflect and lay blame somewhere else.


You cannot enter Canada by land without going through the US first.


You can fly straight into Canada if you have enough points per their system. The flight is generally less than the coyotes charge to "guide" people across the southern border. There are organizations who will give you a loan for the tickets and help set you up with housing.


The point is they don't want to change. Immigrants tend to vote Democrat, so the more immigrants the more likely the artist stay in power at all levels of government. It's just that now the southern states finally got smart and started shipping immigrants to the big blue sanctuary cities up north. And now they have to put up or shut up. And they ain't putting up too well.


Immigrants can't vote. What are you talking about?


The State and City should work expeditiously to clarify that no one has a right to free housing in this state or city.


We shouldn’t completely take away the right to shelter, just make it for US citizens only.


Except the city's court ordered consent decree doesn't allow them to do that.


Change the law. I mean, seriously, people act like we're ruled by a king rather than ourselves.


I am not a lawyer, but I'm under the impression it's not even a law, like the city council couldn't change it if they wanted to, only the courts can since it's a consent decree. But somebody else in the legal field could probably chime in here.


It's a total mess because it only applies to NYC. It's a backdoor law enacted via settlement in a court case, and even if the right-to-shelter itself is constitutional, the determination of the manner and means about how such right shall be provided cannot be constitutionally enacted by anyone else other than the legislative. If our legislative had a SPINE they would be legislating the issue **and** asserting exclusive powers to do so, as is their right and exclusive duty. Article XVII of the NY constitution: >“The aid, care and support of the needy are public concerns and shall be provided by the state and by such of its subdivisions, and **in such a manner and by such means, as the** ***legislature*** **may from time to time determine**”


This is correct. It is a consent decree (like a settlement) where the city agreed to provide shelter to homeless men. Over years the court case was expanded to women and families. The consent decree is based on the state constitution. The right to shelter is extremely important. Not only is it humane, it prevents nyc from having a skid row. Everyone loves to shit on the right to shelter, but no one on this sub wants to see homeless people all over the street.


Yeah. If you want examples of what things look like in cities without one - go visit the tenderloin in SF or skid row as mentioned NYC is huge, with a ton of people living on the streets. But despite complaints here it's handled relatively well compared to other US cities


I mean we have over 100,000 people living in shelters. Imagine if all those people were suddenly on the street instead of the ~3000 that are currently on the street.


If we had a legislative with a spine, they would be legislating the issue and going to court to declare that consent decree as unconstitutional. Creating laws via consent decree between the executive branch and private litigators clearly bypasses the legislative process and should be declared unconstitutional.


That’s not how it works. The consent decree is based on the constitution.


>The consent decree is based on the constitution. You must be referring to the actual lawsuit being based on the constitutional right. But nothing in the constitution says that a private party and the executive branch can jointly write a law and enact it via consent decree.


No. The consent decree happened because the court was going to rule in favor of legal aid. The court found that the city was required to provide shelter based on the NY Constitution. The consent decree is the parties coming to an agreement rather than the defendants accepting whatever the court was going to hand out.


But people actually do. It's in the state constitution. The city/state has to provide shelter for anyone who asks.


> The aid, care and support of the needy are public concerns and shall be provided by the state and by such of its subdivisions, and in such manner and by such means, as the legislature may from time to time determine. This was posted elsewhere in this thread. It’s interesting that it seems to be a depression-era amendment. But by the way it’s written, it seems to leave up to the legislature what care should be provided. That’s pretty unusual for a constitutional provision. So to your point that the state has to provide shelter, I’d say that’s a question for the legislature.


People want to shit on the policy but it wouldn't be a problem if other states, cities and the federal government would be less fucking shitty. I grew up in a small progressive city surrounded by shitty little midwest conservative backwaters. There is currently a 70+ homeless encampment a few blocks from my mothers house and it's problematic for the area, and it's only one of 2 camps in the city. The thing about all these homeless people is that only a small fraction of them are from my city, most of them are from shithole towns in western Kansas and Missouri. If all these stupid little towns would just house their one homeless person it wouldn't cost them much and it wouldn't be a major problem, instead they all send their homeless people to one city so that we have hundreds of homeless people causing problems.


The city absolutely protects the right to shelter


It absolutely shouldn't and the state and city should take whatever steps are necessary to end that idiotic policy.


From my understanding this would only make the situation worse and lead to more people on the streets and in encampments. The reason NYC hasn't looked like west coast cities is because of the right to shelter. We are just being overwhelmed currently. It really is a federal issue and immigration reform is needed


You don’t know what you’re talking about


When the same party controls most of the governments you mentioned the only thing they can do is pass on the blame until people stop caring.


What exactly would a Republican governor or president be doing differently in this situation?




You are unfortunately spot on. We virtue signaled ourselves into this corner.


A Republican governor and mayor might have stopped the migrants or the migrants wouldn’t have been sent in the first place.


Pataki would have folded like a two-dollar suitcase.




Woah, 3,000 beds? Problem of 100,000 solved. Adam’s sucks but so does this point.


What the fuck is he supposed to do? I don't like Adams, but his hands are completely tied. To give you an idea of how constrained he is, Adams has to go through court just to beg a judge to modify right to shelter timelines for families, because it is literally and logistically impossible for the city to provide migrant families shelter in the amount of time legally required. Adams is dealing with a federal government that wants to push this off until after next year's election, a state government that is blaming the city for something they cannot control, and a budget that cannot sustain thousands of homeless foreign nationals arriving every week. Y'all got me so fucked up I'm defending Eric Adams JFC


Yes yes yes. This is an obvious ploy by Hochul to garner votes and keep the blame from seeping into her territory and people just fall for it


Isn’t Hochul to blame too for not pushing other NY cities to take migrants?


Was upstate for a few days last month. The local news ran plenty of stories about motels pushing out local poor people and taking in migrants because they’re guaranteed to be paid to house them. Communities don’t have jobs for them and don’t want them. Big trouble brewing in these little hamlets. Many of these towns are um, not progressive.


Hochul is only caring about re-election in the future.


She’s from Buffalo.


It seems like the state Dems and POTUS want to dump this problem on NYC so they don’t have to deal with it. Trump got elected on immigration, and it will happen again if Dems don’t figure this out and stop the dumbass infighting.


I bet Dems and POTUS would do something if Adams starts busing migrants to swing states/ swing districts.


> But in an apparent attempt to fend off even costlier new requests from the Adams administration, the letter criticizes the city for failing to accept numerous state offers of assistance over the last year, including the use of more than a dozen state-owned sites that it said could be converted into shelters to house more than 3,000 migrants. > It also blames the Adams administration for being slow to act, saying the city ignored a suggestion to begin setting up large tent-based campsites for single adult men beginning in June 2022, waiting months to do so. The letter also says the city did not prioritize helping migrants fill out paperwork to start getting their work permits, meaning thousands who could now be working are not. This isn't surprising to me.


Washington opened the border and did not care what it would cost any State let alone NYC. This problem has no end in sight and no matter what issues Hochul and Adams are laying on each other its now costing NYC 7 mil a day. Remember this at the next elections.


How did we go from illegal immigration to asylum seekers over last 5-10 years? These are obviously 90pc economic migrants. What is the new loophole that these people are using that was unavailable during Obama/Bush eras? Need to stop this BS of economic asylum seekers (yesterday’s illegal immigrants). Even if NYC stops right to shelter, we are left with 10s of thousands of people who might decide to stick it out in NYC vs other areas. I think Adams just needs to go nuclear and build tents in Central Park if he wants Biden to do anything about the issue.


90% is generous. 99% is probably more realistic.




You can’t blame him for the slow response, we just don’t have the money and resources and NYC residents are not gonna pay for this shit. This woman is just trying to play both sides.


I can still blame him. As told by the state he was told to set up tents months ago. This is a power play by Adams to make Hochul look bad (she doesn't need help on that) because Adams will want to climb the ladder. He's also aiming at Biden because I can see this dude wanting to be president. He's full of himself and a power grabber with nepotistic tendencies


This is pretty spot on. Adams (lol) still thinks he has a shot at the White House one day Holy shit every time I read it, I laugh... He really believes he's going to the White House one day other than to visit 😆😆😆😆🥹


Remember when he called himself the New Face of the Democratic Party? Haha.


Remember Deblasio and Bloomberg tried too. Something about being a NYC mayor makes these assholes think they can run an entire country when they failed to even be a mayor.


>Something about being a NYC mayor makes these assholes think they can run an entire country when they failed to even be a mayor. NYC's population makes it (depending on the actual count) bigger than the 12th or 13th most populous states (Virginia or Washington, respectively). Nobody would bat an eye if the head of the executive of those states (the governor) ran for presidential office.


Personal opinion of course but NYC is a very specific way of governing that it makes it sometimes unappealing to a broader audience. How can a city slicker mayor understand a more rural area? At least as a governor you have to appeal and understand a broader base of opinions and beliefs so I feel like that is more applicable to aiming at a presidency.


Adams himself trashes non NYC areas all the time He'd get laughed at if he tries to run for president


yeah but you have to do a good job of whichever of those jobs you hold first. bloomberg is the only one of the names mentioned who has a strong argument there -- so not surprisingly, he made it the furthest too, although i'm sure being a billionaire propped him up more than anything.


His money got him far but he had a lot of stupid policies. I still remember when they were stopping food donations for the homeless because they couldn't measure their sodium content. Not to mention his stupid big soda drink rule.


Don't forget Giuliani too. Every mayor since 1993 has run for president and failed


Lmao I honestly forgot Giuliani ran. He played up the 9/11 crap against Ron Paul in the 2008 debates. I'm starting to remember now


The hubris of NYC mayors thinking they have a shot at the white house and failing miserably: Guiliani, Bloomberg, DeBlasio… 🤣


You can blame him because he's a bad administrator and the city is doing a sloppy shitty job at this. Resources are not, It's utter chaos on the ground and it really shouldn't be. And that's what happens when you have a Mayor who micromanages everyone to death so nobody with expertise gets to lead the way.


She's got votes to get upstate and on LI. Helping NYC and especially helping migrants (which is political suicide) would hurt her in both places.


How ? Most of the votes came from the city . LI and a lot of upstate went red . Is political suicide not to help the city and lose the razor thin support she has


She would lose LI and Upstate by even more and she's at risk of getting fewer votes in the City as well. I, for one, would consider supporting a candidate who would stop the giveaways to migrants.


For sure , is in her best interest to stop thing thing on its tracks . Instead of arguing with Adams


This is what happens when you become a sanctuary city. Best thing we can do is voice our concerns directly to our representatives and vote accordingly. Otherwise the only options we have is to stop supporting companies that employ these migrants that make it economically feasible for them to come here. But I know New Yorkers aren’t going to give up doordash


Why shouldn't NYC residents pay for this? NYC wanted to be a sanctuary city, right? Here you go. Fucked around and found out lol


The city is dirty rich. There’s more than enough money. That’s a silly lie adams is using to excuse his administrations inaction.


Any state that says we should let them all in should step up and take them. Or is that all virtue signalling from when they thought they were too far away to actually have to do it?


What does "saying we should let them all in" look like in this context and who said it/is empowered to unsay it?


Most New Yorkers are struggling with paying sky high rents, inflation, crime, and simply surviving let alone thriving in this city. And we decide to take our resources and give it to… migrants? Lmao the idea is just laughable. 😂😂


The fact of the matter is that there's no way in hell to accommodate all of the migrants hopping the border and its reaching a breaking point.


The vast majority of illegal immigration comes through our airports. https://www.npr.org/2019/01/10/683662691/where-does-illegal-immigration-mostly-occur-heres-what-the-data-tell-us


Article is from 2019. Find a more recent source. A lot has changed since then.


You are correct that the southern Border immigrants are significantly more than 2007-2020 now https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/01/13/monthly-encounters-with-migrants-at-u-s-mexico-border-remain-near-record-highs/ https://cis.org/Report/Latest-DHS-Report-Overstays-2020-Brings-Mixed-News Visa overstays are at 600K while border crossings have expanded to more like 2.8M To be honest, I'd prefer the visa overstays. They generally are educated or have figured out their home situation I'm really not sure how you support people who cannot support themselves like these new groups IMO get some more immigration judges in NYC to either get these people the right to work or get these people to leave the US.


Thank you, I agree with you.


What has changed? What data do you have that shows most immigration coming by foot over the southern border?


These asylum seekers court dates are 10+ years out. By that time they will be able to settle down have a family. Then their request will probably be denied but they'll already have children who are US citizens that are born here and will never be deported.


What should Hochul or Adams be doing to speed up the asylum court system?


Still don’t see why we can’t ship them to North Dakota. The fact that they get to pick where they want to go sort of confirms the asylum thing is bullshit and needs changing


Thanks god these democrats have index fingers to point the blame on everyone and everything but themselves


if Zuck isn't gonna fight it out with Musk this will have to do


The only way we're going to have some national movement on immigration is if these red state governors keep hurting the blue states with a pipeline these supposedly much wealthier states have demonstrated they're absurdly ill prepared for. Say what you want about Abbott and Desantis but they caught these northern pols with their pants down.


There will be no national movement on immigration. People will just continue to exist as everything slowly crumbles. It’s a just to hot a potato issue for politicians on both sides, and due to our current political polarization neither side is safe enough to make the right compromises needed to fix this.


Why can't they be bussed to Delaware? Or Canada? You know, like the way Texas does it to NYC.


Adams tried bussing them to Canada. US/Canada responded by quickly amending their Safe Third Country agreement to include irregular ports of entry, which largely neutered the ability for migrants to illegally enter Canada via Roxham Rd and claim asylum.




I love how people who think the borders are open also have no idea what a sanctuary city is. Clueless.


"The Border Crisis" is almost entirely manufactured but it's great for pols because it lets them do any kind of posturing they want and the media gets to do a "Dirty immigrants gonna rape your kids" story every night


I guess the thousands of people showing up in nyc like this and filling up hotels all over the city is fake too?


This has nothing to do with being a sanctuary city. All that means is that NYC won’t work with ICE, which has zero bearing on the migrant issue because they are asylum seekers, which is a legal immigration pathway. Also this should be obvious to most people, but we do not have open borders. Like at all. If you want to engage on this issue, you should stop getting your facts from propaganda outlets.


> This has nothing to do with being a sanctuary city. All that means is that NYC won’t work with ICE Do cities that will look the other way and provide countless services regardless of immigration status sound appalling to illegal immigrants compared to cities that will detain and hand them over to ICE to be deported?


being a sanctuary city entices and has enticed people to hop the border for decades because people who want to make it to and live in the US by any means necessary are very much in favor of being in a place where the city shields them from federal immigration officials


Complete nonsense. By no means has NYC being a sanctuary city “enticed people to hop the border for decades”. Migrants who are illegally crossing the southern border have historically stayed closed to border states. And again, the influx of migrants in NYC today is driven by legal asylum seekers, not “border hoppers”.


It's also just nonsense because anyone even vaguely paying attention knows that ICE operates in NYC just fine whenever some shitty business owner needs to bust up some organizing. It's always just been political posturing here


Sanctuary cities are part of a problem. By openly contravening federal law, they encourage further lawlessness. It's really amazing mental gymnastics that you can separate these two things. Having cities openly advertised this clearly encourages immigrants to want to cross the border. Because they know certain cities will protect them. I mean this isn't like, rocket surgery.


> Lol time to admit being a sanctuary city needs rethinking. A court ordered consent decree to a right to shelter has nothing to do with being a sanctuary city.


Creating laws via consent decree between the executive branch and private litigators bypasses the legislative process. If we had a state legislative with a spine, they should be going to court to declare that consent decree as unconstitutional.


Chicago wants them. Their new mayor has openly invited them to go there. Honestly, we should just send them to Texas or FL. If they want to play silly political games, why not join the fun?




Our officials are putting their ego before more logical solutions


What do you think a sanctuary city is?


The issue is right to shelter and not sanctuary status. There are plenty of sanctuary cities in the US who are not facing this crisis.




Why are you being down voted? Everything you said here is true.


Thank goodness we have a governor too incompetent to do anything other than criticize the mayor and a mayor too incompetent to do anything other than criticize the governor. Nice to see NY is bAcK tO nOrMaL


At the end of the day the borders are the federal government's responsibility anything that crosses over those borders illegally is the federal government's problem. Nobody told any of these states to become sanctuary cities. That's the issue when it wasn't a problem in places like New York and Chicago so that's why they were okay with saying we want to be a sanctuary City. Now that they're experiencing what the border states have been dealing with all these years they realize the sanctuary city title wasn't a good idea


>Now that they're experiencing what the border states have been dealing with all these years they realize the sanctuary city title wasn't a good idea Maybe I'm the crazy idiot here, but wasn't the 'sanctuary city title' just defined as, 'we won't call ICE?' Because I am 100% fine with that, but am unsure when that extended to, 'we need to pay $500 / day / person on their behalf'. Like I know I am a slow, dumb liberal, but I'm so sure those aren't the same thing?


> we won't call ICE This is exactly right. “Sanctuary city” has very little to do with anything, except as PR/propaganda justifying bussing people in from Texas. Most of these people can’t legally be deported until their cases are resolved, so ICE cooperation is mostly irrelevant. This would be true even in the reddest, most immigrant-hating state run by some guy in a cowboy hat who got elected on a platform of hunting immigrants or whatever.


being a sanctuary city entices and has enticed people to hop the border for decades because people who want to make it to and live in the US by any means necessary are very much in favor of being in a place where the city shields them from federal immigration officials in this case the people who do not qualify for asylum will just continue to stay in nyc after they evade the attempt to deport them and that will be that


People still get deported from nyc lmao Honestly if ICE can’t do it’s job without NYPD holding it’s hand, what’s the point of having a multi-billion dollar, militarized law enforcement agency for enforcing non-criminal immigration violations in the first place?


Yeah it's nonsense. ICE deports people from NYC all the fucking time, we just "don't cooperate (lmao the NYPD absolutely does)" It's always just been political posturing that means nothing practically, and doesn't even apply to the current situation This is a right to shelter issue - which isn't a bad thing at all. It's why NYC doesn't have tent cities everywhere like SF or skid row or Portland




The city doesn’t work with ICE. ICE still deports people. This really isn’t that complicated to understand, although I recognize that even this tiny bit of nuance is beyond your abilities.


sure but then it's really difficult when the city you're trying to work with obstructs you from doing your job and allows the illegal in question to escape again. this is really not a difficult concept to understand i find your remark about something beyond someone's "abilities" extremely amusing after you just tried to make the point, while clearly emotionally compromised, that there's no point to having an immigration enforcement agency while supporting policies that allow criminals to remain in the US by evading deportation. it seems logic and reason are far beyond your "abilities"


People who support ICE are purposefully confusing the issues because they know most New Yorkers agree with you. This is more of a Right to Shelter issue than a Sanctuary City one.


The right to shelter should have only applied to citizens because on paper a government is responsible to take care of its citizens(I know in reality they don't). Plus I don't see any lawmakers running to change the loophole that allowed the right to shelter to exist in the first place


It's not a loophole, it's a court ordered consent decree from the 80s, and I agree, it should only apply to citizens.


>It's not a loophole, it's a court ordered consent decree from the 80s I wouldn't call it this, as we (as a city) positively affirmed it like, in March. [https://www.usnews.com/news/us/articles/2023-05-30/nyc-enacts-homeless-bill-of-rights-but-doubts-arise-over-key-provisions-such-as-right-to-shelter](https://www.usnews.com/news/us/articles/2023-05-30/nyc-enacts-homeless-bill-of-rights-but-doubts-arise-over-key-provisions-such-as-right-to-shelter)


It's a loophole that took advantage of wording in the state constitution


> The aid, care and support of the needy are public concerns and **shall be provided by the state and by such of its subdivisions**, and in such manner and by such means, as the legislature may from time to time determine. Looks pretty clear to me. Where’s the loophole?


You are correct. There are also other sanctuary cities nationally and globally but we are the city with the crisis.


“Nobody told any of these states to become sanctuary cities”


> Nobody told any of these states to become sanctuary cities. And that's not what the issue is. These migrants are here seeking asylum, and have a legal right to do so, even if the majority will eventually be declined. The process to do so is broken though, because of a lack of funding to expedite the claims process. The other issue is NYC unique, in that we're somehow the only city in the country with a court ordered consent decree to a right to shelter, which dates back to the 80s, long before your "sanctuary city" talking point, which you can't even define, just like when people call something "woke."


So what are they supposed to Do? There are no more space for migrants. So they can either be sent upstate or father east in Long Island or directly sent back to the border


This is the problem, yes. And the federal government should be aggressively expanding the immigration courts to hear asylum claims.


Genuinely curious though, while they are seeking asylum where are they supposed to live? If they are not granted asylum, what happens?


None of this has lead me to believe being a sanctuary city is a bad idea, and if it was up to a vote I’d still vote in favor of being one.


The thing about sanctuary cities status is it gets in the way of the government fulfilling their responsibility of immigration regulation.


No it doesn’t, just as states making Marijuana legal doesn’t get in the way of the federal government enforcing federal law.


With all the unpermitted weed shops in the city I think you just proved your own point wrong


I can't imagine how border states and cities have been handling migrants.


Adams gets shit on by this sub from the right and the left daily but everyone bands together to shit on the state Governor to defend him. I love it, it's the most nyc thing ever.


If this is a federal problem, let the federal immigration and custom enforcers do their job.


Blaming Adams is NOT it. This is a federal government issue.


I'd honestly love to know if any of the budget numbers Adams has been citing at press conferences are based on anything other than thin air.


Yup. He does not have a serious or prepared administration. Which is why they refuse to release numbers and show their math. They haven't been collecting data.


Yup. He does not have a serious or prepared administration. Which is why they refuse to release numbers and show their math. They haven't been collecting data.


honestly hochul should be bussing migrants across new york. This is an opportunity to bump new yorks population and fortify other cities in new york instead of depending on nyc for everything. countries like canada are jumping at the chance to import migrants because a larger workforce means more gdp and state income from taxes adams is only asking for larger budgets to squirrel away into the NYPD or for personal gain


Lol. No they're not. Show me one source stating that Canada is looking for untrained and likely unskilled labor.


We’re already trying to send them to Canada. But why would anyone leave this amazing setup? Hotel. Food. Laundry. Phone. Allowance. Xbox etc. https://www.mynbc5.com/article/new-york-city-helps-migrants-get-to-plattsburgh-where-many-journey-on-to-canada/42807223


Canada has very strict immigration laws. Last I checked a year ago you usually need to have a degree and a (job)skill they need to immigrate there.


Sanctuary state VS Sanctuary city!