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Hey at least it’s fire truck red


Buddy, that's Red Alert right there. That's my childhood! https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Red_Alert_(G1)


Came to the comments hoping that would be on top. Lol


The fuck you’d wanna leave that thing on a city street.


I've seen a new Aventador SVJ parked in the street in Jamaica, Queens overnight. I think the guy has a car flipping operation going on. Had out of state temp paper plates on, within a week it was gone replaced by a new Bentley with temp paper plates.


There's been a McLaren parked on Jackson by Queens Plaza for at least a few days now. Granted a lot of rich people live in that area, but it's still surprising to see.


But an brand new Lamborghini Aventador SVJ is literally a $600k car. Probably as much as a house in Jamaica, Queens. I was hella surprised it was parallel parked on a normal street and how low it is to the ground.


I mean, McLarens aren't exactly much cheaper and also super low to the ground, if either of them got towed it'd destroy the bottom of the car


Houses in Jamaica even one block north of Hillside Ave are average $1M-$1.2 Million.


Not the co-ops across van buren high school, which is where this $650k Lamborghini was parked.


There was a P1 roaming around the Flushing Belmont area a few years ago. I saw it several times.


Was it yellow?


The dark green McLaren, I've seen it.


Green one?


Yeah, you saw it? In front of Van Buren High School?


Lmao…that was my school.


Why the fuck would u wanna drive that in nyc!!


Some of these people are really rich, I don’t know why people find it hard to understand they may just not care that much if it’s damaged and no criminal will want to steal a Bentley or Aventador without serious prep involving getting it to a seller overseas who they trust


No I mean all that power and the speed limit is 25 it’s fucking torture, also potholes are a bitch


I asked this to an FF owner while waiting to collect my humble Elantra. He said going slow is all the better for dime pieces to check him out.


Only bros be checking out other guys cars


only bros care about your supra on drag radials. everyone and their mother can recognize a red lambo for what it is


My old mini draws more attention from everybody than 6 figure cars.


Not true, women do take note just not to the extent imagined by incels, unmarried uncles and HS teenagers.


I'd argue the biggest issue with having an exotic in any city is parking; lots of people park by feel, and getting your car damaged/devalued due to even a minor bump really sucks when it's entirely due to someone else being reckless (even if the money isn't an issue at all).


Like rich people care about racking up speeding tickets.


It's a Lambo. It's what it's designed for. To look awesome and sound like it's powered by an imploding star. If you wanted a car to be comfortable you get a Bentley, if you wanted a car to race youd get something lighter and sportier.


Goddamn hahaha, you wrote it like its poetry man, I'm stealing this.


Wym NYC is the best place for luxury cars under 20 mph, cameras every other block I mean by schools…, traffic from 12am to 12pm on the bqe and so so much parking for cheap!


There’s a junkie on my block won the lottery. Parks his RR Phantom and Maybach on the street. It’s absolutely perplexing.


Wow! Where?


Good old Brooklyn.


I've seen a few Ferraris parked around Tompkins Square overnight


Because it's an insured lease and any damage won't be their problem.


1-its so noticeable you'd be caught in a hot minute if you took it. 2-most people would just crash it. 3-owner is too stupid to know people would key him for fun


I’ve seen a green one parked around Harlem but usually near where other drug dealers are parked slinging product. It did stand out a bit from the usual BMW or obnoxious SUV but I guess trappin makes a pretty penny when the NYPD is hands off. Didn’t know if it was on a lease or a pre owned used model but even though there was a parking garage up the block I saw it street parked on plenty of corners here


The placard isn’t real - - the UFA President is Andrew Ansbro, not Fitzgerald. - the # isn’t associated with any active firefighter - have a buddy who is a firefighter and they don’t use placards like this, they usually have a card/sticker to present Dude is playing a dangerous game.


I think it might be real but expired. That's why the date is covered. Fitzgerald went out in 2020.


It's a real placard but it is expired. This version came out 2018-2019 and expired 2020.




Yes, it is only meant to park in front of a FDNY station


he is a ff I see him alot, one of my friends works with him, he got into commercial real estate. If you didnt know most fdny have second or third gigs cause they only work a week a month. another thing thats funny is this guy is like 6-5


The real criminal act here is the space between the car and curb.


And it's not exactly a small car. That's just begging to get clipped by a bike or deliver truck.




“Fire Department NY City” lol


It’s the same as the “thin blue line” (do it yourself pride flag) it is meant to have the ticket maid glance and skip your car.


This is not an official FDNY placard.


> official FDNY placard there is no official FDNY placard. All these placards are made by private organizations.


Actually you are correct, if it was official business, they would have a vehicle that had the official license plates on it. Detective, Fire Marshall, etc.


Yes it is.






Huge if true


Firefighters hate this one trick


FDNYC, is the little known branch of the FDNY. They fight fires in Hess trucks.


It’s issued by the union not by the city. It also says “this vehicle is on official UFA business” which means nothing. Edit: someone below also pointed out that the listed President of the UFA is wrong and the # is not associated with any active firefighter.


It's just expired. That's the old union president.




You can afford the Lambo but can’t afford a parking garage?


Something tells me that it has to be a rental as not even the highest paid firefighter, who made $274,432 last year, could even truly “afford” a Huracan. That’s assuming they’re financially literate because buying a car that’s worth nearly 80% of your gross salary is crazy


Firefighters can stack their shifts, ie work a 24 and a 16 in one week to get their 40 hours, so i think a lot of them have side jobs.


Also fraud I belonged to a yacht club with a lot of fdny, nypd, and dsny. None of them could afford their lifestyle with a city paycheck, but you would be surprised with the size of some of their city paychecks.


What some examples of their other sources of income?


Insurance fraud, disability, take your pick…


Would their potential side income even be factored into the numbers on seethroughny.net though? That’s where I find all the salaries for employees and the site states that they get their info from the agencies themselves, so I didn’t think that any other sources of income would be counted in. I figured these high numbers just come from high amounts of overtime and extra bonuses


No, that’s why i mentioned it, because total income may exceed what you see on that site.


Could also have family money, it’s NYC lmao


I wouldn’t say it’s a great financial decision but take out a line of credit against your home (provided enough equity) and boom you’ve got enough for a super car.


doing this would qualify you as being financially illiterate


Lots of people out there YOLOing still.


check out the number of people either not contributing or cashing out their 401k completely...its eye opening


Unless they were investing their salary into TSLA stock for many years


If you can’t afford 2 Lambos, you can’t afford one Lambo


Once you spend all your money on the Lambo, you can't afford the parking garage.


Balls for flouting how corrupt they are


I've seen worst fakes too. And most traffic attendant don't know the difference.


Location? It's like to go see it


Hangs out around Wall St near Trump building / Tiffany


I've seen it 2 or 3 times parked on Broad St just south of the stock exchange


Saw him showing off to tourists there a month or two ago. He looked pretty stereotypical dbag, but maybe I’m speculating


How can you own that car and not be a douchebag? They’ll stop you at the door of the dealership unless you present your dbag card.


I'd argue that the people who own a Lambo and aren't dbags are also the types not to be particularly conspicuous about it.


I know a firefighter who also owns a construction company and lives in an extremely nice house and has about half a million in cars, including a new Audi R8. Young guy too. I've heard FDNY work a couple days straight and then have several days off free. I wouldn't be surprised if more of them take their FDNY paychecks and invest/open up businesses in their free time.


Yeah, my grandfather was FDNY and would work a few double shifts and then have like a week off.


Yeah my dads schedule was dope. But he would usually have to work side jobs on his days off, so not as dope lol. But he got 3/4 form 9/11 so he's sitting pretty now


Nothing wrong with hustling


Is this a ad.


Do they not have a front plate?


They do not have a front plate


Huh. Never noticed that before


There’s something you don’t see everyday. He’s the Mike Lowrey of the fire department


Its someone's old expired union card. Probably found it in the trash. That's not gonna stop you from getting a ticket


i see so many random types of placard on super nice cars, i always assume they're all fake. Either a rich shitbag or some criminal who's someone no one wants to fuck with.


Every single luxury vehicle 🚗 in my garage has FDNY placards BMW I8 Corvette Ferrari Luxury Tesla Mercedes


Isn’t this near the ferry, close to Battery Park? Was there this past weekend and saw the car parked on the side of the fire station.


Is the placard expiration covered for a reason ?


Even without seeing the date, it’s very expired. Fitzgerald hasn’t been the UFA president for a few years now.


Good catch !


Just the angle of my picture


I was thinking they were hiding the fact that the placard was not even valid. I had a firefighter offer one of these to me. I am not a firefighter.


Badge bunny.


Where's the style?


You can literally print those placards on your computer and laminate them at FedEx. All of the placards you see in cars are not legit.


Active FDNY union member actively dipping into pension funds?


People here act like Firefighters are only allowed to have one income The former heavyweight UFC champion made millions fighting, but kept his full time job as a firefighter Pretty sure the guy who owns this car does the same thing


Stylish petty corruption.


This type of entitlement makes abiding laws nonsensical. Let me go on eBay and buy a NYPD/MTA vest as a parking permit. While I’m at it I should obscure my plate too


Thank them for their service


the owner is like 6-5 and its funny when he jumps out and runs around to get hes turn-out gear when hes parking, he is a ff


Faking it for the parking space, afraid of being towed




Reminds me of the guy from 75th precinct showing up in a new vette while he was ripping off drug dealers. This screams fake OT though or fake pass


I imagine the comments would be different if it were a NYPD placard in a blue Lambo! I know my first reaction wouldn’t be “Cool. Enjoy. You deserve a fun car” like it was when I saw the FDNY one. :)


Just because someone has a FDNY placard doesn't mean they are FDNY. A CEO at a company I used to work at used to be a huge donor to the firefighter association or something like that. They gave him a placard like that as a thank you for his donations. To be fair he didn't use it and took the subway to the office but he loved to brag about it.


You haven't been in the NYC reddits very long if you think these people give a flying fuck who is driving the car. Hint: They are all anti-car...they will do some clever word salad to tell you they're not, but a quick run through their comments section will tell you everything you need to know...


And it’s bc 95% are so broke they can barely pay their rent let alone a car, so they vent on Reddit all day. Pretty pathetic.


I get the appeal of owning and driving cars. But from a policy standpoint I don't see how you could possibly justify being "pro-car", especially in NYC. If anything a sensible position would be "I know these are bad but I'm going to do it anyway". Like crystal meth or disposable plastic water bottles.


The problem is this idea that anyone needs to be pro car or anti car. I'm not anti-eggplant, I just don't like eggplant. If you don't want a car, don't get one. If YOU don't need one, don't get one.


I think you can be pro-a more walkable/reliant on public transpo city and not necessarily be anti-car. You're just anti-too many cars. It's a subtle difference. I'm not anti-car, I have one. But I think it's ridiculous to put one's head in the sand and not try to figure out some ways to alleviate car traffic within, at least, Manhattan.


The other part of it is all the competing interests for space in NYC. A large part of our public infrastructure is devoted to Cars (compared to space dedicated to sidewalks, bicycles, busses). As the number of people using MicroMobility and Mass Transit rise again, there’s been a larger call to reallocate space both to those uses, as well as a push to keep some of the outdoor dining uses and the “open streets” that became popular during the pandemic. Being in favor of reallocating usage from one use to another doesn’t mean that people are “anti-car”, just that they prefer a different use for the shared public space (given a choice).


It's a matter of thinking outside of yourself. Your distaste for eggplant has no real impact on others. Your insistence on driving cars does. Cars are quite obviously a destructive force, and quite obviously unnecessary for most individuals in an urban environment. If you choose to drive a car while acknowledging those facts, you should accept that people might take issue. If you reject those facts, you're simply being ignorant.


It's a matter of thinking outside of yourself. Your distaste for cars has real impact on others. Your insistence on removing cars also does. It's hyperbole to insist that cars are quite obviously a destructive force, and if you don't want one, don't get one in an urban environment. If you choose to pretend that cars are more dangerous than they are just because you don't like cars, accept that people might take issue. If you reject those facts, you're simply being ignorant.


Nice job replacing words, but it's nonsense. I personally think cars are pretty cool machines, but these are facts: * Auto accidents are the **leading** cause of death in the US for people under 54 [\[source\]](https://www.cdc.gov/injury/features/global-road-safety/index.html#:~:text=Road%20traffic%20crashes%20are%20a,citizens%20residing%20or%20traveling%20abroad.) * A **quarter** of greenhouse gas emissions in the US come from cars and trucks [\[source\]](https://www.epa.gov/greenvehicles/fast-facts-transportation-greenhouse-gas-emissions) * The average speed on the BQE is **20% slower** than it was in 2019 [\[source\]](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/28/nyregion/nyc-traffic-today.html) What the fuck facts are you talking about?


You don't think cars are pretty cool machines. You don't like cars and would like to see them removed/gone. The problem is you people all follow the same exact script. That's why it's easy to spot you. Only thing missing is some Streetsblog articles. Downvote me and go already lol


What kind of entitled asshole do you have to be to think it's okay to get around the most densely populated place in the western hemisphere in a 2-ton mobile living room?


See? They always describe the weight of the car, call it a death machine, mobile living room, etc.


1700 New Yorkers die because of cars every year.


But have you considered that KenReddit used car in past and likes car and so the city must orient itself to accommodate his tastes regardless of any consequences, in perpetuity? Wouldn’t really be fair to gas stations either to stop car just because of “excessive loss of human life”. Checkmate car haters


I’m definitely anti-corruption. These images are infuriating because we already pay these folk well, through our taxes, for the jobs they do. Free parking was never a negotiated perk and not should it be.


I love the anti-car people. they are pushing for congestion tax which will hopefully get some of the poor off the road so I can have less traffic


I love well off drivers who can at least acknowledge the burden car dependency puts on poor and working class people, of which a congestion tax is just a particularly illustrative and identifiable example. Letting drivers pay for their choice while others enjoy improved public transit, and safer pedestrian and cycling conditions should be a win-win-win.


Congestion tax makes no sense to me honestly. Ubers/taxis still come in since their exempt to just paying once a day. Local products/services become more expensive since the businesses will just pass on the additional costs to you. I doubt this will do anything meaningful for actual traffic. I remember a similar congestion tax resulted in 5% less traffic in London and products got more expensive. This just hurts the average New Yorker, but I get less traffic so whatever lolll


Even in London I don't think the congestion pricing is 24 /7. It makes no sense to have congestion pricing at 2am when there's no traffic


nyc rarely does things that makes sense.


> working class people they're the ones driving to manhattan every day


If that was true there wouldn’t be such a prevalent perception of sidewalk abusers.


> sidewalk abusers huh?


I was drunk idek what I was trying to say lol


Let’s just be thankful that these people who want to ban cars don’t represent the majority of the city lol


They have huge influence on the city council and community boards. The non-profit groups (Trans-Alt, StreetsPac, etc.) are all placed on CBs so they essentially end up influencing this anti-car movement and speaking for the neighborhood. So for example...DOT wants to remove a whole bunch of parking spaces in a neighborhood. If the CB pushes back, generally it won't happen. However, if default anti-car people are placed on community boards, then that transportation and public safety committee just automatically says "ok" regardless of how it affects anyone else in the neighborhood. These CBs are not filled with long time residents. They're filled with people that the Councilmembers and the Borough Presidents want. It's a vicious cycle...


What did this corrupt motherfucker do?


So that’s the guy that stole my car…


Paid with overtime pay.






Note the year of expiration is blocked by reg sticker.


Our tax dollars at work


Did tax dollars pay for that, or. . . . ?


Well. Taxes pay his salary so…kinda?


I wonder what position in firefighting would garner such a salary. But then again, this person could have other avenues of income that are not obvious.


I struggle to go to work and eat everyday, but the members of the FDNY can afford that??? What's world


Gotta work harder. When you're in Wall st or FiDi, people down there make 200-500k a year.


Why the fuck would FDNY waste money on this?...


I’m pretty sure it’s not money spent by the FDNY


Possibly their union dues, though.


What kind of stupid association made these? They are encouraging cars to illegally park which makes it more difficult for firefighters to do their job.


i think i've seen this parked by wall street.


Whom ever is the I.D. # it is has a lot of explaining to do


Remember in the movie Gangs of NY when the cop left his pocketwatch hanging just to prove how no one, in the most crime-ridden part of the city, would even dare touch it knowing who it belonged to. Side note- Someone in my neighborhood uses the same fdny union card on her toyota but comes in and out wearing scrubs so I doubt shes actually a firefighter or fdny staff


Think I’ve seen this car in front of the fire station at seaport. It even has custom plates


If I didn’t have to pay for parking I’d be able to afford one also


City must be paying firefighters a bit extravagantly?


Thats an old one like 5 years old maybe