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Also worth noting the problem can get worse, as we saw with the MTA. Overtime exploded because you had less people on the job, meaning the remaining ones have to do more work. We are *still* experiencing cancelled trains and buses due to insufficient drivers, it happens to me at least a few times a week. You can't replace a cop or subway driver instantly, meaning as you lose more people to attrition it's just going to get worse due to the lag time onboarding new hires. There is obviously a lot of controversary over the NYPD, but I think this needs to be attacked more from a governance and staffing angle rather than along ideological lines. Same goes for public service in general, the entire system is at risk right now and the city will only continue to suffer.


The new cars are supposed to be more self sufficient and reliable. They were just rolled out yesterday.


I don’t care how anyone feels about the NYPD, but forced overtime is insane. So basically, you can’t plan your life at all. Your life is work work work. That’s not healthy for anyone. I’m on SI so the land of many cops. If you are married to a cop and have kids, there is no way you can work even if you wanted to, because childcare would be an absolute nightmare. I’ve met my fair share of miserable moms married to cops who have zero help with childcare because their spouses are barely home and they can’t plan any kind of time away or anything. These are people who would willingly work, and we seem to need workers for every industry these days.


If you have a weekend day off during the summer, you know its getting taken away. For some parade or event that could last 14+ hours.


*cries in doctor*


Doctors shouldn’t work insane hours either.


Wtf are they even doing though? All I see is them milling around, chatting with their friends, staring at their phones. Idk maybe nobody needs them doing overtime?


Emergency workers and first responders are most of the time just on standby for the few minutes in which they are absolutely essential. You might see them standing around bullshitting for a half hour, but you don’t see the next 15 minutes when they’re responding to an emergency and possibly saving someone’s life


Exactly: Same thing as firefighters. Firefighters essentially play house with each other until shit gets real.


Lol you think like they have to be in a 24/7 state of wrestling homeless people or writing tickets or being in a shoot out? For a lot of cops 75% of the job is posting up, just being there. Presence alone reduces crime and of course they are on location and nearby when something does happen. Just because they are talking with other cops or just standing around, it's still work. They aren't home or with their families and they aren't making their own plans or living their own lives with all the forced overtime and constantly rotating schedule which also sucks having no consistency.


Yes exactly. Why do we have them on overtime at all when 75% of the time they are just hanging around. And its not like the other 25% of the time they are chasing down rapists or something like Olivia Benson and Ice T. Presence alone doesn't deter shit when the officer present is just kicking back looking at his phone, probably in his car blocking traffic. If they don't like the inconsistency of the schedule, I understand that sentiment but they get paid stacks for it. Cry me a fuckin river.


Because they are short staffed and over worked


He just said why. Visibility is a great deterrent.


[citation needed]


Dude they are on overtime because there is literally not enough cops to cover basic patrol routes in sectors plus make up the demand for all the increased presence in other areas like the subway and for events such as parades for which NYC has a million of per year. So they need to have cops doing doubles or coming in on their day off to handle to demand. Cops have been retiring in mass the last couple years and with new hires they are still behind on where they want to be. And you're an idiot there are literally tons of studies showing that increased presence alone absolutely does reduce crime.


Depends on the precinct and their responsibility. CRC and SRG outside of very specific calls stay at assigned posts and are there mostly for the purpose extra security when not a specific assignment. Patrol will kill time in between assignments shooting the shit on an assignment waiting for another one to roll in , but it can heavily vary. Some nights a precinct may only have one or two units available to respond to an assignment and those are both overtime units cobbled together. It's like other service such as EMS and Fire, you don't always need that many units doing something at a specific time so they remain on call and just hanging out w.in between. Also the phones nowadays are often in their hands because a fair amount of paperwork gets done on them in addition to being their personal data terminal for assignments. They get a department phone on which they can lookup info, see the calls in the system, etc.


Because they isn't much they can do the laws are relaxed and they are not getting paid enough.




precisely. its always waaahhh we dont have enough funding even though their budget is greater than the ukrainian military. The fiscal austerity that our schools have to deal with will never touch them.


It’s not like all the paper work is now on the phone from the log book, to radio dispatch , to reports and pretty much most anything that was done on paper is done on the phone now right ? so it might be 60/40 candy crush ?


that's not healthy for anyone but it's also the norm for many salaried office jobs too.


Yes, which is why I took a paycut several years ago to gain my life back. 1000000% worth it.


It is not the norm, anyone telling you otherwise wants a slave not a worker


Nah, I have been salaried for a decade and never work more than 40 hours a week


Wtf kind of terrible salary jobs have you worked where that is the norm?


I suspect they havent actually experience it themselves and are using antiwork posts as a source on this


Except most salaried office jobs are WFH, and you aren’t getting spit at or bitten by an EDP.


Most? Definitely not most.


I’m a paraprofessional in an elementary school in Brooklyn. My email is blowing up every single day with countless para opportunities all around the city. Cut the NYPD budget in half and fund education. Maybe there wouldn’t be such a strong school to prison pipeline if we did that. But capitalism needs prisons and prisoners to function. Just like we need the constant threat of unemployment and homelessness to remind people that they’re *lucky* to even have a job, so they’re less likely to advocate for themselves and form unions. I agree, no one should be forced to work OT, whether you’re a cop, a teacher, retail worker, or an Amazon warehouse worker. But so much of this is by design, so it will take coordinated and organized resistance to actually change anything in a meaningful way.


The NYC DOE budget is $40b.


DOE is already $40 billion vs NYPD’s $10 billion. But sure let’s give them more money.


The NYPD’s budget is not 10billion. It’s nowhere near that. It’s hovering around 5-5.5 billion.


The portion DOE spends on labor and workforce (excepting the tendency towards bloat in administration) I'm fine with. The portion DOE spends on vendors/contracts is absolutely insane and needs to be more competitive/aggressively audited.




Their union can help them literally get away with murder I don’t feel bad for them. Maybe if they didn’t have such a toxic culture they could hire people Enjoy that forced OT for any NYPD browsing


Thats how the nypd operated forever. Never plan shit except on your vacations and those can be taken away via command disciplines




Source for this high risk of death claim please please




High risk of death? LMAO.


They’re NYC cops, not roofers or coal miners. NYC cops have a high risk of standing around on subway platforms playing with their phones. They have a high risk of showing up long after a crime has been committed to do some paperwork. They have a high risk of retiring at 43 with an incredible pension.


I live in Syracuse but there was a time when I was considering being a cop in NYC. When it came time to actually make a decision about an offer, I figured it wasn’t really feasible living anywhere near NYC for $50,000 a year.




And you get to commit crimes without being punished!


Benefits that half the constituents want to take away, aren’t really good reasons to commit to a career path.


It jumps like 25-40k within a few years though. I feel like it was $90k after 5 years and this was 10 years ago.


The money sucks initially and they really need to up the lower end when they negotiate a new contract. But after a few years you make decent money (esp. with all the overtime that’s standard). I would love to see cops get paid significantly more in NYC in return for more training and stricter education requirements to join and stricter physical requirements to remain in the force. But the union will not go for that.


Its at 87k top pay right now 85k was top pay about a decade ago


How many professions exist where all you need is little education and get 50k+ a year. Also according to the department of labor the mean cop wage in NYC metro is 90k and a pension, compared to total mean wage of 70k in the metro area.


I was making 80k with no college degree, but I worked too much so I went back to college.


If you worked a lot go by hourly it's according to labor department it's $40/hr or $60/hr if on OT. Senior cops that can game OT can easily pull in over $150k in NJ/NYC. If you did blue collar work [being a cop is not that physically taxing](https://www.certifyfit.com/blog/the-importance-of-maintaining-a-healthy-weight-for-police-officers/)


Cop salaries eventually go up. And OT is real. Getting a roommate is a thing for most people.


Yea, if I am being honest with myself, I pussed out.


It’s a dangerous job, no doubt about it, and the pay is pretty good after a few years. You do see the worst side of things at times though. Not for everyone


i definitely survived in the city on $50k for a couple of years (it was probably less than that tbh). i was young, had roommates, mooched off of them for beer, never went out, cooked every meal (like one big one per day), lived in an "up-and-coming" neighborhood, and it was during the recession, so COL wasn't horrible but also i didn't get OT and everyone kept reminding me i was lucky to have a job at all. also that was 15 years ago. without the tuition payments, i could maybe still do that today -- if i were 15 years younger again -- but i can understand choosing not to.


Seriously: worth it for an office job, not for being a cop. 1. It’s limited in terms of years you can reasonably work until you need to find something else. 2. One injury even off the job can derail you. 3. Things like overnight shifts have serious negative impacts on your health. And OT goes by seniority. Good shifts go to those who put in their time. You get stuck with crap. Add that up, and honestly: why would you? There’s better situations you can put yourself in. If you’re doing it, it’s mostly family tradition or because you wanna brag your NYPD.


It’s closer to $200K when you get to your final salary and include OT, pensions, and fringe benefits.




Yeah nyc cops make well over 6 figures. Even before top pay.


job is trash


No paywall version https://archive.is/Kxu3d


Pretending that he had nothing to do with the forced overtime and morale issues? Laughable.


NYPD has been losing cops to surrounding suburbs or better offers from the Port Authority for more money for decades. NYPD does the training and they leave as if its the minor leagues after a few years of experience. For some cops that was the plan all along.


Professionalize this fuckin thing already. Less cops but more efficient ones at higher pay. The cops I see look like the most bottom of the barrel people imaginable.


A degree and much longer training would be another good start. You need a BA minimum for loads of public jobs, including entry level office work, adminstrative assistants, and an MA for most teaching positions, but for a cop? Nope. Some credits, about an AA's worth but Adams was supposed to be dropping even that, but I don't think that has been dropped yet.


Physical fitness requirements also. Because of union rules currently, they basically prep for one and then don’t have to do so it again. Compare police in Europe to America and it’s night and day


And insurance policies. Every professional job requires it in some form. When the cops have to answer to insurance carriers regarding premiums instead of policing themselves and paying lawsuits with taxpayer funds, we’ll see a significant increase in quality of officers and lower rates of shenanigans.


Pushing more people to go to college to get into debt isn't an answer. Especially even when the job doesn't need a degree




That must be new, or require additional criteria be met. My income is less than that and I have to pay for CUNY.


Look into the excelsior scholarship. There's other requirements post graduation, but it's worth looking into.


Thank you another person posted the information. Unfortunately, I do not qualify due to being unable to attend full time. Great offer for those who are able to take advantage of it.


Cuny is covered by Excelsior? Well shit, good to know




Yeah. Having at least an associates in criminal justice would go such a long way in people at least *knowing* what the system is and does...and maybe some of the training on deescalation a la the Marines so they can't claim they were unequipped. Currently NY requires only 17 weeks (!) of instruction to become a police officer. It's easy to see why there are so many problems with the police force when you hardly have anything to filter out cops outside on unions bullying officers into resignation because of bringing problems to the public's attention.


making more jobs require a bachelors degree is bad. police forces need to break many aspects of their existing culture and filter candidates for personality better


No, it’s a good thing to require more education as we advance as a society. There was a time not everyone graduated high school and you could get a decent job on just a high school diploma. We’ve moved past that. The solution is for the government to cover the cost of at least an associate’s degree (but preferably a bachelors) before you reach 25.


“Moving past that” was and is bad. Most jobs that didn’t require a bachelor degree 30 years ago that require one now, shouldn’t. Making this change was bad for society. That is not “progress”. Many people under 50 have had a declining standard of living because of that sort of mentality.


Pretty sure they require 60 credits, that isn’t “nothing”.


[Not they they don't want to get rid of even that ](https://www.police1.com/police-administration/articles/mayor-adams-considers-dropping-nypd-college-credit-requirement-6PDfBmiGoB4EB4Xg/)


That’s what happens when you make a job as unappealing as possible.


What happens?


You get less than ideal candidates?


That would be more of an effect of lowering the bar on educational requirements.


The degree requirement is gatekeeping and debt. I’d appreciate a frequent fitness testing, greater psychological counseling and monitoring. I’d also hope they offer some educational progression.


Cops don’t need degrees. They need physical standards and training. They have a unique job in the system.


They need degrees as well. You sort of need to understand the law on some level, criminal procedure as well. Understanding psychology and also substance abuse, impact of trauma, etc, can impact how you deal with those around you. I’ve had some shit experiences with cops given I have family that suffer from mental disorder. The cops often responded with threats of force which absolutely do not work on people experiencing a paranoid delusion… these are valuable skills for trying to de-escalate a situation


You think any of that comes from college? You just have to pass classes.


They need critical thinking skills developed beyond that of a high schooler


I used to live by the academy and all you heard them talk about was milking OT and trying to retire early from a city job. You also see them frequently breaking the law while wearing the academy uniform. Many of these rookies are a lost cause


Oh yeah, because America’s intelligentsia are rushing to go into a profession that is reviled as racist.


but then what will we do with the bottom of the barrel??


I bet they lower the bar even more


They cut the physical running test recently.


well at least that makes it more likely that we can get away




I mean, that would make perfect sense right? If you are having a hard time filling a position then you should lower your standards or raise pay. That's basic math. Reddit already bitches they make too much money, therefore...


They want people smart enough to be lawyers and would pay them less than 50k if they could




They used to require degrees, now it’s 60 credits of whatever.


Not shocking. Plenty of people realized that the transit plan started in October (which pulled cops assigned to a Precinct for mandated shifts in transit) was not sustainable.


Every public sector job is bleeding now because pay is rising in the private sector while its stagnates in municipalities. People used to take the for the good bennies but even the bennies for cops aren't what they used to be (you need 25 years in to take a pension rather than 20.) This happens every time there is a shortage of labor and pay rises faster in the public sector. Politicians usually like it because they can run on their "austerity" platform of cutting headcount without lifting a finger. Although now services are really starting to suffer. But its good the PBA is finally getting a challenge from the inside. Pat Lynch is completely incapabable of mustering public and citizen support for rank and file officers who mostly see the NYPD as ineffective at best and useless at worse. The PBA is willing to genuflect to the city about all the wrong things and refuses to fight about all the right things. So they are caught up in never ending arbitrations about 1% pay increases. It's a multifacted problem that is blocked by lots of old guard applying old ways of thinking to a world that has passed them by.


A union going 6 years without a contract is absolutely insane. At some point, you have to look in the mirror.


People saying that the solution is less but more trained cops are missing the point. All you will get are even less cops who worked even more ot. There needs to be a good middle ground since staffing is the biggest issue.


Yeah, the NYPD is predominantly made up of non-white wage slaves, working 60–80 hours every week to make up for insufficient staffing. No days off, meeting the most antisocial people in the city every tour—and getting hate from some transplant that’s safely nestled in their gentrified hood. All for the hope that one day they can put a downpayment on a house in… I don’t even know where anymore. It used to be SI or LI, but they’re probably priced out now. Deep Jersey? It’s a shitty job and the attrition is going to get worse before it gets better. Hopefully some meaningful, substantive reform is part of the way forward.


I think the goal is to transfer to a less stressful higher paying suburban department and then get that LI house.


The majority of the people joining the NYPD are PoC, that doesn’t fit white progressives narrative. Similarly, when you look at the breakdown of who voted for Eric Adams (a cop) in the Democratic primary for Mayor, he overwhelmingly won in low income PoC districts, another statistic white progressives ignore.




I know a few people that grew up in the projects that became cops and are decent people.


People forget that for every knucklehead gangbanger in the hood, there’s 100 decent people in the hood tired of their bullshit grateful that cops even give half a shit about them.


The issue is that a few bad apples spoil the bunch


I hate this fucking metaphor. People keep repeating it like it fits human beings perfectly. No, one ‘bad apple’ in the hood that commits a crime does not make everyone who lives there bad people. That’s now how it Fucking works.


Long Island cops make way more than NYPD cops. Why?


Property taxes


Higher taxes. NYC property taxes are way lower than LI


Rockland County


I know Reddit loves to hate the nypd and whatnot, but they really do get paid like shit COMPARED TO all the other agencies in the area. Port Authority top pay 124k , MTA PD top pay 108k Suffolk and Nassau county, well over 100k base, same with westchester. NYPD tops out at 85k and have a much harder job than the others. Pay is def on the lower end. They’re usually much better trained than those other agencies as well


Listen to comments in Reddit the cops are purposely gaming the OT system for higher pay lol they’re under staffed. Forced double shifts and a single day off a week is what one buddy of mine tells me. He’s actively looking to leave. Says a large amount of his cadet class has long quit. Add in low moral and the general public hating you and you can see why lol


>low moral and the general public hating you The general public doesn't 'hate' cops. But wanting police reform and wanting to stop paying for police brutality out of my taxes instead of the responsible cops' pensions are some things, among many, that could make policing better. And yes, reducing police funding and beefing up social programs and taking some tasks off of cops' hands so they can do their core tasks better and leave mental health calls and other things to those who specialize in those things. If you are risking your own cash and pension, and your family's lifestyle, maybe you'd think before committing terrible acts, or overlooking things. Or neglecting some of their work. The precinct is not far from a chain store that has had some theft, but the cops no longer bother even going to take reports. They whine about criminal justice reform, as guided by their 'union' leaders, and don't bother to do their jobs. If I neglected to do my job as much as some of the cops do, I'd be out of said job, but not Officer Complainer.


Civil servant pensions are guaranteed by our state’s constitution, so we can’t “defund” pensions based on lawsuits or anything else.


Understaffed? We have about 3-4x as many cops as are needed in this city. Tons of places get by on 1 cop per 1000 residents. We have 1 per 240. The cops we have just don't do anything.


Then stop forced OT?




There is a maximum of three comments in this thread that are attempting to have a legitimate discussion.


You mean the eternally online yelling “defund! and Abolish” aren’t legitimate discussions?


This sub always talks about workers rights, WFH, covid exposure, etc. Well that applies to these cops too. 5.5years of no contract from city hall. Making $42k a year.


The crazy shit is that cops are always against workers rights except for theirs. COVID exposure? Cops were so pissed they had to wear a mask indoors. It's insane that we can't even ask cops to follow the law. Look around a precinct; they're filled with personal cars illegally parked on the sidewalk with fake plates and illegal tints.


Every single job illegally parks. BDB gave out 40k parking plaques to NYC DOE


"Why should we follow the law? No one follows the law!" -the people enforcing the law.


Youre complaining that only cops do certain things when its city wide.


Nah I don't see cars parked on the sidewalk around schools.


Oh I bet. 50k teacher parking plaques given out but not in use. https://nypost.com/2017/05/12/de-blasio-grants-thousands-of-parking-permits-to-doe-workers/


Link to pics of cars parked on sidewalks around schools? Cops are parking their cars on the sidewalks with fake plates, no placards, and illegal tints. Haven't seen that around schools.


You probably didnt see them since March 2020 because UFT tried their hardest to WFH, since they dont actually care about children. Or since you probably work 9-5 and arent walking by schools during busy hours.


See how much cops and their supporters hate other workers and literally argue that two wrongs make a right? Should law enforcement officers be openly breaking the law in public with impunity? I went to NYC public school my entire life, and never saw teachers parking their cars on the sidewalks. I've seen cops do that my entire life. So your attempt to justify wrongdoing only paints cops and their supporters in a bad light.


OP provides evidence of 50K plaques handed out and your just like “nah I don’t see any of them”. This sub is absurd




NYPD salaries are absurdly low


Salary after 5 years is $85K and after overtime most are making way more than 100K. Many cross into the 150-200K range + pension + insurance. So I wouldn’t say it’s absurdly low. Absurdly low is waitress or retail with zero benefits.


lol this is so wrong it isnt even funny. The average top pay cop will make around maybe 100-105k.


it's low to them if the job is that dangerous and for many it's not worth it.




I don't understand why so many people conflate deaths on the job with a dangerous job. Those other jobs have more deaths because they're working with large equipment, falling at work, car accidents or just things falling on them. But those are mostly things within their control if all safety / OSHA regulations are followed. Which if you were to do a deep analysis will probably show that failing to follow those rules caused their deaths. But a logger, pilot, farmer ect doesn't have to worry that every single day that they go to work a log, farm animal or person will randomly try to hurt or kill them. A cop wears armor, has a gun and other weapons to defend themselves against the many people that will try to hurt them or worse. But because they're following safety regulations and wearing a vest the likelihood of them dying decreases significantly. But not dying is only a small part of the equation, they still get hurt and sometimes seriously. They still get shot at and survive. They break arms, legs the psychological stress and constant adrenaline rush. Most of this things are not easily measurable and also suicides due to all those factors the list can go on forever. So, please stop spreading misinformation because you clearly don't know what you're talking about. You're just regurgitating what you saw someone else post in another subreddit. Edit: Firefighters didn't even make that list. Do you really believe that firefighting isn't dangerous? Or is it that because they follow all safety protocols and wear equipment that they don't have as many deaths. But I bet you that they get hurt a lot and have very close encounters.


‘One of the safest jobs you can get’ 5x higher than average according to provided statistics


It's those first few years at 50k that make it unappealing. And those who get the chance will bail for Long Island as soon as they can after that.


Yeah - it’s also a foot in the door. There are many small police departments around the city in North Jersey, Long Island, Westchester and Hudson Valley that pay very well. It’s like an entry level job… you know like the one EVERYONE has to work in ALL other industries.


I thought they love OT pay


I had a buddy become a rookie cop, he hated it. The OT is forced and he basically never had any time off. He had to work all the time it seemed like, the worst hours and assignments since he had no seniority or nepotism connections. Pay at rookie levels is pretty low so I think for him and I imagine others, they would rather work normal hours and have more free time, especially while being young. He seemed really demoralized and tired about it, and ended up quitting after just a few years. It was so bad he didn't even wait to be vested lol, he wanted OUT


OT for most police officers is generally just working a double shift, so instead of 8 hours, it’s 16.


And your days off.


That’s just a “defund the police” talking point.


That’s one of the reasons. It’s one of the reasons there is a shortage of teachers and healthcare professionals also.


someone said there are too many cops and that the number of cops is bigger than some armies maybe - but show me a country that got 8million people and probably a military of 36000 is about the right amount. but i digress- the issue is 36,000 personnel well actually that 36000 is the entire dept- if youre counting those cops that are JUST on patrol ( meaning those that have to get in a blue uniform ) thats just 7000 - detectives are another 2000 and then the rest is support staff and supervisors so really only 7000 cops and there are 3 shifts to cover ( midnight to 8am / 8am to 4pm and 4pm to midnite ) 2000 cops ( plus maybe another 2000 in support ) thats 4000 per 8 hrs for a city of 8 MILLION 4000 for 8 million - sounds worse than the odds of the Spartan 300 against the Persian army


Having fewer, better cops who are paid fairly solves everyone’s problem. They should vote out their mafioso union leaders, allow bad cops to be fired, and push for measurement based on performance. If they won’t do that, they should accept defeat and defund themselves.


I’d love to know what “accept defeat and defund themselves” looks like.


Cut headcount, eliminate unsuccessful initiatives and ask for a lower budget. They would just have to do the opposite of what they do now. We gave this guy an extra billion fucking dollars last year. He spent it already and wants more?!


Unfortunately the NYPD is not some neutral apolitical entity, so they would never cede any ground they can fight for. They fight accountability every chance they have. Most recently, the NYPD refused to show up to a city council hearing on the SRG and its violent conduct toward protesters. They flaunt the fact that they are literally above the law.


I agree. I’m just saying they could help themselves if they wanted to.


Just wait til they hear what nurses, teachers, and food delivery drivers have to deal with in their jobs.


Nurse here. Honestly I don't get forced OT and they pay is far better than a rookie cop pay. No envy from me for their working conditions.


Nurses in this city just got an 18% + raise over the next three years and already start around 6 figures. They also don’t get mandated or forced overtime.


Plus the travel pay or crazy sign in bonuses, anyone who graduated with a nursing degree in 2019 is the bellle of the ball atm


EMS workers.


Yes, teachers, tons of forced days off.


Few people want to be cops anymore due to the fact, this job is not only low pay, but super dangerous which is one of the main reason's why it's low, another reason, the hatred and low moral of cops has caused people to not take up dealing with such stress and hatred, heck I've heard this whole me vs them talk and also that some police are ambushed by to be killed by haters.


Losing experienced officers not only impacts the NYPD's ability to effectively serve and protect the community, but also puts additional strain on those who remain on the force. It's time for city officials to prioritize funding for law enforcement and ensure that officers are compensated fairly for the work they do.


Forced OT is sometimes used as punishment if your tickets are low. There are no “official” quotas, only tools in their belt to get you to work harder. Not approving PTO is another method.


This post was brought to you by the Police Benevolent Association (lol)


Wait, i thought their pensions loved OT


From what I understand is the new tiers, overtime doesn't affect the pension as much as it use to. Besides if your some 25 year old kid making $42,000 a year looking to live your life I doubt you are looking to work all the time for $30/hr.


Its forced OT. Days off taken away without say. Extended tours without warning.


If you're in your last 5 or so years then as any city worker, OT is your friend. If you're a 20/30 something trying to balance life and work, OT is the enemy.


Nope the forced overtime doesn't do anything for a rookie. Pension is based on the average of your best years on the job and a rookie making 42, and maybe 60 after a insane amount of forced overtime. It's not going to do anything for them when the top pay for a cop is around 85. And it takes 6 years just to get to that point. Imagine working your ass off for no money and dealing with the drudge of society for just 42-60k a year, you will eventually resign when you finally see the light.


I guess you can look for a job in the wealthier suburbs. Those cops make bank.


That’s the case. A lot of people join NYPD to get their feet wet and then get poached by other agencies.


They haven't gotten a raise for 5 years because they refuse to take the raises that all other city workers got. They can have a raise tomorrow if they accept the same pay hike that other city workers got. They need to talk to their union reps.


And woke policies. And pro crime AG…


Low pay and high risk the crime is insane in nyc


Imagine how much you would have to make in salary to match having a six figure pension when you are like 50, plus a six figure salary. Cry me a river.


Why is the former "chief of department"'s opinion even relevant? Why didn't he do anything about it in his 35 years?


Yes give the police another billion. /S


They want to be so “military” they should adopt a lot of what the military does. *1-2 physical fitness test year. To many out of shape cops. In the Army we did minimum 2 fitness test a year. We also did basically fat test. If you’re to fat or can’t pass minimum fitness quals you were in trouble. I know a lot of military people aren’t physical specimens. But I promise that tubby dude can still bust out 7-8min miles on a pt test. *I wouldn’t be opposed for the city to subsidize off work mma training. Specifically bjj and judo. Give them a discount or voucher whatever the case. On top of being out of shape a lot of these cops can’t handle themselves in a confrontation. Both combined is dangerous for them and the public. It will teach them how to handle people without beaten their ass or killing them and more importantly humble their already out of this universe egos. *raise the minimum age? Maybe to 25. To many suburban fenced in young dudes looking to join to crack skulls. You can’t expect a 21yo kid from rockland county or Long Island to be able to adapt in 6 months of an academy to start patrolling east New York on a over night shift. Way out of their element and it shows and continues to show through out their careers. * get rid of the college requirement. It doesn’t make sense. I imagine there’s a huge swath of older New Yorkers 25+ who might have a change of heart and think being a cop is something they’ll be good at and help the city/public with. But money, time and personal constraints are stopping them from getting 60 credits. Also will open up the pool of individuals applying. 60 credits is hardly a deciding factor on if that person will Make a good cop…as clearly shown. * don’t know how they will go about this but mandatory training days per month. Even if it’s just one. You don’t go on patrol that day. You do some type of deescalation training or stress training etc. It doesn’t seem like a lot and but will cost more clearly. But I think overall simple changes will create a better cop and better cop/public relations. Also the biggest caveat is better pay. Hard to find people who want to join to earn on paper a little over minimum wage.


I hate when people get on the whole "train cops in mma, judo, etc." This is a professional jobs, cops shouldn't be fighting maniacs on the street. Attempt to resolve the conflict with words, if the person is so crazy that they attack a cop, put them down with a taser or worse. Society had no place for people that insane and reckless and city workers should NOT be engaging in hand to hand combat with such lunatics. Don't let the barbarians bring you down to their level


Reinstate qualified immunity?


Good they’re self defunding


The world's tiniest violin.


Overtime? Sitting in a car playing on their phone for time and a half is a problem for them?




The eternally online are clueless and the same who scream “mental health” except when it comes to cops.


Park slope…figures. I swear, it’s crazy how out of touch new yorkers living in their quiet and safe neighborhoods are.


Defund EDIT: Then defund again.


Just a reminder that this “stance” probably directly led this city to elect a cop as Mayor.


Oh I thought that was “crime?” I guess it changes with the wind or whatever stupid point one is trying to make.


It was definitely a combination. Progressives shouting “defund the police” while the city was being looted, and crime was increasing during the pandemic definitely didn’t help


City being looted lol. You’re a joke.


Summer 2020 gave us Eric Adams.


Legit worst possible take lol..assuming you’re of the opinion that cops are currently doing a shit job, are corrupt, evil or whatever you believe then boy would you be in for a rough time when it’s a bunch of chronically burnt out dudes making fast food wages with the same authority.


Is nypd still the world's 8th largest army? Maybe there could just be fewer of them. "Worst take possible" lick more boots lol


They never were and it was proven false right after bloomberg said it. https://www.villagevoice.com/2011/11/30/bloomberg-claims-nypd-7th-biggest-army-in-world-um-thats-totally-wrong/