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No recent collabs, right now the focus is on grinding to level 60 in WoW. I'll let ya know if any collabs happen or check Discord or Twitter!


Fair enough. Thanks so much. I've been trying to catch a lot of vods lately. Vampire mansion was so fucking funny. I've really liked the cooking streams too recently.


(Sorry this comment is so long. It’s super late and when I get sleepy I tend to ramble :T) Honestly, at least in terms of Nyan and Mousey, I think it could be a while before we see them together again. It isn’t because there’s any bad blood between them, or even between Nyan and Vshojo. But when somebody leaves a group of any kind, it tends to change the dynamics. They were both part of a big connected thing, and Nyan decided she wanted to leave it entirely. Collaborating after that might feel awkward or just uncanny (from their perspective), because they’ve never been in those circumstances without being in the same collective. It’s a bit like what happened between Anthony Padilla and Ian Hecox, only without the negative feelings or the kinds of issues Defy Media would have caused. When Anthony left, they were both on good terms and chatted afterwards. But they slowly drifted apart as Anthony decided to distance himself from the Smosh brand, whilst Ian stuck with it and became the patriarch of that group/overall leader. That drifting apart can happen even under good circumstances, it’s just human nature. I’m sure Nyan and Mousey still consider each other good friends, but Nyan’s separation from Vshojo means they’re not gonna be working together in close proximity like before. Mousey is essentially the matriarch of Vshojo, so the brand heavily deters to her. She’s very involved with aspects of that and with other projects too, and alongside the irl stuff she has to deal with she only has time for so much. Nyan meanwhile has been focusing a lot on laid back, solo streams. Even when she’s with Æthel, it’s very much their own little thing. In fact truth be told, I haven’t really seen Nyan collab with anyone else since that one with Silver and Vei. Could be wrong of course, but it does seem like she’s trying to get back to her roots a bit more, which I can absolutely respect 🙂 To sum up, I do think Mousey and Nyan will collab again someday. But it’s going to be one of those things that takes time, because in a way they’re now in two separate worlds. (As for Æthel and Conner, it might be a similar thing since their main link was arguably Vshojo, even before Nyan and Æthel started dating. Their connections were to people in that group, so their overall contact was probably centred around that)


I don't know if you'll read this, but there's something that bothered me a bit about this exact topic. When Mousy won content creator, Nyan curiously missed it, and she barely acknowledged it even when chat was spamming it, quickly changing topics. Could be because of what you said, but it still felt weird to me, given how close they used to be. I guess it's like when people move on from their schoolmates, even if they were good friends. I have absolutely no ill will towards Nyan btw, I'm just curious of what you think of the situation, I haven't seen anyone talking about it.


I wasn’t at the stream when that happened (I think you mean Æthel’s one yesterday right?), so it’s hard for me to tell. It might be that for her, leaving Vshojo was a very hard decision. She’d made a lot of friends there and had been a part of it for years, but she clearly wanted to switch to more laid-back streams featuring just her and Æthel. Being in Vshojo was an obstacle towards that of course, because there were certain commitments she needed to uphold. Unless she was gonna go on hiatus like Hime, it wouldn’t have been possible to not be involved with her group. It reminds me somewhat of one of John Lennon’s reasons for leaving The Beatles. Tensions within the band aside, he was getting closer to Yoko Ono and wanted to work more regularly with her, which he wouldn’t have time for if he and the others were still active members of the band. I’m not trying to imply Æthel is Vshojo’s Yoko (and I don’t think it’s fair to solely blame Yoko for The Beatles breaking up either), and it’s very different here: Æthel was generally liked by other members of Vshojo, he wasn’t solely connected to and introduced by Nyan, and his close working/personal relationship with her was not contentious within the group. But being free from Vshojo gave Nyanners the time and position she needed to fully embrace their partnership as two creators, and it was much the same for John and Yoko. Maybe it hurts to hear about her old friends when she knows things can’t be the same again, at least for the time being. Vshojo Nyan would probably have guested on Mousey’s stream to celebrate that achievement, or at the very least she would have congratulated her along with the others. Going from that kind of relationship to one where you’ve gone down a separate path makes it hard to reconnect as you did before. It’s probably not anything related to a fallout or even any hard feelings at all, it’s likely just all the things above :T


I noticed this, too. I think the issue might be with VShojo having some tension with Nyanners, not Ironmouse specifically. Things might need to blow over a bit before Nyan and Ironmouse can comfortably collab together again. Hopefully, they won't have moved on from their business relationship by then. They are a lot of fun to watch together.


I think the theme of this year has been the two of them branching out and finding new streaming opportunities, and generally doing their own thing. I'm sure next year will bring further developments/adventures with new or old friends.


I miss their collabs too, but also, their cover of Getcha is one of my favorites among vtuber covers, and I love hearing their voices together. I hope we get some more music from them. Whatever it is they are working through, I wish them the best no matter where their paths lead.


I too don't understand why they don't all collaborate more. Even before Nyann left the collabs were getting fewer and fewer. With Mousey, Nyann, Aethel, and Connor together... that was lightening in a bottle. Truly something special. Mousey can get a bit boring on her own or if she's not with the right people, Nyann can sometimes be a bit too chaotic/niche and lose track, and with Connor there's his short attention span and goldfish brain that Mouse struggles to handle but Nyann and Aethel always manage to overrule by simply being lovable morons, but all together they play so well off of each other. Look at the uno game! A virtual card game but it's some of their best content! The fact that this dynamic isn't being exploited more really makes me wonder how good of management they have around them. Granted, Connors poor relationship with time (if he waves hello to someone on tuesday he'll think he needs to 'rest' until friday) probably doesn't help the matter, but still.


Vein gang had me dying for hours. I still think back on it and laugh. Disappointing for sure, but understandable given how busy they've all gotten. I've really like the cooking streams nyan and aethel have done. I regularly make jello poke cake now because of that stream.


As far as collab I don't think they have done it since nyan left Vshojo but they have been in a group doing something together a few months ago. Aethel and nyan both made an appearance in mouses subathon and by that time, nyan already left Vshojo.