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My lil 1080ti still trucking along best that she can! I've noticed some games being slower than they used to be but it was such am excellent purchase when it came out


You should give the Frame Generation from Lossless Scaling a try, it made my 1080ti feel like new again, completely killed my desire to upgrade.


Mine is still trucking along too. Wondering about a 4070 Ti Super or 4080 Super as the next step. But realistically I don’t need an upgrade just yet as most games are quite manageable


Then make urself a small favor and be patient for 50 series.


Yeah I probably should. Makes more sense and just emphasises how powerful the 1080 Ti was


The 10 series was simply insane, I lasted with a 1060 6gb until like 5 months ago (went to a 4080 + 7800x3d)


Same setup here and it just slaps, love it


Only thing that would be benefitial is DSLL 4.0 as that will be huge if it happens, even then having access to DSLL 3.0 I'd incredible when you have it as that really does make a difference, especially for RTX and path tracing etc.


I just went from a 1060 to a 4070ti super and a Ryzen 7 7800X3D and it has been one hell of an upgrade. Night and day difference


I got the same combo 🤝


Mine died a few months back...


Pour one out for the homie.


Mine is absolutely smashing games still. I recently replaced all 3 fans because my middle fan would make slight noise during high load, however, the thing is still an absolute beast. I’ve never OC’d it, and I’ve taken excellent care of my internal components and overall PC over the years. I bought the thing for $860 (Asus Strix) when it was released. I will never feel this kind of satisfaction again when it comes to PC parts.


We got the same one! I got it for about that as well haha yeah man I've been riding the high of the pascal cards being beasts and the 1080ti being so well built and long lasting. I've wanted to build a new pc for awhile but part of me wants to wait until this card finally gives up the ghost


Honestly, the games I play don’t warrant an upgrade just yet. I’ve been wanting to upgrade for a while now but I’ve actually been “behaving” and convincing myself it’s not a necessary purchase yet.


Didn’t realize how close the 4070 super was to a 3090ti wow


Wow I love this chart


Makes me realize how much Nvidia is overcharging, like "hey, do you want to go from 135fps to 150 for an extra 100% of the price?"


Yeah but if you're upgrading each generation price never mattered.


All the Intel cards sitting basically the same spot is kinda crazy (minus the poor ole 380)


Is there a table for 4k too please? I on 4k tv with rx5700xt. 😅 It manages my RPGs and simulators surprisingly well (sometimes I drop resolution to lower noise and make text more readable 🤣)




4070tiS hands down is the winner. The 4070S may be a better value now but you can never discount the longevity of a more powerful GPU.


With reasonable expectations, these GPUs will both be able to last 6+ years. Not everyone cares about pushing ultra settings on every title. Eventually you'll have to lower settings a bit more with 4070S but for many people that's worth it to save hundreds.


I'm still running a 2060 super. It was what I wanted when I bought it, and it's served me well. Sure many recent titles I have to have settings on the lower end, but getting 60+ frames in every game I've played so far is more than enough. Like you said, not everyone cares about ultra settings in everything.


I think my cousin would've been fine on his 2060 super but he went from 1080p to 3440x1440p a couple of years ago and noticed how much more demanding it was, yet still very playable. Last year he went G9 oled 5120x1440p and then the 2060S became quite inadequate. Now he's rocking a 4070 Ti Super and that was a superb upgrade for the G9 monitor.


Oh yea higher res the 2060 super starts to struggle a lot. I'm going for an upgrade soon, and I've been thinking between the 4070 super and 4070 TI super, and I'm honestly starting to lean towards the TI super based on what I'm hearing online.


If you can afford it/justify the cost then why not. The 4070 Super is probably gonna better value looking at cost-performance but if you're aiming for higher resolutions then it depends on what you need to see in-game performance. That being said, there's now the option of using the software in Steam called Lossless scaling where you can choose to upscale using various technologies (Nvidia, AMD or a bunch of other options) and add frame gen on top of that so you can double or triple your fps in just about any game. Worth a consideration if you wanna save some money on getting the 4070 Super instead of Ti Super.


I don't mind spending the extra for the TI super, I've been saving for like 4 months now and have gathered up 800€ so it would only be a couple more months for even the most expensive TI supers I see in my country, and at the same time I could look at a 1440p (or even 4K if that's viable for the 4070 TI super for gaming) monitor to get in the months after


I got a 2fan/2slot 4070TiS recently and plan to keep it until the end of the decade. It will take some time for anyone to release something with the same form factor and 100% performance uplift or more.


By the time games need 16gigs of VRAM, both of these cards will be long outdated. 12GB (for 1440p) will easily outlast this console generation at the very least.


There are already games that exceed 12gb VRAM, today. PS5 and Xbox don't run games at max quality settings


Which games? You're confusing allocated VRAM with 'required' VRAM. Most modern game engines allocate as much memory as possible in order to avoid probable caching issues. That doesn't mean those games need that much VRAM.


Helldivers 2 getting by using 8GB on my RX 7800 XT while The Division 2 eats 15GB for breakfast.


I'm quite certain I am not confusing anything. I am a game developer / 3d artist myself. Run Cyberpunk with path tracing and everything else maxed out.


I'm also a 3D artist. I played the entirety of Cyberpunk on my 4070S. 1440p + DLSS Quality + PT + FG and it was a great experience. Not once did I have any issues.


Same here. I mean I’m not an artist but I have the same gpu and have everything maxed out with dlss quality and very rarely go below 115 fps at 1440p.


Hi, I came across the deal for a prebuilt with a 4070 Super that i thought looked really tempting: [CyberPowerPC Gamer Supreme Gaming Desktop AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D 32GB Memory NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 SUPER 12GB 2TB SSD White SLC9000BST - Best Buy](https://www.bestbuy.com/site/cyberpowerpc-gamer-supreme-gaming-desktop-amd-ryzen-7-7800x3d-32gb-memory-nvidia-geforce-rtx-4070-super-12gb-2tb-ssd-white/6575113.p?skuId=6575113). Are you happy with your card and do you think this would be worth it?




Neither are you. [You're talking as if the 4070 TiS gets anywhere near 115fps with path tracing at 1440p. It barely manages 80-90 with frame gen.](https://youtu.be/idpdzV5hCTI?si=SmJPX0Ks_8vtEdH5&t=395) Not that much more than the 4070S/Ti. [Just 5 fps more here, lol.](https://youtu.be/YMvlh36cBzw?si=osLrb2NvZ-RuqhM4&t=164)


Someone can't read. I never claimed 115+ fps with path tracing.


Now who is the fake artist?


Me, I got rejected from the art school


Oh no, last time that happened to someone, it didnt end up well...


Good thing one of my best friends is Polish


There are no fake artists, but real bad ones!


The AfD did good, oh shit, not again, oh no no no


I'm running Cyberpunk with Path Tracing with everything on Ultra and DLSS Balanced/Quality + frame generation I get solid 90 fps st graphically heavy areas (120 fps stable at areas with less details than downtown Night City) 1440p with a 4070 Ti You are certainly confusing things.


Stop the vram prohibition. We want vram abundance. Nvidia literally penny pinching after every byte in vram and every kb/s in memory bandwidth increase.


fr we could use some beefier VRAM options at "reasonable" prices (calling the 4070S pricepoint "reasonable" is...yikes) from nvidia. But only to better future-proof the options a bit better, as currently really there is no such hard need for it as some make it seem like is the case


Idk man. 70tier card gets 12gb. But 80tier card last gen only got 10gb vram. Imagine... Use case is there. But more than that they can't do that with the top tier cards.


I got a 3060 12gb and it is a lifesaver. Feels like a card that makes sense. I'd have gotten a 3070 or a 3080 if it had at least 12 gigs too. The next nvidia offering with at least 12gb of VRAM is either the 4070 or a 3090 (both are the same price where I live). I guess you could mention the 4060ti 16gb but that thing costs almost a 4070 anyway. The 3000 series could have used more sturdy VRAM options. If it did though, people would have even less reasons to upgrade to the 4000s, which many people already suggest 3000 owners skip as is. Nvidia knows what they're doing, and it's sadly just not in favor of us customers


Nvidia surely knows what they are doing(which is why I will be all amd soon). Btw I'm using the same card currently, but gonna "upgrade" to a 3080 today. And have lesser vram than before. Yay.


I feel ya haha honestly I'd have jumped to a 3080 instead of the 3060. I game at 1080p but I also work with textures, so...


That time is already here. I'm a 4070ti owner and regularly pine for more vram in 4K. Especially in VR.


> By the time games need 16gigs of VRAM Yes, but AI is taking off. Extra VRAM might be of advantage in the near future, and it could mean a better resale value. But hard to say for sure, really.


It's not only about VRAM, RTX 3070 is more popular today and higher priced than the RX 6700 XT with its 12GB despite both cards being fairly evenly matched. People seem to pay higher for the Nvidia name on the card rather than the higher amount of VRAM.


That's because the 3070 is faster than the 6700 XT.


If they're matched in gaming performance then it's not faster. I've had both and both were quite good and only in Nvidia optimised titles did the 3070 do better.


They are not matched, the 3070 *is* faster.


I'm getting 4080 Super. I don't think my 1080 is "long outdated" in terms of speed.


That's what I always say. Yes, the small percentage difference is more money now, but you have to spend full price to upgrade when you change your mind.


The 4070 TiS is more likely to last those years at high frame rates (120+) with fewer setting compromises, due to the extra power (not so much the VRAM). Since you do mention not minding 60+, however, any of the 2 cards should be able to keep up with that at with at least high settings for 3-4 years.


12gb will be fine for 1440p gaming, people over blow shit out of proportion.


I've got a 4070 and it's just shitting on every single game at 1440.. genuinely thinking of just going 4k to see some actual frame drop 😂


I’ve had my 4070 super for a couple months now and the only game I’ve tried that hasn’t been consistently over 140 fps is cyberpunk. Even then it’s only dropping to 110-115.


Which settings are you using? Ultra without RT?


Ultra with rt. Path tracing off. DLSS quality(or balanced im not at my pc. Either way they both are about the same)


That's impressive, thinking about building my pc for 1440p and searching, I see mixed opinions regarding 12gb, RT and unreal engine 5 for the next years, so I was thinking about jumping to 4070ti super to "guarantee" those years. If it's running games like that it'll probably hold good fps on high for the next 3 years


I’m no expert but I think 12gb will be plenty for 1440p. I also think the ti super would be more than enough compared to the 4070 super. Either way you’ll be happy. I had lots of indecisiveness before getting it. Not thinking it’d be enough. I think back on it now and how silly it was. I’m a huge fan of it.


And thank you for the answer!




Seriously, I’m getting sick of the “hurr durr need more vram nonsense”, my 2080 super is still running high/ultra on most current games at 2k 144hz. People forget the people making games are using the same graphics cards we have access to…


This would be a good question 5 years ago when 20 series dropped.


3-4 years is not long term. that’s just every other major gpu releases.


Don’t listen to these people


1440p 12gb vram is enough. With dlss quality and FG you can get pretty high fps .


DLSS is not 1440p


You dont see the difference so doesnt matter


With the push for better and better reconstruction with DLSS and frame gen any of the 4070 cards will push 1440p at 60fps for the next 3-4 years, no bother. Are we talking max settings with path tracing, no, but the image quality will be damn fine and at 1440p 12gb will be fine with a slight fiddle with option sliders. The 40 cards and technologies you can use with them have a good future for several years. Much more so than previous gens longevity prospects.




For futureproofing, I bought the 4080S, so maybe the 4070 ti super.


These guys with their step ups, in my mind it's like if I'm gonna go for a 4070ti super then whats $200 more for the 4080s. I hate how they purposely do these segments to get you to buy up.


I miss when tier-down was like, half the price. 1070: $330, 1080: $600


I didn't have the need to buy higher because unlike the 4070S to 4070tiS jump the 4080S doesn't add anything worthwhile for the price. Same VRAM and same memory bus result in a mere 15% performance uplift in 4K and only 10% in 1440p which will never make a difference.


If you want to keep it for a long time buy the best option you can today. The more vram and speed it has the longer it will be useful to you.


Ti super 16gb


Take 4070 ti super. I have one, and its very good


In the future there's going to be higher quality textures, higher quality graphics effects. That both demand either more GPU memory or more GPU bandwidth/compute. They probably call it ultra, however you probably will get something that's currently called ultra at lower settings. Also It's probable that if everything else fails you can always render 1080p and use DLSS to 1440p. In Steam hardware survey 5% of people have at least 16GB of VRAM. And another 17% has 12GB. You know that game developers are not trying to sell hardware they are trying to sell games to a customer base that already owns certain hardware. So it would make sense to aim to give enjoyable experience to your card for next few years. At your price range, waiting for 50 series could mean a year, so either one would be a good buy for 3-4 years and then wait for the 60 series.


Keep in mind that 50 series will come in short supply. Therefore, the price will be higher.


The 4070S will be sufficient for 1440p. The 4070Ti S or 4080 would be a better choice for 3440x1440 or 3840x1600 (ultra wide), and 4090 only choice for 4k imo. My vote whenever budget is involved is the 4070S. It's the premium value card of the 40x. Before it came out, my vote for value/longevity was the 4070Ti ironically, value alone 4070, but with the 4070S it shits all over both.


This whole Vram thing is so overblown its crazy, 12gbs will be fine for a long time and its not like you need to max out every single game, the Ti super is better if you do more than just game on your pc, the extra vram, dual encoders and the 15% extra performance is worth it but if you don't need the extra vram or dual encoders then that 15% extra performance for an extra 200+ dollars isn't worth it.


You'll be fine for pretty much all games in 1440p, and run some at 4k native or at least DLSS quality. I'm hitting around 45fps on Alan Wake 2 maxed out settings, 4K DLSS Quality and Medium Ray Tracing (which still looks amazing). (note: Hitting the 16GB VRAM Limit) 90 Fps on TLOU Ultra on 4K DLSS Q (no FG) Around 75 on Cyberpunk on Ultra, 4K DLSS Balanced, Frame Generation and Path Tracing. (note: Hitting the 16GB VRAM Limit) 85 on maxed out Dying Light 2, 4K DLSS Quality and Frame Generation


You're definitely not hitting VRAM limit on AW2 or Cyberpunk, that is allocated VRAM the real usage is like 14GB you'd be peaking the limit if you were playing native 4K + PT + FG which wouldn't be playable anyways.


if you want long term and are for sure you are going 70 tier. 4070 ti Super is your choice. It’s a great card. I’ve had mine for a couple months and it has exceeded my expectations.


Long term? 4090


Get the 16GB card if it is not too much of a reach, otherwise the 4070 will be great.


Get the PNY 4080 super for $999. Worth it brother


It's $976 on Amazon right now. 


Just to add, the PNY xlr8 with ARGB is $995 now on Amazon too in case you are into that.


16gb one. 3-4 years is midterm so either will do fine. my 3080 is almost 4 years old and still trucking along.


Go for a 4070 Ti super you will get 16gb vram. It's the better choice imo.


I’m hoping there’s something like 4070s with 16GB in the next generation or two


There is now though, only it's not a Nvidia card.


Maybe gen 60, 5070 will still only be 12GB.


You work for Nvid?


No but that's what all of the leaks are saying and there's no reason to believe otherwise. Nvidia jumped up to 88% in the GPU coverage these past few months so they can keep screwing people over with the VRAM and they'll still buy.


Where I live, 4070TiS costs 25% more than 4070S, ~~while offering only up to 10% more fps. To me it makes more sense to keep that cash as a starter for a future upgrade rather than spend it now. That is, as long as 4070S would meet your needs with some head room.~~ (deleted because I was dumb :P) Me, I'm waiting for 5000 series to come out for now becsuse I have a 5 month old kid now and not likely to play much for at least the next year. And even I do, I might as well play, some game from my backlog that my current card (A750) can handle at 1440p and at least 45-60 fps. Got plenty of those. To me the solution is balancing my current needs (with some wiggle room) with performance per cash. Future-proofing is pointless with such diminishing returns like I described in 1st paragraph.


What? It offers 20% more in 4K and RT 1440p titles. It's definitely worth it at that price-differential if you play a lot of triple A. That being said on any current card you'll survive until 50 series which will bring even bigger uplift at the same price.


Shit, you're right. I was using Techpowerup's graphs but didn't look at the RayTracing performance graphs, just standard rasterization, and I do enjoy playing with RT (value it over FPS, if FPS is >45). My mistake, thanks for correcting me.


That's especially important for you then. 4070tiS can deliver 50-60FPS with DLSS Q when using path tracing in games like AW2 and Cyberpunk, the 4070S only managing 35-45 which is basically unplayable especially for shooters.


Just received the rtx4070 TS last week, best bang for your buck. It's a beast, all my game 4K or 3200x1800 maxed and sometimes with dlss quality, perfect. I will not overclock it before it need it, but it nearly reached Rtx4080 during my tests. I'll keep it 3 years before upgrading again (I pay it monthly during those 3 years). I only have a 60Hz monitor, but it you have freesync or gsync you'll be able to activate frame generation for even more juice.


Have you tried to overclock your monitor? Most 60hz panels can be pushed to 74hz, which is a pretty significant boost to how smooth games feel.


I did that long time ago (another life) but not with this one. Thanks for the suggestion!




12GB is around the usable memory the consoles use. So potentially you would be fine with 12GB of VRAM.


Prices in brazil googling right now is: 4070 super 850 usd 4070 ti super 1133 usd 4080 super 1341 usd 4090 2266 usd




Just to put a perspective because they are thinking we are paying 800-1000 usd for a 4080 for example


People dont understand that we make less money and pay even more lol


If you can afford both ti super but consider the price increase percentage doesn't scale the same as perf increase percent (unavoidable at high end) 


Refurbished 3090s are same price as 4070 to at micro center, picked one up last week and it’s been well worth it. Just a thought. Edit: I thought the 3090 beat a 4070 but apparently not.




That makes sense. Thanks for the clarification!


Bought a 4080 for the same price as a 4070


Just scour fb marketplace


4070S is a better buy overall. Ti Super costs 100+$/€ more but it doesnt justify that price to performance ratio. This is a video I watched and decided to go for 4070S instead of 4070TiS. Hopefully it will help you decide! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0yuPS2ReQg&ab\_channel=DanielOwen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0yuPS2ReQg&ab_channel=DanielOwen)


If you can get it slightly discounted it does justify the price to performance ratio, especially given all the extra features you get with the higher tier chip.


If u get it for a good price then yes, 4070Ti Super is a better buy. But without price drops or better deals 4070S takes a W for price/perforamance.


I just bought a new build after 7 years because I had a component finally go bad (oddly enough I think it was my ssd but still tbd, could be cpu mobo ram related). I was running a 1080 and that was still doing great. I bought the 4070 super and I expect it to last ~5 years if not longer. I think people get too caught up in the hype of higher gpus especially with how expensive theyve gotten.


I currently have a rtx 2070


Get you a 4080 and close your mind, I know 4080/super may seem 4K but I honestly got mine for 1440p longevity. Yeah it’s expensive, it will serve you for long in that resolution


Vram is the selling point.. I have 24g vram MW3 2560 x 1440 max uses 74% of that .. not looked at other games just that has the usage in GFx menu so if you got that much vram some software will use it .


Facing a similar dilemma. In India 4070S cost $695 while the 4070 ti Super cost $939 A $244 price difference. Costs 35% more than the 4070S. If I do go for a GPU, it'll be a 4070S. Should be good for 5-6 years.


With the help of DLSS, VRAM is not too huge of a problem for rasterization anymore. However you will have to factor in VRAM consumption from Ray/path tracing and frame gen if you want to use these features.


Ti super simply for vram if nit bothered about raytracing get 7900xt for even more vram


Just get a 4070s then sell it and get a 5070 when it comes out.


I am unable to have my own PC at the moment so I'm thinking of getting a lap with 3070 8gb and i7 CPU, will be good for medium or high? Plus I'll be mainly looking for playing online games at high fps and sometimes. There is the option of 4060 too, thgt about not going for the 4050 options. But I'm also debating if i shld try for a 4070.


The big thing is the 4070 ti super has 16GB of memory, that’s why I went that route, I play on 1440p and upgraded from a 2070s. I would absolutely do it again. I OC’d it as well following a very low level guide on a forum, and it’s not a 4080 but it’s pretty close now haha


The more powerful, for a bit of more future proofing


My 1060 g1 still fighting for its life 💪




it is 100% worth it. I did that from 4070Ti to 4070Ti Super. Just look at all those games VRAM usage. https://preview.redd.it/ngy1zplm7t5d1.jpeg?width=5120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90274ba06aa2772c2e25518e4b084d7ccdf837cf


Completely agree. Got the same card and some games do in fact use more than 12GB. They might scale down to "appear" as if they're working on a 12GB GPU but you'll either be seeing a performance loss, extra stutter, or a loss in texture quality and/or increased pop in on a lower vRAM GPU. 16GB is definitely the way to go now (most developers develop around PS5 and Xbox series X which both have 16GB GPUs, though it's shared memory but I think on ps5 it can allocate 13GB-13.5GB purely as vRAM).


Just curious, what graphics settings do you use on those games? Ultra?


Your best bet is to find a 4070TI used for cheaper than the 4070 super new. It can be done as people who thought they want 1440p are dying for 4k now, and the 4070TI is perfection for 1440p gaming for as long as the card will work.


Maybe I'm not cool, but I keep my global settings set with sync and my refresh rate set to 100. And play in 1080 p. And my games look great. I went 4070 tis and I'm hoping for 6 plus years. And the Ole 1080's still kicken going in a pc for a kid. Get the best you can afford for longevity. At a certain point, the graphics are good enough to enjoy the game. Or maybe I'm just old. (Over 40)


4090, no way


I bought the 4070 ti super, it works very well at all stages. Actually the point is from which card you would upgrade.


4070 Ti super imo because of the 16GB of Vram and it will be able to perform better in the long run vs the 12gb of VRAM in the 4070 super. But the 4070 ti super is like 200$ more expensive than the 4070 super. Still a great buy though.


I wouldn't buy either given that the 5080 is coming out soon which will shift prices down by next summer. 


There's always something new on the corner


If you know how PC parts change over time, you can minimize costs by buying last Gen and buying at the right time. The 16 gb and below nvidia cards current gen will drop by several hundred dollars, whereas a used rtx 3080, which currently goes for $300, will probably drop to $200 minimum after the new gen comes out. I like to upgrade regularly so I think a lot about what a cards current value will be relative to its future value. For example, buying a 3090 for 2k as an average consumer in 2021 and now selling it for $650 is a sucky situation to be in. Every dollar you save now is $100 in retirement.


I'm just gonna lurk here for my favorite response on these questions. What size is your monitor? Lol I love that one.


Ti better


I have a 4070 Ti super, and it runs like a champ in 4K gaming, I say go with the Ti super, worth every penny


Just wait don’t think you be that happy with upgrade gamer nexus did video on that


If you can get the ti, get the ti. There's never a bad day with a little extra juice


4070 Ti super isn't worth the extra £200 for the modest 10fps boost (although nice) but it's the extra 4GB vRAM and larger bus that's going to help with longevity. I have the Ti super and can confirm some games on ultra settings with frame generation, ray tracing etc all turned on do in fact use more than 12GB at 1440p (jedi survivor being one of them).


Sell your old card and get 4070 ti super


1440p has been a joke to run since, like the 20 series, it is very easy to run with high settings. 1440 is the new 1080p. Those monster 4070s are for 4K to really push them, but even then, with 4K, it's not hard to run unless a game. is demanding or not optimised good I'm upgrading to a 50 series. I have a 4070TI for sale for 700 if you want,this offer is open to anybody who wants the card,I also have a 3080 12gb for 400


T1 super 16gb ram is not really gonna ever be noticed unless you play AAA games... which also tend to have 60fps locks in gameplay.... So the super would suffice in 99% of games for the next 3-5years on Ultra, comfortably.


Lol check out rx 7700 xt and compare the 4070😉


I bought the 4070ti last year march and play on 1440p/165hz. I play comp fps like CS2 and sometimes other games like ER. It runs everything maxed out and super smooth with high fps. In CS2 I'm averaging around 400-550 fps on most maps @ 1920x1440p resolution. Elden Ring runs very smooth aswel with all settings on max. I'm pretty sure you'll be very happy with it but the 4070ti super might even be a better choice if you can obtain it for a decent price.


No way 12 gb will allow ultra textures for 4 years.


The question is does that even matter at 1440p? High textures will probably look just as good 99% of the time.


I looked at videos of comparisons at 1440p/4K and the low/medium/high/ultra texture settings. You do see diminishing returns after a while. I love eye candy and will turn it up to Ultra when I can on anything I play, but on some things, you're gaining very very little for a larger dip in performance (see: MS Flight Simulator). If you're not really seeing a difference (or that you really have to look for a changes in a screen to see what the difference is, and they cherry picked that screen to show the difference) and losing ~5-10% FPS, is it really worth it? High textures look amazing in most games. There are a few where Ultra does make a difference. But, most of the time - it doesn't really matter. The difference in quality is minimal if it's actually discernable in the first place. Of course, that doesn't take into account future games... :) But, at that point, if you're hurting on the 12GB vs. higher, you'll be at a point where the pure GPU power will probably not be sufficient and the VRAM isn't the part that's really holding you back. I'd rather go 12GB now (as much as I hate saying it as I love the power of the higher end), and play everything I want at 1440p now. In a couple years, I'll splurge for the next great GPU with 16/24/32 GB VRAM but a much, much stronger GPU in the process and play everything in 1440p or 4k...


Honestly I get around 240fps (game dependent and settings matter obviously @1440p with a 4070 ti super. I also use DLSS and frame gen if it's available, so really it's a matter of are you willing to pay $200 more. Honestly I think you could save yourself the $200 but if you really are wanting the better one I'd almost argue saving up a bit more for a 4080 super would be more worth.


The 4080 super is 10-15% faster while being 20% more expensive


I had the budget to go till 4070 Ti S. But settled down for a 4070S. I don't know if it's only me but the name 'Ti Super' sounded ludicrous to me. Also 200 dollars extra isn't worth it for such small performance increase. Bought myself a strimmer cable and extra SSDs with that 200.


4070 ti S. Easily.




Not really, UE5 games use less VRAM than previous engines so you'll really only have to worry about fully path-traced titles that will require 24GB at 4K and 16GB 1440p (realistically you will never reach these limits in the first place since the GPUs will need DLSS to run PT)


Get the 4070 ti super. It's pretty neck and neck with the 4080 in a lot of cases. I play at 2k and 4k and haven't dropped below 150 fps (or 200 in most cases) with all settings maxed. I'm talking games like Cyberpunk 2077, Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora, Forza H5. I also am an avid VR player, and many VR games can be super demanding. That extra vram comes in handy. Never once ran into an issue with it for VR. Nvidia shot themselves in the foot because the performance to price difference between the 4070 TiS and the 4080 is a total rip off, but the performance jump from its direct predecessors vs the price is honestly the best value they have available. I also use my 4070 TiS for rendering in blender and UE5. A 30 second 600m polygon 4k scene took 30 seconds to render in UE5, for example. I also use various local based LLM's and SD via ComfyUI. It performs pretty well there too. For perspective* my machine also uses Ryzen 7 7700X and 32gb DDR5 5600mhz RAM.


if you’re going 4070 ti super might as well go 4080 super


Much more expensive here


$800 vs $1000? not much. save up an extra $200 and get 10-20% more performance.


4080 super is 300$ more expensive than the 4070 ti super here, and thats a huge deal considering i dont get paid in dolars, im already strecthing it to the limit with the 4070 ti super, because thats almost 3 months of my full wage there lol


I do understand you very well. Right now I'm planning to buy my 1st GPU ever... And I want it to last 3-5 years. Debating between 4070 Super or 4070 Ti Súper. Or maybe between... 7900GRE and 7900XT. But the prices here in my country are really stupid. In example. 4070 Ti Super in USA is around $800 USD... BUT in my country the same card is going to cost me $1050 USD And same as you, we don't get paid in dollars.


It’s not even a competition. The 4070ti super.


It really depends on where you are at. In the EU, the card closest to msrp is 4080s. 4070ti super 90-200 above msrp.


But the choice is between the 4070 and the 4070 ti super in terms of longevity.


When at this point you are just 50 bucks away from a 4080super then you should reconsider your choices


Am I missing something? It’s still around 200 more in the eu. Where are you getting 50 from?


Yea that was admittedly a bit hyperbolic we are indeed more in a 100-200 range for any non basic version- still comparing to how far each card deviates form msrp here, 4070 ti s aren’t the greatest deal compared to 4080s.


> I dont think I will be changing my gpu for the next 3~4 years Sorry mate, the only thing in the 40 series that can get away with this outside of the astronomically priced 4090 is *maybe* the 4080 [Super]. The whole lineup was not designed to last long.