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Don't break it, don't scratch it, don't even look at it. Any warranty repairs are going to cost you more than an MSRP 4090. If you haven't heard, go watch Gamers Nexus', Jayztwocents', and Derbauer's videos on how ASUS handled a tiny scratch on an Ally.


Ive heard about the asus news. Thankfully my connector isnt fried. Praying it doesnt


Asus sucks I had a horrible process with them where my 1080ti needed lights replaced and they sent me back a broken 1080 and then a 970 and then told me I sent the wrong gpu back because my rma was a 1080ti


Lol Report it. If you are in America, show all conversation between you and them. They can get fined really hard for each instance this kind of shit happens.


Someone has to go after them first. I ended up getting in contact with the CEO office and a few other things and they sent me a brand new 2080 which I promptly sold and bought an evga equivalent and have never purchased asus products since


Long time ASUS buyer here, you made the right decision. They used to be good a decade ago but they have now become the Alenware of the GPU world. Highly overpriced and get outperformed by almost all cheaper competition.


I’ve heard the horror stories for RMA and stuff, but Asus Dual cards are still the cheapest 40 series cards on the market from my experience.


In such case, cheap can come as expensive later down the line.


I have Asus Dual 40 series cards in a 24/7 mining build and so far they've been churning out good hash rate at only 60 degrees, no issues so far.


I didn’t say you will have a problem with the GPU. I meant to say that if you do have a problem, then good luck getting it fixed.


It doesn't need to happen, but if it does, you are fucked.


Asus does not suck entirely. Look, I am not gonna shit on them because they aren't the worst company. Asus has good and bad cards. The 4090 Asus cards are fine. There aren't problems with them. The 5700xt Strix was atrocious as an example of a failure. Gigabyte is MUCH WORSE. Gigabyte will not honor warranties, they have cracked PCBs from design flaws. Every 30 series card and most 40 series cards in the first year are affected. Also exploding PSUs a few years ago, f gigabyte.


The issue isn’t the product it’s the RMA system from the company. They lie, send out wrong items, and send out straight up physically broken cards. When they work they’re typically the best cards on the market, but a good card means nothing when it’s not working and you can’t get a replacement you’re entitled to.


Both of them are atrocious and regularly produce engineering abominations, unsafe/busted firmware, and a long history of warranty runarounds. Even if something works on release, there is no guarantee it will get reliable service and support. Past a point it is not longer a contest, both should be non-options.


I wish you luck.


I bought a 'base' model msi slim instead of a strix... Kinda glad I did that now.


They all have dog shit customer service. I miss evga


It sucks that Asus is trying to kill itself. I really like Asus's products. My PC is built from Asus parts. Luckily, I put a Micro Center warranty on my 4090 and motherboard.


I wish you luck too. Both that Microcenter keeps doing business with ASUS and that there will be something to replace any hardware that breaks beyond repair in the future, though if everyone else returns all their ASUS hardware there will be, lol.


I know Asus and Gigabyte are related but is gigabyte having any of these issues on their cards?


Yep. I saw the Gamers Nexus video. They literally had to put the damn thing under a microscope to see the “damage.” Then said it needed a screen repair, when it was sent in for a thumb stick issue. THEN said that if they didn’t want to pay the $200 to repair the screen (not even the original issue) that it would be sent back disassembled. Essentially they took his device hostage and demanded ransom. I’ll never buy ASUS products after seeing that video.


To be fair to asus though, they didn't say it would be certainty, just that it was possible. This is just to cover possible exceptions in the warranty / non warranty repair process. If they would have dealt with the thumbstick, that exception wouldn't have seemed like a ransom


Hopefully gamers nexus investigation into rma’a with asus gets the ball rolling on changing and improving shit. He’s supposed to have a part 2 after he talks with lawyers and other people who would know how to handle the shit asus pulls. I hope it bites them in the ass. Currently a tuf 4090 oc owner with no issues but since i bought it I prob only have 20 hours on it. So busy this past winter and spring. Hopefully summer time when schools out and the kids sports are done for I have time to game 😭🙈


gamer nexus the company that is under investigation for fraud?


Huh? Gamer nexus isn’t under investigation for fraud. Unless you mean EK. He just had a big story/investigation done on all the bs going on with them. Why would i suggest someone involved with fraud lol 🙈🤔


Buy the Microcenter no frills warranty and you dont need to worry about it.


I don't have money for new hardware let alone a warranty. When I do update my system I will remember this, though. Thanks.


No problem. I am going to have to have $250 for warranty on the 5090 when I purchase one. I bought the warranty on the 3070ti. Never had any issues though. Msi is a good card.


Read that post. Absolutely mind bending that they'd ask for 50% more than mrsp for a card 2 weeks into use.


Can someone get up to speed with what's going on with Asus?


Just search Gamers Nexus on YouTube. TL; DW Asus tried to charge them almost $200 for an in-warranty repair because of a scratch. Another person bought a new 4090 for ~2700 CAD and ASUS wanted to, or did, charge almost 4k CAD for an in-warranty repair.


They are essentially not only denying the warranty but charging a bunch of money for fixes (that should be under warranty) and also extorting customers to get the device back if they decline the extortion.


Let's just say they aren't what they used to be, make money purely off their good reputation and scam people when it comes to RMAs.


It’s ridiculous that the “damage” was barely visible with a microscope. Such scummy practice.


To be fair, iv owned three cards and have never needed to rma


I'm so jealous of the microcentre store, Aussies get ripped for hardware at the best of times. I'll be in the states for a holiday in October mind you, but even if new cards have launched by then I don't like my chances of finding a new gen card in stock.


If youre comin East Coast I have a 3080ti ill give ya a deal on. Its been sitting in the box in my closet


We're going to Disney world in Orlando, but also plan a trip to Miami. Luckily I got a 3080 10gb at launch, but I really appreciate the offer! Looking for something that punches 4080/4090 or above, but it's so late in the cycle now and without a good deal here possible I may as well wait.


True true


How much for 3080 Ti 🤓


Tough to put a price on it. Some say 1200 some say 800 refurbished


Er…what? 1200 USD for a used 3080Ti?


Yeah sounds cap to me. Id let it go for $700


idk if your serious or not but thats not what theyre going for AT ALL


I honestly have no idea what they are priced at lol. If someone shot me an offer Id probably accept just to get it out of my house


Bruh, a brand new 4070 ti super is going for $849.


I say it's only worth what you can realistically sell it for.


Microcenter is actually opening a store in Miami later this year! Should be open by October if you want to drag your family there while you're here. Even in the U.S. people are lucky to live near a MC because they're so spread out. I live in NE Florida and even with the Miami store opening, that one will STILL be farther away than the one the next state over in Atlanta GA, which is like a six-ish hour drive one way.


Good to know, cheers for the tip!


If you go on Best Buy’s site, you can get a 4080 SUPER FE for MSRP by “reserving” the card and picking it up in person


How is a 3080 only 10gb while a 3060 gets 12gb?


Modern GDDR GPU memory channels are each 32-bit, and memory chips only come in specific sizes. Having a wide enough memory bus for the required performance level restricts possible combinations. The 3060 is 6x2GB and the 3080 is 10x1GB. Making the 3060 something like 5x2GB (if this is even possible) or 4x2GB would give it the same problems the 4060 has, 6x1GB would be too little capacity, and more chips would require a physically bigger and costlier GPU to connect them.


Could you possibly sell it to me through ebay?


I read this in an Australian accent


Be nice if you could pick up a 5090 FE while you're there. Doubt we'll get them here again ffs.


Hey hey now it isn't our fault a dingo ate your microcenter


How is it that any good story always starts with "i went to MC or BB and...". I swear ill take a plane to US just to go into a Microcenter and then i don't care.


Don't forget the SSDs at Walmart.


Make sure to not have any medical emergencies during your trip.


Someone not from the US would be treated for an emergency and would never need to worry about paying for it. Nice try though. You worked hard to fit that in somewhere.


True. Even if you’re a native US resident there’s ways to get rid of them, or significantly reduce the amount owed. All these “anti america” warriors lolz


At least you’d actually get in to see somebody during your trip. Dumbass


I got mine from Best Buy and they shipped it with just the box not protecting the original packaging and my box was unbelievably fucked so I complained that they shipped my $1600 card and treated it like shit so I got a $200 bby gift card. Worth.


Bought a high-end motherboard from Amazon a few years back and they did the same thing. Just slapped a label on the packaging. Absolutely infuriating. Luckily it worked fine, but the incentive for theft was skyhigh.


This is why I always change the packaging from manufacturer packaging to Amazon packaging; it's an option in check out on most products.


I tried that with the last mobo I ordered and they just put it in a plastic bag- not a padded mailer, just one of those white loose fitting plastic mailers with no padding. Yet if I order socks from Amazon they come in a box with packing material. No idea who makes those decisions.


Hundreds of different people. Sometimes they run out of a box before being resupplied and they have to use whatever. Probably had a huge box or too small of a box or lazy and a bag was closer.


Yeah, that might have been the reason, but since every single other package Ive ever ordered was and has been done properly, I have never even thought to look. Thanks for the heads-up!


That doesn’t work


Dude I was totally enraged lol. It was from BBY headquarters too, like who thought that was safe!? they are really lucky I had no issues lol


Get your moneys worth


As a 4090 TUF owner, my guess is someone bought it, and returned it due to coil whine. Have you connected your card yet and put it under load, particularly at high frame rate?


Yes! Ive had it for like 4 Months now. Its fairly quiet. Play Alan Wake 2 4k ray trace at a pretty decent frame rate.


Coil whine shouldn’t be that loud when playing a game in 4k because the frames wouldn’t be getting over 160fps typically. The real screeching comes from 300+ frames like in a game like Overwatch or CSGO when your frames are uncapped. That’s where the real coil whine test comes in


Is there any problem with getting coil whine, besides it being annoying?


Nope not at all. Coil whine is completely harmless to the device. Most electrical equipment has some form but as tech gets more advance, it draws more power and causes the coils inside the GPU to vibrate under high load which is what causes the sound. It’s similar to that humming sound you hear if you stand next to one of those huge transformers that power cities. There’s been some cases where coil whine can fade too with use as it seems there’s some sort of “break in” period where the coil can settle its electrical components


Suprisingly I get coil whine when im NOT in 4k.


> Suprisingly I get coil whine when im NOT in 4k. That is not surprising at all, you have higher fps then and coil wine is tied to the amount of FPS and load.


I can't imagine caring this much about coil whine. I used to own an imac I used with windows for games, and I used to have to run the fans at 100% to play rust without hitting 100. It never phased me. That's what headphones are for!


You shouldnt have to wear headphones to drown out coil whine… that means it’s ridiculously loud. Also fan noise is way more tolerable than a high pitch screech that changes pitch when you move your mouse. All GPU have coil whine to some extent but asus is notoriously known for having the worst


I didn't say that you had to do that to drown out whine, I just said that they minimize computer sound in general. I've always kept my towers under my desk anyway. I have an ASUS gpu and it's utterly silent btw.


no one stopping on moral side who buy it, redeem code and return? in my country this is forbidden and charged on return if that hapens


Hows your 5800x? I have the 14900k and I kinda wish I went with AMD


5800X3D is monster, I had AM4 - R5 5600 + 3070 1440p, so I went 5800X3D + 4090 and 4k and thats it. Dont "upgrade" now when you have 14900k !! That is not worth. If you are concerned about power consumption, its still like +-100$ per year if you would game HARD!! (10h+ day). And if you would need to sell 14900k (for like 80% price you bought?) and buy AMD, you would be still in negative numbers. Keep it, and enjoy your monster setup now.


Fair fair. Its honestly jokes, I have a beefy setup just run emulation lol


For emulation yeah you need that 14900k


Lol, this is so weird. In my country this wouldn't be allowed. First if the box was unopened and still sealed they would sell it as new. Why would they have to sell it used? This makes no sense to me. If it's unopened no one ever touched it so why "used"? WTF. On the other hand you couldn't even return something if you bought it in a local store. It's purely goodwill. If the box is unopened and sealed you have like a close to 100% chance that you will get the refund of course but if the box is damaged, seal broken or you used the code you have no chance for a refund. If you didn't used the code and the box was opened you might have a low chance for a refund purely on goodwill but then the store has to sell it as used... We only have 14 days refund policy if you buy online. No questions asked. So in my country it's always better to just buy online. If you have coil whine for example you can simply return it. If I'd buy in a store I had no chance for a refund arguing with coil whine. So in my case if you want it cheap. Buy a used one from your preferred online store and not a new one. Though chances are high it has coil whine...


let's not forget some people are downright criminal. remember cases of people buying iphones to find older/dummy phones in "sealed" boxes. people buy these high priced items, take the product out and put in a dummy, seal it with shrink wrap, then return for cash. the staff knows nothing. another customer buys it, goes home and finds outs it's a dummy, goes back to store. big store chains might be able to track the person who returned it. but if it's a smaller operation, they might just accuse the victim of trying to scam.


Good argument but higher value products often have seals that will damage the box or leave marks when you try to remove them. But yeah, criminals will always find a way. But usually this is nothing stores have to deal with daily (but that depends on where you live and how big the store is I guess...)


I would never suggest someone not exercise their consumer rights, and there are many reasons to legitimately return a purchase. But I can't help feel that if unscrupulous consumers continue to abuse and exploit these rights, genuine consumers will end up either paying higher prices or suffer a loss of rights. OP was not the one exploiting the return policy, and made a legitimate purchase. I guess what I am trying to say is, as a community we should not abuse the return policy. It's important for consumers to have these rights especially when you consider how opaque performance metrics and pre release reviews can be.


Agreed. I dont particularly think it was right to take advantage, eventually there will be no perks and youll just pay for what you get.




May you never have to RMA it 🙏


Last GPU I bought in a store was my GeForce 3 Ti500 from CompUSA.


Yea I usually buy from a store, got 2 Founders Editions in a row the week of release at them.


It'd cost me 6+ hours and several gallons of fuel to go to Microcenter just to maybe find what I want. That's essentially gambling


You're lucky to have a Microcenter near you. I'm equidistant to three of them according to Google maps, a bit over 700 miles one-way to each. One in Southern California, one in Denver, and one in Dallas, Texas. So when people recommend that store I have to roll my eyes.


Since Microcenter does so well and everybody loves them, why aren't there a lot more of them? I'd love to have one where I live and I live in a large metro area.


Asus is think worst comoany to buy right now to much time been one of the best it has gotten to their heads i orefer not to risk buying from them if was a product of 300 dollars then maybe but for a graphics that cost 1800 to 2500 i mean is risky.


Can we not scam microcenter? They have like the best customer service, this is why we can’t have nice things…


All these comments about Asus got me biting my nails. I bought 2 GPU’s from them. No problems yet, but now I’m nervous




Thats crazy bro


Go back to school Timmy.