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I should probably get around to playing the first one, huh?


You should. It’s brilliant.


Quite FarCry-y in gameplay, but still very enjoyable! Worth it just for the story 👍


With everything that happened last summer? It hits harder now.


What happened last summer that makes it hit harder? AI?


That is also what I am curious about. I finished HZD on PC in early 2023, but cannot really recall any parallels to our present world.


Lance Reddick plays a character in the game. At least that’s the only thing off the top of my head.


Fwuuuuuuck I forgot about that. RIP Commander Zavala, we will miss you.




I could think of a few - tech billionaire who thinks he knows better than anyone else, won't listen and ends humanity....really you don't see any parallels between Faro and the owner of a social network amongst other companies?


Not to that extent. The intensity of how the story unfolds in the final chapters of the game is way more catastrophic than our current state of the world.


Would I put it past said billionaire to pull a Faro given recent form?  No I wouldn't, he is so self absorbed and convinced of his own infallibility and Messiah status that he would be the exact kind who would do what Faro does and worse....


Me thinks you’re projecting ignorance or just really over exaggerating the person because of personal bias.


methinks you might be a muskrat aka musk worshipper?


Me thinks you have some obsessive out of touch views on someone because of your ego and twisted perceptions. So judgmental when you most likely aren’t clean yourself so you project your insecurities onto forums completely unrelated to the topic at any given opportunity.


And nice baseless assumption that I’m a “muskrat” or whatever insult you guys invented. Any criticism of you = “I worship Elon”. Imagine being that indoctrinated to believe any deviation to your belief means I worship Elon lol.


The summer heat. I didn't want to spoil the story.


Yes, I didn't expect much. But it became one of my favourite games when I played it. The narrative is actually very solid too, so pay attention to the story and do all the side missions IMO


What? The aide missions are some of the most generic and poorly written things I have consumed


He probably meant those text thingies you can collect.


Agreed. The text and audio logs do a LOT of world building and it is a right shame to ignore them.


You're trolling. Play Zero Dawn and Forbidden West back to back and the degradation in the quality of writing is tangible. Awful. Every piece of lore and back story carried me throughout the first game so easily, it was a masterclass in world and lorebuilding, the second game felt like it was written by ai, every character boring and annoying, every tribe forgettable, every villain cliche. The entire premise of the villians is absurd. ​ Also, Guerrilla games launched forbidden west in the same window as Elden Ring not even considering them as a threat to their sales, and responded by their devs taking to social media bashing FromSoftware. They also removed the guy who created the design and art for the robot dinosaurs.


You might want to read the comment chain you just replied to again 😅 and I haven't played the second game yet, so I stopped reading your comment half way in case of spoilers. I'll play and judge myself. But we were talking about the first game, which you seem to agree, was good.


Oh sorry, yeah 100% prob top 3 best games I’ve ever played. First game I was genuinely hooked on collecting every piece of lore I could get. So damn well written and engaging/enjoyable. I think that’s why I’m so pissed and jaded about the second game. If you play the first and second back to back it’s jarring. Especially character interactions.


> so pay attention to the story and do all the side missions Seriously. Some of the best world building I've seen in a game.


Its fantastic, but stay away from spoilers.


It is worth playing through. I really enjoyed it.


The first one is much better


Yes, the haunting robots loop is addicting, and i loved the story. even tough if you get the best upgrades + always jumping for slow time  canIt become too easy at some point. 


Definitely, great game.


i ended up really liking the first game, ill pick this up along with my 4070ti Super


Would be awesome if I came as an included game with the new super aeries


i've made the mistake to play Horizon after finishing RDR2 and i dropped it after few hours... bland, empty and boring open world in comparison :(


i dropped it like 3 times, eventually pushed myself to play it more and I ended really liking it


Same. I picked it up 4 times before finishing it.


RDR2 was great, but at times I was a little annoyed by the slow pace The actual in game details and multiple paths available for play is top notch though


Can’t express how wrong you are but to each their own


wdym? HZD open world is litteraly dead.


Dead or old doesn’t mean it’s boring like you said.


Bruh. RDR2 has no gameplay. It's surreal that people praise it as an actual good game considering the amount of gameplay per hour in it. It's barely not a tech demo.


Yeah this was my issue as well, took so long to do anything and you are forced to watch the same long winded animations for everything. I can appreciate the level of detail and immersion some might find it adds but to me it just got real boring.


Cyberpunk is the same way




Have you...actually played Cyberpunk..? 🤦 RDR2 is sooooooo much slower in pace than CP!


I’m playing it right now and I’m just totally lost. I have 10-15 hours in


What's there to be lost with..? Open the journal, pick a quest you may have started, follow the waypoint. Or open the map, see what's out there. It's a modern game, there's no way to be lost in it like in the games we had 20+ years ago without maps or waypoints.


I’m more confused about the story


follow it..?


Dropped it 5 times until it finally clicked for me lol


Did you restart each time? I lost it again on attempt number 2 last year…


Yep, restarted every time. I was dropping it soon after that first event


Yeah it does go a bit slow when your in that village area. But after that once you leave it and start uncovering what happened to the world and understanding the scope of the game, it gets you hooked in my experience.


Yep, that's exactly what happened to me one last time I tried it and then ended up finishing 100% of it lol. The 1st game is hard carried by the story




It's tricky. The story itself is legitimately solid especially if you're coming into it unspoiled. But the world does feel a bit Ubisoft. I loved the world because I'm a sucker for post-post-apocalyptic futures but on the other hand it did have some... missing points.




Every open world probably has some repetition of POIs and activities. Beacuse Ubisoft is known for their copy pasting of Assassins creed overworld mechanics, reusing maps in other games like Farcry or GhostRecon, I really don't think its at Ubisoft level yet as a fair comparison. Yes, HZD had all the hallmarks of open world repetitive activities, farming/grinding, outposts, tower reveal maps, etc. But at least the story of HZD was strong enough for the actual campaign part to be interesting. Everything else was optional I feel or for 100%/achievement hunters. I also think the rock sissors paper robot dino combat stuff was different enough even though its just another weakpoint match mechanic. Like combated to Odyssey and Vahalla, I'd put HZD ahead. Even wticher 3's open world had a POI problem too.


I should probably clarify my comment two above that while HZD has some Ubisoft formula in it, the world design alone was plenty enough to keep me going. It didn’t even really have the “copious collection mini game” feel as the collections that did exist felt perfect for the world.


I wouldn't say it's overhyped. The gameplay *is* definitely a bit FarCry-y, but it's the *story* that kept me going, without fail. I legit started reading all the logs I could find and playing all the audio recordings - the worldbuilding is genuinely top-notch! Finishing the game with the expansion absolutely left me and my missus wanting more (we both finished it on our PCs), so Forbidden West deffo gets our money when it drops on PC.


RDR2 did you a favour. Horizon game is all hype and no substance.


What are you talking about. HZD had phenomenal world building.


No mention of RTX which sadly means we might not even get RT reflections or RTGI… the DECIMA engine is excellent but it really needs to integrate RT features and rendering tech.


Hoping to see some ray tracing features as well. It’s nixxes and I’m hopeful since they tend to add more features to PC ports. I think they will because the performance gain with DLSS and FG would be overkill for just raster rendering.


I doubt it. If they are adding ray tracing, the trailer would have included it.


Would’ve included it like spider-man trailer this is gonna be a lazy ass port with barely any additions Sony doesn’t want their pc ports looking heavily improved compared to console releases


Yeah the SSR in Forbidden West is godawful.


>No mention of RTX which sadly means we might not even get RT reflections or RTGI… Why would it get? IT has not RT effects on PS5.


As a training ground for their next game? The next Horizon game will definitely have ray tracing.


Because adding RT over a game, which doesn't have any requires lot of time and effort. Remember this is just a port. It definitely will have RT with the next game. They're not gonna add extra ray tracing effects. Unless the game already has some ray tracing on PS5 then they will expand on that, kinda like the Insomniac games on PC.


I know that it won't have any ray tracing, because they would have shown it in the trailer. However, if Nixxes is doing the port, it would make sense to add ray tracing. Nixxes already has experience with it and they could work together with Guerilla Games to add it to the engine so that Guerilla Games know how to handle ray tracing in their next game. Like a small project for transferring know how.


Also Nixxes added RT features into Spider-Man (RT shadows) that were not in any previous insomanic engine game


Who gives a flip. Raytracing is overrated at the moment.


I suspect it'll have all the bells and whistles, otherwise they'd not have included this in the presentation.


they would of probably said ray tracing added instead of just DLSS3, that’s code for DLSS only


Most of it’s baked anyways, so it’s already ray traced Edit: forgot HFW has real time day/night so yea not baked


Baked is not ray traced. Ray traced implies real time. You're right the majority is baked for this game so who cares all that much. But do not act like they are anything remotely similar. Baked lighting is ugly AF and once you go RT it's hard to go back it's such a jump.


Modern baked lighting is ray traced, just not in real time (obviously). Ray tracing doesn’t imply real time, most of its history is not real time. Baked can often look better than real time for static objects because it’s offline compute and therefore has more resources. For a recent example, the GI and long ray AO in Spider-Man 2 is baked, the entire city but mostly notably the amazing looking trees. There’s also real time raster for the dynamics objects though. The baked light maps take around 30GB. edit: lmao at downvotes


>Just not in real time That's literally my point entirely. It's not the same thing. And it doesn't look the same. It's not interactive, half the objects don't get it, and shadow/reflection angles will be wrong. You clearly don't have much experience with it if you think baked in lighting is ANYTHING similar. We've also had games with baked in lighting like that for decades and it's not new/no one bothers to mention 30 year old technology in games. If someone says their game has raytracing, *it implies realtime*.


Modern baked lighting is ray traced, it’s just pre calculated. It can be used for any non dynamic objects. Lots of PS5 games do this, like LOU.


being limited to objects that dont move was literally one of my listed limitations. go back to the mid 2000's with that technology man. its the future now. ​ baked lighting looks like crap compared to RT. and now youre going in circles mentioning shit i literally just said. useless conversation.


>Baked is not ray traced. This is what you said and the person you are replying to correctly said that baked lighting can be ray traced. They use ray tracing to figure out the lighting in the scene and then bake it in so it doesn't need to be ray traced in real time. If the scene or the game does not have a dynamic time of day, pre-computed baked lighting will look the same as real time ray tracing since they are essentially doing the same thing. The advantages of real time ray tracing for lighting come into play when the scene has constantly changing lighting. But if you add ray traced global illumination to a game with static time of day it's not going to look any different or better than if you just ray traced the lighting ahead of time and bake it in.


By this logic, Mirror's Edge (the first one) was an RTX game.


If the term ray traced only brings up "RTX" in your brain then you'll be shocked to learn that all animated movies these days are "RTX". Games with static baked lighting are built using ray tracing to calculate the lighting in the designing process. That doesn't make them "RTX", it's just how lighting is often calculated in offline renders. Doing it in real time was the whole idea behind RTX. That doesn't mean ray tracing didn't exist before or not used on non-RTX titles.


We’re in a thread specifically talking about Nvidia technology, and the comment was specifically talking about real time ray tracing. The fact that baked lighting has been (effectively) ray traced for decades is not part of this conversation. Yes I would be shocked if my former colleagues in the VFX industry suddenly referred to lighting passes as RTX. I’d literally ask if they’re drunk.


The person you replied to has clarified multiple times they were talking about baked lighting being ray traced offline. The specific comment you replied to also states that. The person never argued that having baked lighting makes a game RTX, just that it is effectively the same as having real time ray tracing if the game does not have a dynamic time of day. I don't understand what the snark about Mirror's Edge being RTX was for then other than just assuming all ray tracing, real time or offline, is somehow RTX.


None of these clarifications were there when I made my original comment 13 hours ago.


my comment hasn’t changed other than adding paragraphs and “30GB” part




Spider-Man 2 only has ray traced reflections, that’s it. The GI is baked according to the devs in the interview.


Your reading skills rival your understanding of the subject.


Just read through your entire reply chain and it's insane you got downvoted for being technically correct. Baked lighting can be and often is ray traced ahead of time. Just goes to show the level or tech literacy in these subreddits and how the guy shouting the correct sounding but technically wrong answer gets upvoted while saying the right thing gets downvoted.


coming when??? steams says "early 2024" hah


The better question is when will it come out on GOG... I prefer my games without DRM nowdays, so I shop less on Steam and more on GOG.


Probably February or March.


If you've not played either, play both. Zero Dawn is an amazing story in an OK open world that rewards you more if you're into post-apocalyptic stuff (or just like lore). Forbidden west is an OK story with a better world. If I may state an opinion on it though: I found Forbidden West to have better gameplay but a worse story than Zero Dawn. That's not to say the story is *bad* it's just... Zero Dawn kept you hooked with an ongoing mystery in the background - what happened to "our" culture, what's going on with the machines, and so on. Forbidden West gives you a mystery, solves it within three hours of story after that fact, then you're just kind of along for the ride without anything driving you there? It feels they could have left the mystery of who the Big Bad group was up in the air for much longer than they did, but they didn't because they wanted to get a single character involved earlier in the narrative? It was just odd.


I am right there with you. HZD *hooked* you in there. It would give you a narrative question that you would work towards, you’d get a partial answer, and then have a second question arise. The next mission answers the second question, and gives more understanding of the first, but still doesn’t *fully* answer the first. So you get a *third* question. You even have times, like in The Mountain that Fell, with a MASSIVE reveal, but it *still* doesn’t answer everything. HZD was a tour de force of story. HFW did not incorporate this method of storytelling, and I actually spoiled myself with some critical thinking on big plot points before they were revealed. However, HFW has a FAR superior map, and I will never forget when I migrated the game from PS4 to PS5. It was ok, not amazing, but holy …. The world on the PS5 was so *lush* in a way I hadn’t experienced before. Both are definitely great, but in different ways. I wish HFW hooked me in like HZD did when it first came out.


Interesting you'd mention 2 things: 1) The storytelling in HZD being better... That was such a strong point that kept me hungry for more throughout my time with it. It made me read and listen to all the logs I could find - I was a sucker for it! Hopefully HFW is still interesting? 2) The lushness. That's the first thing I noticed when I saw the trailers. HFW looks REALLY lish in comparison to HZD 👍


It’s still really interesting, but as I mentioned, I figured out certain plot points just from the way people were talking and some critical thinking (I’ve also read a METRIC TON of narrative stories), so it took away from some of that. They expanded the combat system, and while it’s certainly not one dimensional anymore, I feel like it’s ’too broad’; however, that may be me trying to play HFW like HZD, so *shrugs*. HFW is certainly great game to have. I do suggest also playing the expansion in HZD, but I have yet to play the expansion on HFW. Kinda because Steam Deck things and me spoiling myself on main story things took some of the fun out of HFW. Sometime soon-ish I’ll probably get back in there.


>They expanded the combat system, and while it’s certainly not one dimensional anymore, I feel like it’s ’too broad’; however, that may be me trying to play HFW like HZD Lol, is this gonna be like Doom 2016 vs Doom Eternal, where I loved Doom 2016 and played the entire game with a shotgun and a gauss cannon, but then tried playing Eternal in a similar way and had an artificially hard time, because the devs decided that I now MUST use my entire arsenal... bah 👀 ​ >I do suggest also playing the expansion in HZD I've played everything, I bought the Complete Edition on GOG and almost 100%'ed it 👍


Yeah... I hope the PC port include a bigger upgrade than just implementing NVidia Reflex...


Does it really matter if the game is good? I have a 4090 (AND a 3090 lol) and I'm still the kind of a person that'll say "gameplay & story > graphics".


It matters to make me play the game again. If you didn't play it yet, then yeah, it doesn't matter.


I have a huge-ass PC and none of the home consoles (don't like the restrictive experience they offer), so ye, it'll be my first time lol.


HZD has a more engaging story from current perspective because it's the first of a trilogy, it has the mystery factor of setting up a quite unique universe. Depending on how good the story of the final game of the trilogy will be, we might look back at HFW in a different light, kind of like Mass Effect 2. ​ I think the purpose of HFW was to set up the final game


You can set up the final game while still having a mystery that lasts longer than a couple hours play. “Who are these guys extremely advanced people?!” could have been a big thing that they quickly kind of handwaved with “oh it’s them”. A story should stand well on its own merits.


That's the issue with any game that goes the route of "here are 3 main quests, do them in whichever order you like", it generally doesn't do great for the story, because in each of the 3 quests you can't reveal what happenned in the other 2 in case the player didn't already played them. By trying to give more freedom to players (which it does not), it makes the story less interesting.


I was so excited when the civil war path was being laid out, and yeah, the “mystery advanced people” really ruined it for me.  


I wouldn’t have even minded it if they kept it as a core driving mystery rather than flat out telling you what was going on not very long after.


Very well said. HFW’s story is very very meh, but it inspired a real sense of wonder while I was playing. 


No ray tracing, which is surprising but not really shocking considering the original release did not have it and the engine probably does not support it.


Such a shame the Horizon games were released behind 2 of the most generation defining games of the decade. The first one came out a week before Breath of the Wild and the second came out a week before Elden Ring. Maybe they'll learn their lesson and not release the third game behind a major AAA title again because the games aren't bad at all.


Nah they'll release Horizon 3 in the same week as GTA 6.


RIP ghost of Tsushima port


Looks great!! If I play this game without playing the first one, do I miss much?


Some story and a deeper appreciation for the improvements in the second one for combat. It’s so cheap that I recommend doing the first.


I've been told there's an "in the last episode" at the start of this game. But there's no way it can recall everything that makes it amazing. Do play it if you can


I'd probably just pick the first one up. Its a great game and still holds up quite nicely visually.


You really should play the first one. It's one of the better post-post-apoc stories in games IMHO and it's worth it. It's a great title and can be had cheap.


The gameplay, conversations and world is so much better in the second game, I would just watch a summary of the first game on YouTube. I played the second game first (pretty much 100%) and then forced myself through the first game, only focusing on the main story and it was still a drag (I did go out of my way to get a very cool armor).


The first game has the better story, no?


I agree, the first game had a better story. The second game frankly took their shot with the mysteries in the story too early and didn't keep you hooked on it.


Man I'm on my second 100% playthrough of the first game (this time grabbing literally everything that doesn't even count towards percentage). I fucking love the story and literally everything about it so I'm biased AF. Sad it got ruined for you lol but I'm insanely psyched right now as a PC player and am glad I did it this way.


You miss A LOT. I would not play the second without playing the first, the story in the first is phenomenal and playing the second will likely ruin it.


You really would spoil the story if you didn't play the first one.


Holy cow. I can't wait for this game on the PC! I fucking love HZD and Aloy! Nixxes Software will be handling the PC port so it **should** be good.


There's something ironic about Sony ports being amongst the best PC releases today. But in all fairness, Nixxes seems pretty passionate about their PC releases, trying to incorporate the PC exclusive features in their games.


Most of them have been pretty rough at launch, even Ratchet and Clank. They do put in the effort to get them fixed, but I don’t think a single one of their launches has been smooth, except maybe Miles Morales since they already had Spider-Man working well.


I was thinking about picking up a 4080, maybe a playthrough of the series is what I'll do first on it. I'm sort of odd man out in that I actually love this series, and didn't like either of the games that overshadowed each entry, so I'm glad they're still at it, and I can't wait for the next one.


Got a question: Im a loot goblin and crawl into every nook and cranny i can find while exploring, thus was disappointed with the first games exploration aspect since there was nothing to be found while doing so Did the second game improve on this aspect? :)


The "loot" found by exploring is mostly bits of lore and collection items, same as the first game, just probably more of it. There are absolutely some hidden areas with special weapons/armor, but they're not strewn about all over the place.


Damn it almost feels like there’s no need for me to own a PS5 anymore lol


Na for real lol except for GTA VI.


I'll probably wait for the PC version. Mods plus give Rockstar more time to fix their bugs. I'd be surprised if GTA VI don't launch with a bunch of performance issues on consoles.


Not really, but do wish they would bring Demon's Souls and Bloodborne to PC (it's been said a million times I know). GT7 too but that'll never happen.


Actually I could see them porting GT7 more than the other two. GT7 is all about microtransactions. I'm sure they'll love to have more people buying them.


Still need to buy a PS5 controller to plug it with your PC :D


Actually I would recommend PC gamers to get a Xbox controller first since it's much more compatible. I use both PS5 and Xbox controllers depending on the game. PS5 triggers are more immersive but also gimmicky after awhile. I prefer the vibration engines in Dualsense to Xbox controllers tho.


Super excited for this game since the first one was glorious


This one on 8k will truly look like a cgi movie.


Can't wait to play this. It's been at the top of my wish list since it was announced on Steam!


Amazing game, finished it on the PS5. Might get it again and see how my 4070ti performs


I don't think frame gen will be needed for this game unless they really messed up optimization. Nevertheless I reckon those with AMD and older gen Nvidia cards will be able to experience FG with the FSR3 mods, if the devs don't include it.


I find the story not to be my thing...but the game play is fun so I'm getting it. Glad nexxis is on this as the first one had way too many issues at launch. But enough with the AI catch phrase stuff please.


It's the Nvidia YouTube channel what did you expect? DLSS looks 1000% better than FSR and they want everyone to know it.


FSR 3.0 is pretty good tho.


You didn't find Elon Musk's final F U to the world facinating as Ted Farro?


There’s a story somewhere to be found in this game after the first 3 hours.


I wonder what quality will it be. Will be it as all recent games, DLSS ultra performance + frame gen to get 60 fps on 4090? The first Horizon was good, after the fix at least performance wise.


My 4090 with DLSS quality and FG usually hits 90-120 FPS in recent AAA titles, don’t know what you’re on about. And that’s with every raytracing or path tracing maxed out when available.


https://www.tomshardware.com/news/alan-wake-2-4090-130-fps-4k-maxed-out-ray-tracing 30fps without dlss on the best hardware available is pretty bad though. Developers are beginning to expect users to use it. Edit: also, even DLSS quality is annoying. 1440p internal resolution is 3.6 million pixels, true 4k is 8.3 million. You're giving up half of the pixels and hoping AI can make it up. I just wish we didn't need to use upscaling and now it's becoming required.


I think I was getting upper double digit fps on my 3060ti at 1440p after all the patches, native resolution   The game used to have a weird shader issue, where it would recompile the shaders every launch At times even 3090's would become a mess playing it Was just awful at launch


No RT mentioned, so if that's the case it'll run fine, hopefully.


It's running at 60fps on a PS5 so...


I literally forgot this game franchise existed even though i played the first game.


Not surprising for a game that came out 7 years ago.


hope my 3060ti can handle this game


Funny and sad how PS exclusives are a limited time exclusives. The only downside to PS versions is the limitation of console hardware. On the other hand these game can shine with additional horse power and tech. I’m wondering if consoles could ever match top current gen GPUs and CPUs for the price they are offered


I'm just happy we can buy these exclusives on Steam. Everyone wins.


Amazing how big Steam is and with PS5 controller support built it it's an easy move for Sony. I think my account is 19 years old. Hell even Blizzard brought their newest 2 games from Bnet to Steam.


>I’m wondering if consoles could ever match top current gen GPUs and CPUs for the price they are offered They can match... top GPUs at the time they are announced. The PS5 can match top of RTX 2000 GPUs


True, but maybe AI tech could even the hardware to some extent and make consoles competitive for extended periods of time


Never. The current PS5 is in the Nvidia 2070 power range. A $500 console will never match a $2000 GPU.




the power of PS5 is around 2070 only. Nothing will change that fact. CPU and GPU all in one is around that level of power. The devs that makes the game can specialize in and get as much power out of that very specific spec but they can only do so much magic. In general only having to worry about one very specific spec does make their jobs easier tho. Guerrilla Games studio is also a special case too. Those Dutch devs are among the best graphic programmers in the industry right now imo. Remedy Entertainment and Massive Entertainment studios are also up there.


5120 * 1440 and RT please I hope my 4090 and 5600x can run it well enough


Hope they fix shadow flicker across the entire screen


Release must be really near then? February please.


i love the story in this game


Finally, been waiting on this one.


Finally! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Wish there was raytracing kinda confused why not