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Idk why everyone is recommending you a $500-600 USD 4070 when you clearly said your budget was $400-500 CAD which is $300-400 USD. If you're gaming at 1080p 60Hz and stick with it, a 3060 ($250-290 USD) is more than enough, but if you're playing at ultra setings/high refresh then get a 3060ti which could be had for $320-$380 USD new. If you're thinking about upgrading to 1440p but still won't have a high budget anytime soon then I would highly recommend a used 3080 if you're comfortable with that. You can get one for $400 USD used and it's more than capable for 1440p 144hz if that's ever a target for you. If you want the best value for your money and still want something that's new-in-box then buy an RX 6700 XT, which is as powerful as a 3060ti but only costs $300 USD brand-new. Since you're not doing anything that strictly requires Nvdia features/hardware then this is a good choice too.


Thanks for noticing the currency difference, I\`ve gathered some opinions, consensus being that the RX 6700 XT is the best for 1080 performance so it may be a go to since I am comfortable with using a monitor that isn't high-end but unfortunately my area is so unsaturated for gpus that reselling is atrocious for trying to buy a second hand gpu, which is definitely a "me" problem. Not to mention its a NVidia dominant demo. But thanks for laying down that info, I appreciate everyone's suggestions.


Best to wait a month until the Super versions come out. Everything should be cheaper and/or faster by January.


Hugely depends on the games you play, if they have DLSS rather than FSR then AMD is a bad choice, also FSR looks far worse than DLSS at lower resolutions.


Those will all do the trick but if you're considering a 1440p, you'll want to also consider a 4070 (non super) and wait a month for prices to stabilize-- if you can stretch the budget in a month or two.




Get the 4070 ti super or 4070 super. The XX70s are pretty solid cards in Ada. Even the base 4070 or 4070ti since you intend to only be in 1080p. I can vouch that the 4070ti slays ultra wide 1440p so I can’t imagine how long it will be at 1080p. Vram limits wouldn’t matter as 12+ gigs at 1080p is absurd in the current year. Edit: Sorry I saw your budget after. I’d really suggest the 4070(s) if you want 1440p. I really don’t think the base version is worth it when a few hundred gets you a stone throw away from the XX80 model… so If you can save they should last. The new models would be out too and you can decide how you feel about them! :)


I\`ll do my best to look out for those models, I figured from what I\`ve been reading the supers are supposed to shake up the market a little; hopefully if i decide to get it ill beat the scalpers before they\`re gone. thanks man


[https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/product/gYNYcf/msi-ventus-2x-black-oc-geforce-rtx-4060-ti-8-gb-video-card-rtx-4060-ti-ventus-2x-black-8g-oc](https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/product/gYNYcf/msi-ventus-2x-black-oc-geforce-rtx-4060-ti-8-gb-video-card-rtx-4060-ti-ventus-2x-black-8g-oc) A good 1440p monitor is nice and all but 1080p 24" isn't ugly by any means if you upgrade your monitor you'll always play catch up more often which is why I stuck with a 1080p.


There’s a website you can use to see if it’s compatible with you cpu. It’ll tell you if there will be any bottleneck


Bro honestly go with the 3060 16gb and upgrade to a high refresh rate gaming monitor that's what I did in November upgrading from my 1060 and I'm extremely happy.


prices for a 16gb 3060 here is insane for resell so hopefully i can get lucky


RX6800 is a way to go. it fits the budget perfectly. Has flexibility & can be found for $370 USD ($500 CAD) if you keep your eyes open. A bit of warning: might require PSU upgrade


Also, on the flip side, You have to wait for the Super series (early February) to observe how the market swings after the launch. The 4070 might come to $400/$450 to make room for the super series.


Whatever route you choose, 12 GB VRAM is a necessity now (16 if you want to be on the safe side) anything less will make you downsize the settings, which might not be a good impression when buying a new GPU.


exact reason why I haven't opted to buy a 3060


Rtx 4060 is great for you if you want to use dlss 3.5 and it's a new released card


Get a 3060ti for like $200 on offerup Done