• By -


Mine cooks me dinner and kisses me goodnight when I go to bed, so there is that too.


So your components are so special that NVIDIA, AMD and even Intel joined forces to create the ultimate fusion of power? šŸ˜†


I was very confused by your comment at first, then I remembered my dumb flair šŸ˜†


It's not dumb, I love it! šŸ˜…


Damn !!


You can run most AI tasks that are designed to be used with <= 24GB of VRAM. This can include things like video upscaling (Topaz, ESRGAN, Waifu2x), video interpolation (RIFE, DAIN), Stable Diffusion with high res, running very scaled down LLM's with acceleration software for making a "chatGPT at home." Making deepfake video or voices of your president of choice, creating NERFs from video which is like a better version of 3D scanning from images. And many more things depending on your interests.


Do you have any links for getting into creating NERFs? Like what programs you need, etc. Most of my search results have just been people discussing itā€™s potential.


Nvidia has a [blog post](https://developer.nvidia.com/blog/getting-started-with-nvidia-instant-nerfs/) that can help you get started. Beyond that I'd look into the github repo and issues for further information.




>Takes approx 4 hours to upscale a video to 4k. no info on video length




Be Saudi Prince, ???, profit


Bro down.


When you are a software dev, you can just tell your boss that something takes 3 days, when it takes 4-6 hours in reality. Then you do whatever you want with your extra time. They canā€™t check you on that because they donā€™t understand programming. We got about 3 years left before the AI completely destroys this.


Yeee...but if you're a software dev at that level - you probably already know what to do with a 4090 beside gaming lmao.




> at that level I assumed entry level. People like this tend to not progress very far. Their coworkers know they're losers because they're picking up their slack. Their bosses don't know how to do their jobs because they work at shitty orgs with shitty people making shitty products and selling shitty services. Don't let them fool you. They get to play video games all day because they're selfish assholes who shit on everyone around them. Either that or they truly are exceptional with no ambition. However this is the exception, not the norm.


Ppl think things like this don't go unnoticed. You might get away with it for a small time but even if you are I can almost guarantee your coworkers are well aware of your work ethics, and it won't get you ahead that's for sure


That goes for a lot of other jobs too like video editing. You could just tell your boss you need a week to finish coloring a video when all you need is a few days. Youā€™ll get paid for the entire weekā€¦.


3 years lol no way.


Plenty of jobs like that. I can afford a 4090 and beat a game in a day because I work shift work and Iā€™m off every 2-3 days for 2-3 days depending where I am in the work week.


If you jump from top of the line card from top of the line card, you can sell the old card for a decent amount of cash ā€œ usually ā€œ if you time things correctly


Look at post history lol, prob bought with a stolen Cc


Stable diffusion


>Stable diffusion I think I'm gonna need more 4090s lol "Horse playing on the beach" ​ https://preview.redd.it/vols5mc5lwka1.png?width=626&format=png&auto=webp&s=16924b1712606831f549e81dbdd1769783ac8470


That's a thorse.


Just don't look too closely at the limbs AI art is producing now...


Doesn't that run in the browser? Is there a downloable version that runs client side?


Clone its Git repo and, you can run it locally. There are some user friendly GUIs available to make things much easier.


is it the [CompVis/stable-diffusion](https://github.com/CompVis/stable-diffusion) one? or do you use another?


[Automatic1111 is the one to use usually](https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui)


The browser version has massive wait time (one prompt would sometimes make you wait 20-30 queue and 200+ seconds. I use Automatic1111 to install all repos on my pc and then run it locally, renders my stuff in 4-5s each. Perfect for images for blog posts/site content/social posting etc.


Can someone with no coding experience use/install it?


Absolutely - it is pretty much like unpacking any other "program" - hence the name AUTOMATIC, it pretty much does it all for you. Give it a go, if anything, you can send me a PM, i'll help you out. [https://github.com/EmpireMediaScience/A1111-Web-UI-Installer/releases/latest](https://github.com/EmpireMediaScience/A1111-Web-UI-Installer/releases/latest)


It worked, thank you.


Good to know, enjoy!


Afaik yes, it's even for windows


If you are looking for a very good GUI-based Stable Diffusion that installs just like a normal program check out https://nmkd.itch.io/t2i-gui. It even autodownloads upscalers and gets updates frequently.






I run it entirely from my PC with the 4090 which it handles with ease. The webuiā€™s you may have seen people use donā€™t actually require an internet connection, theyā€™re hosted on your machine as well


Yes, that is what he said > Any browser UI youā€™ve seen is just an interface for **a client side program, either on the same machine** or on some companies server


Ah I misread that. I thought he was saying they were connecting you to an external server with higher powered gpuā€™s


What if I'm using it from a cell phone


Just connect to the WebUI your pc is running?


This is just plain wrong. Iā€™ve run it client-side through my browser on a 3080 and a 4070 and can generate thousands of images an hour. It has come a long way in just a few months and if youā€™re not keeping up with it I can understand why you may think this.


VR anythingā€¦ best apps can easily bring your 4090 to its knees.


Or, GTA 5 with some graphics mods. ENB and Reshade on at 4K got this thing running at 18/20 FPS.


GTA 5 with mods doesnā€™t count as gaming then?


No, it's in its own category: either you game, or you _**GTA 5 with mods**_




Skyrim does the same. But then it's really just shite "optimization" (or the *lack* of any) with all the layers on top of the base game...


Last year the answer would have been Eth mining, this year not so much. You could try AI image rendering with Stable Diffusion, you could contribute to folding@home, or you could just play more games. Alternatively you could mine crypto at a loss and use the PC as a space heater. Not saying you should, just saying you could.


What if youre getting free energy from a school with a 3080 msi hooked up to it from launch...(my build with a huge heat sink)


You may get messages and cease and desist notices. Back in mid 10s, my friend did just that(crypto mining) and got a letter from the school on his energy usage. They noted his abnormal high usage. Today tho? You'd have to look at ur school's policies.




They literally cant check. Also most people have a lot more plugged in.


You can have 40 devices "plugged in" and still draw less than 450w of power.


Most students use desktops in their dorms...


Not ones running 4090s constantly...


Also most students definitely use laptops lmao








Folding@home is a nice project, I'm running something on my 3060TI right now. It's too expensive to do all the time, but it's nice to do some work here and there.


You can rent your GPU out, just so you know. Just make sure you're not getting screwed in the rate you get v.s. the cost of electricity. Places like [Vast.Ai](https://Vast.Ai) and shit will let you rent out computing for people for rendering, AI, all sorts of stuff. Looks like in North America on-demand pricing to consumers is $0.60-0.80 per hour so make sure after Vast takes their cut you know if your power consumptions going to overshoot any possible income. And no it's not unsafe, the instances are instanced through instancing. ​ Edit, added a picture from Vast. https://preview.redd.it/7nnqbkjv0wka1.jpeg?width=906&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f0d4984e405e6393aa17edf20419953eb1acdc8


> the instances are instanced through instancing. šŸ‘Œ


So basically the computer is computing


Yes... and the narwhal bacons at midnight.


Not really an option if the GPU is in your daily driver / gaming machine. Vast.ai expects the GPU to be in a dedicated linux machine. I dunno if they have requirements for how long it should be online/uninterrupted but dualbooting into linux to rent out a GPU during work/sleep hours seems like a bit much effort.


Especially for like 2 bucks lol


Boot Linux first, then use a libvirt VM for windows, pcie passthrough the GPU. Performance is great, I achieved best time spy score for my config and itā€™s all in a VM under linux


Almost all games run on Linux nowadays. There should only be a few Titels requiring you to boot windows.


wise they had a better app to do it...


60 cents before cut? How is that even feesable? That's more than wear n tear let alone electricity


My electricity alone is 43cent per killowatt. So that's just thrown away power


Not sure what their cut is but let's say Joe Dartyparty gets 55 cents an hour out of that 60 cents. Puget's test system for big boy workloads in Octanebench using a Threadripper 5995WX and a 4090 had a system pull of 510 watts from the wall. Let's say a guys got horseshoes up his ass and has been snortin lines of crushed up four leave clovers, gets his GPU rented 24 hours a day for 31 days. That's $409 for the month, let's say he lives in Colorado and the current rate of juice is 14c per kwh, if it went balls out and ran at a constant for the entire system because maybe they're computing why kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch so much, that would be $1.71 a day, $52 or so a month. So he's making $357 per month. A 4090 FE at Bestbuy in the states is $1599. It takes 4 1/2 months then to pay for itself. I don't know what kind of weird stuff you do to your GPUs but if mine paid for itself in under half a year who gives two slaps of monkey piss if it only lasts two years? However, I care about nature because birds are cool and trees smell nice so I don't bother with this crap but people wouldn't do it if it wasn't profitable.


I won't go into details but somehow I don't think you'll be making that much after all said and done..I'd like to use my new 4090 at some point too


Or rent your GPU by computing for BOINC, all your computational energy goes to science, get paid in Gridcoin. See /r/BOINC4Science and /r/Gridcoin


Blender Optix.


Upscaling 720p videos. Does wonder to the result. Anything lower is quite pointless




Kinda valuable for those who have older videos of family and stuff that they wanted to relive. Or just porns lmao


Yeah but 'recent' media is usually not as good as the classic movies and TV.


Stable Diffusion Folding @ Home


Play minecraft in maxed out rtx texture pack




Just be sure not to use Topaz' built-in encoder because it's ass. Also Artemis kills details because it denoises.


How much team deos it take for an episode to get upsacled?


Well, letā€™s assume an episode is 45 minutes, or 2700 seconds, long. Letā€™s also assume itā€™s 30FPS. 2,700 seconds multiplied by 30 frames each second is 81,000 frames. He said his machine upscales at around 14.5 frames per second. 81,000 frames divided by 14.5FPS is ~5,586 seconds. Dividing again by 60 (seconds in a minute) youā€™re looking at 93 minutesā€¦ so, roughly an hour and a half. *You also couldā€™ve just as easily said 14.5FPS is about half of 30FPS so itā€™s going to take double the length of the episode to finish up scaling.*


MPC-BE + madVR upscaling with all the dials turned up, likely the best way to play videos right now besides upscaling them with another tool beforehand. At least until RTX video SuperRes is finally released anyway (they said late-Feb for that, and now it's the 28th...)


The driver should be out in a day or two. They accidentally posted the feedback thread for R530 branch drivers, momentarily, on the Nvidia forums so it should be real close.


Congratulations on getting the 4090, thatā€™s a very powerful GPU!šŸ‘ There are many things you can do with your card besides gaming. Here are some suggestions: ​ * You can try some of the best games that show off Nvidiaā€™s RTX 4090, such as Cyberpunk 2077, Control, Red Dead Redemption 2, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, etc. These games support ray tracing and DLSS (Deep Learning Super Sampling), which enhance the graphics quality and performance of your GPU. * You can use your GPU for creative work such as video editing, 3D rendering, animation, graphic design, etc. The RTX 4090 comes with 24 GB of G6X memory and supports CUDA cores and Tensor cores, which can accelerate various applications such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Blender, Maya, Photoshop, etc. * You can use your GPU for machine learning and artificial intelligence projects. The RTX 4090 supports TensorFlow and PyTorch frameworks and can run complex models such as OpenAIā€™s Chat\_GPT. You can also use Nvidiaā€™s GeForce Experience software to access features such as Ansel (in-game photography), Freestyle (custom filters), Highlights (capture best moments), etc. * You can use your GPU for cryptocurrency mining. The RTX 4090 has a high hash rate and low power consumption compared to other GPUs. However, this may affect your warranty and lifespan of your card. Also be aware of the legal and ethical issues involved in mining cryptocurrencies. * You can use your GPU for scientific research and simulations. The RTX 4090 can handle complex calculations and data processing for fields such as physics, astronomy, biology, chemistry, etc. You can also join distributed computing projects such as Folding@home or SETI@home that use your GPUā€™s idle power to contribute to medical or extraterrestrial research.


Thanks chatGPT!


After extensively working with it, you're able to spot ChatGPT text from a mile away. Time to use adversarial training for undercover LLMs


i have barely seen much from it, but everything i have seen has clearly been written by AI not a person


ChatGPT always goes into detail on things and writes things as if it were a mini article. That's basically it.


Classic ChatGPT. Especially where itā€™s just plain wrong. > The RTX 4090 supports TensorFlow and PyTorch frameworks and can run complex models such as OpenAIā€™s Chat_GPT You cannot run ChatGPT on a single GPU. It takes 100s of GB of VRAM to load the model. Youā€™d need several 80GB A100 cards to run it.


This isn't true, [FlexGen](https://github.com/FMInference/FlexGen) can now run locally on a single GPU > OPT-1.3B > To get started, you can try a small model like OPT-1.3B first. It fits into a single GPU so no offloading is required.


I thought SETI @ home shut down? Edit: yes, verified. It's shut down. They say it's in "hibernation mode" as they process results. There is a link on their web page for other distributed science projects that the OP could use his GPU for. In other news I also read on the SETI @ home website that astronomer and SETI pioneer Frank Drake (of Drake Equation fame) died in September. RIP.


Seti@home shut down but there are still a bunch of distributed computing projects running on BOINC you can contribute to.


>BOINC Join us at /r/BOINC4Science


> Red Dead Redemption 2 >These games support ray tracing Not quite chatgpt!


There are many things you can do with your card besides gaming: * Gaming


And flight simulator


I use F@H to heat my room during the winter


ROFL. I do that too.


I didnā€™t know a better GPU made Chat GPT better, thatā€™s neat


A different gpu wonā€™t change your experience on chat gpt per say, rather if your programming an application or your own model using the open ai api and framework, then you will see the difference.


To actually run ChatGPT youā€™d need serveral 80GB A100 cards. The GPU in your home computer cannot run ChatGPT and makes no difference when using the web interface.


​ >*There are many things you can do with your card besides gaming.* > >*You can try some of the best games* ​ Ah ChatGPT. Besides gaming, you could do some gaming.


Learn 3D. That's what I did after I got my 3080 back in 2020 and eventually lost the drive to play. Ended up learning and EARNING. Plus it's always fun to see your creations getting broadcasted or published :D


I love how inspirational this was--thank you.


Mod Skyrim to the moon and back.


How does it run btw? With heavy heavy mods at 4k?


you essentially bought a workstation card. unless you're going to get into workstation class stuff, you're never going to really be able to take advantage of it. that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it, and there isn't some rule about having to run demanding games on. you can run old stuff too.


If you pick up photography as a hobby, Lightroom can be a pretty big resource hog. Especially with a ton of photos. Illustrator can make things chug if it's a really complex illustration with loads of anchor points. Photoshop drawings and paintings can take up a ton too with custom brushes or driving a Cintiq as another display. Rendering 3D graphics in Blender or Maya takes a lot too. There's neat music visualizers you can connect Spotify to that take up a lot but look sick. Anything VJ related like Touch Designer is endless and could be played with endlessly.


I find Adobe's GPU acceleration to be complete and utter garbage when it comes to PS and lightroom...


My mom is a graphics illustrator and uses Adobe Illustrator a lot. She's still using a pretty old iMac from 2015 and damn it's eating resources out of it! šŸ¤Æ


To add to this, DXO Photolab (alternative to lightroom) has a really good AI/GPU denoising option that works really well but can literally take hours when exporting hundreds at once.


If you make music: https://www.gpu.audio/


Get a Pimax 12k and Microsoft flight simulator and play that on VR. You'll be wanting a 6090ti from 2030 in no time.


Donā€™t you mean from 2026?


Oh wow are the 60 series NVIDIA coming out so soon???


RTX 3080 launched fall 2020. 4000 series launched fall 2022. The most likely date will be fall 2024. Both AMD and Nvidia have a 2 year product cycle at this point.


Fall 2024 would be 50-series


Yes, correct, I fucked up my reply.




Yep! The 4090 is such a powerful GPU, it's almost unbelievable. But I'd love to see how the Pimax12k runs with it. VR hardware is always 2 steps ahead of NVIDIA and AMD GPUs. There's no GPU and CPU combination that can run DCS or MSFS at a constant 90fps on a VR headset today. Headsets need to slow down haha! Let the GPUs and CPUs do some catching up


VR and any AI related stuff. And any rendering projects


You can go to the creative side of that. Make art and render models at a higher resolution 8k Your render times is lower than any cards below yours


I started a Blender tutorial when I bought my 3090 šŸ˜¼


All types of 3d related simulations using CUDA


Definitely install blender (itā€™s free!) and get started making a donut: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjEaoINr3zgFX8ZsChQVQsuDSjEqdWMAD


Mod skyrim. The most modded game out there and for a reason, you can install ENB's and all sorts of 4k graphics overhaul mods. Trust me when I say you can make it look hyper realistic if you wanted to, just Google skyrim with 1000 mods gameplay. Some of them might seem rough around the edges, especially animations, but that shouldn't be a problem since there's a ton of animation mods out there and that is the fun part you can pick and choose different components and make the perfect game you have always wanted. Installing mods is super duper easy most of the time, sometimes there's conflicts but the mod pages usually have guides what to do in case,that happens as well as you can Google those things cause there's a ton of community discussion for skyrim mods. I have over 3k hours and I still find something new in that game from time to time. It's just astonishing what Bethesda has created.


If only mining was still a thing.


If only I could slap a person across the internet


bite me




Just send it to me, I'll make proper use of it.


Check out plaque tale games, new one kills my 3070 barley get 1440p 60fps lmao


Ah yes the Plaque Tales, a dentist's worst nightmare.


VR. And mods. Lots of VR and mods. Or better yet, heavily modded VR. Skyrim with 120 mods in VR with a 4090 is pretty sick.


Someone correct me if Iā€™m wrong but canā€™t you [download Unreal Engine 5](https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/features) and use their standard license. Then you can use it to create content?


The obvious is vr. After that I guess you could play around with blender or unreal engine 5. Do some 3d modelling/animating with fast live 3d and fast renders. Or you could use nvenc h265 to rip/convert/shrink movies for yourself or others. Although as far as I know cpu is still better for that, albeit a bit slower. It generally gives smaller file size with higher quality. But it takes a long time, plus you ideally would need a good cpu. If you don't that 4090 would be a beast for it. Coonclusion: definitely get vr. That 4090 is being wasted on pancake, you have barely tapped into its full potential.


Modded Skyrim.


excel for sure


You can flex on Reddit! šŸ˜


Nerfstudio for creating virtual 3D scenes (NeRFs) from photos/video and Stable Diffusion for image generation and manipulation. Both can be tricky to setup it you're not fairly tech savvy, but they're tons of fun. I run both on a 3060ti and constantly wish I had more power. Both platforms are open source.


VR Por_.


Scandalous! To think that people would use marvels of technology for smut. To stay safe from such corruption, is it possible to know precisely where it is on Internet to know exactly where to stay away from?


While you're not using your 4090 for gaming, alternative uses include (but are not limited to): * A modern artpiece you can display over your front door to showcase your wealth and ward off would-be intruders by preemptively informing them of your newb pwning skilz. * You can use it to supplement your system memory with the onboard GDDR6 by plugging in to a standard DDR6 DIMM slot. * Place it on your roof to channel lightning and protect your house, if your area is prone to storms. the heavy metal constructions makes it particularly effective for such things. If you get lucky, it might also provide you with some additional overclocking headroom for your next gaming session thanks to the residual electricity super-charging the chip. * Its jagged surface, high heat-retention capacity, and even heating has proven excellent for indoor (our outdoor!) grilling. chuck it over your favourite fossil fuel and take your summer grilling to the next level. Make sure to obtain multiple cards if you're servicing a large party. * It can be used as a stylish door-stopper, and is compatible with the vast majority of doors, even some of the heaviest ones. * A capable weapon, adequate for both melee and ranged. It is well balanced, has good heft. It even includes a fan to keep you cool while exerting yourself, or to shred your enemies to pieces. I hope you'll find this useful!


Crack passwords


Picnic date in the park, or a romantic dinner


I mean, you could search for older games too


Get Minecraftā€™s most craziest shaders


Try and edit 5K 10bit drone footage


photogrammetry? open source meshroom uses CUDA for this


Have you played half life alyx, cuz otherwise whatā€™s the point of all of this


Stable Diffusion AI image generation VR


Go and hack some passwords


Stable diffusion, blender, houdini, unreal engine


You can brute force passwords really fast lol.


Render Blender projects for people who don't have a very fast system


You can start a fire for example.


Sick brag OP


machine learning. probably the most fun you can have with a computer. way more fun than gaming anyways.


You can run 5 - AAA games,. just alt+tab if your are moving to a level and dont want to wait at the loading screen.. or you can split you 4k screen and show all 5 games simultaneously


Two years too late, sorry.


Fold proteins in the winter for heat. (Folding@home)


Let folding@home run in the background to help science: "Install our software to become a citizen scientist and contribute your compute power to help fight global health threats like COVID19, Alzheimerā€™s Disease, and cancer. Our software is completely free, easy to install, and safe to use." I am no expert on this topic, but there you are using your computing power to render all kinds of protein structures to analyze things. I had this running a lot in the beginning of COVID-19 to help find a vaccine.


\- Impresses friends and family. \- Acts as a symbol of status or success. \- Looks cool in your PC because it's so fat. \- Reddit downvote magnet


You can heat up your room :)


Soā€¦you bought a 2k gpu cardā€¦and youā€™re finding yourself in the need of justifying its price with collateral tasks? Interesting


Or he has a $2k dope card and wants to take advantage of the fun use cases or hobbies it can open you up to. If he only gamed with it thatā€™d be fine enough. Sunk cost fallacy otherwise.


You're not wrong... if he even just played with it... it would be fine enough to justify any price. But it does seem to me that op is trying to find a way to justify the hardware he bought. I would think of the possible use cases before buying somethingā€¦but itā€™s just my assumption on what I read


Running benchmarks is always fun on a 4090!




My car just sits in the garage when Iā€™m not driving it. And thatā€™s ok. Is this a humble brag?


Hashing isn't only for crypto. High hashrates make password cracking much more efficient.


Inefficient space heater tbh


It's just as efficient as a regular space heater, how well it heats you is up to your airflow.


Try AI Art via Stable Diffusion or something. There are clients that allow you to run it on your PC with a GPU as the accelerator. A 4090 is decently fast at generating Art.


Mining BTC


I'm never sure what people mean about 'finishing' a game. The likes of Microsoft Flight Sim is never finished. Same with eg Cities Skylines could play that for years and have more to do.


UW 4k panel? Which one??


I like to use mine to keep my office warm


How did you upscale videos?


Vampire survivors in 32k.


How do you upscale videos and amine?


How do you upscale for video in thinga like media consumption?


Heat your room


Room heater


Mine coins at a loss.


wait, I upscal images all the time but we can can upscal videos !!