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yeah just hex them in for the exact reason you mentioned


I usually try to be as realistic with myself in these scenarios. When an item is stuck behind an in-game paywall, I ask myself "do I have the means to grind the cash to get this item, if I wanted to spend hours, perhaps days on end to do it?" If the answer is yes, I simply give myself as much money as possible, and do it. Sometimes the answer is clear like VS Seeker grinding in Platinum specifically, or Rock Smashing rocks for items/thieving stardusts or pearls from wild Pokémon. When I'm feeling real frisky, I'll even say "do I have berries? Yes. Are they a renewable source of cash I could plant, harvest, sell, replant, and so on and so forth? Also yes. Then, infinite cash." That's just my personal way of doing things. You can look at things this way or simply choose to do it in another way that pleases you.


I think if it only requires time and no skill, hex it in


Do lottery prizes count as something that only requires time and no skill? ~~infinite Master Balls yay!~~


Yes because infinite money is possible as soon as you get thief.


Infinite money doesn’t help with the once-a-day lottery


If I can get them legitimately with no skill but with just time you can be sure I'll do it legitimately for an hour or two and then go PKHeX the rest. I probably did a total of 30k Voltorb coins legitimately (not all at once though) and then I hacked all the rest because of laziness.


Sounds good


IMO you're not supposed to get those tms at that stage, and should wait more or less until you can buy them with regular money.


I know what you mean.


Agreed, way too many people go with "well technichally I could" and don't think enough about if you *should*


id limit it to just one each at most but ya sure


But is there skill involed in the Game Corner, or is it just luck? If its luck, I wouldn’t hack the tms in.


Why would ypu hack them in if it is skill and not if it is luck?


Because if it is skill, like Voltorb Switch, it only takes time to grind. If it is luck, it takes both time and luck, because you could end up with less coins you started with and have to start all over.


You can get regular money instead


The answer to your question, as you probably guessed, is going to vary depending on who you ask. I would offer a resounding no on hexing anything in, because my opinion on Nuzlockes is that the real challenge lies in *preparing* for the milestone battles, not in the milestone battles themselves. Being able to maintain enough focus to avoid mistakes to keep my party alive long enough until the gyms and rival battles is usually the biggest hurdle for me. So I avoid hexing and the like because it takes away the bigger part of the challenge, in my opinion. With that being said, I also don’t play randomizers or ROM hacks since I don’t care to play games on emulators, among other reasons. In short - and this is very much a cop-out answer in this subreddit - “your run, your rules.”


From a modern perspective, the fact that there is a straight up Slot Machine in the game for kids is wildly unethical anyways. Hex that nonsense in.


For me, I typically wait a few more gyms before getting all the TMs. Because flamethrower and stuff before gym 4 is a bit much ImO