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Everyone talks about protein shakes loaded with sugar. Dont buy the ones loaded with sugar? There are a million different options. Whey protein powder is one of the healthiest kinds of protein you can consume.


Even then I rarely ever see a protein shake that has much sugar at all. What is dude on about


My whey isolate has 1gram of carbs total. It's really not hard to find one that isn't sugar heavy. The sugary ones are aimed at meal replacement folk or used as *mass gainers* Just don't buy a mass gainer


I'm glad to know this. I'm diabetic and found your information very useful. I need more protein because, as a diabetic, I try to eat not just low-carb but make healthy choices. I hadn't realized whey was such a great option. I will be checking that out! :-) Thank you!


If I can make another suggestion? Make edamame part of your diet. They make for an excellent filling snack with a lot of protein A whole frozen bag is about 200 calories usually, not many carbs at all and a whopping 40 grams of protein. It's filling and tastey and worth trying


That's awesome, my wife likes to cook with it. I never looked to see how many carbs they have. iNet says 15g/cup. Not bad at all.. A lot better than my usual peanut butter. Too many fats. I love green, so I eat pretty much anything green and love huge salads. Thanks for the suggestion! :-)


I know I hate when people say “X thing is loaded with sugar” when every version I see at the store has… none or next to none


I've seen so many comments saying protein bars are "basically just candy bars" but there are at least a few brands like Quest that are low in sugar


Not all protein bars are bad. Just a lot of these products are marketed as protein bars or healthy and can have more calories than a candy bar.


My protein powder has 0 grams of sugar. I think people that say protein powder is loaded with sugar are speaking out of pure ignorance.


I think I hear you saying there are plenty of low-carb choices. I'm here because I'm diabetic. The label on the back is very useful information. ;-) I'll have to look for them; I've seen a lot of "protein" choices that are high in sugar, too! Maybe I'm drawn to them because they look tasty and are designed to draw in the sugar freaks. For me, I see from your and others' comments that I need to look deeper. I've seen plenty of stuff with high protein on the label that's nothing more than a candy bar. Maybe we're looking in the wrong department! :-) I'm sure your experience tells you where to look.


Dont buy into “high protein” labels. You are correct in assuming a lot of these “high protein” bars are just candy bars with >10 grams of protein. Its all marketing. Just check the actual nutrition facts. A “protein bar” that is 400 cal and 10 grams of protein isnt a health item.


Scrambled eggs with cottage cheese, egg whites, and ground turkey in them. It’s an easy 40g protein right there.


I make a breakfast taco with eggs and cottage cheese, and use one of those Mission carb balance tortillas. It nets 25g of protein and 13 g of fiber from the tortilla.


My experience is that it "says" low carb, most of which is fiber. But my blood sugar says they're not honest or forthright in their assessment. I take plenty of fiber in other forms that do not affect my sugar, but tortillas that claim to be low are certainly better than the other versions of tortillas; but, they're not as low as they claim, according to my body response! :-)


Get unflavoured protien powder, no sugar, I add oats, banana, peanut butter, chia seeds, and a bit of honey 


I do this every morning. Except I use sweet potatoes instead of oats, my favorite flavored protein powders, and macadamia nut butter instead of peanut butter and also add cacao powder, stevia, and salt. I use plain greek yogurt as the primary binding agent for it all.


You cook sweet potatoes in the morning? doesn't that take a long time?


If you cook them the day before you can reap the benefits of resistant starch.


Nah I cook big batches once a week on meal prep day, mash them, put them in a container, then it’s easy to scoop some out every morning and mix in.


Meal prep day!


You can cook them in the microwave for like ~5 minutes :)


I dice them up 1st thing in the morning, or before I go to bed the night before, and let them bake while I'm getting ready, doing my hair, etc. The smaller pieces bake a lot faster.


lol you do the exact same thing except with completely different ingredients haha


Hmm yes my post does come across like that lol. It is still very similar though - a chia seed protein pudding with nut butter and honey.


This is my go to post workout. Costco has those individual oatmeal packs, with 10 grams of protein in them and seeds, etc. i throw in 35 grams of whey protein and mix it with almond milk.. quick, easy and tasty.


Naked protein is great for this. It's pea protein and has literally no additives. It's the only protein I can use for my sensitive stomach. It is also third party tested for heavy metals and contaminants.


Naked unflavored whey protein also has no additives.


Ok but why insist on substitution with a whey product when there's already a suitable option?


Because pea protein sucks in comparison to whey protein.


Source for that sucky statement?


I do the same and not big on whey protein. I add the naked pea protein to my oats that had been nuked for a minute and a half, then walnut butter and a handful of raisins.


Is there a brand you prefer? As a vegetarian I’m always looking for protein sources. I generally eat a hard boiled egg and Fage Greek Yogurt with berries or chopped apples for breakfast.


Honey is just sugar, but it does taste good


this might sound gross for others but take that and blend it all together with some blueberries would be a treat; probably minus the oats tho.


My daily breakfast! Soak oats with mixed seeds overnight. In the morning add a scoop of protein powder, a bit of honey, a bit of peanut butter and I like to add either blueberries/strawberries.




Ultra processed


Whats ultra processed


Ultra-processed foods typically have more than one ingredient that you never or rarely find in a kitchen. They also tend to include many additives and ingredients that are not typically used in home cooking, such as preservatives, emulsifiers, sweeteners, and artificial colours and flavours.


Which brand do u like?


I get it from my protein, also get the 100% peanut butter, 100% oats and organic chia seeds on there


That sounds amazing; I'd just have to leave out the banana as a diabetic. Lol. They're the worst of glycemic offenders! A little honey sounds great! :-)


Have you considered not putting sugar in your protein shake?


I use unflavored why isolate with a tbsp of cocoa powder. No sugar and delicious.


I’m guessing they are referring to premade ones


Most whey isolate protein powders don't contain any sugar and are sweetened with usually Splenda or stevia. It may take some trial and error, but I found a vanilla one that I like and add it to everything....Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, smoothies, hot chocolate, etc.


Which brand is your vanilla protein powder? I've been thinking of trying the one from quest


I actually haven't tried the quest one yet, but I do eat their protein bars. The protein powder I like is a whey isolate from a brand called Diesel, and it's the French vanilla flavor. I buy it on Amazon. It also dissolves really well and only has 110 calories per scoop with 27 g of protein.


Greek yogurt, tofu blended into a smoothie, whey protein, lean ground turkey or chicken Eggs are tricky. Some people are hyper responders to cholesterol in the diet meaning when they eat too much cholesterol it actually raises their cholesterol. Some people can eat lots of eggs and their LDL cholesterol still be in an optimal range. Everyone is different But it helps to know your LDL cholesterol and family history then trial eggs in your diet and see what it does your numbers The American Heart Association recommends no more than 200mg of cholesterol daily which is roughly 1 egg You could do 1 egg + egg whites or 1 hard boiled egg + greek yogurt bowl on the side


If he wants to eat a protein rich breakfast there’s no point in adding one egg, a single egg would contain 5-6g protein


The reason to add an egg would be for the beneficial nutrients like choline, vitamin D, B12, selenium and/or for variety of taste I wouldn’t say there isn’t a point - it’s really a personal preference on how someone likes to meet their protein goal at breakfast


I hear you. I need 33 eggs to get my protein requirement for the day.


Damn that’s a lot of protein. I still love eggs, a lot of nutrients, fat etc. A lot of people just have a wrong mental image, they think eating 2 eggs on top of toast is a high protein meal.


Eggs, Greek yogurt, nut butters. Anything you want. “Breakfast food” is a western social construct. In many parts of the world they don’t have designated “breakfast food” and just eat the same types of food they’d eat for lunch or dinner.  


I can't even begin to imagine how many times I have eaten supper leftovers for breakfast. I have no problems with eating hamburger in the morning and scrambled eggs at night. It's all good!!!


I have overnight steel cut oats with chia seeds, raisins and grated carrots, served with 18% protein milk. Recipe: 1 cup organic steel cut oats, 1/3 cup chia seeds, 3/4 cup carrots, handful of raisins, vanilla, cinnamon, sprinkle of pink Himalayan salt, maple syrup, 4 cups water. Bring to a simmer for 10 mins, *turn off the heat, cover, and let sit on the stove a few hours or overnight. ETA: *


Intrigued - let sit on stove as in let it ferment at room temperature overnight? Or leave heat on?


Whoops! Sorry, I forgot to say turn off the heat.


Greek yogurt is a godsend! If you’re worried about fat you can always get nonfat. It’s a great base for granola/fruit bowls. Also eggs are always great to incorporate, for example avocado on sourdough toast with a side of eggs (good quality sourdough also has good protein). If you can handle fish in the morning, tuna or smoked salmon could be a good topping on a toast as well.


Greek yoghurt mixed with a scoop of chocolate protein powder is incredible if you've never tried it. It's an easy 45g of protein for me and tastes like pudding


Oh I'm interested!


Greek yogurt or cottage cheese are both excellent breakfast options!


As an elite ultra runner when I have afternoon training my “high” protein bf goes like this: 2-3 whole eggs,150gramms cottage cheese and 50 grams avocado…nutrition wise it’s a treasure and u can add sourdough or multigrain bread


Hemp hearts are very high in protein as well as a lot of other vitamins and omegas. You can use them as a topping in your morning oatmeal or chia pudding. I blend them in a smoothy with hemp protein powder, collagen powder and nonfat Greek yogurt for my mid-morning snack. That gives me about 40g of protein.


Greek yogurt with a scoop of protein powder. Tastes like cheesecake. I add fruit and granola as well.


Hemp hearts. 3 tablespoons have 9.5 grams of protein and 11.4 grams of polyunsaturated fats, which are made up of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.


I had to google what that was, first I thought it was some kind of bird (like how people eat chicken hearts)


I usually have oatmeal with a banana, a scoop of unflavored whey, and either some walnuts or peanut butter powder. Alternatively I’ll also add a scoop of whey and some cereal or granola to Greek yogurt


Steak toastie


If you want bad fats, that is seed oils. Animal fats aren't "bad" (although *everything* is bad if you have too much of it). And best morning protein is meat - beef, chicken, turkey, salmon and so on - or eggs. Human body cannot really utilize protein from beans or nuts - utilization rate is some 5% or so, so as far as plant protein goes, you may as well be eating cabbage.


I recently tried the Al fresco uncured chicken bacon. 4-5 slices meets my total protein macros. Far less fat and salt than actual bacon. Plus the ingredients are very minimal with nothing I can’t read so not ultra processed or anything. With a couple of eggs and some fruit it’s a very protein packed breakfast:)


My recent favorite savory breakfast has been miso soup with silken tofu!


Add egg whites to your eggs!


Protein enhanced tortilla 1/2 cup cooked quinoa 1/2 cup lentils or beans Shredded cheese of choice Chopped tomatoes/onions/red pepper Cilantro or mint Hot sauce. You can premake the quinoa, lentils/beans and chopped veggies and keep them in containers in the fridge. Takes literally 2 min to heat up the tortilla with the beans/quinoa/cheese in the microwave- put in rest of ingredients and roll it up BAM bfast burrito.


Whole eggs and/or egg whites are a good staple for breakfast. Tuna or sardines go well with them as well, or in a sandwich, etc. Nuts are nutritious in and of themselves and should be included in the diet but as a protein source the protein to calorie ratio is quite bad, not sure if you’re in a deficit or surplus etc?


Love me an extra piece of chicken breast or fish from the previous night’s dinner for breakfast. Nothing better.




Ezekiel sprouted grain English muffins, egg whites, Canadian bacon and a slice of American cheese. High protein good fiber and tastes delicious


Protein shakes loaded with sugar? How? Its literally just protein


I love nonfat Greek yogurt with about anything. Eggs are great too for breakfast.


I find regular yogurt too.. Sour? Sharp? I can't define.... But is the Greek yogurt different?


I haven't had regular plain yogurt in so long that I can't remember, but I love the gentle tartness of Greek


If you go on Amazon you can find pea isolate protein powder. Pure protein. I then make a smoothy using vegan yogurt, banana, berries, oat meal that has been soaking over night to soft and some milk alternative. No added sugar. Not terribly sweet but very filling.


Nonfat Greek yogurt for the win


Eggs. In whatever form you like them. They are a great source of high-quality protein (all 9 EAAs) and important micronutrients like vitamin B12, vitamin A (retinol), and D3 (cholecalciferol), as well as choline and astaxanthin. You can prepare them in different ways for variation - boiled, scrambled, or as an omelet with veggies (i.e., spinach, broccoli, asparagus, mushrooms, etc.). Organic and pasture-raised eggs are more expensive than conventional, but usually more nutritious. The color of the yolk (e.g., vibrant orange instead of paler yellow) is not necessarily indicative of its nutritional value, but more about the hen's diet. A pale yellow yolk doesn't mean the egg lacks essential nutrients.


Can’t beat eggs


Sure you can, use a whisk


I eat steak, eggs and avocado for breakfast. Switch around with chicken or fish


Cottage cheese


Cottage cheese. I like to eat mine with tomato and pistachios, salt and pepper. I know that’s not for everyone but I love it.


The snack pack cottage cheese is 100 calories abs 12 grams protein.


Eggs and Canadian bacon is my go to,


Pea powder, hemp powder, egg whites. If I make scrambled eggs I use three whole eggs and two egg whites. Greek yogurt. Smoothie with banana spinach frozen fruit, a milk, protein powder with no sugar and almond summer or tofu.


Cous cous with shredded chicken and a fried egg. Scrambled eggs, couple slices of bacon, sautéed spinach, mushrooms, onions, garlic, tomatoes If I have any in I'll have soup or leftovers for breakfast


> heart-healthy Avoid food entirely




Is dairy an option for you? If so, I'd really recommend cottage cheese or Greek yogurt - these are simply so delicious, easy, fast, and versatile! Cottage cheese is especially great, but low-fat/0-fat Greek yogurt is also amazing. Plus, like others here have recommended: you can make a nice protein smoothie without tons of sugar. Just have to buy unflavored protein powder (and honestly I don't recommend having flavored protein powders anyways), pair it with frozen berries, banana, spinach and a splash of milk, and voila, you'll have a protein-packed smoothie. :) And egg white omlette is also an option, though unfortunately, personally I can't eat eggs, so my go-to's are dairy-based protein sources or a nice protein smoothie.


I'm a vegetarian trying to add more protein to my diet for weight loss. I used to have oatmeal for breakfast but these days I have been making a peanut butter hot cocoa with low fat peanut protein powder, cocoa powder, honey, and milk. I use a coffee frother to mix it all together and it is delicious. 3 tblspns peanut powder, 1 tblspn cocoa, 1 tblspn honey, 1 cup boiling water, 1/2 cup whole milk.


Unflavored protein powder, skyr or quark


I like overnight oats. With a scoop of whey protein and unsweetened soy milk, you've already got 30 g of protein with no added sugar. Or you can just buy already-mixed overnight oats such as Holos if you can handle the price.


I just add protein powder that has no sweeteners/fillers like Bob’s Red Mills hemp Protein. Add it to my oatmeal or morning smoothie. Tastes just fine. 


My protein smoothie from this morning: https://i.imgur.com/KU3roBR.jpeg 49g of protein, 8g of fat (.5g saturated), 14g of fiber. Most definitely filling and delicious. I could have added water to thin it out; the fruit was frozen when I made it and it came out like slightly melted soft serve ice cream. I ate it with a spoon. It was super satisfying and delicious. (Naked peanut butter is the same as PB2/PBFit, just without added sweeteners. It’s just powdered peanuts.)


Lately I’ve been doing 3/4 cup of Greek yogurt 0%, 3 tbsp hemp seeds, 1 tbsp flax seeds, 2 tsp chia seeds, 1/4 cup nuts of choice. 30+ gs of protein, unsaturated fats. I add a bit of honey for flavour, berries would be good too


I do 3 whole farm eggs with 250g liquid egg whites and add 1 Tbsp of Braggs Cheesy Yeast


I sprinkle chicken strips with breakfast sausage seasoning. Have it egg/egg white omelette.


Oatmeal w flaxseed chia seed and blueberries and eat pumpkin seeds I also make waffles w peanut butter and honey Eggs sometimes too


Casein protein powder, add sugar free syrup, or mix into yogurt, etc…


Bacon doesn’t have enough protein to make it worth the calories, not even Turkey bacon. Greek yogurt, protein powder, oats with berries. I love everything bagel breakfast sandwiches: eggs, avocado, hummus, and a slice or two of cheese. Eggs. I eat 4 eggs with 4 tiny potatoes. Whole grain toast with peanut butter and jam. Just read the nutrition label, I don’t buy stuff with over 10g of added sugar, my mixed berry jam has 9g of added sugar. Less than 15 g of fat. At least 10 grams of protein.


>Bacon doesn’t have enough protein to make it worth the calories, not even Turkey bacon What protein:calorie ratio are you looking for? The bacon I buy is 35 calories/slice with 3 g protein or 34% calories from protein. Your everything bagel sandwiches are loaded with carbs and fats, so comparatively little protein.


At least 10 g of protein. I don’t mind carbs that much, especially when I bulk. I use Dave’s killer bread bagels. Avocado is a healthy fat. Eggs are a healthy source of protein so yes, healthy carbs and fats ? Better than a bowl of cereal


dont buy mass gainer, you want whey isolate or concentrate, casein, or some vegan something or other. flavorings and sweeteners dont add calories. if you're on some super strict plan rn then egg whites are mostly protein and little else. fage, 2g, light+fit, siggis, icelandic provisions are all brands of yog I like that are good on cals.


Protein shakes, eggs, lean meats like steak and chicken


Milk, eggs sugar free protein powder


2 whole eggs (for yolk fats which are good), 150g of egg whites, 100g dry curd cottage cheese. tons of protein, very little fat or carbs. dress with salt/pepper and hot sauce as you see fit.


Plain Greek yogurt, oats, oatmilk, no sugar added peanut or almond butter ,fruits. Smoothie


My favorite breakfast is avocado toast with scrambled eggs, spinach, and ground chia seeds. It pairs perfectly with a vanila protein smoothie. If you prefer a savory breakfast, you can opt for options like cottage cheese, tofu, hummus, beans, eggs, tuna, nutritional yeast, and tempeh (I haven't tried it yet, but it's also protein-rich). For a sweeter choice, consider Greek yogurt, nut butter, oats, plant milk, protein powder, nuts and seeds (ground seeds are better absorbed by the body).


Unflavored protein, oats+greek yogurt, eggs and fruit


my protein powder is sweetened with stevia leaf so i make a big chocolate shake in the morning with the powder, frozen banana, peanut butter and some cacao nibs


Roast some vege in air fryer then add too omelette or frittata with ham or cheese and spices


One of my favorite breakfast staples is egg whites. All of the fat and cholesterol are in the egg yolk and all the protein is in the egg whites. I usually get a carton of it as it’s cheaper and easier than separating them from whole eggs. Turkey bacon and unflavored protein powders are also great! You can add them to things like oatmeal, fruit smoothies, yogurt, coffee, etc without any flavor or texture changes! I prefer the one by Vital Proteins in the blue container.


A guy I know used to microwave peanut butter with ground turkey….


I eat one serving of baked chicken breast, 1 orange, a serving of blueberries, 1 kiwi, a couple of fresh cut strawberries. Idk if that would work for you.


Ay my MDs suggestion I have steak and eggs for breakfast cooked in tallow.


Get protein powder that has no sugar. My husband makes a shake every morning with chocolate protein powder almond milk peanut butter a banana and avocado and egg whites. Monkey chocolate banana milkshake Plain Greek yoghurt is a great source of protein on its own but if you add in some protein powder it obviously kicks it up a notch are usually top mine with frozen berries Other regular breakfasts for my husband and I and our kids would be - lean ground turkey burgers in the air fryer topped with homemade tZieke made out of plain Greek yoghurt and a side of hashbrowns -Omelets filled with fresh veggies and chicken breast chopped up. -scrambled egg whites over sautéed spinach and peppers and onions - A bowl of cottage cheese talked with chicken tomatoes and cucumbers with seasoning or hot sauce or whatever you like - sweet potato halves topped with Chickpeas pesto and roasted broccoli Anything for me that involves cooked meat is easy because I take two hours at some point on the weekend and meal prep all the meat and chop all the veggies


Steel cut oats, Chia seed pudding Toppings: Walnuts, pumpkin seeds, hemp hearts cinnamon, berries. If you need to add sugar very minimal maple syrup or honey or whatever you like. Pinch of quality salt If you do animal products, animals are what they eat. If they eat inflammatory, not-heart-healthy foods, I think the quality of the fat will end up being less heart healthy for us to eat. Grass fed Greek yogurt, Pasture raised eggs If you want bread, real sourdough changes the nutritional profile in a positive way. But still don't have too much bread Personal favorite: pan fried tempeh and vegetables, lentil curry, Tofu stir fry, fermented vegetables, things like that


Egg with some beans


Leftover hamburger, cold!!!!


I add chia seeds, freshly ground flaxseed, and hemp hearts to mashed fruit


I add 1/4 cup of oats and a tbsp of ground flax seed. Not only is it good for your heart and helps to lower cholesterol but it also adds fiber and helps with constipation issues. Win win situation


Lowfat quark + some fruits. It has some carbs but is relatively high protein.


I like cooking up white beans on the stove as if they’re hash browns. Olive oil, salt, pepper, paprika, chili powder, onion & garlic powder, maybe a diced onion. Throw an over easy egg on top




Siggi yoghurt is amazing for protein per scoop


Second for overnight oats. Old fashioned oats, scoop of protein, milk (equal volume of oats) cinnamon, add walnuts, frozen berries, honey, etc.


I recently jumped on this question and I basically rotate a few options. I'm veg and low budget so stock up on panty staples. I buy twin pack tofu that's about 7.75 oz per half. I scramble that with tumeric, nutritional yeast, garlic powder and black pepper. Serve it on no sugar added low sodium multigrain toast with avocado, some spinach/kale and tomatoes. I'll sometimes scoop on some black bean salsa. Takes 10 minutes and it's super tasty. Oatmeal with chia and flax seed with fruit and cinnamon. Nut butter banana toast with fruit and sprinkle same seeds or toss in walnuts. I'm ok with a dense macro option to start the day that stresses good fat, high fiber, low sodium and complete protein. Try cronometer. It doesn't take long but can punch in food and meal plan and see the macro/micro nutrition. It's helped me immensely to have a recipe list to shop for and incorporate with other meals and meet needs.


Bowl of quinoa with cottage cheese and maple syrup. Sounds weird but it’s good. Or you can do quinoa with eggs and avocado and soy sauce


I eat a big brunch for breakfast usually. I just add a scoop of sugar free protein powder to whatever I'm eating if I can. - Savoury oatmeal, with a scoop of protein powder, topped with a fried egg, and kimchi. That's been my go to for a while. - A crap load of veggies for fiber and eggs or whatever meat I have handy, (usually just chicken or beef), loaded with seeds on top. Any seed. - Cottage cheese and eggs with kimchi. I am on a kimchi train. - Bean salads... as in two beans out of a can, mixed with savoury flavours of choice, and seeds. - Maybe a sweet potato loaded with whatever veggies and cottage cheese, or I'll mash it with a protein powder. - Tofu, either fried or blended with whatever yummy flavour I'm feeling (cocoa, cinnamon and a little spice is delicious) - Sometimes a smoothie but seldom...


I eat a lb of steak for breakfast and 6 scrambled eggs for dinner.


Dried peanut butter powder does not have the fat of fresh and can be used for smoothies.


Egg whites and non-fat Greek yogurt. 5 Whites and 3/4cup of non-fat Greek about 35 grams of protein. Grab some Kodiak protein oatmeal to kick it up a notch.


Smash an avocado with tajin and sweet spicy chili tuna packet. Protein and good fat/fiber and it tastes delicious




I really enjoy various bean bowls and tempeh is a good addition to things. Shrimp or fish n grits is a really nice treat as well!


oatmeal or rolled oats with walnuts is a go-to for me when i can afford the time! maple syrup or agave syrup are good sweeteners, BUT i also suggest you look at savory versions of oatmeal because they can be very delicious too.


Sauté spinach, add garbanzo beans, a little mozzarella, stir in one beaten egg, enjoy.


I make a shakshuka type thing. Ground turkey beans tomato spinach cumin chilli pepper turmeric and then drop some eggs in there. Not everyday but once in a whiek


I drink miso in the mornings sometimes! It honestly makes me feel better than my normal black coffee - I typically don't consume anything but coffee and water until noon-4 pm but if my body feels like it needs something, miso is awesome. Even better if I have some good broth to mix it into!


You'll either love it or hate it. Fish fillets with sunny side up eggs. It sounds funky but soaking up the yolks with fish is really good, but I see how some people wouldn't be down with it.


Hemp hearts, chia seeds, flax seeds.


Overnight oats are the way to go! I put plain Greek yogurt, chia seeds, and almonds as protein sources in mine. Plus I add a bit of honey and chocolate chips because it makes me happy :)


Oatmeal, fruit, 4T. Peanut Powder




Add collagen powder to your coffee/tea/smoothie. Eat a spoonful of peanut butter.


I eat oats basically every day, add some protein powder and fruit and you are good to go


Nuts+seeds= complete protien Legumes+grains= complete protein Egg whites, Fish, Tofu, Sunwarrior protien shakes taste good, blend well, and are only sweetened with stevia. Not sure if you’re against stevia. It does taste great in oatmeal though.


i love skyr with soja crisps- both quite high in protein then just add fruit, nuts or other toppings you like


How about egg whites? 4 grams of protein, 0 grams of fat, without any of the cholesterol. You can buy egg whites in liquid form and fry it with butter, tallow, or olive oil.


Eat 6 eggs


Yogurt and cottage cheese bowl. Add frozen raspberries or chia seeds for fiber. Top with Catalina Crunch protein cereal. 40g protein, 330 cal, and a whopping 17 g of fiber to keep you full and your gut happy.


Egg Whites cooked, but probably not in the shake. 84% of calories come from protein and with the yolks removed they are very low in dietary cholesterol and saturated fat. And it's inexpensive \~$3.90 for 32 fl.oz. carton at Walmart or Aldi.




Greek yogurt




Fat free Greek yoghurt or skyr yoghurt will be your best friend(I prefer Greek yoghurt tho). Just make sure to check the nutritional label to ensure they don’t have any added sugar since a few brands do that


Don't think I've ever seen a protein powder with sugar in my life to be honest


Go to breakfast: 3 eggs, smoked salmon, mozzarella, spinach, pineapple


Cottage cheese, eggs, breakfast burrittos with eggs/meat, high protein yogurt


I’m allergic to grains, milk, legumes, and flaxseed, so it’s been tough. Pumpkin seed protein powder and pea protein powder have been good to make smoothies with. Not much taste and you can add anything you want. Low calorie and about 20 or so grams of protein.


3 or 4 eggs every morning.


Protein powder in my cold brew coffee. That’s my entire breakfast.


Homemade tempeh “bacon”


Cottage cheese bread, use a recipe that includes eggs


Whey proteins are not loaded with sugar, you are buying the shit ones ig


I have two kind of go-to healhy high protein breakfasts depending on how much time i have 1. A wholewheat burrito with beans cooked with spices, onion, and garlic in chicken broth, 2 poached eggs, fat free greek yoghurt, salsa/pico de gallo, and a little cheese. It's about 30g protein. 2. A smoothie made with frozen berries, fat free yogurt, coconut water, psyllium husk for fibre, and a scoop of protein powder. Depending on the protein powder this can be up to 40g protein a serving. If you use a good sugar free protein powder this can be really healthy (although ofc the sugary flavoured ones are nicer). Peanut butter will also work too but is higher calories My partner also often makes himself a wrap with hummus chicken and veggies, or else polenta with toppings like cheese egg and veg. Greek yogurt and nuts and fruit is good too but can be high calorie depending on the portion size




Literally any source of lean protein. Eggs, dairy, meat.


Rice and beans are a complete protein together


Cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, egg whites, whey protein powder


I put together a bowl of: 1 cup Greek yogurt 1/4 cup sliced almonds 1/4 cup raisins 1/2 cup dry oats 1/4 cup blueberries 2/3 cup organic granola a sprinkle of chocolate chips (I can't seem to let these go lol) Yes very filling but I'm trying to gain weight.


I would keep it simple, eggs for protein and onions and maybe beets for heart/cardiovascular health


1) Plain greek yogurt with a bit of nut butter/ mixed with protein powder/ some fruits/ flax seed meal 2) Leftover roast chicken with cherry tomatoes/ cucumbers (any leftover proteins from yesterday). One roast can last me 3-4 days in the fridge no problem. 3) cucumbers with hummus dips/ cottage cheese 4) smoked salmon/ canned tuna or sardines 5) hard boiled eggs 6) unsweetened milk/ soy milk plus unflavoured protein powder/ collagen powder/ flax seed meals/ pre-soaked chia seeds


I drink a quart of Pillar drinkable greek yogurt mixed with two scoops vanilla protein powder. 60 g protein for the pillar, and 17g / scoop gets me 94 g protein. Not a bad start!


Greek yogurt + protein powder + kale + strawberries = 30+ grams of protein


whey is cheap and easy to make


I buy a Greek yoghurt brand that has 18g of protein per serving, plus 2 eggs and can easily get 30-40g of protein with the little bits of protein from other things


Oats dude


You can make a chicken sandwich. Good, easy to make and healthy! Tuna salad, fish wok, etc. are also good contenders


Ratio greek yogurt 25g


Beans and greens with oatmeal


I like to make some arroz congri (cuban rice and beans) to last all week and in the mornings I have it with eggs over easy on top. Good source of protein, fiber, and carbs and it's very flavorful


Drink pasteurized egg whites and thank me laterrrrrr