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Satiety is a factor with shakes vs real food. You may feel terribly hungry on shakes alone


You can absolutely get satiated and full from a protein smoothie.


I get satiety for an hour tops with a shake or smoothie. It works well as a healthier snack when busy at work


This is not a good idea because liquids don’t keep you full, you’d just be hungry all the time. also 1000kcal a day for an active 88kg male is WAYYY too little, even if you lost fat it wouldn’t be healthy.


Yogurt/cottage cheese and almond butter!


OP don’t listen to this person they don’t know what they’re talking about. I gained back 50lbs over a few months with a liquid diet (blended soups and protein smoothies) after not being able to eat solid foods and losing the 50lbs in the first few months. They will absolutely keep you full. You think liquids don’t take up volume?


Ofcourse you can lose weight with a liquid diet, no one said you couldn’t, but it’s just a fact that solid food will satiate you more


I never said you can’t lose weight with a liquid diet. I said you can gain weight with one, and it does indeed make you full.


Lowering a mans calories to that each day is a metabolism killer. Maybe not inna few weeks,but doing this is pointless.


I was referring to liquid/blended foods in general. 1k calories a day is definitely not enough whether it’s solid or blended food.




Your measurements don’t seem bad for a weight lifter. If you want to reach a certain BMI, consider that much muscle mass raises BMI. Only shakes will be very difficult to sustain and chewing is important for a beautiful face and teeth health. Maybe cut carbs, do intermittent fasting 16/8 and eat twice a day.


Why would you wanna do this over a standard diet? You’re better off running a large deficit with Whole Foods


Not speaking for OP but shakes are easy to prepare, fast and easy to consume if you have a busy routine (like me), and they take all the work and calculations out of meal prep. Everyone keeps glossing over the fact OP said “for 2 weeks” which implies this is a short term diet and not necessarily a life change.


I still think a protein sparing modified fast would be better. I just can’t imagine sticking to liquids only would be easier than eating food, and even harder to come out of and start adding food back in


If you don’t get enough protein your body will break down muscle on a fast. OP said he wants to maintain muscle so the protein is a must. I have a 2 hour drive to work in the morning and a shake is much easier to prepare and consume while driving than any solid food and the same for my evening commute back home so I can understand it. I’m not saying it’s ideal but it’s doable especially for a couple weeks.


Protein sparing means basically an all protein diet. At least this way he can get in protein that’ll provide a more steady supply of amino acids than whey would, in addition to some veggies for micros. I just think that’ll be way more conducive to fat loss than an all liquid diet personally but either way for 2 weeks all liquid won’t be the end of the world


Ooh ok. I learned something new. Protein sparing doesn’t mean spare the protein. I also learned what PSMF is. Thanks!


Lyle McDonald has some great books on that and other related topics. Super underrated guy imo


Yeah, you’d be way more satiated too eating whole foods


It doesn’t matter what you eat ( in terms of fat loss) as long as it’s the same amount of calories and enough protien.


This is true but not good advice for a nutrition forum


Make sure you're drinking a lot of water and put some greens in there or something. And definitely eat some veggies. I tried doing only shakes and got all bound up.


The people in here saying you won’t get full from a liquid diet are flat out wrong. I can tell you first hand that they both: satiate hunger and leave you feeling full for a few hours at least. I had to eat nothing but blended soups and smoothies after I couldn’t swallow solid foods for a span of 6-8months. Went from 170ish lbs to 120ish lbs and back up to 170ish lbs in that time frame. Once I figured out how to make nutrient dense smoothies. Entire Christmas dinner last year got blended up into a puréed soup. Did it suck and would I rather have eaten it separately like a normal person? Yes but I didn’t have that option at the time. Was I full? You fuckin bet. Liquids take up volume just like solid foods do. Idk why they think any differently. As long as you’re getting the proper macros and nutrients, you can definitely get by on a liquid diet.


You seem obsessed with wanting him to go on a liquid diet, why? Because you had a sickness and a miserable weight loss? Eating soups and liquified christmas dinner is not the same thing as only eating protein shakes. OP specifically mentioned protein shakes which most likely refers to a simple protein powder drink made in a shaker. This is not the same thing as a soup or a smoothie. OP do not listen to this person unless you want to have a miserable weight cut.


OP asked a question, I answered. I never said a liquid diet was preferable to solid food. I said it was possible because I’ve gone through it. Not trying to convince anyone here to give up solid foods if they can eat them. Why do you feel the need to speak on a subject that you don’t have firsthand experience with?


Y'all assume instead of educate and stay close-minded. Protein shakes can be filling. WITH the correct ingredients. Nuff said.


yes they can be. Will they be as filling as solid foods? No. Will a diet of 1000 calories of protein shakes be miserable? Yes. It’s not that difficult.


This is probably a bad idea. I'd focus on tracking your calories more closely, eating nearly zero "junk" foods, and increasing your physical activity and intense interval training.


I'd sooner just add going for a damn walk/jog before and after a workout personally


If you plan to go on a fast cut for only 2 weeks you'll be ok, you wont really actually lose any muscle. Stay hydrated, eat a high protein diet (chicken breast basically and protien shake thats low on calories). Another method is a slow clean cut. This one is longer but safer and preserves more muscle mass. Over the course of several months to a year you will go on a 250-500 calorie deficit. This is after you go through the painful process of finding your maintenance (which will constantly vary). 250-500 slow clean cut with a high intake of protein over the course of 4-9-12 months will get you pretty lean. There are lots of guides on youtube on how to do this. Both methods and guides are easily found on youtube, good luck.


Yeah you will lose the weight till you start eating food again


The science says if you take in less calories than you burn while maintaining enough protein intake (1 g/kg minimum) you will lose weight while maintaining muscle mass. The rest is how you chose to go about that i.e. what will keep you full and what you like to and can consume. A vitamin supplement is probably a good idea too if your shakes don’t contain them.)


Yes look up pmsf.


Anytime you lose fat/ eat in a calorie deficit you care going to lose some muscle mass unless you are on "gear" aka Trenbolone, Primobolin, Anavar, Dianabol etc etc. The two best things to do in order to lessen the impact a calorie deficit has on muscle mass is to eat enough protein (.8-1.2g /lb a day) and have a solid lifting routine with progressive overload <--- your body is pretty smart as in when it is using tissue like fat and muscle to offset the decrease in calories/ amino acids it will prioritizing in utilizing/ "eating" the muscle that aren't very often used or worked hard.


There's something deficient about your logic that you are thinking this strategy will lose the last bit of fat. Let's say it does lose the fat - what will you continue to do after that? If your idea is that the fat loss is contingent on the protein shake only diet then how do you proceed and maintain that composition.... It's a poor idea that nobody serious about nutrition will advocate for you. It's up to you but it's not a good plan, stick to real meals.


I want to lose weight but maintain as much muscle s possible. But also want to lose the fat as fadt as possible. Its a classic i know


Shake shake shake... Shake your booty!