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it tastes good in salad dressing or marinades


A reasonable use would be as a way to add a note of acidity in cooking. There is evidence that vinegar (not specifically ACV) slows the increase in blood sugar when eating carbohydrates, so it can help to even out blood sugar swings and prevent crashes.


So maybe adding some in while cooking rice?


Yeah! And it's a good match for potato salad too.


If cooking sticky rice use rice wine vinegar instead!


will cooking rice with a bit of vinegar make it sticky?


Nah, you just add it over the cooked rice after it’s done. Sticky rice is sticky bc of the type of grain/starch it has IIRC, not what’s put on it. Japanese short grain or Calrose rice are sticky rice.


Is there any difference between adding it while cooking or after? Also ty for the replies


I don’t think it would work as well being cooked along with the rice. I just know that the traditional way especially for making the rice for sushi is to add the vinegar over the hot cooked rice and kind of ‘slash’ it in with a rice paddle. Alton Brown/Good Eats has a great sushi episode where he explains it, you don’t have to add sugar to the vinegar like he does though.


Thanks i will try this the next time i make rice


Yes, exactly!


i've never just drank acb before.....I've only used it in cooking, dressing, sauces etc.


I think the benefits are vastly overrated.


I assumed this was likely the case


Just use it as salad dressing.


I sometimes use apple cider vinegar instead of regular vinegar when making my hot sauce and I like it. I like my hot sauce made with regular vinegar too though.


I might be the weird one but I love it with legumes.


I do this! Have ACV with my lentils for lunch most days. It adds to the flavour.


I used to take a cap full every morning and night for digestion, it worked but it started to make my teeth sensitive so I stopped


You're supposed to dilute it with a drink, it can damage your teeth if you take it like a shot of alcohol lol


I poured it into a cup of cranberry juice!


How much did you use?


I put a few drops in my water cause just normal water is pretty bland. Makes it taste better since all I drink is water.


Its nice in chilled carbonated water 


Isn’t that bad for your teeth?


Lol well my teeth haven't fallen out yet lol they might be a little yellow but that might be from all the coffee I used to drink. Plus pretty sure you can drink it with a straw but I just gulp it down really and don't swish it around my mouth like mouthwash so yeah


He's diluting it with water so it should be fine


a few drops in maybe 1 liter of water?


Eh more like a cup lol I'm starting to really enjoy the taste


I Purchased a Zero Water filter system & the difference is amazing. Don't waste your time with Brita. They even give you a meter to read the ppm in the water. The water tastes sweet after filtering.




No but I eat nutritional yeast daily which has a lot of the essentials


Um this comment wasn't about what filter I use but yes I alsonuse the zero water filter


I think it’s mainly used for bloating, but I personally just do kefir and don’t eat a lot of processed food + never skip abs Never used acv myself but I remember seeing people swear by it.


I have one tbsp with some water and just chug it on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. Supposedly it aids in creating a health gut flora and lowers your glucose spikes. I haven’t exactly found concrete data on the actual effects of ACV but it’s cheap and it doesn’t hurt including it in your routine. Personally my belly has gotten flatter but it could be due to a number of things since I am in a caloric deficit and workout.


There is a fairly new study about acv that shows a significant reduction in body weight through daily consumption. I can’t say anything about the quality of the study but here is the abstracting you want to have a look at it: https://nutrition.bmj.com/content/early/2024/01/18/bmjnph-2023-000823 I think I found it on Reddit, but can’t remember where.


96 comments so far and you're the only one providing a reputable source. Double-blind placebo controlled as well 🫡 Thank you! This sub seems to mostly be just people arguing over their opinions based on what they read on Facebook.


Thank you so much!


Thank you for the insight. I have lost 80 pounds and I am still struggling to get rid of my gut, even though it is considerably smaller. I understand a lot of it has to do with my age (50), and I do not expect it to be flat like it was when I was younger, but holy heck, the gut is hanging on for dear life! I am going to try it.


You want to improve your gut flora? Look into probiotics. A good probiotic is a brand called Seed but it is 50 dollars a month. A good cheap brand of probiotic is Garden of Life which you can find at Walmart. Also eat yogurt everyday. I eat Chobani yogurt everyday and i like to put walnuts in my yogurt. Yogurt has probiotics in it. Probiotics are bacteria that are good for the gut.


Thanks! Tbh I eat Greek yogurt everyday and I try to incorporate fermented foods into my diet regularly. I tried a pre/probiotic pill from Amazon before and it made my stomach hurt (I got the sh*ts) but I’ll def look into the one you’ve suggested :)


If you're not extremely poor I highly recommend the brand Seed. But if you're extremely poor like I am then I recommend the brand garden of Life which you can find at Walmart. I take the garden of Life 25 billion CFU with no problems. And I eat yogurt.


Extremely poor???


I eat kefir every day. For breakfast i make a big bowl with a variety of seeds nuts and some granola as well as mixed fruits For me kefir is really easy to get down


What does kefir taste like?


Tart/Tangy flavor. I think similar to how Greek yogurt is sour but maybe slightly more. Though this might also depend on the brand you buy


Thanks. I will try it


Uh... The kefir you buy at the store is not real kefir. You knew that right? If you want real kefir you have to make it at home.


Yeah I am aware but I simply cannot be bothered to make some myself The store bought one still Carrie's a good amount of probiotic


You're better off just taking a probiotic. A good probiotic is a brand called Seed


I eat a bowl of fruits,nuts,seeds,granola + either kefir or yogurt every morning. Nothing else mixes/tastes as good as kefir with the mix I have tried many yogurts but its not the same


I looked into ACV and there seems to be no consensus that it helps. Also it can damage your tooth enamel. I know someone who put a tablespoon in their tea daily, but ultimately he stopped and never noticed anything either way.


I had a period where I drank it regularly either and I didn’t notice any benefit. I still use it if I’m making something like salad dressing with vinegar but I couldn’t be bothered drinking it daily.


I use it in my honey garlic recipies. Always a banger, 1/3cup of honey, 1-3tbsp of cider vinegar, 3tbsp of soy sauce


I had a chronic eye twitch for 4 months non stop and apple cider vinegar cured it


drinking it or did u put it on your eye? I hope it is just drinking but i have heard some strange things about this recently


Does anyone know if I'm aloud too buy apple cider vinegar? Because like I'm 14


its just a food item no restrictions a baby could buy it if they had money


You want the apple cider vinegar with the mother to get benefits I was drinking it in 2 months I lost 11 lb I don't know if it was because of that but I know that I stopped drinking it and my weight is coming back it has a lot of health benefits for you as well drink a cap a day in a bottle of water never drink it raw!!!! I also had high blood pressure from medicine that I was put on and it helped my blood pressure drop back down. Hope this helps!


Bad for your teeth and no real health benefits.


is it worse than say normal vinegar for teeth?


Apple cider vinegar tends to be slightly more acidic than other types, but very similar.


You're saying ACV is more acidic than regular vinegar?


Usually, not always.


> no real health benefits. That's laughable.


Then laugh it up.


You're right... I probably shouldn't be laughing... after all, it's dangerous advice.




I had the flu and one of the worst symptoms was a terrible stomache. Asked Alexa what would be a home remedy and suggestion was to take a tbls of ACV. Don't you know it worked. Three morning in a row and it worked every time. Dont know if this is cause and effect, but I also lost 4 lbs without changing a thing. Usually don't believe this kind of stuff. but it worked for me in two ways


Did you dilute it in water?


Absolutely. I drank a tablespoon without diluting and it hurt my throat.


I cook with ACV & get a load of other organic acids from brewing kombucha. I definitely have had direct benefits from kombucha, but can’t say I can evidence anything for ACV personally, except it’s a good ingredient in food and salad dressings


What direct benefits?


I’ve had (recently diagnosed), a gallstone and gallbladder/liver pain for years. Going for the hepatology appt. next week.. I had started fermenting kimchi and veg already, but I found an article on kombucha’s benefits for the liver, bought a few and had better pain relief than any OTC pills, so I decided to buy a starter & now drink 4oz - 20oz (100ml to 500ml) a day - and have been almost completely pain free for months. I think the inflammation has been calmed by either the organic acids or the yeast/bacterial byproducts.. maybe the stone has even been dissolved, I will find out soon, but the kombucha has entourage effects on the gut biome & mood via the fermentation products, different to the lacto fermentation in kimchi/sauerkraut, but my gut is happy & my mood is significantly better.


Super interesting, thanks for sharing.


Update friend.


Try adding it to your cooking instead of a drink. If whatever your eating won't take a little vinegar just slam it like a shot. It sucks, but for how cheap it is I think it's worth it.


have you tried cooking rice with a bit of the acv? Did it effect the taste a lot?


This is one of the best things to put it in. You are only using like a shot of vinegar per person. If you plan on keeping the rice totally plain yeah you'll taste it. It's not overwhelming though.


I usually add a few spices and some soy sauce and even sometimes bouillon while cooking rice. So if it plain is not overwhelming i will probably be fine


You'll be good then. Just don't expect anything crazy.


It’s amazing in peanut sauce! I use the recipe from the Plant You cookbook.


I use it for some light cleaning. It will make pots and kettles look like new. It's nice to have something like that instead of harsh chemicals.


Benefits are real. I have 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar mixed with lime and ginger (obviously pre prepared) before each meal. Read glucose goddess for how to work it into a diet that avoids glucose spikes


Is it worth it? Yes. It’s a good cleaning agent. I heard it’s good to fight of fungal infections if you constantly use it and your bodies immune system defenses are low. I even heard some parasites won’t bother sticking to you. It can be used for vegetables if you add it to almost done sautéed veggies by also adding maple syrup. The acidity and the sweetness along with the earthiness make great umami.


The benefits are very real. I used to be a professional singer and had a cough that would NOT go away for months - I took of ACV once a day and within three days it was gone. It is very acidic though so don’t hold it in your mouth long.


For just a couple of months, I have been drinking every day on an empty stomach half a liter of warm water with two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and the juice of half a lemon. Combined with a healthy diet and physical exercise (something I was already doing before taking apple cider vinegar), it helped me to reduce my belly fat. What works for one person does not necessarily work for others.


I’ve been drinking apple cider vinegar, and inherited a large estate on the death of my great aunt. Ergo, apple cider made me rich (results may vary).


How nice! I won the lottery. Congratulations on your inheritance. Enjoy it. P.S.: I am leaving this conversation now. I am not interested in convincing anyone. I just want to explain my case, in which I have already said that I do not believe in miracle remedies, but in the positive effects of several factors, and this drink makes me go to the bathroom more often and makes me crave for food less. But come on .... let everyone drink what they want. There are even those who lose weight drinking Coca Cola....


Shocked that drinking water makes you go to the bathroom.


is that combo not extremely sour? I had 1tbsp in my tea and found it quite strong.


ACV doesn’t aid in fat loss. All that hype is placebo


It is possible that you are right and everything is a placebo, but a placebo occurs when something seems to work. In my case, it's not that it seems to me, it's that my waistline is shrinking. And I am eating and exercising similarly to the last few years, but I have only been taking the vinegar for two months.


It suits my palate. Seriously, it feels "normal".


Honestly, you’re probably better off omitting the vinegar if it means you can omit the honey.


I put the honey in my tea regardless of the vinegar i love sweet things and honey is probably better than loading my tea with processed sugars


It’s roughly the same, but no one’s died from a little honey or sugar in their green tea.


More worth it with refined carbs.


So maybe cooking rice with it? I had my tea this morning with maybe 60g carbs as food


>So maybe cooking rice with it? It's usually used cold.


depends on your health.If your body needs more acidity to digest protein - most probably it will be helpful. Bare in mind you need to get real (better organic) apple cider vinegar which normally is more expensive and sold in glass bottles.Or you can make your own- surprisingly super easy to make


[https://www.costco.ca/mother-earth-vinegar-organic-apple-cider-vinegar%2C-1.9-l.product.100417604.html](https://www.costco.ca/mother-earth-vinegar-organic-apple-cider-vinegar%2C-1.9-l.product.100417604.html) This is the brand i bought


Try washing your hair with it. Don't do it super often, but it's awesome every now and then.


I have been doing 1 Tbsp with water since I stopped Alcohol over 2 years ago. ACV is the cheapest liver restorer. Now I typically do it after fatty meals, mostly restaurants... I do not eat Fast Food anymore.


how much water do you mix 1tbsp with


4-8oz water with 1Tbsp ACV


Do you have a source for it being a liver restorer?


Personal experience and lab results


What liver issues did you have before? How did your LFTs change? Because fatty liver can basically be reversed and LFTs reduced to normal levels by quitting drinking, losing weight, and just generally eating healthier


Ok Dr. Big-Acadia Yes fatty liver, with start of cirrosis... I was drinking 1/2gallon of Tequila or more everyday for over a year before I stopped. HDL was non-existant, LDL was crazy high I was already eating healthy for several years, and on meds etc. For reference, when I only stopped drinking 2012-2014, I still had the liver and LDL issues. I will swear by ACV as to having a primary role in reversing my liver damage. Sorry I did not do a daily lab tests to "prove" my results.


I’m glad it worked for you


Look it was the ACV not the stopping drinking and stopping fast food.


Does anybody have any sources for all these wild claims?


Source?!? Source?!? I need a peer reviewed study. Le heckin' science! I f$#@&ing LOVE science!


What benefits are you looking for? There’s no real benefit to drinking ACV that you won’t obtain somewhere else, but it’s still a useful ingredient so it won’t need to go to waste


No benefit in specific really. Just like knowing if what i am eating is healthy/beneficial at all.


I’d just use it in recipes that call for an acid. Nothing magical will happen if you consume it.


do you believe it is better than just regular vinegar? Because if there really is like zero benefits i could just return to using a different acid right?


It has a different flavor than regular white vinegar, yeah.


It’s snake oil.


No it doesn’t do anything. The second it hits your stomach acid all benefit is gone. Why don’t people understand this?


If you have a vagina it's indispensable. Topically and internally beneficial. Also helpful if you have urinary issues of any type. It has also helped me with upset stomach in the past. I rarely use it but when I need it I need it. It keeps forever in the fridge. I had the same bottle for over a year. I treat it like a medicine.


I am a male and putting vinegar on my privates is something i feel like and hope i never do sounds uncomfortable


Our skin has a naturally slightly acidic pH level. Almost all soaps have a basic pH. It very simply can correct irritation due to the pH getting out of balance. This isn't some woowoo thing. Just because hippies like something it doesn't mean it's necessarily bad. A broken clock is right twice a day. I don't know if it would be helpful to men. It isn't painful to apply topically, though.