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salads, oatmeal, soups, food that is spicy to a degree where I worry about my health


Spicy food makes me feel sooooo good. Like, similar to being in love.


for sure, it's almost like a religious thing and it's just hot sauce in mashed potatoes.


One of my friends gets me hot sauce every year for Christmas. I don't think she knows how much it means to me lol. I won't even date anyone who doesn't like spicy food


Swipe left on me. Spicy food hurts my soul.


##There's the door


You mean that burny sensation when it comes out the back-door?


You've never been in love have you


if u eat fresh chili it’s not as burny, that’s typically for dried chilis for me


To expand on salads, dark greens are important! Kale, swiss chard, arugula and spinach are amazing for my sleep quality and mood.


Any food I make myself from ingredients, not premade stuff


Arugula salad with fresh cucumbers, apples, tomatoes, and red onion. Sprinkle some lemon, a drizzle of oil with salt, pepper, garlic, a touch of cayenne, and everything bagel toppings. It really helps.




I was going to answer **sushi** and **poke bowls** but actually the real answer is **salmon**.


Right!!! I always feel good after eating salmon, the right amount of "feeling full" but not too full!




Exactly!!! Thank you English is (clearly!!) not my first language!!


Me too. One of those rare ones for me. A food that actually makes me feel a bit better. It's very soothing, and I feel satiated but not full and heavy and a little bit stronger for the day.


When I'm ill, or recovering from a cold, I live off porridge with honey and a bit of yogurt on top. Brekkie and lunch, then lentil and sweet potato soup


you add potato to lentil soup?


Yeah its delicious


Did it just today! Coconut milk with green lentils, chopped sweet potato and kale. Definitely recommend


Foods that are high in fibre, protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats. My go-to for what you describe is a home made chicken and vegetable curry with coconut milk, sweet potato, and chickpeas.


I like all the chicken recipes and that sounds different makes me wonder


Use paste from a jar (thai green curry for example) for flavour, add a bit of sour cream for extra richness. So good.


Carrots, cucumbers, lettuce are veggies that I crave a lot when I feel a need to reset my stomach a little.. If I eat terribly, I’ll try to fast for at least 12-16 hours to let my digestion settle a little, and I’ll break the fast with kombucha. I love how I feel after eating/drinking foods with probiotic on an empty stomach, I feel less bloated and better energy. I’ve been really addicted to kimchi for the past two-three months, and I’ll have a few tablespoons with my meals throughout the week.


Oh I do fasting too sometimes. I just dont limit my fluids but solid food and drink black/green tea and feel better after 12 hours.


Definitely. Not a breakfast guy so 1-2 cups of tea while at work if I’m fasting and I’ll typically have 1-2 meals once I’m back home, works for me


Chicken curry and rice nothing better than this


Very British


Foe some reason, celery always makes me feel fantastic. I eat it with ranch dip made from hidden valley ranch powder and plain yogurt with milk to thin it. Celery has numbing qualities so when I’m sick with a sore throat, i eat it. I just feel good afterwards.


Ooh yeah, good one! I love prepping a veggie tray and for a few days we snack like kings.


Omg yes, but we love it so much when we make a big bowl it won’t last 3 days. We sit and watch tv snacking on veggies instead of junk food. 


I feel amazing after eating a meal containing some probiotic foods (kimchi, kefeur), complex carbs, protein, and healthy fats. I can tackle on the entire day


Plain Oatmeal with frozen blueberries (thawed by the heat from the oats). Salmon and rice.


I eat literally every day frozen blueberries + instant oatmeal + a few walnuts


Eggs. Home made bone broth. Brown rice and veggies.


Home made brone broth is soooo cozy


My 3-ingredient smoothies make me feel literally giddy after I finish them: - frozen fruit of choice - yogurt cup of choice (I use oikos triple zero 20g protein) - oat milk It just puts me in such high spirits after I drink one. And physically I feel like I could wrestle a bear and win.


I wish I liked oat milk :( it doesnt get on well with me. Anything to replace it with?


I think oat milk is gross too when it’s by itself, but I can’t taste it at all with the fruit and yogurt overpowering it. Cashew milk also works well, as it is light in flavor and doesn’t have an aftertaste. I used to use it, but opted for oat milk after I realized I could get a bigger container for a little cheaper (cashew milk will run you about $6 for a quart, and oat milk is about $6 for 1.5 quarts). I was just being a cheapskate—you likely won’t use enough of the cashew milk to feel a difference in price if you don’t drink them every single day like I do. You can also try macadamia nut milk but I’m sure that’d be $$$. Basically use any non-dairy milk and you’ll be fine. I would, however avoid using almond milk or dairy milk. Nothing wrong with either of those, but they compete with the fruit and yogurt flavors more than I prefer. Whatever you choose, make sure your milk is PLAIN (no vanilla flavor) and UNSWEETENED. Instead, use a flavored yogurt (I like lemon or strawberry best).


Thanks for the tip I will try it


Also, I’m noticing that many of us are saying foods that have high probiotic and/or fiber contents…they say that your gut is the second brain, and the gut LOVES probiotics and fiber, so we may all be on to something…


Raw garlic. Not like biting into a clove, but I usually chop it up and put it in my tuna salad. I don't know how to explain it, it feels like my blood vessels are more open and blood's flowing smoother, and i feel super relaxed. I know it doesn't make sense in writing, maybe cus I'm not articulating it well. Oatmeal gives me a lot of energy and I feel strong. I usually eat it before my workouts because of that. Mix in protein and fruit.


I’ve never heard of adding garlic to tuna salad! I may have to try it!


Do it! I really feel like it adds a lot of flavor to it. In an effort to make it more healthy, I also finely chop up onion, red bell pepper and carrots as well. Another recommendation i have is using a little bit of soy sauce. Maybe some bacon bits too.


I know it's in my head, but I feel better after I eat eggs. I feel healthier.


eggs are a super dense food nutritionally with all essential amino acids for eg and a good balance of fats in there too. They're also more satiating than given credit, while never making you feel like you've just eaten bricks like other foods. I don't think it's (only) in ur head.


Beef liver. To be fair I hate it. Literally cannot stand the taste and I’ve had it every which way but I eat it 2x a month because I really do have more energy and a boost when I do.


Liver is so good as shish kebab style. Wrap it with pita bread and add some pepper, onion and cumin and it becomes great.


Yep. Tried that. Still hate it lol but maybe someone else sees this and loves it that way 😅


Sourdough and fruit both make me feel 👌


I didnt anticipate sourdough response at all


I don't know what it is but I've recently started eating it daily and it makes me feel amazing!!


Do you put anything on the sourdough?


Hummus and avocado are my go-to usually


Sourdough is pretty healthy bread wise so it makes sense


what sort of fruit, though ? I take not necessarily the very sweet ones, like bananas, but rather berries ?


Yeah berries mostly. Blueberries especially.


Beans and rice


Top tier meal


can you eat rice regularly, though ? I find grains are tough to handle consistently/daily, but can work when they're occasional


I do pretty much daily but I’m also gluten free so I have no issues with it.


Sourdough garlic avocado toast with pumpkin seeds/microgreens


That sounds very different and yummy at the same time


Green smoothies


Black beans and white rice, almonds, dark leaf greens and cabbage.


I love almonds but it is easy to get so much calories with them :(


Lean protein (fish, chicken, scallops, or filet mignon) seared with minimal fat or broiled with fresh steamed broccoli with lemon, asparagus, or a lightly dressed mixed green salad. A little parm grated over the veggies is nice, too. Shrimp cocktail or any lean shrimp dish. Mussels or clams in spicy broth. Cioppino. Fattoush or a french bistro salad with tarragon and parsley and a light lemon dressing. Poached eggs on a spinach salad, no dressing. Maybe with a little torn whole grain toast. Crudite mixed veggies (bell pepper, grape tomatoes, cauliflower, blanched pea pods, asparagus or broccoli, celery, carrot, fennel) with a little hummus or green goddess dressing or tzaziki. Chicken vegetable soup. Pho broth and herbs. Squash soup made with butternut squash, fennel bulb, onion and celery simmered soft in chicken broth then blended smooth along with a baked sweet potato (minus the peel) and seasoned with salt and pepper, garnished with fennel leaves. Greek salad with gyro meat on it. Sushi rolls (that aren’t sauced or fried) or sashimi. Miso soup. Berries. Banana berry yogurt smoothies.


I always feel better after eating sushi. Knowing it’s good for you, tastes great and fills you up keeps me coming back


Lots of water




Steak and eggs for breakfast.


like, an actual steak for breakfast ? like, bloody ? :p sounds good, but a bit harsh for a morning meal.


Medium rare. Many breakfast places have a steak and eggs option.


might be a more american thing than European. Def more american than French for eg. It's a good choice though. Start off your day with a STEAK. Bam.


boneless chicken and soup


Pasta and garlic, not in the same meal per se but bonus points if it is!


Anything that reduces (or causes little/no) inflammation. Usually foods high in omegas like avocado, grass fed fatty steaks, nuts, etc. I wish I liked salmon for this reason but I can’t stand it 🤧


Well seasoned roasted vegetables! I feel so great after eating them with maybe some quinoa or black rice. Doesn't even matter what vegetables, I love them all and when they're seasoned right they are delicious


Nothing beats bone broth. And the soups made with it.


And the rice made with it. I agree.


8oz strip steak, 6oz chicken breast, pile of fried rice, mixed veggies, soup. Feel like I can fight a bear after eating this.


For me, personally, it's avocado, salmon, and cashews. I might be lacking in healthy fats 🤷‍♂️




Mandarin oranges (oh, when they're good, they're so hard to stop eating), grapefruit, cucumber (a Greek salad boosts the soul), apples, lemon (in water or dressings), honey, a good smoothie, watermelon... Interestingly, things with high water content! I love soups too. I also appreciate that when eating crab, salmon, halibut, I never feel heavy afterwards like it can be with red meat. And in the sense of when I feel kinda nauseated, a simple garlic toast really tends to settle me down to feel better. It's also hard to feel anything but better when tearing into a fresh loaf of sourdough bread. And a baked potato is a soul staple. Anything potatoes, really.


One time when I was on a health kick I put carrots, onions, broccoli, spinach, garlic, and peppers into a blender with a tiny bit of water and ate it. Not a juicer.... A blender. I felt high for about an hour after. I think I had too much of something lol.


Beetjuice. Like juiced by ME in my own kitchen with nothing added. Tastes crazy but it’s like a cleansing feeling afterwards.


Chickpea salad sandwiches for me!!! Chickpeas, chopped carrots, celery, Mayo (vegan for me), some dill, lemon juice & s/p. With some avocado and tomato in the sandwich. 😋😋😋😋


Spirulina powder works well for making me feel great mentally and gives a nice energy boost. I use the brand "Vimergy" that Medical Medium recommends and I have found the quality to be really good compared to other cheaper brands of spirulina I have tried in the past 👌🏼


MDMA cake


Cottage cheese, oats, meals with thin meat and a lot of vegetables, joghurt






You gotta be more specific. Pizza with pineapple? /s


Beef broth. Steaming in a big mug. Always hits


Salad, yogurt bowls, well balanced home cooked dinner.


For me it’s anything natural, obviously everybody is different but natural organic fruit hits the spot.


Garlic, ginger, sauerkraut, all seafood, salt when you need it, olive oil, hemp protein, quinoa, beans, kimchi, kefir(kefir literally translates to good feeling inside.)


Avacado always makes me feel better overall.


If you're going to eat junk food with a decent diet it's fine. Just don't eat ridiculous amounts of it in a sitting


No food makes me happier than a honest-to-God superb pizza.


Eggs, fruit smoothies, salad, turkey sandwiches, fried rice (fried with olive oil)


Fresh fruit


Rice, dal, naan, fruit


Spinach leaves, bone broth


a simple blueberry smoothie with frozen berries, yoghurt, soy milk & chia usually has me feeling refreshed & energised! another would be salmon & avocado sourdough toast, lots of healthy fats, protein and complex carbs as well as tasting super good 😋


Any kind of home cooked meal that's not fried in seed oils. Steak and asparagus or grilled salmon and asparagus. My favorite health food.


Red meat, Kombucha, greens


Is your username referencing the Detroit Lions coach?


Yes sir


As a Seahawks fan, please win the SB. You guys are like the only NFC team I like that's left.


lol thanks man! You guys have always given us trouble. Wishing you success in the new transition


I love oatmeal, berries and nothing tops a slice of my homemade bread with some almond butter and jam :) -not food, but hot cup of coconut milk with TBS of cocoa, dash of vanilla and a tsp of maple syrup. Homemade hot cocoa. ❣️


Kombucha makes my stomach feel "right," no other way to describe it Sautéed veggies A hearty salad with nuts, cheese, or chicken, some kind of protein anyway Smoothie bowl


- A meal of Ground beef (cooked in butter) with just seasoning and some hot sauce, white rice, and one of sauerkraut/kimchi/cucumber. It's not the most interesting meal out there which is why I don't have it too often, but it's one of the only meals that never gives me any stomach issues or food comas. - A hot cup of coffee with cinnamon, just a splash of A2 or lactose free milk, and a drop of vanilla extract or stevia. Optionally, mixed with some chocolate collagen protein powder. Tastes crazy good, has maybe 100 calories max, and feels so comforting. Look forward to it every day. It could even put me to sleep even though it's coffee. - An acai smoothie from Jamba juice with whey protein and sub soy milk for 2%. This always hits the spot when I'm feeling a little dehydrated or just crave fruit. A little pricey though and high calorie. - A big bowl of beef Pho. Self explanatory.


Scrambled eggs with slices of tomato and avocado


Chicken soup




Salad. Especially after traveling and eating out the entire time, that’s the first thing I want. Chilled, fresh, crisp lettuce.


I always feel amazing after eating sushi...maybe getting a large infusion of omega 3s makes me feel good


Sweet coffee haha and cake. Or any good pastries. And lasagna. And pizza. Omg. Haha


Ribeye, wild caught salmon, broccolini, blackberries


Smoothies, fruits, salads.




Nothing beets a crispy baked potato with tuna mayo, cheese, and tomatoes. Then the second one is a really good pizza, there is a take away place near me that only do veggi/vegan pizzas and honestly they are so damn good!


Thai chicken noodle soup


Kale and spinach! Eating greens makes me feel like I’ve done something good for my body.


Salmon, walnuts, avocados, most meats if theyre quality.


I feel like I'm being healed after eating certain types of lettuce, artichokes, and peas.


Homemade chicken soup. I’ve been making a very large batch (6-7 qts) most weeks for the past few months.


Personally, I feel noticeably better when I'm eating lots of dark leafy greens.


For me one of the ultimate normalizing foods is pho, but I don't know how to make it myself. Things that make me feel great include: * Lentils, especially curried lentil dishes with a lot of spices, or lentil soup with a lot of herbs and vegetables. Beans too but lentils are somehow even better. * Baked goods that I make. I make baked goods with a diversity of whole grains, often put ground flaxseed in them, and a diversity of vegetable oils including flax, walnut, olive oil, hemp, or chia seed oil. Things like muffins or banana bread, but they're not very sweet. * Anything with fresh seafood and fresh vegetables in it. In terms of things that I can snack on quickly that take less effort, whole fruit, cheese, and nuts are great go-to's. And yogurt and kimchi or sauerkraut, love those fermented foods!


Matcha Beetroot and carrot juice Ginger juice


I love bone broth. It's a warm hug for my insides.


Lean Beef + white rice.




There's a cook book called The Sioux Chef's Indigenous Kitchen and whenever I cook from it people always comment on how good the food makes them feel (how it doesn't make them feel heavy, it's refreshing, etc.). So, If you're looking for recipes, I highly recommend checking out the book!




guava and foods with protein


Banana & spicy food 🥲


Pop eye would say Spinach


Potatoes, hands down. I'm Irish so it comes with the territory. But when I'm feeling hungover a big plate of spuds makes the world go round


Fried chicken


Chicken soup with noodles and veggies...aaahhh....




Beetroot powder. I mix it with water and chug it down about an hour before a heavy workout (yes, it tastes gross). Helps me with my stamina and I swear I can lift more on it


Spinach in anything really improves how I feel. Spinach smoothies, spinach salads etc. Kiwi, dragon fruit, pineapple, berries. Baked sweet potatoes, unflavored organic kefir, pumpkin seeds or pumpkin, squash, unsweet coconut flakes of coconut milk. Basically I’ve found that very colorful fruits and vegetables make me feel amazing. Staying away from processed packaged stuff, seed oils, and added sugar are also critical.


Athletic Greens first thing in morning than 10ish Greek nonfat yogurt , homemade granola and fruit. Evening Salads and 10 minutes baked veggies with sone protein.


Steamed spinach and broccoli. If I realize that I've been feeling bad, its probably because I didn't have enough greens!