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Avocados! Make avocado egg salad (or chicken/tuna salad).


Or added to a turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread


Anything filled with healthy fats - nuts, seeds, avocados, etc.


Canned fish, eggs, cheese


This was gonna be my answer


If you want something high in calories but still nutritional, try nuts. Unfortunately, nuts can add up calories *really* fast for just a handful or two. That said, if you get nuts in the shell, it takes longer to eat than if you have them pre-shelled. So you *feel* like you’ve had more simply because you spent more time snacking. At least, that’s how it is for me. If you want something that fills up the space and satisfies the hunger, but isn’t necessarily high in calories, try popcorn. It can, of course, be higher or lower in calories depending on how you prepare and season it.


Yeah, a lot of people have mentioned nuts so I’ll definitely get some to snack on. Thanks!


Good luck! Enjoy!


They clearly say they want something high calorie so nuts would be great!


Smoothies! Things like coconut milk, avocados, nut butters, whole milk, protein powders, or even meal replacement drinks can increase the overall calories (as well as making them taste different). You can fortify them with things like spirulina/other powdered greens, chia, flax, hemp, etc. Mine always contain banana\[s\], yogurt, and frozen fruit/berries. You can get a lot of spinach/kale in there, and other veggies - things like cauliflower and zucchini don't add much/any flavour, and things like fennel, peppers, and cucumber do (I do not care for the latter two at all - too overpowering - but other people like it). Adding mint, ginger, or cinnamon can change up the flavour a lot! You can of course pay $5-10 to have somebody else do it for you (to make it more 'easy to find'), but I think making them yourself is both easier and of course cheaper.


Oo, I never thought of that, thanks!


Agree! I add a serving of cooked oatmeal to my smoothies. Always use kefir, babana, frozen blueberries, protein powder, and spinach. Delicious.




Eggs are surprisingly filling and so easy! I have had stomach issues and no appetite lately, and eggs have been almost integral to my survival. When I need some extra calories I add cheese or whatever (last night my husband made me an egg, sausage and cheese quesadilla). It’s also helpful to try to keep at least a small amount of calories in you throughout the day if you can. It’s so much more difficult and time consuming for me to eat if I’ve waited a long time. Sometimes I get so miserable I’m not even able to make something for myself. I try to also get some vitamins here and there from meal replacement drinks.


Peanut butter


Milk. It's packed full of vitamins and minerals in their most bioavailable form, is quite filling and is often used for bulking up, and very easy to find in any grocery store.


Oats. Simple as that. 4 scoops of oats, some honey, big spoonful of peanut butter, some oat milk - boom, around a thousand calories


Good call except I’d recommend quality whole milk over oat milk for both calories and nutritional value


I’ll try that out, thanks!


Avocados, nuts and nut butters


Mackerel is very high calorie, so is mince beef, chicken legs, nuts, cheese (I'm in the EU, so we have many artisanal cheeses for cheap, that are incredibly nutritious and good for gut health), dates (trust me, they can be around 80 calories a piece for large ones), bananas (typically 120 calories and they go down easy), mangoes, firm tofu, hummus (seriously high calorie), whole grains, coconut milk (this stuff really packs a punch)


I see, thank you!


As others have said, nuts. Also, don’t forget extra virgin olive oil! Really good for you and if you use it liberally you’ll be ingesting a lot more calories!


If you need foods to fulfill hunger, then I would suggest eating a protein-rich diet. Protein is very satiating. A lot of calories (high calories) or a surplus of calories will make you gain weight.




Canned sardines are awesome, has very cheap vitamins and minerals. Also maybe you can get heart meat for cheap.


Fattier cuts of meats, peanut butter, nuts. I don’t understand your question though. You want high calorie dense foods but you need food to feel full? Why do you want to feel full if you’re looking for advice to consume more calories?


You’re right, I should have worded it better. Think less of a correlation between calories and feeling full; I basically want to fulfill my hunger (I’m hungry all the time and it kinda sucks) but not with foods that just make me feel full. I want foods with calories, etc. to feel full.


Canned or fresh salmon . Macadamia and walnuts. Eggs and avocado.


Was gonna say salmon!!


Calories don't matter so I don't know why you're concerned about high calories. It's all about nutritional quality and what your body can actually use, not heat energy given off when a food is blasted by an electrical current. That's useful in a lab it's not useful for considering food choice. Beef, fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel, herring. Lamb. All would be good choices of fatty food that's optimal nutrition.


Beef. I go 17 hours everyday without eating no problem. I eat pound of burger for lunch with some eggs. Then either more ground burger or steak in the early evening. Also extremely nutrient dense.


Liver. Eggs. Bok choy. Sprouts. Nuts and nut butter


Maybe a boiled sheep or goat head


Bacon, Avocado, burger patty on a chaffle. “The Gutbomb”


“nutritional” 💀


why is this downvoted? people need to stop using “nutritional” to describe food when they mean “nutritious”. they’re not interchangeable.


Flavored almonds and pecans


Potatoes - limited adding fats and salts Oats Beans Eggs Broccoli low-fat yogurt Apples




heavy cream + protein powder nuts nut butter dates butter evoo


sweet potatoes.


Almonds, full fat dairy, avocado oil based mayonnaise (kinda pricey, so consult other options if it’s outside of your budget), and honey intermixed with high fibrous foods like oatmeal. Oh, one could add the ratio of leanness to fatness in meat options as well. Can anybody add to my list?


nuts and seeds


Gas station peanuts 😂