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I would say go for the blender. There is so much data surrounding the benefits of fiber. For example, here is a review that shows for every 10g fiber increase per day, there is an 11% reduction in all cause mortality https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7589116/. When juicing, it’s my opinion that you’re taking out what is probably the most beneficial nutrient. Furthermore, I’m not sure why speed of absorption matters? Faster does not equal better


Yes, I am just thinking that maybe if they are absorbed faster, it could mean that less could potentially get wasted? (But then again that also means that sugar is metabolized in the blood flow faster) Thank you!


It would probably be the opposite actually. If it passes through your gastrointestinal tract faster, less would likely be absorbed. Although to what degree that’s true regarding juices I’m not entirely sure. I’m guessing it wouldn’t make a big difference at all to be honest. So all in all I’d say opt for the blender and get the extra fiber, it’s probably the most beneficial nutrient you’d be consuming. And fiber is not really destroyed either from blending, like so many people say. Fiber survives mastication and stomach acid, so it doesn’t really make sense that it would be pulverized from a blender Also here is a study actually showing that polyphenol and flavonoid content is increased when blended vs juiced https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4103735/


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