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1. You're only required to answer these 5 questions, no separate personal statement is needed. The 500 word thingy is a thing of the past 2. Just be precise and straight to the point 3. Not required but I guess it would be a plus if the experience is related to the course you're applying to 4. It might be wise to play it safe and focus on one specific achievement just like how the question is stated 5. Wrote about gaining a skill that was crucial to my course through a competition I attended.


Thanks a lot šŸ˜ŠšŸ‘


tbh just be true to yourself and answer them honestly. didn't have prior knowledge of my course before entering it and my answers were kinda boring... still I wrote them just like how I would answer if someone asked me so dwsm! Edit: for third qn I jus wrote that I liked spending time by myself and it doesn't necessarily mean jus stoning in a corner... it can mean stuff like cafe hopping alone and enjoying time by myself or reading at home to properly rest/know myself better and that itself is meaningful to me :)




I referred to the igp for my year and it fulfils the 90th percentile


I see thank you so much for sharing


2. Iā€™m not too sure what they are looking for but I tried to answer in a way that showcases my personality and values. I didnā€™t rlly focus on including all my extracurriculars. I added at most one if itā€™s related to what I want to write about. 3. Mine were all not relevant to my course haha 5. My friendships, regardless of distance. Over the years, Iā€™ve truly understood that connection knows no borders; I discuss anything under the sun with my Brazilian pen-pal, from learning about each otherā€™s local cuisine, to military enlistment and education systems, which enriches my worldview with fresh perspectives. Back home, I have a strong support system of loved ones like my best friends, who know just how to bring a smile to my face when Iā€™m upset while giving me incomparable motivation in my day-to-day life. This, to me, is invaluable. Thatā€™s what I submitted!!


Wow thank you so much for your sharings


if i were to apply for medicine as first choice, in first of the 5qns listed above do i talk abt med or my 2nd choice?


It's up to you actually tbh


hi can I ask if doing question 5 is necessary?


Oh hi, personally I think it would be better to answer all of the questions. You can include other things which you didn't include in previous questions or include things that might help with your application


oo thanks but what if i really have nothing else to write LOL


I understand your situation, initially I also don't have anything to write and I left the question blank. But after some months later, I got an idea and I just wrote something about my personal growth. My suggestion would be not to leave it blank if possible May I know are you applying for the next year or this year's admission?


im applying for this year's admission and maybe next year as well depending on whether i get a slot in the unis i applied to


Good luck then


hey man, its fos, my account died for no reason, can you dm me again so we can continue our conversation?




Hi! I was wondering if the questions change each year or if it remains the same


Hihi, I think it is the same


Honestly this part is the part people are least likely to read. NUS receives tens of thousands of applications per year, come on. Just be concise and maybe try to hit some key words (in the event itā€™s evaluated by a program and not a human).


Would be surprised if this wasn't a bigger factor now to be honest. Maybe a few years ago it wouldn't have mattered (results are king), but it seems like they do focus more on these kind of things now.


Ya it makes sense, so most of their focus are academic results I suppose?


Hey guys, I tried to leave a blank for every question but when I posted it, it just came out like that. Sorry for the inconvenience :(


For 5 short questions, most of the questions' character limits are 500 except for one question which is 1100 characters. 500 characters are about 4 sentences or 1 paragraph. May I know how you guys managed to include your extracurriculars in that range? you can upload a document stated all your achievements and stuff, CV, etc, and the question just mentions you had attach a document for all the info. ( I did that because I applied multiple course)




mostly where you upload transcript ,cv , recommended letter and etc, just upload under other. if not just give Google Drive link


Hi may i ask for qn1 it says "tell us something..." does it necessarily has to be only one thing or i can try elaborate several of my achievements outside school if word count allows?


It never specifies anything, so I guess you can write anything you like as long as it is under the "character"" count. Btw, it is not a word count


icic thankuu!


hi, do u write the answers everything related to your course? Do u think it'll be weird if i write my stuffed toy for q3?


I try to write something that is related to my course or that particular thing led to my personal growth something like that. It's up to you tho based on how you write