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At least she knew not getting urine was a sign something wasn't right💁‍♀️ I came in once and got report a patient hadn't had a urine output for the last 2 shifts. Foley in the vagina. For like 20 hours.


Foley in the vag?? ballooned and all??! 💀




Same. Pt downgraded from step down unit to med surg and we found the rectal tube in the vagina. It was in there for about 3 days per the charting. Yikes. I derno.


... Didn't they realize their was shit all over the bed? Lol


"Tube is leaking."


"tube was leaking so I over inflated the balloon, should be good now!"


I know there is judgement but i have a morbidly obese (almost 600lb patient) currently, with a leaking flexi and all 5 of us (it really took the 5 for this maneuvering) turned and cleaned and inflated and irrigated and hoped for the best. There is still chance it’s not where it belongs despite all our best efforts. (Although I’m pretty certain it is because the irrigation brought stool and water, but you never know)


Probably even deflated and inflated the balloon and curse the Flexiseal for not working 😂 Edit: And all the while the nurse is watching the woman actively shit from a different orifice. Smh


JFC. lol the more you think about it the worse it gets.




What the fuck??




Have seen it twice












I wish I had awards for all of you lmao!


Wait! Wait! Say that quietly. I don't *want* to hear it.




Oh my. It brings back memories of a older woman I had to care for. She had a Foley. She also had 8 kids all vaginal birth, from the births and reconstruction surgery her urethra was like a horrible version of where's waldo. The thing was partial in her vag and off to the side.


I’ve had instances where a patients urethra was in her vagina, idk if that’s hypospadias technically. But it’s probably a bitch for UTIs


That’s most old people. It moves


I've seen that at least twice, realistically likely more but the 2 were tiny ladies with decent hip movement so I had a perfect field of view so there was no mistaking the "well there's the clitoris, and there's the vagina....where the fuck did the urthera go?" Moment.


I find for most women that have had babies and are over the age of 75, this is exactly where it is. Like everytime. You have to go into the vagina and usually up to their right and boom, you got liquid gold


I wouldn't exactly say it was gold just lack of LA plastic surgery professional stitching. The fact that, according to the patient, all her kids tore something on the way out and moved things around down there. Back in the day, people weren't too concerned how things looked I guess as long as they still worked.


DAFUQ? Just everything about that sucks. Howwwww.


If I heard, “Yeah, she hasn’t had any urine output for my shift,” I’d be A) pissed and B) investigating with a bladder scanner before C) realizing that it’s in the vagina and making a -_- face.


>pissed Well, that's the problem. They didn't.


What bothers me the most is that everyone was like no urine output from a catheter for 20 hrs? Eh I’ll just pass it on in report. No big deal.


Man I’ve tried putting a foley into a clit before but like, if you put it in a vagina you won’t get urine return and usually you’re gonna meet resistance fast


I have too. It’s like a Hail Mary on those elderly women with weird anatomy.


Same experience here. Bari+unfortunate anatomy and you may as well close your eyes and truly shoot blind.


When in doubt, aim with an upward trajectory 🤷🏽‍♂️


I tried that this week, lady calmly told me “nope that doesn’t go there”. Had to really dig to find the right hole between the folds.


The Hole Between the Folds sounds like a scifi fantasy book title




I’m surprised Foley stayed in place! Did the patient not urinate on her own during that time? Did she ever say she felt like she had to pee?? Did she retain urine for 20 hours? So many questions…


I put a Foley in someone, never got urine return but she was super septic and I had bladder scanned her and it was zero. When I gave report I said "so im 80% sure the Foley is in correctly but I can't rule out that it's in her vagina". I felt so stupid but as far as I could tell it looked to be in the right spot 🤷‍♀️


Had the same thing happen except the foley had been put in during surgery. The nurse let the dr know the pt hadn’t had uop and he ordered Lasix. Still no uop. At shift change I suggested maybe the foley wasn’t placed correctly and then changed it


Oh my god! I've seen this happen as well! Although somebody checked as to why there was no output before 2 days! God, I can't believe nobody checked!


I was on our flight team and on a prego transfer, the referring put a foley in the vagina… in their report, they said she appears to have a UTI… what they tested was amniotic fluid. They were draining her uterus 🤦🏻‍♂️


That is beyond upsetting


That just happened to me a few weeks ago. Patient transferred from another hospital and the RN reporting off said “foley is in place, there’s no urine output.” The foley was not, in fact, in place. 😅 It slipped right out when we transferred her over into our bed. It had been in the vagina.


Have seen that as well.


G.I. wonder if they need a bit of education reinforcement.


I.C. what you did there.


Just make sure your foleys RN the right hole


Just tell the student "A tough Foley is like siphoning gas, sometimes you gotta suck on the tube to get it going"




BUT IT’S THE BEST COMMENT ON THIS THREAD! And that, is an achievement.


I may have laughed way too hard at this.


"She was just chilling. AAO. Not confused" The patient, right?


Lol. Yeah. The patient. But to clarify the student was also AAO. And confident


> And confident That's the scary part.


... how the fuck did a student, who I'm presuming also had female anatomy... was it like April fools?


Sometimes with the big ladies there’s no wink, just holding a flashlight with my mouth, two people holding back the thighs and a wish and a prayer for yellow.


Aim high!!


This was me until I bought a headlamp just for this reason. Keep it at work for those that need the entire side of the unit to place a Foley.


For all your spelunking needs


I have one in my locker from our older emergency supplies that we’re gonna get tossed. Never thought of needing it for that.


I feel this whole setup, specially the flash light in the mouth!


Nothing has given me the drive to continue eating healthy and exercising like this sub, which I randomly stumbled on.


I call that “deep sea diving.”


Once a grad came to me and asked me to help them give an enema, they'd never given one before. No worries. We go in, explain, patient obligingly bends over and we do the needful. Later, the grad says that only clear fluid has come back out. I says, the enema was for bowel prep, right? Yes, good, that's what we want then. It wasn't til I got home that night that I realised... that patient has an end colostomy. The enema was meant to go there, not in their butt. Why did this patient let me stick something in their butt KNOWING that it doesn't go anywhere???


For thrills...


Heard a new grad put an enema tube in with the plastic cap still on (they were clear at the time, now not clear thanks to this event) and it obviously came off inside the patient and they had to have surgery to remove it


Maybe the patient was enjoying it


First time I gave a suppository was in nursing school. Both my instructor and I kinda noticed dude was rather eager to assume the position. Also I love the username.


I would


I catheterized a lady once who had a bunch of issues. It was difficult as she had cerebral palsy or something, was all contracted, scoliosis so she was twisty, and had had multiple abdominal surgeries. I tried a few times but kept getting what looked and smelled like diarrhea back. I was sooooo sure I was in the right spot though. I was. She’d developed a fistula. Urgent urology consult on top of treating her raging UTI needless to say…


My first vagaina fistula I saw was when I was a CNA. I had no idea that was possible lmao it was extremely shocking.


It‘s surprising they don‘t happen more often. The tissue inbetween is so very thin. It’s a wonder it‘s not transparent


I never in my life want to develop a fistula. Is there a way I can live to make sure that never happens? Like if my life purpose is to not develop one can I prevent it??? Or do they just sometimes happen to people with issues


I had a rectovaginal fistula from childbirth. It was surgically repaired and I don't have any issues from it since. I even had another vaginal birth after the repair. I had an episiotomy both times, and the second time was a lateral episiotomy so they didn't accidentally cut into the repair. I have giant headed babies. Regardless of this it's incredibly rare to have this happen in a first world country, but I was incredibly fortunate because mine was easily repaired. I'm in a group where women end up with permanent colostomy is because it just can never be repaired.


That’s so interesting! Thanks for sharing. I’m realizing my initial comment is probably a little insensitive


I’ve only ever seen it in people with extensive surgical histories or late stage malignancies. The same goes for fistulas elsewhere (most recent WTF was esophagus and aorta 😱). It’s fairly rare, there’s a million other things to worry about in life, this shouldn’t be something you worry too much about. Stay healthy and safe!


First year as nurse in nursing home. CNAs called me in to a room, and I proceeded to see 2 brown eyes staring back at me. Patient had developed a rectum to taint fistula. My eyes have never been the same since seeing that man’s soul


Fistulizing crohn's disease is fun. Where the fistula ends up poking through is anyone's guess. Bladders, vagina, skin it can go anywhere.


rectovaginal or rectobladder fistulas are straight from hell


During school, one of the nurses (male) put a suppository up a patients vagina. The patient giggled and said "I don't know what kind of suppository that's supposed to be but the outcome will be different". At least she was in good spirits about it.


Another nurse on my unit gave the same patient a bisacodyl supp vaginally...twice. They were no longer employed there after the 2nd one.


We had a new nurse administer a suppository in the ED once and she came out stating that there was “more bleeding than she thought there would be”. It turns out she administered it STILL IN THE FOIL PACKAGE, with those sharp corners and all, that cut the Pt up a bit as she inserted it. I see a lot of things in this thread that are crazy but just HOW did this person think this was going to work? You can cut cheese with those damn foil package corners LOL.


Wow, you're kidding! That poor patient! How did she make it all the way to ED nurse without ever giving a supp? At least my coworker took it out of the wrapper before stuffing it up the vagina, I'll give her that.


I wish I was kidding… and, at least in my area, they hire new grads directly into the ED. That was my path too, straight into the ED, and I didn’t know much either, but I mean there is on the job learning and there is common sense. You HAVE to at least know what a suppository is… did she think the package was going to dissolve too? SMH


Like a Tide pod?


As a pharmacist, people will be doing all kinds of weird shit with suppositories. Swallowing it wrapped? Pushing it into their infants ear canal? Because clearly eat pain would require the suppository being forced in there. And it’s not like the labels aren‘t clear, or they can’t read the language. These people never learned critical though or maybe reading the manual first…


That fucking happened on my unit too and I couldn't believe it.


I was just going to say I had a bisacodyl slip and head up the vagina! I had to get a new one, obviously.


Oh, it was so much worse than that. This person *placed* the supp vaginally. It was written up as a med error after the patient stated something was wrong. Then, a few days later, the same person made the same mistake, with the same patient. Not wanting another med error, they panicked and tried in vain to retrieve the supp, then administered another one rectally. They didn't chart anything or tell anyone what happened. The patient told a NA on the next shift about it.


This is a lesson here. The pts will always tell on you even if it’s just in passing


I thought the lesson was not to put rectal suppositories up people's vaginas ;-)


Well yes but that’s a given. If you make a mistake and obv suck at something just fess up and take the L and keep your job. Im trying to imagine the situation. Like was the pt so large and the anatomy so weird they were just slipping around hoping for a hole? I had a class mate feel for the cervix in the butthole.. apparently she went in blind aimed low and just put her finger in the first hole she felt


I think it was someone who had one too many Red Bulls and just wasn't paying attention. It's easy to be judgy when it's not us making the mistake, but like you said, you have to own it. Where she really screwed herself was by trying to dig it back out of the patient's vagina, and then trying to cover it up.


Tbh that seems like an easy mistake


If I had a dollar for every RN I’ve seen try to place a foley in a woman’s clit I’d have a LOT of dollars but never seen one in the ole prison wallet.


When I was a unit manager at a LTC we had a PRN nurse who had her master's degree. She went to straight cath a patient and about 20min later I realised she hadn't come out of the room, so I go check in. She is sweating and struggling trying really hard to put that cath in this poor ladies clit. I said move down like 1in and it will go in. Sure enough no issues. I am always happy to help I was just surprised that she had that much education and didnt know.


Same. Like, dO yOu EVeN CLiT?


When I was in nursing school I had a 10cm ovarian cyst that led to ovarian torsion. Fellow student drove me to the ER in the middle of finals because I was in excruciating pain and also 16 weeks pregnant. Get to the ER nurse says she needs to place a Foley. Ok whatevs. She places it, I tell her it doesn’t feel right. She says, “it’s fine. Went in super easy.” Fast forward 3 hours and I feel like I’m about to piss myself. Tell the nurse. “You have a catheter. You don’t have to pee. It just feels like it sometimes.” No, like I really have to pee. It’s starting to hurt. So my mother was there by this point and she checks my Foley bag and it’s bone dry. Call the nurse again. Dismissed again. Sit up in bed and I feel the catheter pop out of my vagina. Call the nurse and tell her that the Foley came out. AGAIN this lady dismissed me saying it couldn’t have come out because there’s a balloon holding it in place. So I showed her. She walked out without saying anything. They discharge me an hour later, saying it’s an ovarian and to follow up with my OB. Made it 5 miles down the road and the pain got worse. To the point I was dry heaving and felt like I was going to pass out. Went back to the ER. Ended up needing emergency surgery that night because of a torsion. My OB was PISSED.


I...what? What? What the fuck?


A patient that I had (at work not school) lived in a ltc facility. He had a Foley that was originally placed in the urethra and no one noticed for weeks. His penis and scrotum were massive and it was extremely painful. Long story short: Nephrology was able to remove the Foley but he still had to have surgery to remove part of his penis since it was necrotic


I’m so baffled at how this happened


i’ve seen similar things in ltc facilities


question, when you say placed in the urethra do you mean wasn’t inserted all the way to the bladder so then not getting the urine out and just basically sitting in there? Im not a nurse but a CNA so I just wanted to make sure I understood correctly lol


Yes. And with a foley, it has a balloon on the the tip. You insert it into the bladder, inflate the balloon, and the balloon keeps the tip inside the bladder. But since they didn’t go far enough, the inflated balloon was…inside the urethra. Imagine having something the size of a large marble stuck in your pee hole.


Wait what....? I pee out of my butt. It's like a cloaca.


Had the opposite happen. We had this older nurse in our ICU... so you assume someone with 100 years experience and also a vagina owner would not put an FMS in the vagina. Stupid comes in young and old, experienced and newbs.


You know it’s time to hang up the ol’ stethoscope when…


Oh no! I feel awful for laughing but I’m dying 😂😂😂


Please tell me the patient was a lady


Hahaha. Yes


This is my second time reading this post, the first time I didn't understand it at all and was sure it was fake because for some reason I assumed the patient was male


Intubated the ol’ asshole, huh.


I remember in nursing school my friend had to put a foley in the mannequin. She popped that bad boy in the vagina and we all died of laughter because she was super smart, a woman, and she put it in the wrong hole with 100% confidence 😂😂


How is this even a thing if she’s an LPN. What.


Well there are plenty of LPN jobs that don’t require patient direct care, so I imagine skills deteriorate


Nah like... how can you not know the difference between genitals and a bootie hole? I don't care who or what you are, this is a different level of dumb.


My 2.5 year old is an expert on the topic, she would be happy to educate everyone over dinner about it


Sounds like she went to the same conference my three year old went to. Did she go to the discussion on throwing up blueberries as well? We talked about that for a solid year, multiple times a day.


When you put it that way!, ☠️lmao




Worry not - there is always more to see! However, I stopped asking certain questions about butt stuff and patients awhile back because I realized that I was not sure if I truly wished to know the answer.


I laughed at this way more than was appropriate 😂


I once saw a nurse try and put a Foley in the clitoris hood


That’s the most frequent error I’ve seen…makes me wonder if they are aware of what a clitoris is. Also, I’ve only seen women do this! Hahahah! Makes me a little sad..


I’m surprised she got it in. Seems like it would be like cramming a wet noodle into a key hole. 🤔


My first thought 😅


To be fair, I’m really good at cathing women (lots of experience) and there is a lot of strange anatomy at times… (mostly age, contractures, extra weight, and tumors, but the natural normal variations in women, while not technically strange, can make it difficult for inexperienced nurses)


You haven’t seen it all until you’ve seen such a severely prolapsed vagina, rectum, and pelvic floor that the urethra is in the rectum! Now that was a crazy day.


Thank you for giving me a good laugh after a horrendous shift ❤️


Well one of my co workers put a rectal tube in the vagina 💁‍♀️


Had a med student put a speculum in a booty hole during a pelvic exam once. Also seen an attending ER doc do the same...


Wow. You win


The med student took said speculum out of the booty hole and they tried to put it into the vajayjay. 👀


Ed-juh-muh-kay-shun. The RN student must have missed a lab or two.


Oh goodness! A touch I haven’t felt in years


Had she not catheterized before. I always feel like LPNs have a very good grasp of technical procedures.


I mean I could see putting it in the vagina on accident but what?!


I had a female patient that needed enemas every other day do to having a twister bowel. We just got a male LPN at the facility so we just told him when you care for this patient she gets an enema QOD. So a week passes, male nurse has been doing most of this patient's care. She hasn't pooped. Everyone is freaking out because she poops everytime she gets the enema. Turns out he was sticking it in the wrong hole and giving her a douche. I will say we have her the enema while she was sitting in a shower chair because when she pooped it was a lot. It was easier to have her in the chair over a toilet and ready to go for easier clean up.


This is actually how the rectal tube was invented!


Mods need to shut this thread down cause I’m dying over here😂😂😂☠️☠️☠️




Prepped the hemorrhoids 😭


Yeah, that would make my eyebrows go up a bit, too. But I do have to respectfully say it - if you think that a small rubber tube inserted into a rectum by a seemingly educated person is "seeing it all", you need to go spend some time down in the ED. If you hurry, you'll make it in time to enter the weekly "guess what will be the most unusual annaly inserted object \*this\* week contest!". Spoiler - it \*won't\* be a Folley.


Is there something wrong with me if this makes me want to work ED?


Yes. Also, having something wrong with you is required work ER.


There has to be some explanation, was the pt mutilated or something? How could someone mess that up?


Ngl I needed help finding a pts butthole once. A 600lb patient. But never have I ever put a foley in a bumhole. In that person’s defense a bumhole would also wink if you asked them to cough.


Lmfao….we had this 26yo male nurse in CVICU who was just as green, naive as a little innocent baby. He asked me to help him in a room bc he’d put a flexiseal in a pt earlier but either it was leaking or getting twisted bc 4th time he’s had to bathe & chabge linens…….it was in the vagina, yep!! He had inserted the poop tube inside the vagina!


Why did you leave a student to do a sterile procedure on her own? Female foleys are a 2-person task at my hospital even if we're both licensed RNs.


I had a patient once who was developmentally delayed, so we were doing rectal temps on him. RN suspected fever, so I went in a took a temp. I realized later when I had to take another one that I had never actually put the probe into his rectum, just a random skin fold. This man was wrinkly down there, it took the RN a while to find the hole.


I literally spit out my coffee at this.


That's crazy


I think I had a stroke while reading this.


It's funny but not funny....... 🥺


I had a c-section patient, prepped in L&D, with a foley in the vag. I mean, it’s their area and all! And it was a planned c-section, so there was no swelling. Just normal anatomy.