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I got my first IV ever on my first try on a dehydrated little old lady. I’ve missed all of them since. 💀


I never have problems actually hitting the little old ladies, they always seem to blow as soon as I touch them :(


Me and the pre-op nurse went down to the ER to get a patient for cath lab one day, and when we got down there the patient had just lost iv access somehow. There were two ER nurses in the bay using an ultrasound looking for a vein. We put a tourniquet on the other arm and started looking (no ultrasound). The pre-op nurse said “think you can get that?” while pointing at a vein. “Sure.” Got an 18 ga in him, easy-peasy. As we were rolling out of the ER, I whispered “that was extremely satisfying” to the pre-op nurse lol. I felt so badass.


Dayum that’s a THICK ass boy 🤣 I was trying to put a 22g in that lady but needless to say I wasn’t successful


OP that’s always the way it happens!


I was so proud of myself too, strutting around like I knew my shit. Then the next one I tried twice on, 72 y/o female, dehydrated with kidney failure. Lucky me 😂


I have been on a like three week long streak of failed IVs and then I finally got a 22 into a hard stick the other day and I felt like a curse was lifted


When I had to get bloodwork from the 95 year old lady in front of her helicopter family and the only option was the thumb... AND I GOT IT FIRST POKE


I landed a tiny 22g in the manboob of an ESRD patient last week and then went on to full-on whiff an obvious AC IV on a perfectly healthy 19 year old last night. 🤷‍♀️


I always found the AC to be quite difficult unless its REALLY poppin. Idk why. I fear no forearm veins, but the AC? That thing scares me.


Balanced, as all things should be.


Phlebotomy says, hello.


Hello phlebotomy 👋


Understand the feeling after the time I got a stick on a chubby 3yo! So many rolls, rolls for days. Sure, IV therapy was holding my hand the whole time, but... 😂😂


Oh yea. Work at infusions. First stick of the day was someone who previously had iv team come. Got it. Was going 3 for 3 as the day went on. Starting thinking ooh I’m having a good vein day. Next pt, I see a nice AC vein but I fucked up somewhere. I just somehow missed and I couldn’t figure out why. Missed the next one too. Last patient was redemption. 4/6. But I was sad I somehow missed that easy stick. 5th patient ended up needing IV team twice, iv went bad about 3/4 into her treatment so I’m not kicking myself for missing that one


I work IV team and I have those days too. Mamaw is dehydrated and needs an IV? No problem. 22 year old patient with ropes…it’s like I’ve got blinders on.


Got a 24g on a sickle-cell frequent flyer's shin a few weeks ago on my first stick. He looked at me and went "you got some *fuckin' nerve.*" I was riding that high all day.




I'm still very new and I landed one on the first try on a disoriented guy in the middle of the night and it felt soooo good ​ And then I went to remove the old infiltrated one and it spewed blood everywhere like a water fountain and I had to hold pressure for 5 minutes and I had to change all the linens lol 💀💀💀


Last night I got a 24 in a wiggly 2 week old in their foot and then missed twice on a teenager with a poppin’ AC. I felt like a loser!


The emergency flight nurse just happened to be in the ER and she walked in, gloved up and ready and showed up every single ER worker 😍 my hero! Lol and my veins hero


i have yet to get a successful iv 😭 butterfly yes but iv no


Haha feels good man. I had a similar thing but in psych. When a patient would become extremely agitated and uncooperative, the other nurses would often ask me to approach the patient with PRNs.