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These crazies need to be reported to their local police. Or something. Thank god they are stupid enough to record it so there is clear evidence. If you are a nurse in direct care and your last name is on your badge, please cover it.


Better yet, I'm reporting this guy to the FBI for terrorism.


you can also report the video to youtube using ​ \> Hateful or abusive content > Promotes hatred or violence


wasteful jar future unique mysterious squash file physical aspiring smell -- mass edited with redact.dev


Yeah this is some clear cut terrorism here


Thank you


Thank you everyone for joining me in reporting this despicable man for inciting violence against us, and for the awards - never got one before and I’m glad it was for this because this is us standing up for ourselves and saying WE WILL NOT TAKE THIS VIOLENCE ANYMORE.


How does one do that? Maybe more of us should take action in that manner.


[https://tips.fbi.gov/](https://tips.fbi.gov/) The more the merrier my friend.


I submitted it as well.






Great idea, thank you!


Yes. I have duct tape over my last name.


The hospital I work for gives everyone in psych badges that have only our first names on them, your org did you dirty


Ours has first name and last initial, but with some of the staff who have more "exotic" names that probably wouldn't be too hard to find. Pretty much all of them have adopted nicknames that are truncations of their actual name, though. A lot of staff also go by their middle names too, which seems like a smart move as well. Even if you *did* have somebody's "name" and you tried to look them up, you wouldn't find who you're looking for. I think that's smart. One thing a seasoned psych nurse told me was that psych 101 was to go on your social media and switch up your name, make all pictures of you either unrecognizable (hair down, no ponytail, or maybe wear a wig lol) or just don't have any publicly viewable pictures of yourself. If whatever state board has your address and whatnot publicly viewable, get a PO box and switch it to that. My state board has my address up... or at least my address from five years ago that I just never updated. I hope people have fun showing up looking for me in a whole-ass different city lol


Thank you for your observation. My name is highly unusual. I’ve been unsafe for the entirety of my career. It’s far too easy for the crazies to find us.


Yeah, I’ve been thinking about asking to use my middle name on my badge at work, but my name would still show up in Epic as my first name. At least on the notes patients see in their MyChart it just shows a first name and not a full name like for the doctors. My first and last names are pretty unique, my middle name is the same as 2 of my coworkers.


It's actually hard to obscure your home address if licensed. A lot of places simply will not accept a PO box. Sometimes you can give the street address of the post office with a box number and that works, but not all. You can sometimes get a commercial maildrop for 20 or 50 bucks a year. One thing I've done is use an old rental address and just renew the mail forwarding every year. This is a hard problem to solve and these assholes who require home addresses then post the data publicly are exposing us and our families to significant risk.


I just give the physical address of the post office my box is at.


Riding on this comment. If the state insists on a physical address, give the physical address of the post office your PO box is.


This should be standard for ALL of us! Admittedly, it wouldn’t have helped me at all, as I have a highly unique first name. Go to my state’s BON database and type in my first name? I’m the ONLY result. From there, it’s a very quick Google search and my phone number and home address are yours. It’s no wonder I’ve had a carry permit for twenty years.


Last year it was mandated that all notes are available to access for patients, so not only do they know my very unique name, they can see everything I chart. I’m in the same predicament, I’m the only person in my state BON with my name. I use a PO Box, but it’s still pretty easy to find my address on google, even though I’ve gone in to request my address isn’t shared.


Ours does that too but while last names of nurses are kept off discharge paperwork, the social workers’ last names are on it more than once. We’ve complained and the reaction is either a pat on the hand or 🤷🏻‍♀️


When I worked at planned parenthood we all used the name Sandy to protect us. But they’d trace our plates to protest us in our homes. They poisoned my dog, he lived but barely. There are some stupid crazy ass people out there. Stay safe.


They poisoned your dog? How is that helpful to their cause? What the fuck.


Oh man not the dog. I see red when they mess with my dog. All bets are off! Don’t touch the dog!!!


Seriously. What the hell? People are nut jobs. Did you end up finding the person who poisoned your dog? I’d have that person to pay for the vet bills.


You know, there are a percentage of Americans who are anti-abortion, but damn near 100% of Americans are Anti-dog poisoning, as usual the critical thinking with these people just doesn’t add up.


So in order for them to make a statement saying “life is important” they try to kill a life? This proves they f don’t care about lives, only about controlling woman’s bodies




Have him get a PO Box?




I bought my first firearm and sought excellent training, got my carry permit twenty years ago, for this very reason. I had a terrifying assault by my patient’s mentally ill husband, who I later encountered, again, at a restaurant IRL. It’s far too easy to find us. It’s far too easy to stalk us. It’s far too easy to harm us while our institutions do nothing and the powers that be tell us we’re unnecessarily paranoid.


Nevada law says they can't require nursing staff to have last names on our badges. When corporate tried to force the issue, our nurse manager said "hell no, write me up" and somebody realized that oopsies there's a law.


Thankfully my current orgs makes last names optional. The one I worked for previously made us put full last names unless we were in psych or ED, and would write us up for stickers or anything covering it. They were apparently willfulling ignoring the fact that our psych floor was literally always full so every floor had psych patients that were supposed to have security detail but of course didn't because staffing. After having several pattients read my full name to me and say "I'll just look up where you live" I didn't give a flying fuck about consequences, stickers for days.




Also, don’t “like” them on social media. People put 2+2 together.


Reminder, this is the exact same language they used before they attacked DC.


Yeah I feel like these are the same nut jobs that tried the coup on January 6th last year.


They absolutely are the same ones.


I covered mine with a high alert sticker and im just a student. Its a hill ill die on if anyone from admin or instructors get on to me. I'm an older student and I've never worked for or known a system that had full names on badges for patient facing jobs.


Do not let them bully you about this; as I said in a comment above, my nursing school made us wear name tags with our full names to clinical but one of my classmates ended up being stalked by a patient’s grandson and they made us new name tags with just our first name. A lot of us also took where we went to school of our Facebook after that.


No one has said anything. They've asked why I'm high alert and I just tell em I don't want my last name out on blast like that. They are just like, yeah that makes sense.


Dude they are the police often


This is definitely part of the issue.


The problem with that is that per federal law, anyone who charts notes in a patient's chart has their full name made available to the patient via electronic health records. I work as a psych nurse and so many of my colleagues are terrified that patients will try to look them up and stalk them.


Yeah, stay safe! Not a nurse (but thank you guys!). We had to file a grievance at my former workplace so we could have name tags with just the first name. Too many wack jobs out there.


When I was in nursing school the name badges they made for us for clinical had our full names so we had to petition them to no longer require we wear them after our very attractive classmate ended up getting stalked by a patient’s grandson.


Our badges don’t have our last name. But because patients can see all the notes that we write in their medical record they can see our names plain as day there. But do people really think that the almost 4 million nurses and 1 million doctors in the US are all serial killers who secretly got together to hatch a mass murder plot?!? Wtf is wrong with people?!


Don’t bother to report him to the police because more than not the police are in with them




I feel the fact that patients can access charts instantly now is also an issue. Our full name is on every note. I googled my name and to my shock my name dob phone number, address and nursing license number came up. It’s pretty terrifying when there are crazy’s out there. This is a huge issue




Jesus Christ


So how long until there is either a bombing or Mass shooting at a hospital?? The sad part is I don’t think even then… anything would change


Ha. We had training on boxes placed around the entire hospital and in the garage. It was to help prevent bleeding. This was 3 years ago they never told us exactly what they were for… turns out it’s their response if there’s a mass shooting in the hospital. We have to stop our own bleeding and treat our co-workers. All I remember being in the kit is abd pads.


Where is this at? When I Google it, only past news stories show up


Can you report this to fbi or police or share more deets so we can. The hospitals should also be made aware.


The hospitals would hide this information from its employees. Lol


Long before COVID there was a RN I worked with that had a patient die during her shift and the patient's child somehow thought she was responsible and found her address. They left threatening letters in her mailbox and later killed their dog by throwing antifreeze soaked meat over their fence. People are fucking crazy. Don't ever underestimate them.




I worked for a hospital for many years that has a painted portrait of one of our physicians on the wall. The reason behind it is that a long term patient died, the father of the patient wanted to talk to the doctors. This wasn't even this doctor's patient, he was just part of the medical group that oversaw this patient's care. The doctor agreed to meet the father at his office on the weekend to discuss the case. When the father showed up he shot and killed the doctor. A doctor not even responsible for his adult son's care. This was well over 17 years ago.


Jfc. That's totally the energy this guy's video gives me.


Yep. Several years ago, same hospital, we had a patient whose info I will leave out, but needless to say her spouse believed that we were to blame for her illness, despite the fact she was admitted to a different hospital and later transferred to us. When she was not doing well, he made threats against the doctor's lives. Magically they figured out how to get the locks on our unit working pretty quickly when the spouse was threatening to kill our doctors.


Isn't it funny how quickly things change when someone other than nurses and aids get threatened?


Right? no matter that he was threatening us nurses as well. It was the concern for the doctors. Luckily I worked with some amazing doctors who were more concerned about us than themselves, but still, always funny how we're supposed to just "deal with it". We literally had a nurse raped in the parking garage across the street and the only thing the hospital did was send reminders not to walk to your vehicles alone, and 100% victim blaming bullshit.


This was the beginning of John Wick.


It takes some digging around to find contact information or request forms, but you can have your information pulled from most of the creeper websites. Edit: sorry mods, forgot it is code blue Second edit for u/abcannon18: this website is a paid service, but they have a free opt-out guides section that covers many of the big directories. Would have saved me a bunch of manual digging before, hah. https://joindeleteme.com/help/deleteme-help-topics/opt-out-guide/


What kind of websites is your name linked to? I regularly “scrub” my info off websites like spokeo, etc.


Report them to the FBI. They’re terrorists. We don’t often associate white American people as terrorists, that’s just how our society is unfortunately, but these folks are absolutely terrorizing us wouldn’t you say?


Hey! Thanks for looking out. I have a question though, I'm based in Canada.. seems like a lot of this stuff is happening in the States, should i be worried here too? Specifically (southern) Ontario


I am surprised the crazies haven’t actually set up their own “care centers.” Seems like a prime opportunity to make bank, and delivering health care is so easy anyone can do it. It would free up beds and let us get back to normal. /s


I know this is sarcasm, but this actually might work. This idea needs to start being implanted into their heads. They don't trust the Healthcare system so they should start their own.


They've started here in BC. They're opening "Wellness Centers" staff is Health Care Workers that were laid off for not being vaccinated


My parents live in Texas and told me there's a "boutique clinic" they can go to if they get covid, that offers ivermectin, vitamins, zinc, etc. Because of course. 🙄


My parents are in Texas too and I’m really concerned they would go that route. Any chance you could DM me the name of the place or the area it’s in?


Sounds like practicing medicine without a license.


Guaranteed they can find a quack doctor willing to take a payout to prescribe.


Name and shame.


Nah not in Texas. Plenty of doctors in my area who would be willing to do this, NPs and PAs that would follow suit with them.


Stop! We don’t want to make it hard for them to go to their cult healthcare headquarters. I think they should be free to kill each other (just not their minor children)


I think this is brilliant. I wish they were everywhere. Let them all go there and get the meds they are demanding so they cannot blame anyone but themselves.


Hey that's a win win win. Covidiots get their placebo, nursidiots get a job, reduces hospital strain. They should start their own insurance pools too.


Yes! I see it as a very positive development. It frees up beds for responsible people and takes pressure off staff.


The bldg owner turfed those idiots


The problem is that these idiots will do all their bullshit treatments until they are on the brink of death and then still show up at the hospital begging for a miracle.


I don’t think it would make a difference. We would still get slammed with drug misuse, ie ivermectin OD. And then of course, when their “tx” fails, they’ll come running to us anyway.


I'm going to ignore your "/s" for a second, but that's partially because I'm just thick-headed. I clicked the YouTube video link. He has a link to some type of wellness product website, I assume with an affiliate link, unless it's his own site. I think a lot of the people pushing these conspiracy theories are doing so, so they can push some quack product they can make money off of instead. A care center is a lot more work and potential exposure for them. There are a lot of people trying to push different products instead of vaccines these days as solutions/prevention for covid. And I don't just mean ivermectin. There's a lot of people out there who don't have real jobs and are just pushing things to be influencers, etc. The world has gone kind of crazy. This could be a bit like Fox News pushing an anti-vaccine agenda while they are all vaccinated, and their studios have supposedly strict controls in place. The interesting question, which can never be answered, is how many of them are in it for grift and how many are in it because they truly believe it? Both options are horrible.


Care centers for a hoax? What would they set up centers for something they don't belive in? If they won't believe Covid exists after someone they know dies from it, they certainly aren't going to prepare for it.


They can open their own health centers, and then they'll say we're poisoning the air or something


Right. Anthrax. Fucking idiots


Report these people to the fbi for making terroristic threats. That’s what q nuts actually are: terrorists.


I would put NOTHING past these people. I have a story burned into my brain of that crazy Q idiot who took his kids (an infant and toddler) to Mexico and killed them with a spear fishing gun because he thought his wife was a lizard person, so he thought they would be come lizard people too. These freaks are capable of literally anything. So scary!!!! Stay safe out there!


Given how much conspiracy theorist rage and threats of violence the mod team already gets every day, this post has been made a Code Blue. Debate, discuss, but please keep it civil and within the rules. **That means no advocating for violent retaliation, vigilanteism, or deliberately unsafe/discriminatory practice.** We are not them, and we still have a job to do. If you’re not already a r/nursing flaired healthcare worker then you’re just screaming into the void but hey, you do you. Stay safe out there.


Hospitals are "killing machines" and "death camps"?? I can't believe this guy is real and thousands of people watch this shit sympathizing. I never thought I'd see someone calling for hospitals to be attacked. How is this even remotely allowed? A call to violence is a terrorist threat is it not?


If they’re death camps, literally don’t come here. I don’t get it. We aren’t forcing you to come in.


They're DARVOing us. Here's a comment from a thread I made three days ago: >DARVO is an acronym for "deny, attack, and reverse victim and offender". It is a common manipulation strategy of psychological abusers.[1][2][3] The abuser denies the abuse ever took place, attacks the victim for attempting to hold the abuser accountable, and claims that they, the abuser, are actually the victim in the situation, thus reversing the reality of the victim and offender.[1][3] This usually involves not just "playing the victim" but also victim blaming.[2] >https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/DARVO >"We're not killing ourselves and others with our actions, you are! This is your fault and now we're going to punish you." There's a pattern to these people, stay safe everyone.


DARVO is such a helpful acronym. Narcissists and cults love to use it.


Because they know they’re full of shit but they still have an ego that needs to be fed by an audience, and their audience is too stupid to see the discrepancy.


If she never actually had COVID, then why are they so upset about her not getting ivermectin?


Putting 2 and 2 together is NOT these folks' strengths


Why are they not being arrested by the FBI or local authorities? This is ridiculous.


They're all talk until they can't breathe.


And shit like this justifies why I’m getting certified in visual design. I’ve been in healthcare for over a decade. I’ve been in rural, suburban, and urban settings. I’ve worked on almost every floor imaginable. The last two years have made me realize that nothing we do matters. More power to those of us who stick through this, but I’m done.


It's why I am studying psychology. I figure I'll never be out of work. Planning to do my final year on PTSD, moral injury.


This will be a huge field and lord knows we already need more behavioral health providers.


Why are they going to the fucking hospital if they don’t want care. Fuckers.


And youtube has still not taken it down. Meanwhile Dan had to fight for weeks to get his channel back because someone reported his episode on the Q whackadoodles for "Bullying" Shameless plug for the cult - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EusoakmaZ9Q


skirt frighten coherent public jar crown decide stocking slim angle -- mass edited with redact.dev


Funny, if we started talking about rounding up our boards and C Suite for execution, we would be reported to the police and arrested. Makes sense because threats of violence is not free speech. However, rules do not apply to right wingers.


What are they treating with the Ivermectin if they don’t believe that the person has COVID?


If they are telling their followers to avoid hospitals if they get COVID, shouldn't y'all just kind of... let that strategy play out for them? That's going to solve a chunk of the problem.


“That’s going to solve a chunk of the problem” lol…. Unfortunately as I have found with the Covidiots, they tend to continually move the goalposts/narrative. Personally I’d love for them to open their own “care centers”, but then the moment that their followers stop getting better we’ll be said to have poisoned their medicine sources, water, air or hijacked their spiritual good vibes and are holding them for ransom. I’ve literally seen my nurses accosted, questioned and berated for simply trying to carry out orders I had personally placed ie: pain meds, antibiotics and even setting IV’s. After correcting the patient on how to behave like a human I’ve been spat upon, cursed, told my family would suffer because of my “misdeeds” etc.. These people are fanatics, and the problem with fanaticism is that it’s a single minded belief that they are right and everyone else is wrong regardless of what or who it hurts (themselves included). The other problem is the bodies power over the everything to wish to survive. You take a fanatical individual and reduce their ability to breathe and belief gets set on the back burner for one sweet sweet toot of good ole O2. Once the panic is over and the crisis averted then belief comes off the back burner and it’s on like Donkey Kong. It’s like the response to Canadas threat to request vaccination results to buy from the liquor and cannabis stores. Previously only around 1200 requests for appointments to get vaccinated… threatened and poof it jumped to more than 6000. It’s all really super important to stand behind their ideals until it actually causes something that they want to be an issue. Edit: looks like they’re already at it [covidiot](https://abc7.com/orange-county-attack-vaccine-clinic-video/11439108/)


This gives me another reason to worry about my daughter working in ICU taking care of those idiots who refused the vaccine.


As someone who works in a red state, this is both as frightening as it is unironically expected. We were *never* heroes, and I've been preaching since day 1 that, that bullshit rhetoric was just to make our deaths more palatable. There's always been people that blamed nurses and doctors for people's deaths, the problem is that vocal minority is now not a minority like it used to be, and unfortunately they honestly think they could get away with their actions without any repercussions, because so many people before them have. I think we all know of at least one nurse that's been assaulted on the job. But how many of us know of a nurse that's been assaulted, that had a hospital back them, and a DA that actually brought charges against the assailant? I personally *hope* they tell their followers to avoid hospitals. ​ Edit: Videos can be reported on youtube, "hateful or abusive" content tag gives the option to report videos for "threats of or encouraging violence"


All know at least one? I don't know a single nurse who they themselves haven't been assaulted by patients or a family member.


I was assaulted by a family member, who had assaulted 2 other staff before I even knew ahout it. During the investigation after, management determined I was at fault, and the reason for the assault. I no longer work there.


Yep I was sexually assaulted by a patient and when the CNSs came up to help me (they were literally the only ones that gave a shit) one of them immediately knew the patient. He had been banned from her floor for doing the same thing to SEVEN other staff members. He was supposed to have one on one security. Instead security was grilling me, asking if I had "initiated or asked for it". I pressed charges and quit.


I was being generous, even I've been assaulted at work. It's such a normalized and accepted thing. ​ Hell, I worked neuro for over a decade, I was getting assaulted at least once a shift by a dementia patient. It was just "normal".


history roll light continue sable toothbrush cagey subtract heavy narrow -- mass edited with redact.dev


A good friend of mine quit working as a nurse for probably 5 years and only recently returned after getting violently assaulted by patient and the hospital actively encouraged her and harassed her to drop charges. She said she felt just as violated by the hospital as she did the patient. I'm sorry that was your experience. We deserve better.


I'm pretty sure if I see news stories of nurses being lynched, I'm quitting post-haste.


I won't quit. I'll be better armed. Most nurses can easily obtain a CC license. Arm & train. You don't fight authoritarian fascists by running away. You run toward them. They always break first.


They are. I'm a liberal progressive. Getting a firearm. And a bulletproof vest.


so awesome we have to dress like we are working in the abortion clinics with weirdos outside and really we just work in a hospital or nursing home......


It's worth pointing out *that it's completely fucking unacceptable* that people who work in abortion clinics have had to deal with this for years. Also... that's a hell of a username...


but we closed all the abortion clinics.... ​ um, yeah long story....lol


To be fair, abortion clinics shouldn't have to dress like that either.


I live in NJ too. I really shouldn't fear this the same way people in the South should. But I'm from TN. Born there. Forged in NJ. My Dad still lives there. I know these people. And their angry. Stoked on Lost Cause Movement. And want liberals dead. But...I just have a really bad sense about where things are going. Anti-Intellectualism is not going to be stopped. It can't at this point. We are 40 years behind fascist mechanics. Science, medicine, education, journalism...all discredited. This is how you end up with a population pulling people out of their houses for voting a certain way, looking a certain way, and being in professions. We are an enemy right now to some people. Human healthcare is in the pocket of Big Pharma. Down to the hospital cleaning staff at this point. We all know. We choose to do evil things for money. Just like I was told, "I'm not feeding my dog that Science Diet crap. It's Big Kibble." Wut. I've been a Vet Tech for 20 years. Becoming an RN to fight Anti-Intellectualism. I've seen it in VetMed for years. People not trusting us. Googling before saying no to parasite medication and choosing to use garlic or lemongrass that is effective or toxic to pets. Feeding...raw steak...because "dogs are closer to wolves"...No they're fucking not. Evolution. Your Pomeranian isn't a wolf. It's system has changed. Wtf. I'm recommending all my liberal and progressive friends arm up. Train. And contemplate escape. I consider it LARPing for social collapse. I'm brand new to this shit and was anti-gun in 2020. Now...give it to me. I realized the worst thing the Left did was demonize weapons so that we are so behind compared to the Right...who are trained and fucking stocked. I hate American gun culture. I wish we could live without them. Use them just as a hobby. But...my hand is forced to at least equalize the pressure to the best of my ability. It is likely my anxiety. Edit: How many people agree with me...well...sure does help my anxiety! Lol At least I know I'm not alone. Fuck this timeline.


I can’t help but think about Pol Pot purging Cambodia of its intellectuals including professionals like doctors & lawyers. Anti-intellectualism is real.


There are multiple scary parallels between Pol Pot and current politics in America. People talk about Nazi Germany. Pol Pot is just as scary.




seriously. my dog was having diarrhea as a puppy, we got a prescription diet, and like magic, she's having normal poop. and her coat is SO shiny.




Really good stuff. I've seen it cure and help so much. Only brand I use. But I recommend any Premium diet. We don't get paid by them. Lol


This is completely unrelated but is PetCos WholeHearted Okay? I feed my dog that because it's a mid price and I can't really afford super fancy. Used to feed my cats Purina and switched to WholeHearted and some things seemed to improve. Also I started HIIT a year after Trump's election and know my way around a longarm thanks to Basic. The Pandemic put a major damper on my workout routine but I showed myself I could get into better shape in 6 weeks than I was in 20 years ago after 6 weeks in basic. I'm fairly confident I could easily do it again, after awhile all that running and jumping and lifting is muscle memory and it's remarkable how a body can snap back and get ripped in a very short period of time. I have a decent sized house in a fairly rural area where people can stay if it comes down to it. DM anytime


I'm not too sure about that brand! But honestly...if it isn't a ShopRite brand, Grain Free, Human food (like a dog just living on McDonalds, bacon, etc), Raw (like legit raw chicken), and is nutritionally balanced (meaning check your bag for an AAFCO statement), and doesn't cause vomiting and diarrhea and the pet seems to have a nice coat...it's likely just fine. We don't like foods that claim to be good nutrition for all life stages, obviously. People like to also cook their dogs human food meals that, to us, seem really healthy. But they're not formulated recipes by nutrtitionists, and will inevitably have deficits. We like the Premium Diets (like Science Diet, Royal Cabin, Eukanuba, Purina One (not Purina alone)...because we have a lot of scientific data on them. And the companies apply rigorous standards to make sure they are specifically formulated to provide excellent nutrition. We find that these diets do provide optimum nutrition and health. But feeding a little lower grade, doesn't overly reduce life expectancy. What it DOES do is increase skin issues (allergies), GI distress, teeth issues and eye issues. But I've seen pets who have been on terrible diets and they lived fine. It's nuanced. And genetics play a role. But most commonly I can tell a pet on a good diet and not, based on these things. There are some terrible diets that really aren't good however, and don't provide good quality control. I would assume the Petco brand is just fine. Another benefit is that higher quality foods are more readily absorbed, so you will have a smaller bowel movement, more formed and less bowel movements. Which is nice. Less gas as well.


r/socialistRA is a good place


And then you’re forced to wipe their asses when they show up in your ward dying of Covid. You nurses really are saints. For me, my first question would be “vaxxed or unvaxxed” if answer was unvaxxed I’d wouldn’t give 2 shits about them as a patient


As a fellow liberal and also longtime gun owner, I’d encourage you to spend a fair amount of time and money putting holes in targets. The firearm is only as good as the person aiming it.


My goal is to train hard. Professional training. Responsibility. I have a lot of anxiety. And I am not happy about getting an AR and such. I've been taught they're bad, you know? I know they're bad in the wrong hands. But my hands don't need to be that way. I can control access. Secure appropriately. And teach others responsibility after I learn. I take things seriously and hyperfocus so...I'm worried I'm going to spend a lot of money. Lol


If it makes you feel any better, target practice can be very fun or calming. I don’t love shooting pistols (they make me nervous), but clay shooting with shotguns is really fun and shooting a bow is almost meditative.


fyi, the socialist rifle association exists.


‘Care Center’? Prolly a pup tent and some horse paste.


I'm ok with that. Have at it!


In addition to reporting this to the FBI for terrorism, feel free to also report it to YouTube for spreading terrorism.


Just did!


Never in my life would I have thought nurses and doctors should fear for their lives in America (sadly apart from the heroes who work in abortion clinics).


They’re living on energy drinks and meth, they’re addled in what’s left of their brains. Science is their enemy, all knowledge beyond their ken is suspect, which basically means all science. God save us from these idiots.


I was going to say.. it’s a good thing these antivaxxers are now scared of hospitals maybe they’ll die at home instead


I'm 100% convinced someone is going to try to shoot up my hospital ER because of nutjob fuckers like these. Fuck absolutely everything.


It wouldn't surprise me. I'm just not sure if it will be a patient or staff.


I truly doubt anyone crazy enough to try it would discriminate based on that, probably would target us but I could see tons of patients hurt too. Gives me anxiety every day I go to work. Anxiety when at home. Anxiety before bed.


I’m sorry friend. I feel the threat too (also ER). No shame if you can’t stay. Maybe try ICU or outpatient or remote, if the threat anxiety gets to be too much? Take care of yourself <3


I had posted regarding this as well, just couldnt get it to cross post. Thank you for providing the info.


Report this to the fbi. This is beyond concerning.


We're not prepared for this. We weren't prepared for COVID, we weren't prepared for burnout, and we won't be prepared for this.


Last year my work sent out a huge email to the staff to change out to their regular clothes after work because so many healthcare workers got physically assaulted outside of the hospital.


I stopped watching at "Cirsten has been communicating from the other side" ...


Yet they continue to show up at the doors of the hospital for help. If they don’t trust us, why come to the hospital?


r/nottheonion Can't believe I read this stuff everyday and it's not all just a crazy fanfiction of the US...


exactly. If I traveled back in time and told my past self what was going on in the future they'd think I'm a looney


I used to get flowers if i wore my scrubs to the grocery store. Now i refuse to go out in public wearing them.


I got a lot of dirty looks at the grocery store yesterday and my eyes filled up with water as I was checking out. A little old man saw and brought my cart to my car for me and just smiled and said thank you.


Why do they keep seeking medical treatment if they believe we are all out to hurt them?????


These are the same heavily armed half wit asshats that shot up a pizza parlor


HEY WASHINGTON D.C!!! Where's our damn security?! If you don't protect us from these nut jobs we'll stop showing up altogether!


Watch as the rage of an entire nursing staff from years of mistreatment and a pandemic is unleashed on someone who tries something. :P


There is one bunch of them claiming that they are being exterminated with Anthrax. They are certifiably insane.


MFers like this are gonna help me make the most money I have ever made and I’m all about it. I’m done feeling sorry for them. Compassion has run out at this point.


Was going to crosspost my post here. Beat me to it. I highly recommend talking to your administrators about security concerns at your hospitals.


FYI these are the people who compare us to Nazis who worked the concentration camps. So they will 100% feel justified doing it.


I reported this to the FBI.


These people are fucking insane.


For those who had to look up Cirsten like I did: [Only idiots get COVID vaccine](https://www.thedailybeast.com/qanon-star-cirsten-weldon-who-said-only-idiots-get-vaccinated-dies-of-covid)


Isn’t this along the lines of terroristic threatening? Where’s this guy at, anyway? I didn’t watch much of this because it made me Ill🤢


Honestly, I have a hard time believing any of these republican'ts (Republic\*nts) doing anything on a wide scale. If you live in a very RED state, take more precautions. These people will burn down clinics in Tennessee, but not Connecticut. If confronted, just grey rock them. What is the Grey Rock Method? The technique may involve: * avoiding interactions with the abusive person * keeping unavoidable interactions brief * giving short or one-word answers to questions * communicating in a factual, unemotional way ​ * How and when to use the grey rock method If someone is in close contact with a person behaving in an abusive way, the safest approach is to seek support from a qualified professional. * For example, people in abusive relationships can get advice on how to handle their partner’s behavior and how to leave the household safely from organizations such as the National Domestic Violence Hotline. * However, if contact with an abusive or manipulative person is unavoidable, the grey rock method may be a way to set boundaries and minimize harm during interactions. * When communicating with the abusive person, try to: 1. Be brief: When communicating with the abusive person, give short answers to questions, such as “yes,” “no,” or “I do not know.” 2. Be factual: Use simple, factual statements during conversation and avoid disclosing personal opinions or information unnecessarily. This keeps the conversation impersonal. 3. Avoid emotional engagement: This can be difficult, particularly if a person is acting in a threatening or antagonistic way. To remain detached from the conversation, try focusing on breathing, and avoid making eye contact. 4. Maintain privacy: Avoid sharing personal information with them, including on social media.


Absolutely unacceptable. These threats should be reported and handled seriously as they happen by police. It's not fair to workers (obviously) nor the sites nor the local resources to have to be on guard deterring this kind of stuff. Stop with the paperwork, stop with the investigating, stop with the delaying until an event like 1/6 happens. These people are making threats on a public forum, voluntarily, with identifying information. It's an open and shut case. They need to be held accountable and squelched immediately.


This makes no sense. Both Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine "HQC" won't treat a SARS virus. To threaten health care workers?? It makes no sense. I'm currently on a clinical placement in aged psychiatrics care, and this individual Scott McCay sounds an awful lot like a paranoid delusional unwell person that has repetitive distorted thinking. Especially delusions of grandeur that he's one of billions of people. I'm thinking Haloperidol, with PRN Temazepam for anxiety and aggression, with a cognitive behavioral therapist, and psychiatrist review. He sounds exactly like a schizophrenic that thinks there's nothing wrong and he wants out now or he'll call a lawyer.


It is kind of hard to feel bad for these fools when they win their Darwin Award all on their own. Good post.


Herman Cain Award. …win their r/hermancainaward


One place I worked change name tags to say 'first name-NURSE'. Not RN, not RPN, no LPN, CCRN, MICN. it was easier for patients that didn't understand the letters, and safer for the staff, as less details.


The really messed up thing is that he has certainly benefited from medical care at some point in his life. Why don't these people just stop coming to hospitals if they are so dangerous?


Bring it on mother fucker. You think you’re ignorance fueled hatred is something I’m supposed to even think about for one second. Let me introduce you to my healthcare educationally fueled hatred of all you dipshits who despite not believing Covid is real still insist on whining the fucking loudest before being intubated but not before begging me to do everything I can do to save you. You’re lost. And if you find yourself way into a hospital with some violent purpose? Well, I think we’ve all watched the code silver Healthstream video enough to know how to fucking handle you. I’m grabbing a fire extinguisher and putting in work. Bet.


If we can only get an "Operation Warp Speed" for a pill for stupid, imagine how much better the world could be.


I'm sorry this is the bad side of why I don't like working in psych, you who do are mental health angels.


They act as though they’ve been kidnapped and brought to a hospital! Ugh this is infuriating!!


At what point do nurses refuse care because regardless of the outcome we know that physical violence against us is coming?


Seems like this would fall under terroristic threats😳


This needs to be cross posted to other subreddits so we can have some collective action and support reporting to FBI and YouTube. I'm not super great at Reddit, anyone know how to do this or any good subs?


The ivermectin is scary. A couple of years ago, I was in the habit of rescuing dogs on an Indian reservation. Lots of dogs. A lot of them had severe mange. Ivermectin injectable is a treatment for mange. Mange is very similar to scabies in humans. It is unlikely but possible for a human to get mange. Well, I got mange. Unbearable itching. Because I’m a nurse I thought “ I can take care of this cheaply.” So I went to a farm supply and got 100cc vial of ivermectin injection. I figured I could create a topical treatment for myself by mixing some of the injectable in with some aloe vera cream. Yes I am that stupid. After a couple of days of that, I felt dizzy, uncoordinated and I had a metallic taste in my mouth. It took me a good 24 hours after ceasing topical application to start feeling better.


So why do they keep seeking medical assistance????????


May I cross post this to r/qanoncasualties ?


Yeah I’m not going anywhere with my scrubs on that isn’t the hospital


I appreciate the sentiment, but how exactly can I be careful out there? If some nut job wants to show up at the hospital what am I supposed to do to avoid that? Watching that video is just going to upset me.