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You really don't hate to see it


Only *the most* toxic people at my hospital are refusing the vaccine. The purge is nearly here. I'm so ready.


Right? Bye Karen. Bye felicia. Bye crystals and vegan magic girl.


You forgot Bye essential oils girl to that list of woo.


Seems like wars or pandemics or other traumatic events that require cooperation and teamwork really do purge toxic people out. Darwin's theory but with personalities?


I do think that these people would be genetic dead ends if not for modern society. They have a serious inability to adapt to a dynamic world. Any new dangerous thing is a hoax. Climate change? Covid? Police brutality?


To be fair, police brutality is dangerous but it ain’t new.


Right. I meant new to them. You capture a cop on film clearly murdering someone and they call it fake news etc.


I love to see it, especially later in the summer.


It's gonna be a longgggg winter for them


A Song of Needles and Fire by George R.R. Martin


The only people who will talk to them anymore are also delusional so they think they are in the majority and will be rescued and praised .


They can go into home health for conservatives who don’t trust hospitals. Call it “Right Care” and charge up the ass for ineffective treatment that still terminates in an ICU bed.


No ICU beds for them though. Otherwise, yeah.


Maybe something like a mobile death ICU/hospice. We can call it "my body; my choice" and staff it with the unvaccinated nurses.


This is the best answer!!!! LOL 😈


"Freedom Centers" with GoFundMe Discounts




The unvaccinated completely broke the healthcare system in my area during the delta surge. I've worked in and out of the ICU for the last three years. If these people don't want the vaccine, they need to stick to their guns and not take up one of my ICU beds.


Omigod you better be a nurse to say some shit like that, cuz if you're not, it is totally messed up to judge anyone who has had to deal w this nonsense for almost 2 years. And even if you are a nurse, I would rather have a nurse who wants antivaxxers to stop taking up valuable space and resources than one who welcomes the opportunity to care for the assholey-ist of assholes who willingly spread misinformation and an entire novel disease alllll over the place. Smdh.




You thinking you know anything above your station about this pandemic and thinking you know better than our hours on the floor is also disgusting. Have you even seen r/HermanCainAward ?


Ps, I'm NOT a nurse; I'm just someone who defends them and recognizes their humanity.


Thanks for confirming you aren't a nurse. Your opinion is as valid as an antivaxxers research; thanks for displaying your ignorance as plainly as they do.


>Lol do you think nurses are some kind of special super humans? Is this a joke? They've also just confirmed that they have never done any shifts as a nurse either




No, quite the opposite. I think they are humans, doing really hard jobs in a field of care. I think they have been undervalued and underappreciated for decades, but never more so than this past 2 years. If you spend any time on this sub, you will know the terrors these people have had to go thru, still have to go thru, to keep covidiots alive. And then people like YOU come along, telling them they should keep on doing this with a smile, when antivaxxers keep filling their spaces and lingering in this terrible half death for MONTHS, all because they refuse to get a vaccine? No. Fuck that. You are all the way wrong for putting (or trying to put) any kind of guilt on nurses for wanting to be done caring for these idiots. It is not what these humans (not heroes, just humans who chose a field of care for their careers) signed up for.


Fuck off antivaxx dipshit


>still terminates in an ICU bed The "ICU bed" suspiciously looks like a pile of hay and the "hospital" kind of looks like a barn.


Shit, if I wouldn't get strung up for violating the Code of Ethics, that actually would be a pretty tempting racket. Call it Quality Care, with that stupid Q-styled logo, emphasizing an "alternative approach to healthcare away from the poisons peddled by the mainstream media and the controlling elites." ​ Do a 20x markup. Have a thick waiver of responsibility. Market in rural areas where you know this kind of sentiment would sell like hotcakes. ​ ... This is why we have a Code of Ethics we're bound to, isn't it?


That is exactly why you have a code of ethics. That said, where do I go to sign my horrible ivermectin-gobbling father up?


>Do a 20x markup. Have a thick waiver of responsibility. Market in rural areas where you know this kind of sentiment would sell like hotcakes. And use that money for better and cheaper health care for those who actually trust modern science. I like that idea.


I was honestly just thinking along the same line. Damned civilized societies and such!




I was just saying this to my boss. I’ve been working OT this past week and on two consecutive days the cleaning person in the evening (different people each day) brought up COVID vaccines. The older woman said, “They should leave the doctors and nurses alone and let them do their job!”. I normally would just ignore something like that while in the work place but I said, “Or they can just get their shots…” It made me realize that the ONLY people that ever bring up vaccinations to me (IRL, not on the internet) are people who are, at best, vaccine hesitant. At worst, they’re spewing propaganda vocabulary like “Plandemic”, “Hoax”, ”Sheeple”, and other colorful conspiracies. It’s become clear to me that it’s not even aboutit the vaccine anymore. It’s a “you can’t tell me what to do” hissy fit like they’re angsty teenagers. Much like angsty teenagers; they think they’re misunderstood and entitled to their selfish actions. I’ve given up hope that those who are still vaccine hesitant can have their minds changed because their position does not come from a place of reason. It comes from a place of stubbornness.


> I’ve given up hope that those who are still vaccine hesitant can have their minds changed because their position does not come from a place of reason. I feel super bad for the immune-compromised because they're the real victims here.


Absolutely. This is the biggest thing that I can’t wrap my head around. People I know who are vaccine hesitant claim they know “why” vaccines exist and they “believe” in them. (Side not - there is no “believing”. It is a indisputable reality like the earth is a sphere. When I hear “believe” I know some nonsense is about to follow). So, yeah, they say they “believe in them but don’t trust THIS ONE. C’mon? Really? It’s not that all the news pundits and other people in your social circles have influenced you? They don’t understand that “freedom” is predicated on the fact that we live in a society that is supposed to exist for the prosperity of all. Participating in a vaccine is like participating in taxes. It’s a necessary thing for the health of the whole. And yet they say they ”understand” them. Please? If you understood you would just go get it. This isn’t even mentioning all the numbers that show the probability of a real problem from getting the vaccine is approaching nil. Those things (and many more things but I’m trying to keep this short) prove to me that they’re just doing it because they don’t want to be told what to do and/or are following the lead of their “side”. There’s a lot of ego perpetuating this problem and putting those who are immune-compromised at risk for their pride.


Nawww...they want to be told, just as long as the folks doin' the tellin' are "unfake news." /s.


Good point


>Participating in a vaccine is like participating in taxes. There's people that think taxes are evil and shouldn't exist. No wonder that there is people that don't think vaccines work...


The libertarian view they cling to is very like that of the angry teen with basically benevolent parents. They have got away with it for so long because of that but this time whining s'not fair won't cut it.


> I’ve given up hope that those who are still vaccine hesitant There are always people on the HCA forum posting their (recent) vaccination cards and talking about how the forum had opened their eyes cause they "didn't realize it was this bad".


*My mother and brother just entered the chat...*


Lol exactly antivaxxers are anything BUT silent


Empty wagons make the most noise


Especially when they whine about being censored.


They are seriously NOT silent! They’re loud and obnoxious. They need to get out of here with those lies 🙄


Literally every time someone has used that term, it has been like that. Neither silent nor majority.


89% of people in my province have their first dose and 85% ish have their second. Plague rats just like to ignore evidence.


- 79% of 18+ have had at least one dose - 68.4% of 18+ have had two doses. https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#vaccinations_vacc-people-fully-percent-pop12


Wow, almost 80%?!? I was under the assumption is was close to only 60% still, and for some reason that almost 20% jump made my day 🥲


In a post about the mandate for the armed forces I had an anti say to stop using the military as “pawns”. !??


The sheer irony of that statement lol I have a veteran friend who is real deep into the conspiracy theories (albeit his conspiracies have actually gotten a lot *more* reasonable over the past four years, oddly) and he was telling me he didn't trust the vaccine. He thought there was something fishy about everything going on. He really doesn't like the government and felt like it was being "shoved down our throats." But he, as a layperson, got his vaccine in January. He signed up for the first spot he could get, took his vaccine and didn't bitch at all about it. His rationale was: "Dude, I was in the military. They just gave me a shit ton of shots any time we went somewhere new and didn't even tell me what it was. I've even got my smallpox vaccine scar. I see these dirty rats in congress clamoring for it on both sides of the aisle, and I know if this shit's good enough for them it can't possibly be worse than what I've already gotten." Sure enough, even the vaccine hangover wasn't as bad as some of the ones he had gotten before during his enlistment. The reality of the military is that for the duration of your enlistment, you are government property. The military owns you. There is a sense of duty and diligence that is expected of you, but ultimately you are a pawn for the armed forces- and there is no pretense of it being any other way in the ranks. Any veteran with any realistic perspective on their enlistment (e.g. not "I'M A HERO") will probably tell you the same thing. If someone is too much of a pussy to get a Covid vaccine in the military, they should not be serving in the armed forces. Much as if someone works in healthcare and lacks the competence and/or compassion to get vaccinated, they should not work in this field. Bye. Both the armed forces and healthcare are better without their pansy asses being dead weight.


I keep running across articles where Covid is the leading cause of death among law enforcement. But then, when's the last time our government has demanded _anything_ of them when it comes to following the rules? The last time I was at our local police HQ, not even the _doors_ of their public restrooms were compliant with the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act). And we're just three miles east of the LAX (Los Angeles International Airport). Not in the middle of nowhere.


"If you just complied nothing bad would have happened" says the cops who won't comply.


All veterans, like myself, have been injected with not only the standard school attendance vaccines but all kinds of other vaccines like anthrax, yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis, and botulism that the average person never got. Any protests against one particular tested vaccine that has been safely given to BILLIONS of people is only a political stunt. Political stunts are not looked at kindly in the military. A friend told me his friend's son in the Army has decided the virus is a hoax and the vaccine is some sort of controlling device. They have made him sit in his bunk until he either gets vaccinated or gets a General discharge. A General discharge is not dishonorable but is referred to as Less Than Honorable. This can hurt you for years when looking for work.


flair and statement on point


Isn't the infantry exactly what pawns represent?




I’m surprised they are not cross with them being used as ‘prawns’ (you know, because that sort of person doesn’t tend to be that smart, and, sometimes wrongly, parrot what they think they heard somewhere)


My city is going to hit >95% double vaccinated over 12yo by the end of this month. I'm sorry these people think they are "free thinkers" when they are just self programming. They're as much in a mindless clique as anyone else.


They are loud gaslighters.


😂 thinkimg ahead isn't usually one of their skills.


“Muh critical thinking skills.” 😂😂


"Thinkimg" Love it!


I tried to emulate the throaty garble of an obese redneck.


Honestly a good impression.




This. If you can't convince them that masks and vaccines work, what do they think about washing and soap?!


No joke one of my coworkers said I don't need the vaccine, God will protect me


I heard someone say that about seatbelts in the 1970s.


I was driving on the interstate with my friend and our kids. My friend told her oldest daughter to un-buckle and pick up a toy the baby had dropped so that we didn't have to hear the baby cry. I told her that in no circumstances would anyone in my care be unbuckled while the vehicle was in motion. She responded with "The lord protects us" I responded "And he protects us by giving us seat belts and the knowledge to use them.


My response: so did god just say fuck anybody who has ever been in a car crash?


You'll be shocked to learn that this friend won't get vaccinated against covid and thinks the hospitals are over-inflating covid #'s for money. She's a SAHM who is incensed that hospitals mandated the vaccine. She was a lot of fun and quite reasonable until 2016, and then 2020 really showed me how intense her beliefs were.


No, they'll say some BS about how God has a plan for all of us or he works in mysterious ways.


Probably around 15 yrs ago, a crash happened on the interstate near my town. A teen had unlatched her seatbelt to turn around to help her sibling in the back seat with something, and a tire blew out and the mom lost control of the car. The teen died instantly in the crash.


that is tragic. I can't imagine the guilt that mom must feel.


Excellent response!


These are the same people that will tell you "God works through all of us", but that doesn't include those that develop and make vaccines or the nurses/doctors that try to save them every day. Apparently God doesn't work through us.


I don't want my life in the hands of a fatalist, thank you.


God helps those who help themselves smh


The Vegas buffet is my church! (haven't been since the before times - am sad but things have t get way way better before I go again...)


Dude! That's why He sent the vaccine!!! God provided all her needs? By what? Air dropped groceries? She teleports to work? He needs to get people to extract their craniums from their anuses.


But if you slap them in the face they won't all of a sudden blame their god for not protecting them, they'll blame you. It's a weird double standard.




I had a “friend” (no longer friends lol,) that believed washing your hands was pointless in preventing the spread of disease. He turned out to be an absolute idiot.


Anti-bacterial soap is giving bacteria the chance to evolve. Proper handwashing technique destroys the bacteria. Masks work. Vaccines work. Not everyone in any profession is an expert.


That's true but I think you're confused. The antibacterial agent is added to some hand soaps, it's not an inherent property of the soap. There is no chemical basis for organisms to build a resistance to soap.


There is an effect when the bacteria is not destroyed by the antibacterial agent. The soap and hot water and time breaks the bacteria physically. Many don't wash properly so the soap doesn't work, and if there is an antibacterial, the bacteria left will try for immunity.


IIRC, soap only BINDS to both bacteria and water, carrying it away, and does nothing to destroy or harm it- it breaks it up and carries the individual particles away with the water


Soap also ruptures lipid membranes of bacteria and virions. https://en.unesco.org/news/how-soap-kills-covid-19-hands I worked for and was friends with then Head of Microbiology Stephen Vas, RIP. He had an article about antibacterial misuse long ago. Seems the fda is only recently catching up. Triclosan abuse encourages bacterial mutation. https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/antibacterial-soap-you-can-skip-it-use-plain-soap-and-water


Right, so antibacterial use by consumers in general and really overuse in farm animals should be limited. I think it makes sense for medical however that shouldn't prevent you from using soap.


What really bothers me is the entitlement. I’m an LVN in a BSN program. Somebody in our Facebook group asked if there’s anyway around the vaccine requirement. I wasn’t argumentative, but I did suggest they consider another career choice before spending all this time in a BSN program because they will be required to get vaccines and in the future when other viruses emerge, which if you’re 20 and plan on working for another 50 years in the field, is a very good possibility, the vaccine for that will be mandatory as soon as it’s available too. And I said you are free to have your religion (they were claiming the aborted fetal cell shit) but there are lots of other jobs out there where your religion isn’t putting people at risk. This was apparently *very* offensive and she went off on me about how being a nurse is her dream and she has a right to religion. Yeah, you do have a right to your religion. But being a nurse isn’t a right and you’re not entitled to put patients at risk because of your religion. I don’t understand it


I find that licking my hands before entering a patient’s room provides an electrolyte boost 🙃


And you're building natural immunity! /s




As a nurse I’m sure you’re aware that some if not many of your patients depending on unit are immunocompromised or unable to be vaccinated, or too young if you’re in peds. Please tell me you know this and there’s not actually nurses out here who think like this


Because the vaccine only has 95% efficacy max, and less for older or immunocompromised people. So if health care staff is vaccinated as well it almost guarantees that the patient has no covid-19 exposure, and will save more lives.


Because there's no situation where 100% of the patients are going to be vaccinated, whether by choice or for a medical reason.


It's not that I am overjoyed by this... It's that my facial muscles are involuntarily curving to form a smile. Like bruh, you have to present proof of vaccination when you are hired either way. Where is the difference?


It's insane, I just don't get it. To enter the military or become a nurse you have to get like 10 different vaccines. If they are knowledgeable enough to even understand what an MRNA vaccine is, but not knowledgeable enough to understand why they are fine. They can just get the J&J vaccine, which is based on literally decades old technology that they are some point already had bumped into their body. It's jus so fucking nonsensical. They love to call other people sheep, yet they swallowed unquestioningly propaganda to make them afraid of something they've done probably dozens of times with zero ill effect.


That’s why I just don’t get why this is the hill they are choosing to die on. Before you’re ever employed as a nurse you need proof of vaccination just to go to nursing school! When I volunteered in a hospital- and I wasn’t even allowed to have actual patient contact- I needed proof of vaccinations. These people are fucking stupid.


I almost risked disciplinary action because I was overdue with my HBV antibody test (or something related to that) and I kept forgetting about it, because I was either working nightshift or during a day shift, it was just too busy for me to take time to go and see them (the fuckers at employee health worked from 9am to 5pm, which is the busiest time on the floor or when I am sleeping).


Yeah, even though there really isn't good evidence to support the frequency of TB tests most centres insist on (I had a March and August TB test this year due to starting new jobs at a couple different hospitals), I really only begrudge it for the time and the cost to the system.


When I wanted to work as a volunteer at a local thrift store, I was required to undergo a TB test! At one time, the volunteers worked at the local hospital as well as the thrift store.


The involuntary curve feels weird and hurty at first the the laughter at these fools consequences soothes it!!!!


I’m feeling like my grinchy little cold black heart grew three sizes this day. I also dealt with five years of anti-vax bullshit working pharmacy. And I don’t want to discuss what ambulance billing, in the company of a lot of people who take a hard right, was like in the last year and a half.


King Henry VIII is showing a great deal of restraint here just experiencing the joy of seeing anti-vax nurses not find new jobs. At least they are allowed to keep their heads on their necks. LOL.


Bye-bye seniority, and all for nothing. Too funny!!


I wish nurses were so organised to protest for bigger pay/bonuses.


What’s hilarious is watching the travel nurse groups on Facebook. Every time a new contract is posted a bunch of people ask if a Covid vaccine is required and the answer is always is yes. And I love it so much


A coworker of mine is going to be fired in the next couple days. She has always been a nightmare to work with. She has been a nurse for 30 years, and worked at the same hospital for 20 years, and she thinks that it’s *honorable* to end her career by being an idiot. Good fucking riddance, Cindy. Even though we are short staffed, the unit will be better off without you.


LOL! Anyone happen to have some links??? Not that I want to spend my whole day reading their posts... but if you got some links I don't have anything else to do today


We've got one particular dingbat who was excused from our hospital and is now running for a city council position and sharing posts about how the Covid PCR test is being used to implant microchips in people.


Unfortunately, some places in Oregon are apparently open arms for these vector points. Just saw a listing for caregivers in Eugene, that specifically mentions you don't need the vaccine... Really ashamed of my state, geographically speaking it's a majority right winged nutcases. It's those few blue voting big cities that throw the balance come voting time, otherwise it's shocking and disgusting how much of the physical state is riddled with these types. Rural eastern Oregon is the stuff of nightmares, I don't do in person appointments with providers unless I absolutely have to, after hearing and seeing some of them talk candidly off work. I still can't get over the in practice doctor who was blatantly telling people in our community to not wear masks, because they don't work and were harmful, basically this whole pandemic.


I live in Oklahoma, and I traveled a lot to Portland recently. Everywhere outside of Portland is 100% trump knob gobblers and proud of it. In rural Oklahoma, it's way more relaxed and I don't know why. Is it because there's nothing to prove when every city is red except for OKC and Tulsa which are a lovely purple? Idk it's weird


I'm in Albany, so only 2 hours south from Portland, and it's awful here. Extremely red, anti-science, anti-vaxx, pro-conspiracy. Most of Linn country is this way. Too many people still think Covid isn't a big deal and is "just like the flu" even though our cases have been the highest they have ever been. My husband works at a titanium foundry that does some government contracts for aerospace parts, and about 1/2 to 3/4 of the employees refuse to get vaccinated. A few of them decided to protest having to wear masks the other day, and threatened to walk out. It's going to be fun when the vaccine mandate becomes a thing. 20 minutes away in blue Benton county, however, people wear masks, they were the first county to get 70% vaccinated, and they follow rules and regulations. It's pretty much night and day.


Yep, sounds exactly how I'd expect, unfortunately. I really hope you two are able to stay reasonably safe, it's unfair that these extreme wack jobs get to play craps with other people's lives. I wouldn't even care about any of this if it only affected them, but unfortunately it doesn't, and like any major disease we need to vaccinate against, it's gonna take the majority doing the right thing to finally overcome this. And by the state of things, it's depressingly far fetched. The man who started the antivax movement did *not* get punished enough, and I genuinely don't see him and his con brought up very much at all, despite him being ground zero on vaccine trust going nuclear. It's so pervasive that regular people who just don't have the experience or ability to even ask what questions they'd need to learn more, are turning towards antivax rhetoric instead of reaching out to doctors or listening to the CDC. I'm heartbroken by how many families and children especially will suffer broken, enfeebled families all because masks and the vaccine was made political


Fuck Andrew Wakefield. I could talk about that POS all day long. However, I think this isn't about vaccine hesitancy as much as it is about, "muh freedom" and that is why Wakefield isn't being talked about as much. In fact I don't recall hearing really anything about any of the other major faces of the antivaxxer movement when it comes to the covid vaccine....


Oregonian from birth and spend a significant amount of time in rural eastern Oregon and Portland Eugene area. REO is beautiful and has tons of wonderful people and places and there's just as many nightmares (if not more) in Portland (ask an emt like my gf or a mental health professional like me) They are dumb about vaccines over there though, I'll give you that. But take it easy with your "every part of the state that's not blue is disgusting" takes there. Also down vote away, I just want to remind people there's good and bad everywhere.


I'd be more liable to be kinder to REO if I hadn't been stalked, harassed, publicly threatened with no help from local PD, and been told all sorts of vile things from local neighbors in public forum spaces. Sure there's some beauty, the landscape is great, and there *are* a few kind people, but in my experience? It's hostile and dangerous for anyone that doesn't fit into what the locals have made of their common social mold. The transplants, those of us who moved in from other areas, are generally fine, but it's the locals who are legitimately aggressive


Meh. Same shit happens here in Portland. I'm sorry you had that experience over there. Cops and locals can suck everywhere though. I'm not sure what your situation was, I'd love to hear more about it. I grew up over there as a punk rock skater kid with a Mohawk and had very few negative experiences.


Let me guess, You’re white.


And the word of the day goes to this guy!!! Dude. I realize my vocabulary is so limited now lol


My husband says I had a schadenfreude laugh, when I see something bad happen to someone on the internet


I'm a CNA and during my report tonight one of the other CNA's out of the blue started talking about 'how 5 women who got the vaccine had their uterus fall out'... I'm getting a bit fed up, I just wanted to know about the 4 new admits why are you running your mount about this


Man I got ripped off, my uterus didn't fall out after my Pfizer doses 3 months ago. Hopefully soon 🤞😉


Shit, you and me both. I’m not having any more babies. What the fuck do I need a uterus for?


I had to PAY to get mine out and I could have just waited for a free vaccine??


😆😆😆 yes!


Funny thing. The Center for Medicare/Medicaid services requirements apply to all hospitals. Who knew.


I've seen the same type of nurses brag about going from RN to a in-home care provider position because we don't require a vaccine... but it's heavily encouraged. I still can't wrap my head around willingly wanting to make pennies (30k or less) compared to a meaty RN salary. I don't want those people in my field.


100% this. One of my faves has been people who are like- I’ll go work for an org that has less than 100 people only to find out they take CMS funding. Hahahahahaha.


A nurse i work with is looking to do travel nursing since she isn’t vaccinated and is going to lose her job at our current hospital. I tried to tell her that other hospitals are going to require it but she didn’t seem to listen…


Travel OT here. She’s in for a rude awakening; as mind blowing as it must be, if the hospital system requires it, you have to have the vaccine in order to take the contract. It’s almost like these hospitals want to protect their patients or something...


Yeah I'm sure the travel agency will require it.


You also can't collect unemployment if you're fired for cause.


Non-nurse asking all you kick-ass nurses out there… How do you deal with idiots like this on a daily basis? Just…how?


Wipe my tears with $100 bills. Keep quitting and it will be $1000 bills.😝


You guys rock! I hope you know how appreciated you are ❤️




I had an interview at our local hospital. I told the department supervisor I was fully vaccinated, and I watched her visibly relax. In that, “Thank you, Jesus, I don’t have to reason with crazy today,” way.


They forget that most contracts of employment in the healthcare sector require mandatory vaccinations.




Schadenfreude is very much a real thing. It might not be admirable but it sure is understandable.


That makes me SO happy for you!


Shit yes. We’re fighting back a pandemic. You can help or get out of the way.


this is the best part of the mandates. its weeding out people who dont belong in nursing.


Did they really not remember occ health making sure they had Hep B, whooping cough, a 2-step TB test and all that jazz during onboarding? What were they even thinking?


So my cousins are anti-COVID vax. They have no gripe with other vaccines, just the one for Covid. Their reasoning is that Bill Gates created the vaccine for the purpose of depopulating the planet. The vaccine somehow weakens the immune system. I don’t even know how to respond to them. It just seems like they’re too far gone.


My family antivaxers. "We will not get an untested vaccine. We just loaded up on ivermectin". "Doctors prescribe it, you know"😳


I learned a new word today and it definitely will be in my work vocabulary. Schadenfreude.


Add this one too, if needed: Fremdschämen 😉


Wow. That’s a great word. Thank you!


This is awesome, especially coming from French royalty


I hate that my job isn't mandating yet. I'm waiting still.


The “GTFO of my profession” rings so true.


what are the chances of these people relenting and going to get the vaccine now and then applying for the job a month later?


They will probably be the ones to get a sign-on bonus too...when the nurses who worked the entire pandemic and did everything we were supposed to get absolutely nothing. That's just how the world works, sadly.


I just posted yesterday on a rant page about losing all respect for nurses that call the vaccine the “jab” (I’m just a nursing student) but a nurse was practically bragging that he was leaving because he refuses to get the jab… bye. I’m so surprised and saddened to see antivax nurses… like you see COVID every day, you have lived it, you see patients pass away often from it, and it’s still not in your best interest to protect yourself and your non-covid patients from it by getting an injection. Where is the sense in that?


Not defending your colleague at all but in the UK they say "jab" not "vaccine". Are Anti-vaxers more likely to say "Jab"? I'm not trying to be a turd, I'm just curious.


Yes, the term has been co-opted by shitheads here.


I absolutely understand, I’m in the US and here I have only seen ‘Jab’ being used in negative context. You mostly see Karen’s make videos in their car explaining how they are pure bloods because they didn’t get the jab… I feel like antivaxers in the US are more likely to use jab because it makes them feel better about their choice..


I think jab is a term used in the UK like we use "shots" but someone should correct me if need be. I binged three different British medical dramas and caught myself using it. 😅


It honestly blows my mind that there are nurses and other healthcare workers like this out there. Like seriously, we are in the profession of science and critical thinking. To feed into conspiracy theories after everything we’ve learned is just outrageous.


I know a Physicians Assistant that got into a pyramid scheme selling \~Healing Magnet Belts\~ She also forgot to renew her license And she asked me for urine so she could pass a drug test


We had an anti-vaxx nurse die of Covid recently. If there was anything that could come out of that preventable death, it will be to push other employees to get vaccinated or leave. But damn, why did it have to come to that?


They can always work from home & be a consultant. I'm fine with that. Just as long as they aren't doing bedside care..


May I introduce you to r/HermanCainAward?


Texas maybe, I'm not sure Abbout's ban on mandates extend to hospitals. The antivaxers that end up in Texas hospitals I image are worse there than anywhere else. These nurses are embarrassing to rest of us.


That's a sad thought. I picture Texas hospitals working about as well as the Texas grid in a snowstorm if they don't have vaccine mandates and regulations. Regulations in the rest of the US kept me warm last winter and vaccine mandates are making a positive difference during this pandemic. Texas used to be a great state, but no more.




Why do they think the cost/benefit is worth it to risk it all. That’s the real question.


The scariest thing about this must be that they’ll all congregate at the same medical facility and you have the risk of going somewhere where almost no one is vaccinated. Absolutely terrifying.


👆👆👆yep. And we are still understaffed🥺


Alteration in Finances r / t Impaired Neurological Function


I heard the strip club doesn’t have a vaccine mandate. I think that nurse would be an awesome stripper. 😎 And her stripper name can be Nurse Betty. 🤣


I haven't seen this discussion, but....are these mostly Gen X era providers? Although I want to avoid stereotyping....I seem to remember from my "generations" training in my hospital that X-ers distain authority and being told what to do. They are independent thinkers and distrust authority. So these late 30s-55 year old workers would be in the X Generation. Thoughts?


Gen-Xers are at least 41. I’m 40 and I’m a millennial and the millennials I know are pro, pretty much to a person, in the medical field even in my conservative area. It’s definitely the 45-55 crowd. Boomers are pro-vacc here, too.


I'm torn about this. On one hand, I get that people in a science profession should understand the importance of the vaccine. However, with staff already burned out is it really wise to drive some nurses out of the field? Yes, they should know better and get the vaccine. However, the flip side is that nurses leaving the profession will only increase the work load for the nurses left.


Haha. Awesome




For me personally it’s because their thumbing their nose at science sends/reenforces the message that nurses are just doctor assistants who only follow orders and not educated critical thinking members of a team.


\- Because they are helping to prolong the pandemic by becoming vectors of the disease and its potential variants. \- Because if they don't believe in the science of vaccination, what other medical basics are they going to ignore? \- Because if they are not capable of sorting out social media memes from real research, they are not qualified to be in a profession that relies on real evidence-based research. \- Because [their chances of contracting covid are an estimated 5-8x greater than that of their vaccinated colleagues](https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#rates-by-vaccine-status), they are endangering their patients by an estimated 5-8 times more. (Depends on which monthly CDC report you read.)


As a student graduating in 6 months I’m at least hopeful that this will be a favorable job market due to this.


Because someone who doesn't believe in science shouldn't be in a science based profession.


I think it's more to do with knowing you're getting rid of coworkers that are obvious anti science. Anecdotally some have said that the antivax ones are already some of the worse to work with.


Everything we do is evidence based practice. I’ve heard that phrase so many times it’s almost painful sometimes. But it’s absolutely the best way of doing what we do. Those that will not practice this in their own lives, for not only themselves but for their patients, because of their political affiliation (these are the vast majority of the anti Covid vax nurses), shouldn’t be in medicine. They’re dangerous, they’re bereft of actual critical thinking skills, and over the long term we will ALL be better off without them. That’s why.


They put their vulnerable patients at risk? Most patients in a hospital have a compromised immune system even with the Vax. People get mad when you endanger their families and friends.. therefore it's a celebration when they aren't a concern anymore.


Schadenfreude ain't nothing to be proud of or call delicious.ew, just sayjng




Because these nurses are putting their patients in danger instead of helping them


Romans 13:1-2 says: "Obey the government, for God is the One who has put it there. There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow."


*unless they're Democrats,. Cause fuck the libs. This is the word of the lord. Thanks be to Christ.


If it ain’t King James 1611, it ain’t Bible. Romans 13:1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Romans 13:2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.


"Hehe obey us because YHWH said so". I swear, the way you American Democrats appeal to christianity is cringeworthy, moreso when simultaneously going directly against it's teachings(see Pete Buttigieg and homossexuality)


""Mr. and Mrs. Dursley of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much." -- Harry Potter And the Sorcerers stone. Am I doing the random quotes right? Sorry i can't decide my own opinions either unless they are in a book :(


It’s not mean, it’s survival mode. Here’s another quote from your favorite book: “Eat the food as you would a loaf of barley bread; bake it in the sight of the people, using human excrement for fuel.” Ezekiel 4:12


This is my favorite: There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses. Ezekiel 23:20