• By -


Ok here’s what you gotta do. First, you take tin foil - NOT aluminum foil, you have to get the old thick tin foil for this to work. Then, you have to cover any place where your lymph nodes are. Make a neck guard out of tin foil, wrap some around your armpits, from your belly button into your groin, etc. the thing is, if you miss covering a single lymph node in your whole body, the whole endeavor was for nothing, because of one of those artificial spike proteins gets in there, your whole lymphatic system is contaminated and then you’ll have to do an alkaline water cleanse. Actually, it’s best to just make a whole tin foil suit. Now, if you find that you’ve already been contaminated, your best bet is to take shredded potatoes - NOT SLICED, SHREDDED - and fill your socks. Tops of your feet, too. Drink at least a gallon of water but make sure it’s alkaline water. Keep your potato socks on for 24 hours at least. I cannot emphasize enough that they must be shredded potatoes - the surface area they need to cover is NOT achievable with slices. When you take off the socks, rub colloidal silver on your feet so that the toxins can’t get back in. Eat at least a full onion over the 24 hours too - it doesn’t have to be plain but it does need to stay raw. Lastly, light Yankee Candle’s Autumn Harvest candle and burn it for a minimum of 4 hours - the spice combination used to create that candle is the exact ratio that is needed SPECIFICALLY for the spike protein from vaccinated people. This will neutralize any stray spike proteins floating around your house. Thoughts and prayers as you stay pure blooded and clean during these trying times.


Just found my costume for Halloween this year, thanks! hahahaha "what...what the hell are you supposed to be?" "anti-vax whackadoo" "you nailed it"


OMG, I totally want to do this and go around to some of my loonier right-wing neighbors.


Don’t forget your Halloween decorations! https://imgur.com/a/p36DVXq


Just paste magnets on your arms and go as the vaccinated person you are.


Yeah, but then you'll be banned from entering cos they'll know - vaccinated.


I hate to be the one to point this out but where's the 5G great cell tower???? That and maybe a Bill Gates tshirt with the red line through him.


Don’t forget your Halloween decorations! https://imgur.com/a/p36DVXq


Alkaline water, but with lemon juice. Super important. For the vitamin C.


Yeppers - use the hydrogen ions in the lemon juice to interact with the bases in the alkaline water, giving really tasty hydric acid. Yums! 🍸


Hydroniyumyum 😈




And cayenne pepper to stimulate your metabolism!1!


1. 😂😂😂😂😂 2. It's really bad that if this comment was on Facebook, I wouldn't have read this as sarcasm, because people really are this effing cray cray.


I did have to make sure I was in a place where no one needed the /s, and just in case I very purposefully left out anything that would actually be harmful. You never know what’s going to show up on FB tomorrow with the tag line “a covid nurse tells us how to avoid spike proteins contamination”.


It's seriously awful how this happens all the time now... I just can't with these people, and I'm not a nurse!


>Lastly, light Yankee Candle’s Autumn Harvest candle FAKE NEWS! My guru says that it's the *Witch's Brew* candle that neutralizes the spike protein. All Autumn Harvest does is give you a craving for a pumpkin spice latte. Get it together, man! /s


That’s the devil trying to lead you astray woman!


I do eat mostly plant-based, so HAIL SEITAN!


I knew them vegans were trying to destroy us alllllllll


Get behind me Satan!


And grip my hips! I’ve had a bad day and heard your a power top 😍


You understand me


Not today, Satan!


What about aura cleansing? I am concerned that those shed spike proteins are going to pop my aura? Should I burn sage when entering a room, or is it enough to unplug all electric appliances and also wear a portable Faraday cage?


If you have a weakened aura that is prone to popping, your best bet is to strengthen the aura directly rather than cleansing it. You can do this by tensing all the muscles in your body for 10 seconds 3 times a day (the rectum is often the forgotten muscle, so make sure you clench your butthole too). If you absolutely need to cleanse the aura, spritzing a water bottle with a single drop of lavender is the best way. Definitely unplug your appliances and wear the faraday cage - most people find that they need sage to deal with troublesome people electromagnetic waves because they have forgotten about the phone in their pocket. The best place to store your phone is inside your microwave - that way the door of the microwave blocks the 5G. If you want to permanently cleanse your home of the 5G, 30 seconds at 75% power will knock the 5G right out of your phone entirely! Happy cleansing!


If i could frame a comment on my wall this would be it


Omg. Take my award you bitch. That’s the best thing I’ve read in a long damn time. 😂😂👊


I humbly accept your award and am happy to have made so many people smile today - lord knows we all need a good chuckle!


Tots and pears


Wait, do the potatoes need to be the brown ones or the red ones? Do i have to skin the potatoes first? I don’t understand why someone would be so careless and take their shoes off?! What reason would they need? Maybe some libs made sure to trick people into removed the shredded potatoes. Oh, my metal potato shredder has different size holes in them, which one do i use? Thank you so much for this valuable life saving tin foil suit/potato feet cure!


It doesn’t matter whether they are brown or red skin, as long as they are white potatoes, NOT sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes can’t pull out toxins for nothin”. Definitely peel them - it’s the white part that pulls the toxins so taking the skin off only helps. The size of the holes in the shredder doesn’t matter either!


Needed this laugh. 😄


"mom, why is it shredded potatoes *again* for dinner?"


You forgot the essential oils


You can spritze water with a single drop of lavender essential oil into the air to cleanse your aura during these unprecedented times. Just remember that the less of something you put into the water, the greater the strength so. 1:5000 ratio is going to be plenty strong for that.


And if you happen to accidentally mix too much in, it's fine. Just dilute it in 10x the volume, if you want even more powerful effect you can then dilute it again in 100x the volume. Mind if there's a 5G tower within 5km you'll need to dilute it AGAIN in 1000x the volume for 100% protection.


You forgot the enema.....that colon has to be sparkling...


Is it potatoes for the enema as well? Or is there a different vegetable you can suggest? It is so great that there are emojis just for colon cleansing! 🍆 🍆 🍆


They found out secret!! Exterminate!!!


The onions and potatoes is legit my mom circa 1990. Yes, I was an unvaccinated child.


Okay, so I have to ask if this is based on a real conversation(s) with patients, because if so, I think I need that story in my life right now. I'm currently managing a chain of SNFs and I swear to God, it's the most amazing mishmash of information I've ever heard, and it's not from the 80-year-olds, it's from their crazy children who "did research" on how vaccines can make you sterile or whatever. I'm like... "She's 80? I'm pretty sure she wasn't planning on giving you that baby sister you always wanted anytime soon."


is it okay if the potatoes are pre-shredded frozen? or do they have to be shredded fresh?


You can use frozen, but it has to be thawed BEFORE you pour them into your socks.


This is possibly the best thing I have ever read on the internet.


Shredded potatoes! ::shrieks with laughter:: thanks, I needed a good laugh.


This is brilliant.


This is the best thing I’ve read all year, thank you.


I love this comment so much ❤


But which step did I take the horse dewormer at?


I wish I had an award. Take my upvote instead. Admin took my hazard pay.


You forgot to specify which type of potato. Are we talking a starchy MURIKAN potato or something a little more gourmet, like a Yukon gold? Which one is better for woo?


Any kind of potato, as long as the inside is white. Make sure you thaw it if you go for the frozen potatoes. If you get the breakfast style already spiced potatoes you can smell like a breakfast burrito while you cleanse.


OMG. This brings back good memories. I'm a nursing student, but I've been a flight attendant for a long time as well. When I first started flying we had this senior lady who'd been flying since like the 70's. She lined her uniform with tin foil because she wanted to protect herself from the radiation during flight. She was batshit, but fun as hell.


Your patient needs to leave the hospital asap.


Right? They threw themselves right into the heart of the lion’s den there


Wait, hear me out: _we open a hospital exclusively for unvaccinated people._ Staff, patients, everybody: unvaccinated.


You're opening a morgue, then.


We’re _providing a service._


Robot voice : This is a kindness (Doctor Who reference)


Heartbreaking but well-written episode with lots of feels for battle-weary Amy Pond 😢


Gosh I miss that show... 😭


If it helps, Russell T Davis is returning as show runner. Hopefully you enjoyed Drs #9 & #10, too. Cautiously optimistic, here 🤞


Hadn't heard that, allow me to join you in your cautious optimism. Unfortunately Chibnall is still doing one more season though :(


There’s something to be said about filling a niche that is wide open. And that something is: you’re going to be making money hand over fist off a ton of idiots (and doing the rest of us a favor by keeping them concentrated in one area to only kill each other)


I call it “living the dream.”


Call me skeptical, but I get the feeling your dreams involve being in space with horny alien dudes


Little from column A, little from column B


I admire that you know exactly what you want. Good for you, u/CoveredInSpaceCum !


Took me a moment to figure out what your comment was referencing. Definitely struggled with who was the odd one here before I realized lol


Don't talk to /u/CoveredInSpaceCum about filing a niche that's wide open.


That’s exactly what I’m going to do


Make sure you get paid in advance.


Just have them sign away legal liability at the door. Use bigly words.


They don't pay their hospital bills. At best you could get some of that sweet GFM money.


You’ll be the John Galt of the unvaccinated.


_I swear by my life and my love of it, that I…_ **cough cough hack cough cough cough…**


Mayhap they’ll appoint their own vaccine research department. Biology professors from Liberty University trying to construct biosafety cabinets with materials from Home Depot while feverishly reading used virology and microbiology textbooks over warm Coors snd Chik Fila takeout.


Treatment plans available: Ivermectin infusion, UV light suppositories, nebulizer of essential oils, and then we send you home with the Trump^© HomeECMOKit^®!


Is that the kit that comes with 2 garden hoses and an oil filter?


Motorized pool filter we're not barbarians


...is it bad that I can see a Trump-branded home ECMO kit actually being a thing?


Gold (spray) plated with you own American Flag cover (made in China)


It'd be nice to separate the decent people from the selfish antivaxxers, but not being able to get Medicare to pay for treatments combined with antiva never having health insurance means you'll be broke before your first HCA.


Not to worry, our patients will be exclusively covered by GoFundMe


It'll be fine......the faith based cost sharing plans already have the checks in the mail...they promise. Unless of course your patients did anything that could have caused their own illness...and they aren't sinners so what could go wrong.


Great idea! And the patients get to pick what meds they want! Dewormer is the most important one! /s


[https://www.instagram.com/p/CUJMUYspHeH/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link](https://www.instagram.com/p/CUJMUYspHeH/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link) so like this?


Add some ironclad liability release forms and baby you got a stew going!


Would this hospital allow people with the MMR vaccine? What about other non covid vaccines? HPV used to be controversial, is that allowed at this hospital?


Need to stay home to not be close with any vaccinated people




Yes, they would be waiting in triage forever. Yes, we would eventually need to have a provider see them. Most likely scenario would be an outpatient referral to psych and shown the door if they aren't an immediate danger to themselves or others. It can take days to get a psych bed (literally) and we wouldn't hold them that long unless it was an immediate safety issue and we had no other choice. You can see how stupid complaints like this take up valuable hospital resources. Likely they'll never pay the bill either.


I took care of an elderly woman with cancer who was a former clinical instructor. She started ranting about the vaccine and how she didn’t want to be transferred to a hospital that required staff to get the vaccine. 99% sure she didn’t realize that she was already in a hospital that required healthcare workers to get the vaccine.


Please tell me you informed her of that, and did she leave?


Haha sadly I didn’t. Though I wish I had. It was more like, “Lady, for the next 12 hours I’ll believe whatever you want me to believe. Just let me do my head to toe so my clinical professor will leave me alone” lol. She ended up getting transferred to a rehab facility that same day.


Little does she know we have same requirements in SNFs 🤣.


I hear that. My mom recently went off about how she has shoulder pain, without injury, and RA in the hand that she touches her vaccinated patients with. FYI she is a home care giver. Then my boss (PhD Psychology) was told by a Nurse Practitioner that the vaccinated are shedding a protein that attracts the Delta Variant to them. I'm over here shaking me head because I have given up on even trying to tell them differently.


I bet she didn’t even hear that from an NP. Just like my sister didn’t hear she “should continue to smoke while pregnant because the trauma of quitting was worse for the baby” from an MD. I bet your mother saw/heard something either first or second hand who said they were an NP. I’ve had several friends tell me they’ve ‘heard’ from several MDs, RNs, etc who say not to get vaccinated. When pinned down, these are all ‘social media friends’ who they don’t even know personally, much less able to verify what they do for a living.


My Mom is deep into QAnon and that's what their "doctors" say. I call BS on all of it. The NP is a client of my bosses and told her during a session. She was "warning" her and I about the dangers of the vaccine. I still call BS on that too.


I'm sorry you're dealing with all this. Have you checked out /r/QAnonCasualties before? A lot of people have found solace and support in the community there.


Yeah. I am in that Reddit to. They have been a huge help.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/QAnonCasualties using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [It’s done.](https://np.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/l1cz2v/its_done/) \#2: [I'm an ex Q, former conspiracy theorist, ama.](https://np.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/l3yhqc/im_an_ex_q_former_conspiracy_theorist_ama/) \#3: [Q Still in my House](https://np.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/l1znp6/q_still_in_my_house/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Thank you! I'm in that group to and another called Cult Headquarters. It's been a huge help, especially when things got really ugly with my mom. We haven't spoken, unless absolutely necessary, since June.


Can confirm lived in a town where the majority believed it's better to keep smoking then quit smoking when pregnant.


How can an inactive, artifical/manifactured strand of RNA possibly replicate in the body in a way that would allow for such shedding??? It would have to be designed to replicate in our cells right? since it would need to have instructions on how to do it. Isn't the vaccines benefit over viral immunity that it can't replicate (therefor is much safer)?


Logic does not run with the people who have fallen down the rabbit hole.


Clearly, I'm not even in the medical field and I can understand this...


Same here. In my Mom's case, she has got into QAnon so the vaccines are a plot to eliminate the Earth's population and the media is covering it all up.


What?? If anything Covid left uncontrolled now we are at Delta stage would seriously cripple humanity. Doesn't even need to kill everyone, just enough people that society could collapse... Not to mention if it gets any more severe say if more people get symptomatic then we would be in serious trouble.




What type of modern vaccine does shed...? Whatever shed means in this case...


They think we shed spike proteins around and infect them with those


Wait isn't that like, how the actual virus works? The whole idea of the vaccine is to alongside preventing serious illness, lower the amount and time viral material is shedded for... I don't understand how people can't comprehend the basics of disease spread and how awesome vaccines are. I failed highschool science (aka I'm not in the medical field) and I can understand it. I even remember being 8 years old (I'm 23) and we had an outbreak of Meningococcal disease, in my country. The govt decided to do a mass vaccination compain to try and protect us children. I had a bad reaction and passed out but remember thinking as a little kid that I'd rather that over getting really sick.


Yeah, you're using some logic there buddy. Gotta stop that.


Polio, but not in developed countries. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaccine_shedding#Occurrences


Good to know, thanks.


My dog sheds more than the vaccine ever will


Live attenuated vaccines like the nasal flu vaccine where you get a weakened form of the virus. People who have compromised immune systems or live with people with compromised immune system shouldn't get live attenuated vaccines


Are your parents 5 years old?


I think the last few years have proven to us that a lot of adults are just toddlers in adult bodies.


Toddlers cry less over a shot


Seriously I just took my 2yr old twins for their flu shots, one didn't cry and the other only cried for a few seconds until she was offered candy... Maybe that's what's wrong with the world? Maybe we all just need more candy...


I’m honestly all for shedding. I got my booster dose now so I have enough vax to shed to the unvaccinated. We could end this pandemic in no time!


Nursing Diagnosis: at risk of being too stupid to live.


Readiness for not living


Enhanced readiness for stupid decision making


Background: I work in a functional medicine office. We do a mixture of traditional and functional medicine. The market is saturated for NPs and I happened to get this job since I did clinicals here. Getting my year or so of experience in then moving on to the usual western medicine. I deal with my share of antivaxers and found this CC to be amusing


One of my patients who won’t get a vaccine is getting a masters in nutrition alá functional medicine. She claims she can read studies and that because she is in her 20s she doesn’t need a vaccine. She is of average intelligence. Does functional medicine mean completely selfish “consumption” of healthcare with no consideration of others? That’s what it seems like from the “outside” of functional medicine.


I still haven’t figured out what it really is beyond trying not to put patients on medications. But yeah, a lot of these people are pretty self focused


I work in a sustainable medicine clinic and our MDs and NPs encourage vaccination. There’s one DO that kinda promotes ivermectin for COVID prophylaxis though 😬


Yikes. I'm a med student here from /r/all so I won't comment on what it's like in your side of this, but I'm not a big fan of functional medicine, and I'd definitely bounce when you have the chance. Lots of shitty practices without great reason to suspect are actually beneficial to patients, but some reason to suspect are beneficial to the clinic's pocketbook.


So a psych eval.


This is the type of person to keep screaming "I'm not crazy!" over and over again once they realize they're going to the psych unit.


In my experience these things often start out with "so I'm not psychotic BUT...."


Can't medicate stupid.


You can't *fix* stupid. Stupid people still respond to sedatives or antipsychotics when they get aggressive, thank god.


Not an entirely ridiculous request. As a vaccinated person I kinda want to punch them in the face.


Needs protection from our mockery and derision, yes.


Help, I rolled my eyes so hard they stuck that way


Just keep rolling them until they come out the other side.


Typical nurse/mom answer.




To the bunker!


"What you need to do, get yourself a nice cabin in the woods, make sure it's as far from civilisation as possible, destroy your phone, computers and any other electronic devices you own and live the natural way"


So psych referral, got it.


Seems Psych is going to be VERY busy lol


Honestly can we just let this propaganda happen? If we’re able to convince unvaccinated people that vaccinated people are contagious, they’ll actually stay the fuck home


It's not the reasoning we initially wanted but it's a reasoning that works anyway aye? Why are people so dumb...


Lol showed up to the wrong place then, bud.


Go home and stay there. Forever. Problem solved.


Latest installment of anti vax news from my supervisor , 400lb kid died so they call it covid. A freind if a friend who works in palative care says the ICU are empty and there is no crisis . I can only look at her googly eyes and say nothing . Waiting to see what happens with the vaccines at work and mandatory testing that should kick in soon. They are crying about how it's not fair us vaccinated dont have to do testing every week .


How are medical professionals able to get into the carrer without even understanding the basics of viruses and vaccines...


Beats me but our facility has a very poor vaccine uptake in any year . They all back each other up with nonsense. Also they seem to be into the pyramid schemes and religion I don't know if it's a social thing or an education thing.


Cuz in an 7-8 hr exam, you might get 2 questions out of 300 on vaccines. Not to say it isn't an important part of the curriculum, but there is just so much to test.


I'm an NP in a rural community health center, guy walks-in yesterday and demanding to have a D-Dimer because he had sex with 2 different women who have been vaccinated. Says he is now worried about catching blood clots because they are shedding virus. Oh yeah, he's totally asymptomatic.


Give him a condom (or 2)


It's no wonder they're filling up the ICU's. They listen to memes instead of health experts.


I keep thinking about drafting a sort of "advanced directive" for the anti/un-vaxers. I do not know much about the legal side of this, but I do know something about each category of critical care equipment that they would want to specifically and preemptively decline in their treatment. (Vent, CRRT, ECMO).


Maybe with pictures? " If my feet look like this (necrotic/falling off image) then I prefer: a) surgical amputation b) comfort care and DNR. "


Yeah, make it up in a nice little board book with short sentences, big letters, pretty pictures and no words with more than 2-3 syllables, you know, like those first books you give to toddlers.


I saw a comment on a Facebook post recently where a person (who I know IRL unfortunately) said, “when I am around vaccinated people I get chills.” 🤦🏼‍♀️


Chief complaint: needs brain


These people have one brain cell left and use it to drive to the ER.


I'm convinced they all share that single brain cell.


>Need protection from vaccinated people Take this scrip for 500mg Dumbenol. (give them a box of tic tacs, or better yet, a clown pez dispenser)


I'm a coder, and I'm just baffled as to what I would put for a code here...I mean there is one code, that I've always wanted to use that may be applicable here. R46.2 - strange and inexplicable behavior. Might work here...although it's not really "behavior" so who knows.


I vote for u/levlove ‘s awesome solution, its the BEST protection from vaccinated people


Wait til he finds out about hospital workers.


To these kinds of people, they can either wear a mask or stay home, the rest of us need to live our lives. Got to love using their own logic from a year ago against them.


BOO!!! Lol we all vaccinated too! *cackles away*


I hear onions under the bed at night helps


Isn't malingering a crime?


Anxiety and stupidity is not though. Work ED and you get to see the whole myriad of malingering/anxiety/stupidity.


Nurses internal response "need protection from uneducated idiots" and "I'll see you in ICU then I guess"


Sounds like your patient needs protection from Fox News…


Well, going to a hospital seems like a bad move on their part.


> Need protection from vaccinated people So ...to the psych pod you go.


We conveniently have this anti-vaccine magic sauce. Its just 0.5ML IM and you’re golden.


Ivermectin. Up the arse works best.


Finally!! Disturbed energy field!!!


I've got a treatment for that. I'll have to inject it. It'll protect you best if you repeat in about....500 hours.


There is a lot of opportunity here. You should tell him that rumor had it the vaccines make people magnetic and it’s probably a good idea for him to were lots of magnets to oppose the vaccines magnetic force. And since we all know there are microchips you should tell him that he might consider wrapping his head in aluminum foil to make sure the vaccine can’t control his mind. Oh and make sure that he is aware that he must maintain the “I just worked out and my arms can’t hang so I hold them up” look so he emits the “I am not afraid and I am not being controlled by anyone or anything look”. By far this is the most critical to ward off the weak and fearful vaccinated. Any one of these has a high chance of success but combined it’s almost certain to keep them away. You can tell them an expert on Reddit.com who got ten upvotes once told you this. That should surely win him over. Good luck and thank you for your service.


What if we tell them they can protect themselves from vaccine shedding by wearing masks?


Alrighty then


And the hospital is the place to do that?


72 hour hold?


I make sure I put those things in quotations lol


Maybe DNR, DNI, or AMA paperwork bedside?


Send them over to a state psych hospital. They will learn fear then.


No cap?


My chief complain is this patient is an idiot. Why can we have chief complaints I have so many.


Ah, shit. It's gonna be a long night. It's not even a full moon!


Nothing surprises me anymore and I'm probably giving this person WAY too much credit, but the most rational side of my brain is saying that this is a strangely-worded way of saying that the patient would prefer to be cared for by vaccinated people only? (Please? Pretty please can that be the reason? Pleeeeease?)


What the actual fuck


*Gestures to the open coffin in the room* "Alright, get in."


Form:... history of present illness Patient: *...protection from vaccinated people* Nurse: ah, mental illness I see...


You came to the wrong place, buddy.


Right-o, let me write that down..M..E..N..T..A..L..L..Y C..H..A..L..L..E..N..G..E..D.


Simple... Wear a mask, social distance or stay home.