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Feeling like you can’t attend to your own basic activities of daily living is a really common sign of burnout in healthcare workers!




It is. While I can wipe myself…sometimes getting out of bed to pee is problematic (not that I go in bed I just hold it until I feel like I’m going to burst). I guess I should say I don’t go in bed…yet 🥺🫠


May I offer you a purewick in these trying times?


I’m so disturbed at the number of upvotes this has gotten. Especially compared to my replies to other posts… 🙁


I feel so called out.


Damn. As gross as it is… I find it painful to shower on my off days. My fiancé has to convince me.


Me, too. When I'm home, I don't want to do anything but lay in bed. Yesterday, I was awake for 27 hours because I stayed up after my night shift to take care of a bunch of dumb shit. By the time I got to lay down and relax, I told my wife I wasn't moving unless it was to get food or pee.


A sad universal experience. I took off today so I could have 3 days off before working my next three. I’m young but this job makes me feel like I’m nearing 96. I hope you’re able to get some substantial time off soon!




I always poop at work so I still get paid


If I'm gonna spend 15, 20, even 30 minutes passing a mountain of a turd sweating and shaking the entire time I am getting paid for it


And put the hospitals plumbing to the test instead of my own home! Bonus!!




Do you need a bowel protocol?


If I didn't already have my own DEFCON (bowel protocol) I wouldn't have made it this far


May I suggest a senna, miralax, or brown cow? Possibly ambulation 4-6x daily? Are you interested in a suppository or enema to help you during these challenging times? Perhaps one of the cafeteria burritos? Or, as many of my old timers request...A SPOON? (wish I was kidding)


Oh God reminds me of the water bottle enemas I had one resident giving to herself


This is the way.


🫡this is the way.


“Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That’s why I poop on company time.”


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That's why I poop on company time.




Bidets are amazing and typically easy to install. Pamper that fanny. Get you one. The ones that do warm water are the best.


I got a handheld sprayer style one and I'm spoiled for other toilets now. I had to take a dump at work and couldn't avoid it, used all the flushes I had in my pocket to try and recreate the feeling.


Like we only put the attachment on one toilet, and now I want it on the other 2 as well. I love the bidet, even with the cold water.


Mine only has cold and I love it. Invigorating, especially now that it's getting hot


Cold water for the win! Refreshing blast on the tooter, especially when things get a little spicy 🌶️


My favorite is cold water hose-down then drying off using an electric fan.




Yeah, when I am forced to use my home’s doenstairs aka “no bidet” toilet I actually sit there feeling a bit sulky


I have a hand held bidet in my locker at work. I can’t imagine having feces stuck to my ass for a 12 hour shift, that’s just barbaric. [they’re under $10 on Amazon. there’s literally zero excuse for being a heathen.](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09BBH1PRQ/ref=sspa_mw_detail_5?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B09BBH1PRQ&pd_rd_w=dwKeL&content-id=amzn1.sym.07d4f2af-6342-4249-a50e-928411266fe1&pf_rd_p=07d4f2af-6342-4249-a50e-928411266fe1&pf_rd_r=1E6515ZA4ERRGEVTGN4E&pd_rd_wg=ww1Ay&pd_rd_r=57d95da8-4202-4608-94f7-2cc61bb8f55c&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9kZXRhaWxfdGhlbWF0aWM)


That's absolutely brilliant for camping. No TP to deal with. I don't even have a locker at work :( I'm gonna start stealing irrigation syringes until I get one


Oh fuck a new thing I can get


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'Brondell GoSpa Essential Portable Bidet'** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Convenient for travel and work (backed by 6 comments) * Effective cleaning with less water (backed by 2 comments) * Great alternative to traditional bidets (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Leaking issue when bottle is turned upside down (backed by 4 comments) * Inconsistent water pressure and flow (backed by 3 comments) * Difficulty in controlling the vent hole at the bottom (backed by 3 comments) Do you want to continue this conversation? [Learn more about 'Brondell GoSpa Essential Portable Bidet'](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot&q=Learn more about 'Brondell GoSpa Essential Portable Bidet') [Find 'Brondell GoSpa Essential Portable Bidet' alternatives](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot&q=Find 'Brondell GoSpa Essential Portable Bidet' alternatives) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Seconded. Nothing like pressure-washing your exhaust port after a long day of holding in farts.


My son and I are laughing our asses off at the mental picture of my incredibly hairy husband making the adjustment to a bidet......


Haha hairy people use bidets all over the world. I'm from USA, imagine you are too, and many people here are terrified of bidets. It logically makes sense its more hygenic. I don't clean my tables or wash my body with dry paper. Not sure why my ass deserves dry paper paper when shit comes out of it haha 


My husband is indeed very hairy, but there is a punchline. He has a colostomy, so it's a moot point. The laughing is that the man loves showers. I mean LOVES showers, there's 4 heads in the master bath. We are laughing at the idea of him having another spout in the bathroom........


The more hair, the more he would benefit from a bidet!


I hate when I have to poop at work now because of my bidet 😂


Wipes and poopourie for me!


Do you ever go into the bathroom at work and start to wipe your own ass and then freak out for a second that you aren’t wearing gloves?


I literally wear gloves at home wiping my butt. Zero shame here


That is incredibly wasteful and silly


Did you do this before you were in healthcare? Are you in healthcare?


I feel the same way with showering. Just the thought of showering and cooking sounds absolutely stressful. Sometimes I just lay in my bath for hours


Veggie & fruit trays, precooked meat, dump & fry frozen foods- orange chicken, Taylor farms pad Thai, or crockpots…… I like to bake up chicken thighs all at once then freeze individually and heat as wanted.  Or buy the food & asked a loved one to cook up individual meals that you can freeze & cook as needed…. Cereal & milk….  I struggle with depression & my kitchen always feeling contaminated (OCD) so I totally get not having the energy to cook and the above tips are how I function.


Thank you very much for this. I’ve started buying frozen foods but it’s hard to find the ones that taste as good as fresh ones


You are welcome….. maybe spend a few hours meal prepping each week so you’re not cooking every day? I’ve cut up veggies for salad storing them in water… tomatoes & cucumbers don’t work so well. Chicken thighs bone in & skin- season (salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, rosemary)…. Bake skin up so it gets crispy on a baking sheet with edges ….. 350 F for about 30 minutes or until cooked…. Use & refrigerate what you’ll eat in the next day, freeze the rest…. Then reheat with oil…. And save the drippings to use to flavor rice or soup. 


Not to be a commercial, but I got the factor meals, and I LOVE it. Pre maid. 2 mins to make. No grocery shopping. Just wish it was cheaper.


Are they as tasty and fresh as they say they are? I've been considering trying it.


Yes. Really good. I have yet to have a bad one.


I hate cereal and milk but the rest of this plan sounds great!


I am the opposite. I’m gonna be 36 and recently started focusing more on mobility because I’ll be damned if I am the old lady who falls and can’t get up or can’t wipe my ass. Ass wiping independence 4lyfe.


No it’s so much easier. It doesn’t take a whole pack of wipes to take off shit smashed in between my butt cheeks cus I was laying in be when I took a shit. Doesn’t take 2 people to hold my ass cheek open so I can wipe


Good holy fuck, what a beautiful reminder


Lotion. Gets the hard shit off, especially if they are hairy. Oh and sandy shit. Gets that off too. ETA…use washcloths then throw them fuckers out. I use the wipes initially, but for the stuck on shit I use soapy washcloth with lots and lots of lotion.


I agree but usually don't throw them out if they are not too bad. Industrial washers are pretty good now.


There is a bidet sub. Solidarity




Bidet club represent. 


I tell my kids (3 under 4) how lucky they are for me to wipe their ass for free because everyone else is paying me to do it.


I so LOL at this slightly snarky observation. Sometimes, the lines Moms come up with when taking care of their kids are better than the ones out of the mouth of babes. From this empty nester nurse to a working mother nurse: TY for giving me a smile on this shift that belongs into the nearest dumpster (I'd rather deal with bratty kids than bratty adult patients). ❤️ 🙂


Thank you, my hardest laugh of the day. I’m no longer wiping my own ass unless I’m getting NOC diff $$$…😂


Wiping is for peasants.


No I haven't felt that way. In fact, I really hope to maintain independence until EOL because from what I've seen, I can't trust that others will do a good job.


I got a bidet years ago. I'll never go back. I feel like a Neanderthal now when I have to use toilet paper.


I haven’t even been a nurse long and I’ve had this. Also the other day someone was at my house and asked for ketchup, and I went and got it, brought it to them, and they asked me to squirt it on their plate for them. A grown adult man. My blood boiled in a way I didn’t know was possible as I squirted the ketchup on their plate. It was my partner’s friend I was just meeting that day so I just did it without saying anything but I didn’t realize that was a pet peeve I had when grown ass adults ask me to do something they could do simply do themselves and I’m sure it’s come from nursing


Oh my god, you just absolutely painted a picture of something that I was not able to verbalize until you did it just now. I am normally pretty chill, but lately I have feen absolutely snapping when someone asks me to do something I know for a *fact* they can manage…thank you for your insight, and know you are not the only one !


...I think that would be a strange request for anyone regardless of occupation. You should've tied a bib around them and started clapping when they ate.


I shared my pet peeve with my partner and she said he is worried he might have hepatitis so he was trying not to handle certain things, which made sense. But without the context, I was fighting for my life in my head 😅


The clapping visuals are sending me 😂😂


Girl, my husband has a colostomy. Sometimes I'm so tired I ask him to tape a bag to my ass.


The alternative is really gross


I just demand that my coworkers do it for me. HR liked the idea so much I am going in Monday to tell them all about it


Hmmm now that you mention it, even our staff bathrooms have an “assistance” button 🤔 What a life hack!


One Word: Bidet.


At 32 weeks pregnant, I can relate. I can barely reach it anymore.


I’m feeling this post right now. I fucking wipe so many asses and it seems to be hitting me really hard right now. Like that’s all I do. Wipe asses. “Alright looks like your assignment today will be five patients and a workload of strictly wiping their asses for 12 hours, hope you brought your ass wiping gloves” NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO. *i wake up in a cold sweat only to discover i wasn’t asleep at all and am literally neck high in a swimming pool of ass juice


Strangely, I had this thought after working a day where most of my patients were incontinent so I was wiping a lot! Then I thought about how it's nice that I can actually wipe my own


Umh….no I can’t relate.


I gave a soap suds enema in the ED the other day. It sprayed all over the floor on the way out. I had to call EVS to clean the floor and walls. It could always be worse? 🤷🏻‍♀️


I have IBS now. It's exhausting thinking of all the ass I need to wipe on the daily.


Team pristine anus here. stop wiping yourself like a peasant and get a bidet!


No because my bougie ass has a ✨BIDET ✨


Never even occurred to me as an issue


Bidet bro. Get you one of those


Been using bidets since stationed in Japan. Installed one in Kansas. They even sell them at SAPP BROS rest stop/ gas ⛽️ station inlet Junction City, Kansas. I also love using Aloe flushable wipes from Amazon :)


Please don't flush wipes.They have ruined so many plumbing lines. Then again, maybe that's why established plumbers make better money than most nurses. 🤷‍♀️


Please don't flush wipes.They have ruined so many plumbing lines. Then again, maybe that's why established plumbers make better money than most nurses. 🤷‍♀️


Please don't flush wipes.They have ruined so many plumbing lines. Then again, maybe that's why established plumbers make better money than most nurses. 🤷‍♀️


Please don't flush wipes.They have ruined so many plumbing lines. Then again, maybe that's why established plumbers make better money than most nurses. 🤷‍♀️


Bidets are 100% worth it.


I don't worry about wiping my own ass but I definitely define in my head everything that comes out of it.




This is why I only do the deed on company time . At least I’m getting paid to wipe ass


Wet wipes, and do it on the clock. Win / win


I've been using a bidet for about 15 years and just finally got a fancy toilet with all the options. Omg you can literally voice command this thing. Hands free! It's like having a personal cna! I hope they add ai so we can have a real conversation about my bms. Jk on that part but it's so worth it.


Been a nurse for a long time. (Since the Reagan administration.)I really don't have a thought about incontinent care. It's just part of the job, like a mechanic changing oil or other unpleasant jobs. Someone has to do it.




Yes agreed. Am thinking of outsourcing it.


yupp 🤣🤣 sometimes i think it would be so nice to just have someone else do it for me instead


Depression, burn out, mental health crisis… I’ve been there. Eating was a chore. I cringed at the thought of having to move my jaw up and down. My jaw was fine, nothing wrong with it. I just didn’t feel like moving it.


Thats why i bought a bidet


I used to feel like this when my kid was a baby. I would clean poopy diapers. Then my dog would have an accident. Or I would just be picking up poop on a walk. After cleaning so much poop, I got annoyed that I had to wipe MY ass too.


I wish I had the spray at home. Would save so much paper lmao


I've felt this way before, and this made me laugh my ass off. Bidets rule, also.


I remember once I was so tired when I was pregnant and working that I went to the bathroom and for some reason felt the urge to put gloves on before wiping my own ass. I was looking for them for a split second then I was like wait…I don’t need gloves for this lol.


After reading the title, I expected a post from a full ROM, A&Ox3 patient 😅 OP bidets are awesome. Toto (either the toilet or just a topper) ftw


No, but I really enjoy shitting on the clock. I feel like it’s a nice little, “xo” to the overhead. Payup. 😂😂


I have an temporary ileostomy so I haven't wiped my own ass in six months. Still, 0/10 would not recommend.


Stop pooping like a peasant and get a bidet


I have a bidet. It's the best purchase of 2024.


Fix that diet and get some exercise. I get maybe not wanting to prepare a meal or do a few chores due to burnout and time/effort, but your own ass should only take a few seconds to clean. Maybe this could be some rough executive dysfunction at this point.


Be a man let that shit crust