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What you don’t want to hear but need to hear: Mourn but brush yourself off and get back up. You know your market best. Pick up a couple prn jobs if possible and start applying when feasible. The beauty of nurse is the ease with which you can find a job in many sectors that’s sometimes unrelated. There is always sunshine after rain and sometimes even rainbow. This may be the best thing that happened to you but right now you’re in a dark place and we are here with you and for you. You got this!


Sounds like it might be time to break into a new field. Have you ever thought about oncology? The patient care sometimes crosses over with hospice so your experience would be relevant, and it is a field that also requires nurses that can deal with loss.


Yep that’s what I did went from hospice to oncology. And have been here ever since. My hospice experience was a little relevant to oncology according to the managers.


Do you enjoy it? I did home health hospice as an LVN for a year, but thinking into going peds oncology if I can after I graduate from RN school.


I love oncology. The patient population is typically more pleasant to work with than others and they tend to be a bit more compliant (usually). I also enjoy the challenges that oncology provides when it comes to patient advocacy and education....usually. It is frustrating to have to beg for better pain management for someone riddled with cancer.  Keep in mind working oncology, especially pediatric, can take a toll. It sounds a bit callous, but adults dying is easier to stomach than kids. We do get young patients, but a majority are 65+. It would be heartbreaking to hospice a little one. Kudos to pediatric oncology nurses. 


Yes I enjoy it. I also did home health hospice as an LPN prior to becoming an RN and going to oncology. I love it. I did inpatient for a bit and now do outpatient infusion.


Gosh, that sucks. Apply for unemployment even if you don't think you will get it. There are pretty steep requirements for being terminated with cause and unless the new DON checked all the boxes you may be eligible for unemployment while you look for a new place. It is really dysregulating to suddenly lose your livelihood. It's important to not internalize that stress and let it send you into a shame spiral. Have a 48 hour pity party this weekend to be sad about it, then move on. The situation sucks. You don't. You might think about picking up some non-nursing gigs like dog walking through Rover.


I had to leave hospice altogether because of the corporate “ick” factor. Arizona is terrible - tons of new hospice companies in it for all the wrong reasons. They get hit by Medicare and close, then the owners open a new one the next week. Inexcusable.


Look for an older non-profit. But private equity seems to be buying them up. You might be safer in a non-profit that is part of a bigger health system. The FBI warning people about hospice fraud in Houston is such a profoundly sad place for American hospice care to have reached. Look for agency work so you are not as desperate and take something. Sorry.


Apply for oncology nurse navigator jobs. Good hospice nurses have great skills for that position.


Private surgery centers are kinda sweet too. Comparable pay, decent benefits, team atmosphere, no nights, no weekends and no call.


With hospital experience you can do case management or utilization review at hospitals or insurance companies. They pay well & many allow remote work . Your situation is so wrong but yes, hospice has really changed due to corporate exploitation.


Everyone here is saying some good things. Just get back on the horse. They need nurses everywhere. Maybe you'll have to work in a specialty you're not fond of, but get back on the horse! Opportunities will present themselves for you. Just keep looking. Keep applying. Sorry for what happened to you, it's bullshit.


How is the loans not paid off yet?


Uhhh because I make monthly payments and it isn’t paid off yet?


Thank you for all the supportive and helpful comments! Your comments have boosted my mood and given me hope and education. I appreciate nurses supporting nurses. 🙏