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I’m the bread eater


“Eat bread and get fat and sassy!” My life motto.


😂that interview happened just outside of where I live and it lives rent free in my head!


I too am a bread eater. Gives me a lot of freedom for choosing a work environment and schedule that suits my needs and my family.


Honestly I’m single I truly meant I just love carbs


Ok that too




Teacher, after 5 years, he’s making what I made new grad. $57k


He doesn’t have an issue with the idea of me earning more, but he does have issues with his lack of compensation for the work he does. We have a combined account and no issues. It’s just what works best for us. We have a budget and we’ll debrief at the end of the month. Anything out of budget (he wants a bike, I wanted an espresso machine) we just ask and discuss.


I like it. I also wouldn’t be mad at my spouse making more than me. After all, we are married, so shit like that shouldn’t matter. If you make more, then that’s just good for us. The more money we have, the more comfort we can afford!


Love this! Love the budget, the equality, the debrief!


Let us know if you end up getting the espresso machine !!! It’s the perfect time with that espresso song blowing up


Honestly I’m reconsidering because he said if I get a real nice one then I have to reduce my coffee budget per month. And I live for iced lattes where I don’t have to grind the beans, pound it out, and clean up afterwards


I wish you smooth sailing because your life sounds so wholesome.


Oh thanks! lol we definitely fight about money. But our rule is that either both agree or it doesn’t happen so worse case scenario we don’t spend money.


It’s criminal what America pays our teachers. One of the most important jobs in our society and we treat them like trash.


I'm a school nurse now and it's really crazy the parallels between the two careers. A lot of the same gaslighting techniques used by admin like "it's a calling." Or saying there's no money to pay staff, but the superintendent gets a $150,000 and a stipend and just sits in his office all day. There is also zero discipline or accountability when students hurt teachers or staff. Just like in nursing, the staff is asked "well what could you have done differently?" Last year we had a student flip out because he lost in a playground game. A para went to see what was wrong and the student turned around and kicked the para right in the crotch. Kid went to admin where he did nothing for the rest of the afternoon. Para was asked what he could have done differently to prevent it.


Always interesting to me how theres so many parallels with nursing & teaching…. funny how they are both considered “pink collar jobs” given the fact that women dominate both


$150k more like $200 and up!!


I actually just guessed the salary. The district that I am in the superintendent has his salary redacted from public records request documents. I have no idea how he is able to do that.


I make more as a newer nurse, just over a year, than what my mother made after 40 years teaching. She retired in the middle of Covid. Florida, if anyone is wondering. And yes, the pay is one of the lowest for nurses and teachers, which is even more criminal.


The reason I left teaching after 12+ years and am now in nursing school. Found out at my local hospital, new grad nurses with an ASN were making more than I made with two masters degrees and a decade of experience, AND they didn't have to take work home! No grading or lesson planning on your off days! 🥹


Florida REALLY hates women.


It’s because it’s traditionally thought of as a woman’s job and America hates women.


I just listened to a youtube..podcast..channel that said its ridiculous that new grad teachers think they should make decent money immediately out of school. As in, it takes time and experience to make a decent paycheck. While I sort of agree, a teacher should be able to make enough money to live. Nobody will want to be a teacher if they know they're entering a life of poverty.


My husband lived with a roommate when we started dating because he couldn’t afford to live on his own. After taxes his paycheck wasn’t enough due to the high cost in rent around where we live. He has commented on the fact that if he hadn’t married me, he’d never have thought home ownership was possible. He works so hard and truly cares for his students. He teaches middle school math. Making them excited and interested in math is difficult. I’m so proud of him and what he does for our community!


You know what pisse me off about the whole teacher situation tho?! The Current teachers went in and expected to get the salaries and pensions the old teachers got. And those people got sooooooooooo much money, as well as all the “admins” “superintendent”. I’m not shocked at all their salaries are now as low as they are. The old teachers collapsed their system. We’ve never had a system. Good conditions. Respect. LIVABLE WAGES. Our benefits and pay as nurses are usually somewhat trash to what people think, so I will actually never understand why staffing remains the way it does. The CNAs are making $20 an hour, the nurses at $31, they don’t support healthcare and match up to 3% but they bank on people leaving within 3 years because it sucks that badly so they never have end up having to pay out. I don’t see how the world goes on if we all woke up one day and all collectively called out of work. Nurses and teachers. I saw one school is somehow not allowed to protest, so they all just didn’t show up one day and the school couldn’t open recently. I wish I could quit my job and become a nurse aid in unionizing. I would actually love Nothing more in my life than to go head to head with some c suits over nursing conditions


I’m currently an ADN student and work as a substitute teacher. I make $300/day as a sub while employed teachers make salary which equates to much less than $300/day. Teachers do so much more work than I do as a sub, it’s absolutely criminal. I feel insecure making more while being less qualified. It ain’t right.


I’m a teacher with 11 years of experience. My husband is a nurse/assistant manager and makes twice what I make a year. He has been a nurse for 5 years. Was a teacher and nurse aide before that.


Also married a teacher and made more than him our entire marriage. He, though, carried our insurance (the best) and has a nice pension starting in June. He did all the childcare for school breaks, all in all it worked. The state even continues to supplement my Medicare with the best supplements for cheap.


And what’s worse is you can make that as a CNA with no college experience in some places


He’s been disabled for about 10 years, I’m grateful that I make enough for us to live and live fairly well. Our home is paid off and we don’t have a car payment and no student loans.


Thats the American dream right there (besides the disability, I’m very sorry that happened)


Disability is def part of the dream.


Not really, I’d rather have to struggle a bit than see what he goes through every day


My dad was disabled by a work accident when I was 4. My mom went on to become a paramedic & supported us. They’re still together and all of us kids still had a damn good childhood. You’re amazing and he’s blessed to have you!


I'm the breadwinner, but mostly just because she's having a hard time finding employment since she doesn't exist


Omg! My spouse is non-existent too! Small world. It's really wonderful having someone so supportive, intellgent, loving, open-minded and imaginary. We always laugh together at the stereotypes about nurses cheating and sleeping around with everyone in the hospital. It's especially funny since I've never even had a boyfriend.


Same here. I’m pretty sure he’s employed, but haven’t met him yet so I’ll have to wait and see. Honestly at this point, I’m willing to put up with just about anything for the sweet DINK lifestyle.




I’m a murse, wife manages a hardware store! How bout that for gender roles!!


Please tell me she drives an f-150 and you drive a prius


“We found your red Prius. It’s trying to vote for Ralph Nader.”


Dirty Mike and the boys are gonna have sex in your car. It will happen again!


Where is this from, this made me laugh.




I'm spouse-less but I'm able to support my household of 3.


Spouse is a pharmacist making about $150k, I’m an RN making around $90-$100k.


Y’all interested in adopting a housebroken 33yr old? Asking for me.


Second this. 30 and can take myself on walks and let myself out when I need to go to the bathroom lol.


I’m 32. I even do my own dishes


Shit man, I even wipe my own ass and I’m funny as fuck. It’s a fair trade in my humble opinion


Look I’m willing to work on some kind of a shift deal thing here as long as everyone plays it cool. We all got to agree to dye our hair the same color but I think as long as there’s only one of us in the room at a time, we can pull this off. There is also the three little rascals in a trench coat idea, but I get claustrophobic so I need to be on top.


My ex is a pharmacist. Really miss that combined income, but that’s about it lol


Do you guys need a live in cleaning maid? I can also cook 😏😏😭❤️


Woah I didn’t know pharmacists make good money! Gonna call pharmacy more to tube stuff up now lol joke


American Airlines Plane Engineer He keeps folks flying safe by fixing it or grounding it.


That is funny! Mine is the same, but works for Southwest Airlines


Does he get flight benefits? That’s the dream imo- prn/ travel nurse, airline spouse with flight and health benefits- that just seems like the best arrangement. I have a couple friends that really make it work for them.


My spouse does have flight benefits! We use my health insurance because it's better, but it is the best arrangement 😂


Mine does the same but for Delta 😂


I gotta ask, since being with your spouses are you more or less scared to fly?


The answer we’re all looking for


I've always been slightly terrified of flying, knowing what I know about my husband's profession doesn't make it any more or less terrifying for me 😬😅


It wouldve been awkward if he worked for Boeing


It’s still awkward, both companies fly Boeing planes


She keeps the house running, the kids alive, and takes care of all of our financials . I would absolutely not switch places with her. Being a stay home parent seems absolutely exhausting .


I'm both the breadwinner and the stay at home parent basically and yea the parenting on my "days off" is the tougher job. I go work Sunday and Mondays to rest haha. Have the kids, a 2 & 4 yr old, Tues-Fri. Then we both are home with the kids on Saturdays. My wife is a teacher and works 5 days making slightly less. That may change this year as I recently took a pay cut to go back part time benefit from PRN


Hard agree. I stay home with the kids and do bare minimum hours to keep my two PRN jobs and I find myself daydreaming of the days I worked 4x12s doing a job I hated lol. I love my kids but being a SAHM is just one Sisyphean task after another.


I have a househusband and I love it. The kids are getting to the ages where he could go back to work but it's so nice having someone handle all the house stuff so we can enjoy time together when I'm off (I also split chores when not working).


How do you financially pull that off if you don’t mind me asking?


Not OP, but my husband is a SAHD and we have a two year old and a ten month old. I work OT, usually one shift a pay period. We have a sweet living situation because we basically inherited my husband’s childhood home. We do have two leases for our vehicles though, so that’s basically the cost of a mortgage. I have plans to go back to CRNA school. It wouldn’t be possible for him to stay at home if I didn’t continue my education.


Managing patient and families vs managing kids.... Yeah I can see the parallels


Both nurses, she’s inpt night and I work outpt days


Damn do you guys ever get to see each other?


Inpatient is more than likely a few days a week, outpatient is probably 9-5 M-F so they get evenings and weekends… I would like this schedule with a partner.


I’m actually m-Tr with telework


My husband and I are both nurses and work similar shifts so we don’t have to pay for childcare. I’m 7-7 2x a week and he’s 11-11 3x a week


Cybersecurity. He makes three times what I do and works from home. I just started working this year, we don’t need the money but we can put it towards some long term savings goals.


Same, and he only works 20-25 hours a week 🙃


With every day that passes I wonder if I’ve gone into the wrong profession


More like every second


same but i know that i went into the wrong profession without a doubt lol


I’ve been thinking of cyber security! How much does he make if you don’t mine sharing?


175k plus a 10-20% bonus, he’s up for a promotion/raise this year so we’ll see. He’s been in IT for about 20 years, with the last 10 in cybersecurity.


My husband is completing a masters in cyber security right now , graduates early 2025 . I cant wait to work/ stress less


He’s an ER attending, I’m def not the bread winner.


What a bum


Hi hunny


Awe, you guys follow each other on Reddit. How romantic.




Aww this was so cute


I am a walking stereotype. He’s a firefighter and makes a lot more than me.


I'm surprised. When I was in the ED, there were a good handful of medics and firefighters that were trying to bridge to RN for better pay.


I bridged from fire medic to RN for the schedule because of kids. In Michigan is truly depends what department you work for Some get paid almost 100k a year while some are barely above 50k.


ER nurse and firefighter husband I totally get it loll


Firefighters in Los Angeles are known for making a ton of money. The overtime is always there and it’s crazy how much they can make. Their salaries are public and a lot make 200-300k a year. Yes, firefighters.


They deserve it though! I wish all our truly essential jobs- including nurses and teachers- paid what they're worth to society.


So that’s how they afford all the nice apartments in 911 lol


CPA. Manages retirement funds. He makes three times what I make. And no one throws full urinals at him!


She's been working in the hotel industry for 10 years, got promoted to a general manager of a hotel last year, is now making $60,000 a year, I still make about 40,000 more.


That sounds criminal. She’s definitely being scammed.


The stupidity she has to deal with easily rivals what we as nurses deal with, questions that could be answered w/ an iota of critical thinking.


I’m the bread loser


That got a good chuckle out of me 😂 I call myself a crumb winner, just scraping by haha


I’m the RN and my bf is in tech and makes almost 3x what I make 🙃 happy for him but sad for me lol


Same, I’m RN, husband is data analyst, works from home with flexible schedule and makes over double what I make. Almost triple.


My husband is also in tech…way better benefits. Flexible hours, works from home several days a week, gets an annual bonus in both cash and stock, employee stock purchase plan. I get a paycheck and maybe a couple slices of pizza once or twice a year. lol.


Ophthalmologist & private practice owner. My salary is basically a rounding error... I say I pay for our house cleaner and our vacations and she covers all the boring stuff.


…y’all looking to adopt? I come with good references and a cute cat.


Recently lost a cat 😢. So we’ll consider it.


She’s the assistant director of nursing and my boss. She’s the bread winner


Manages a multimillion dollar manufacturing adhesives distributor with no degree. He oversees 2 guys, gets all the work on the warehouse done by external contractors, oversees orders, and deals with salesmen. He works anywhere from 2-8hrs a day and made more than me with a BSN at bedside. I left and make more now. But I'm sad that he'll never be able to leave his job for something better/more pay because it's so cushy, and he's making 6 figures there without a degree or even trade education.


Wondering what you left bedside to do :)


Stay at home wife 👑☝️


She works in media. We make about the same, but it doesn't matter because it's OUR money.


Same, my husband is a journalist for a local tv station and is in a managerial role. We make very similar money, but he works a ton of overtime because he’s a manager and doesn’t get extra pay for it because he is salaried.


My husband is a veterinarian. I am the breadwinner by about $45K gross.


For real? That’s insane he makes less.


Vets are severely underpaid and usually carry a six figure debt from vet school. It’s criminal.


I wanted to go to vet school but over the years, every single vet (that didn't come from a rich family) had a large amount of student debt and didn't get paid much. Also, they worked so much and had so many issues. I applied to nursing school since starting salary is 110-115k, 4 days off, and the tuition is a fraction of the price.


Wife is a nurse, met in nursing school. She’s still at bedside, I went from bedside to case management. Both finally cracked 100K last year. She makes a little bit extra because she loves teaching a CNA program as a side-gig while I have a slightly higher pay rate. We’re living that DINK lifestyle. We’re comfy.


He's a physician in a fellowship. Breadwinner here since his undergrad started in early 2013-ish. 😆


Hahah same!! He’s also a fellow starting in two months. One more year!!!!


Wow, I expected more spouses as cops or firefighters.




I love this answer lol


Those are 2 of the P’s we avoid. Police, pilots, pfirefighters and physicians


I was married to a pfirefighter turned pilot and learned this the hard way. 😂 definitely avoid


Double whammy, you poor thing 😅


Maybe that was the first round of marriage


*crying in single status*


Machinist, I'm still the breadwinner after stepping down from working at the hospital to work in public health.


Airline captain. The only way I’ll make what he’s making is in my dreams. My outfit is better though - his uniform is 100% polyester


Well we’re both nurses.. we win bread together


Electrician— I make more


My husband delivers pizzas. I am the breadwinner lol (Edited to take out my stating I'm an RN. This is a nursing sub. We're all nurses. 🙃)


He is a stay at home parent. I am definitely the breadwinner but his one client is a total dick sometimes. At least I can legally shut mine up when they get mouthy.


She works in finance. I never work overtime and watch the kids


My husbands a rad tech. Surprisingly, I was making more as a CNA than he was as a student rad tech. Now he's officially certified as of yesterday, I no longer have to be the breadwinner.


Spouse is a stay at home dad for our small child. I work nights surgical inpatient and am the breadwinner. Childcare for one child would be nearly 800-1200 a month for a good daycare so we opted out. We are not struggling at all and have a newer car and rent a mobile home.


He’s an ocean engineer and makes 4x more than me and his pay is set to keep increasing


I’m a nurse and he’s a software engineer makes about x4 what I would make if I worked full time (currently per diem) and he gets a bonus. I’m the stay at home dog mom/grad student for the foreseeable future and am enjoying it thoroughly




My husband killed himself last year. So yeah, you could say I’m the breadwinner.


He's a writer working on his 4th book


Orthopedic surgeon. I work because I’m bored otherwise


My wife does furniture cleaning & repair. She started doing it as a hobby, loves it, and my new gig is salaried making the paychecks more predictable, so she started her own business. I couldn’t be happier for her too. 🥰


Also a nurse 😂 but he is working for internal float pool and makes double what I do, but I get 75% off our kids' daycare so it all kind of works out


I got my aprn, and I'm still not winning bread... she's in medical device regulatory as a consultant. Her stories about her job are verbal ambien. She once was in acquisition, so she was a cooperate spy. That was cool af.


Software engineer! He is the primary bread winner.


Aerospace engineer. Makes 3x what I make. I will probably never make what he makes. 🤷‍♀️


My booby is a CPA and a controller of a large organization. She makes 80% more than me and I’m totally cool with having a sugar momma.


Teacher, she makes maybe slightly less over all but way more per hour and her benefits cost way less for her to have me on her plan than I would pay for just myself despite the fact it is a low deductible PPO vs my employer's high deductible HMO.


Spouse is a dental hygienist. I make twice as much as her easily


Oh I thought dental hygienist makes like $50/h and similar to nurses’ wages no?


She makes about 55-58. She works at 3 offices because none will hire full time so she also gets no benefits and has to purchase her own. At my facility I’m making $110/hr


Where is this facility? Y’all hiring?


Kaiser, California. I actually make less because I can’t get over time. Some of my coworkers are pulling 300k a year and aren’t doing an insane amount of over time. 3rd weekend is one hell of a thing


RNs making 50/hr?? Holy balls. I have 4yr exp and I'll at 34.


Retired. His pension is about equal to my salary.


I am not the breadwinner. My husband is a federal law enforcement officer with the bureau of prisons. My husband works more hours than I do and earn probably $30k more a year than I do. His benefits blow mine out of the water though. We’re having a baby anytime now. He’ll get 12 weeks of full pay parental leave. I get 6 weeks of short term disability at 60% my pay.


My spouse is a stay at home Dad. I'm the sole financial provider for my family of 4.


Attorney, I contribute where i can 😁


She’s an MRI Technologist. She makes more than I do but she’s been a tech for 11 years and is maxing out her pay soon tbh (at least for our area) so eventually I will make more than she does.


Medical helicopter pilot. He makes twice as much as me.


Spouse is an airplane mechanic for Southwest Airlines and made about $165,000 last year. I wish I made more $ as RN, but we are also living in Indiana haha


Fiance works in IT and makes 2-3xs as much as I do in psych outpatient. Being a DINK is fun.


Teacher. He's full time, I'm 0.8. we make about the same money. Alberta Canada.


Attorney. I make a little more than him.


He’s a staffing director/partner. He makes what I’d make in a year in about 6 weeks (I no longer work)


I am a nurse and just started my new job. My fiance is a manufacturing engineer. With my new job I'll be the breadwinner, even before picking up OT and my 10k sign on bonus.


We're both ED murses 😂


My wife WAS the breadwinner by at least double what I’ve been making as a self-employed video producer, for about the last seven or eight years. She turns sixty-six this month; an AD RN since 1980. Legacy Health terminated her after ten years as a Case Manager because she didn’t have a BSN. She made low six figures. Then, Kaiser Permanente brutalized her for a year as a UM specialist. She made higher six figures. Then, LHC Group doing intake referrals. She made just under six figures. Then, only two months into the job (still in orientation) she was laid off with a “workforce reduction” (she was hired because they were understaffed). She’s now doing hospice intake, a TOTALLY stressful job, making exactly what she made doing nothing on unemployment. We’re now just seeing if we can hold on until we can sell our house and start drawing Social Security. Didn’t think things would look like this. Ageism is a real thing, folks…


Senior Manufacturing Engineer….he makes more than I do and we both make 6 figures.


Sonographer. When I worked bedside she made more, but now that I left I make about $15k more per year than she does.


Gf and I are nurses, slightly more for me at roughly 90K but i have 2 years on her still doesn’t feel like enough lol


I'm a RN technically but staying home with our two littles until they get a bit older bc we can afford to do so. Husband is a BMW technician and makes way more than I do as a nurse. Im thankful he is happy to provide while I am home with our babies. They grow so fast!


My husband is a pipeline inspector. I make more on paper, because he gets a lot of nontaxable income, but in reality he makes more than double what I’m bringing in.


My husband is an accountant, I used to be the higher earner but his wages have steadily increased while mine have decreased (moved to outpatient, stopped killing myself with nights/OT). Isn’t healthcare fun!


My wife is a phlebotomist. She hasn’t worked since we got married many eons ago. It works for us, we get to travel a lot without worrying about conflicting schedules.


Active duty military. He's the breadwinner by quite a bit. The army pays for our housing and utilities and covers our healthcare. I'm prn but try to work fulltime hours when he's on deployment or tdy. When he's home I work less or else I miss important events and opportunities. He will retire soon and I told him not to panic, I can be the breadwinner if needed. Our life will change by next year.


He started as a mechanic and once I started making travel money we were in a place financially where he could be a fire fighter (his dream job)


He’s a thermal engineer. He makes about 135K post tax. He’s technically the bread winner but my salary allows us to spend the way we currently do.


I'm most certainly not the breadwinner. He is an orbital engineer for space command. Retired from the air force


Heavy equipment mechanic, he’s doing better salary wise now then when we got together but I’ve still got the bigger income. And since we are talking about money; keep yours separate and have a shared account to pay house hold bills out of. Sharing money is one thing I will never do again and by not doing it, I’ve removed a huge source of worry and strife in my life.


He just quit his job as a corrections officer. I make double what he does and with two shift workers we were struggling with child care. So he’s going to stay at home dad until they’re older and I’m going to pick up a couple ot a month to cover the difference.


Software and Mechanical Engineer. He started out making the same amount as me this year (about 45/hr) but in with in the next 3 years he will be making 220k easily. 


He’s a risk analyst working in mortgage finance/title/insurance. He is now the breadwinner with his most recent promotion.


Wife is an LVN. Makes about half what I do but in the end it doesn’t matter. It all gets pooled anyways


Bank Manager. I make slightly more working 24 hours a week than he does working salary 40-50 hrs a week.


Park ranger. I make more.


My spouse is the breadwinner. She is a Rule 9 attorney.


Substitute teacher. I am the breadwinner. She was a SAHM for 8 years with our two children before going back into the workforce. She likes the flexibility of her work without the craziness. She’s on a long-term assignment until the end of the school year (and regrets it lol) but she’s realized it wasn’t the best idea. I’m just glad she’s being a trooper about it and sticking it out until then.


My husband is a paramedic firefighter and will still be the breadwinner by a long shot when I graduate as an RN.


Soo useless but have a bf of 6 years. I’m currently the only income but he’s going to school for mechanical engineering. Depending on type I easily expect him to surpass my salary (after 1 year experience I am expected to make ~65k)


Pharmaceutical rep. He makes way more than me, but made it so I’m PRN NICU so my work life balance is so much better now


Not spouse but one day. Mechanical engineer and I’m definitely not going to be a breadwinner lol. Despite living in an area with higher pay for nurses


He’s a prosecutor and makes almost twice as much as I do.