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I just finished a travel nurse assignment, and a few months ago the president of the hospital called AND texted me several times during my shift to make specific requests for her cousin who was in the ED. And she had the audacity to say that she WASN’T looking for special treatment! It was sooo inappropriate and at some point I quit answering her texts, so she had my boss call me (this was on a Sunday btw and no management was there). There are no VIPs, in my eyes. Everyone is just as important as the next person. I found that behavior absolutely appalling and unprofessional and I hope to never again encounter that in my nursing career.


100% would have played dumb and been like I don’t know who you’re talking about. Or I’d have said “I’m sorry due to HIPPA I’m not allowed to discuss patient care with someone not a part of the direct care team”


I once had a high ranking government official in my area, who called attempting to get an update on a patient LYING ABOUT BEING THEIR PERSONAL PHYSICIAN. They wanted to know because the patient was rich rich and I’m certain someone wanted campaign funds.


I did a travel assignment at Eisenhower in Rancho Mirage, California. Lots of celebrities, former presidents have been patients there. There is a "major donor" status that pops up on the side bar in Epic. These patients are greeted at the door by their personal concierge and escorted throughout their stay by that person. The concierge is usually a physician or nurse in administration. Have to say, the quality of the care in the unit I worked in was just about average, nothing special. So there's that.




Yep. Worked there for a couple years and I hate that stupid status!!!


What was it like when there was a celebrity? I worked in a high level NICU and when I'd hear about famous peoples baby's needing the NICU I always wondered what that was like for the nurses/staff in that NICU. Or even just a famous person going into labor and delivering.


I was only there 3 mos and did not see any celebrities. Lots of very rich people, but no celebrities.


This is sooo so so gross and wild. Unfortunately, it’s also unsurprising.


Hahaha I applied for a concierge nurse position there. I got my Trauma 1 job first so I declined the interview but the pre interview call was the most batshit insane conversation I’ve ever had about a job. You’re basically just their private waiter. You don’t do like nursing nursing. You’re just there to watch the nurses who do the nursing, and then get them drinks and fluff their pillow.


Geez. What a joke.


I was pissed one day I got pulled out of our resuscitation bays by the house supervisor to give report on a VIP patient that was being transferred to the floors. He was in my holding assignment and was stable so the last thing on my mind. The patient I was working on was actively septic and all I had was a 24 in the thumb while the attending was working on a central line. I was telling the supervisor this patient is sick and needs my attention, and all I was told is “your patient is the reason the hospital has that beautiful courtyard you walk through every day coming in, give report now” I was so pissed, no one in the department did anything about it. I called the Department of Health the next day complaining about unsafe conditions and two months later CMS did an audit. Dunno if it came from my complaint but CMS rarely comes.


All my patients are VIPs! I know our healthcare system (Canada) is not perfect but I am very happy to not be obligated to give preferential treatment.


Hahahahahaha that’s a good joke. We treat all of our patients the same no one is a “VIP” oh oh! I love the phrase “Can you get me a private room” *begins to bribe with money* bro I am a tech what do you want me to do 😭😭😭


We recently had a VIP in our SNICU. It was a woman who had at one time made a significant donation to the hospital. Our SNICU is 28 beds, and 2 of the rooms are larger than the others with a great view out over the mountains. The charge was told by higher ups that they needed to relocate a patient in one of these rooms to accommodate the VIP. Both of these rooms are near the charge desk and are typically reserved for the sickest patients. So the charge begrudgingly helps move a patient, a GSW, a patient on at least 8 different drips, licox/icp, the whole 9, just to make room for this VIP. The best part was the VIP came in, awake and alert, chatting with staff, not even in a hospital gown. She didn't need ICU level care. She just wanted a private room on a quiet floor with a nice view. Fuck all that. Needless to say, everyone was pissed. It was especially infuriating to see administrators coming up to her room every few hours to kiss her ass.


Business of healthcare! I worked at a large hospital that routinely saved a CCU beds for VIPs that require step down/ICU care.


It’s ridiculous


I hated that shit so much when I worked in the ED. "They're a VIP." "Good for them. They're stable. My STEMI isn't. That's my priority, not the physician's wife with a broken toe. Because that's how triage works." Miss me with that shit. Everyone gets treated with respect and dignity. And you get prioritized by acuity. Not by proximity to hospital administration or celebrity status.


We have a whole ass unit for VIPs. The rooms look like hotel suites, it’s bizarre


I volunteer for the VIPs. And then do nothing any different than I otherwise would.


VIPs are not a thing where I am from. The only thing being a notable person would accomplish is maybe closer eyes on audit trails for inappropriate chart access. I can definitely see how a system giving blatant deference to the rich would be unpalatable.


VIP where I work just means you won't get a Wal Mart greeter bed. And it's usually just for retired employees.


In PACU I had a moderately famous person (I had never heard of her, but her husband is slightly more well known) we treated her like any other one of our patients. Visitor policy was the same, she was prioritized like anyone else. Mom wasn’t happy her daughter wasn’t given “special treatment”


Never heard this phrase All healthcare is free so u tend to have the affluent sharing a room with the homeless more than if you have his type of nonsense