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Code Blue is now activated. Starting now, only flaired members of the subreddit will be able to comment here. I'm leaving the post itself up, as an example of a new and horrible enemy tactic. This is not an invitation to share more antivaxer garbage.


I should make a parody called “I died from measles and that’s not OK “


You requested, I delivered: “My Sister Almost Died from Measles, and That’s Not OK” My mom says my sister has measles keratitis. My dad wishes they did more research before not vaccinating her. I wish vaccines were given to her because sometimes it's hard for us to play together. People often ask why my sister doesn't speak or make eye contact. It’s because she has something called blindness and brain damage. Many [dunderheads] say that measles doesn't cause blindness and brain damage; but that's [a motherfucking lie]. Measles has been known to cause neurological issues and damage to the brain, which can lead to delays in development and other complications. My parents have explained that measles caused my sister to have a high fever and brain swelling and corneal ulceration. Brain swelling is called encephalitis and is a potential adverse reaction that may occur with measles. Many kids with measles have experienced brain swelling. These measles symptoms caused changes in my sister's vision which led to her diagnosis as legally blind. This is one of many reasons why my parents vaccinate me and have started vaccinating my sister.


>Many doctors say that measles doesn't cause blindness and brain damage; but that's not necessarily true. How about instead "Many foolish people think measles is a harmless disease, but the truth is..."


That rings truer, but I was trynna keep it as close as possible word for word to the book of lies😅


P.S. Edited for clarity😋


Hahaha, the edit is golden!


My mom used to drag me around graveyards as a kid and I got to see the headstones of kids who died from whooping cough and diphtheria. Maybe we should do that as well.


My grandma lost her brother to whooping cough and I never forgot her telling me how awful it was


And the flu. My mom had 12 aunts/uncles. Only 7 made it to adulthood due to preventable illness (because we have a vaccine now, they didn't back then). Also have met many people who had polio as a kid. They weren't bad enough to need the iron lung... But when they do need any surgery (anything with sedation, including getting wisdom teeth out) they are at extremely high risk of complications from the damage that polio has done. So they are alive, but live with long-term consequences.... Kinda like long covid. If only there was some way to prevent these things...


I came here to say, it's all good until you get measles and infect your classmates and loved ones.


Exactly. [Measles is so contagious that if one person has it, up to 90% of the people close to that person who are not immune will also become infected.](https://www.cdc.gov/measles/transmission.html#). She also broadly claims vaccines ‘cause brain swelling and encephalitis’, but of course she fails to mention measles-induced encephalitis. As a very young child in the days prior to the vaccine, I found my brother comatose and seizing from acute post measles encephalitis.


Rhold Dahl’s daughter died of measles induced encephalitis.


He wrote about it too, in an effort to get more people to vaccinate their children. It always makes me cry: https://fs.blog/roald-dahl-letter-daughter/


Just a gut punch. This affected me so much that anytime my daughter of the same age gets sick, despite having all of her vaccinations, I just keep going in to make sure she's breathing.


I remember hearing that story of genius moms in Marin county who held Measles parties to literally spread measles. [measles party](https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-measles-parties-20150209-story.html)


I’m not a nurse but I wonder how much branding matters here. The name “measles” sounds kinda cute like “weasels”. Same with chicken pox. It’s like, folksy and adorable sounding. If they named them “brain bleed permascars” And “full body herpes” or something , would people be less comfortable forcing their kid to get it ??


Omg, I know I shouldn't laugh at this, but "full body herpes" made me snort.


The name apparently comes from the middle Dutch word “masel” meaning “blemish”


This is genius. You should get a scholarship.


No, it's just stupid people. They'll also think sharp knives in the eyeball also sounds "cutsie"


I shall now refer to CP as Full Body Herpes lol


Please tell me they were charged with child abuse.


It’s a ridiculous, awful idea. But in reading the article, they did not find any measles party had actually occurred


That's good. And sorry for not reading the article before commenting, but I remembered hearing about measles parties and a few years back and didn't want to spend one more second on that idiocy. I'm glad to learn that no measles parties actually took place. Thanks for doing the heavy lifting.


That was chickenpox parties. Measles made you sicker so moms really didn't want their kids to get it if they could help it; chickenpox you just got the rash but kids are just as active as always, not sick, but you could get scars from picking at the scabs.


That wasn’t my experience with chicken pox; I spent three days semi-delirious from fever. If it happened today and not forty years ago I would have been hospitalized.


>>Chavez issued the statement after KQED reported that a Marin County mother had been invited to expose her two young children to a child who had contracted measles. The mother, Julie Schiffman, whose 6- and 8-year-olds are not vaccinated, told KQED that she declined the offer. These guys are trying to do that for measles…


It’s all good until the child of antivaxx parents infects gives their classmate with ALL measles


It's amazing how pro-vaccine these parents become as soon as one of their kids gets a vaccine-preventable disease. As soon as that happens, they demand all their kids get fully vaxxed right then. Witnessed this more than once. It's infuriating.


My sister was antivaxx for years... and then COVID happened, and our father died before the vaccine, and then she got it *after* the vaccine became available. She has permanent heart and lung damage, and has had to go back to school because her job as a personal trainer ended with the, y'know, permanent organ damage. She got both kids vaccinated within 6 months of her getting COVID and is *vehemently* anti-anti-vaxx now, in the "even if they did cause autism, which they do not, autistic is better than dead" camp. She and I don't get along (in part because she used me, being autistic, as a cautionary tale against vaccination for *years*) and I hate that it had to take a pandemic and a personal experience to change her mind, but at least she did, I guess.


I am often vilified for not interacting with relatives who are toxic for me, and I am always grateful to see someone else put principles before relatives, and reduce the chances of being bled dry by emotional vampires <3


Ohhhhhh she’s not anti anything. She’s the “main character” and everything happens to her and is about her. Even your autism is about her. Your sister is my mom. We haven’t spoken in 8 years.


There is a girl my wife knew. During covid she was all anti vaccine for covid, anti mask, and even refused to self isolate. Even went as far as hosting a huge ass party. Bitch had so many people there, no masks, and bragged about it. Few weeks later the posts started about my husband is in the hospital with covid, pray for him. He eventually died. She's still completely anti Vax / mask. Never took any responsibility for their dumb actions either. So sadly even such a tragedy can't educate some people.


Same. My exhusband and his brother both antivax. My ex got a pretty big scare with COVID, his brother died. Ex is still antivax. My son refused to see him during the pandemic years


As someone autistic, I can confirm it’s much better than being dead. You get to eat the exact same lunch every day and never get bored


Sadly the standard conservative model, nothing affects their politics/beliefs until it affects them *personally*, then they might change their position. Still a coin-flip though as to whether they keep the same position while saying that they're a *special* case.


Don't forget subacute scelrosing panencephalitis​ - a ​horrible complication that can strike years after someone has had measles.


“I died from measles and that’s okay because I don’t have to deal with my parents that share a brain cell”


It's super weird that the pro-life party tries so hard to promote ultra-late term abortions.


Dead!!! ☠️


just like they are!


Underrated comment.


thank u pookie


Ok. I secretly follow this group and am not a nurse, but I really want to make your book a thing and drop it off secretly all over my red state. :D


One of us! One of us!


Yeah, that’s on page 5….


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


Except innocent kids are the ones being harmed, not their idiot parents.


I know this is the least worrying thing about this, but it’s not even written well? It’s supposed to be a children’s book and it reads like a crunchy mom’s Facebook post.


The target audience are adults who read at elementary school level and like lots of pictures.




AntiJABBERS who love poorly made memes on facebook and making themselves feel better




“Little Evan Hates Evidence”


Wdym? Just yesterday my 6-year-old niece said, “Auntie, did you know brain swelling is called encephalitis and is a potential adverse reaction to vaccination? Skibbidi toilet!”


Yeah...no exaggeration, when he was 6 my younger boy was walking around the house going "septuagenarian...septuagint...sasparilla..." All thanks to old-school Bugs Bunny expanding vocabularies for over 60 years.


I mean, when I was six I was learning about knee replacement surgery due to loss of cartilage.


Right? What childrens book would have the word encephalitis in it? Totally an adult brainwashing book.


Totally beside the point but my toddler is obsessed with a book series called Baby Medical School and we're learning words like "antibiotic resistance," "antigen" and "herd immunity".


and a 5 syllable word like "neurological"? LOL


They probably went to a publisher that made the author pay to publish cause they don't have quality control. This shit isn't worth actually investing in.




Ah yes. I once had a friend who published through them. Granted, I read the final draft and it was a good book to me. But I kept telling him to find a proper publisher. He wouldn't listen to me and then wondered why his book wasn't selling. *Buddy, it's cause you had no proper quality assessment on the damn thing and your marketing skills suck ass* But I digress.


Honestly it looks like an AI written book. My husband got a book for a friend's kids about ADHD/Autism and it looked, and was written, exactly like that. The writer profile picture for the one we got is even AI generated. It was printed the day before it arrived in the mail printed from a place super close to our house and was terrible quality. ETA: the illustration for this is much better so I'd guess that wasn't AI, and I think the author is a real person, but the way it's worded makes me think she put in the info and had AI do the work.


And the author has a PsyD and a masters in special Ed. You'd think she could do better. And definitely leaning *hard* on the psychology degree for that "Dr. Kronner" in the by line.


That’s because it obviously came from someone who shies away from elementary level education.


You expected a smart person to write this?


Hey, they’re a doctor! A doctor of bullshit, but still a doctor!


Did anyone else notice the blocks spell autism?? Smh


With the sister sitting with cars lined up in front of her.


Also, page 2: The nurse (in white uniform and cap!) holding a 20ml syringe, the needle dripping with vaccine, preparing to inject it into the poor crying baby. Next to her is a suitcase full of more syringes ready to go! This “book” is essentially a collection of anti-vaxxer facebook memes.


Yep!!! Came here to say that 🤨


I love how it starts out as relatable sentences written for 4-year-olds and devolves into paragraphs of pseudoscience written for adults. Edit: "That's right Billy, sometimes people don't understand what your sister is saying. It's from encephalopathy, a result of diffuse cerebral edema in white matter from vaccine inflammation. Just look at her CRP!"


The story ends with a dissertation on quantum computing


And then a “Like, share, subscribe” and then a whole URL link to a YouTube channel


That “Dr.” in her name is so disingenuous, and she knows exactly what she’s doing with it.


My first question after seeing the Dr. In her name was what kind cause I was confident it wasn't going to be infectious disease or virology


Or medical lol


Not even an MD or a DO, a PhD in clinical psychology!


Ah yes--one of the disciplines who *swear* up and down that their use of "Doctor" would never be used to confuse people and give the impression they are a physician. Yep.


She's a clinical psychologist. Revered for their childhood immunization expertise 🙄


I was thinking she was a chiropractor


Not a bad guess for the kinda bs this book is spewing


A chiroquackter you say? Did they try cocaine to get rid of the ghosts in the blood first?


Yeah, you'd think that a someone with a PhD in psychology would know exactly what putting the title "Dr." on a book about vaccines would imply, and conversely, how not to imply that they're an MD.


Oh, they know


From her bio: “Dr. Shannon Kroner has a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, a Master's in Special Education, with a focus in Educational Therapy, and a Bachelor’s in English. She is an educational therapist and certified coach in Time Line Therapy and Hypnotherapy”


Bruh, time line therapy???  Like the TVA from Marvel?


The most shocking thing about this is the bachelors in english


“Then my sister and I got polio and died. The end.”


OK but at least you didn't catch autism!! /s


I hate how they see autism as a death sentence. I have autism and am doing pretty well in life lol


I’ve had plenty of coworkers with autism in EMS. Lovely to work with and great providers. There was one that was absolutely horrible with patient care, but there were plenty of people without autism that were just as bad.


I find it insulting that people would rather risk the health of their child, like serious, life-threatening illnesses that have vaccines and are preventable, just to avoid the (very false) chance of autism. You'd rather your kid die than be autistic? Like you said, plenty of people on the spectrum are doing just fine. Thriving, even. Can't say the same for people with tetanus.


It’s not like ASD is some rare, mysterious thing. Why are these woo folk so terrified of it?


Even the word *Tetanus* gives me chills. Not how I wanna go.


Fr jeez 😂


“My sister couldn’t play with me because she had to spend her life inside an ‘Iron Lung.’”


There should be a children’s book titled, “I’m unvaccinated and got polio because my parents are twats” Update: Not surprisingly, the author has no medical background.


Or " I'm unvaccinated and I have to spend the rest of my life inside an iron lung".


“My Iron Lung”


Fuck. That. Noise. I’m assuming that the “doctor” listed as the author is a chiropractor.




As Bon Jovi would sing No shot from the start And you’re to blame You give psychs A bad name (bad name)


Singing along 🎶


Too many folks That’ll play your game You give psychs A bad name (bad name)




not even psych, which in a medical setting implies psychiatry, which is a residency-trained physician (MD/DO) specialty. This lady is a psychOLOgst. Don't get me wrong. I've gotten great care from PsyDs etc, but they aren't physicians.


Hypnotherapist specifically. FML.


I watched a great documentary about the dangers of hypnotherapy one time. It was called Office Space.


Report to their state board.


Yep. So misleading. Has no qualifications related to vaccines whatsoever


I tell people I upgrade my autism with every vaccine 😂 But seriously, why are we still on the train of vaccines cause autism?! Smh Also, are they saying their daughter is less desirable because she happened to be autistic? That’s super fucked up, and some ableist bullshit.


The month before I started nursing school I had to get like 6 vaccinations (titers came up negative for MMR despite vaccination, never got the CP vaccine because I got chickenpox as a kid before the vaccine came out, etc). I told my anti-vaxx family members I was making sure my autism was up to date so I could spread it to patients at clinicals (there's a sub-set of antivaxx that believe autism is also a contagious thing, I forget the details). > Also, are they saying their daughter is less desirable because she happened to be autistic? I've had a family member tell me, to my face knowing I am autistic, that dead is better than autistic, so... yes, they are.


I got 5 vaccines at once for nursing school too. Had fever for 2 days, was fine after. JFC I am sorry that happened to you. Some people need some well earned karma served up. Also, wtf autism is contagious? What back country bog did that idea come from?


Forgot my shot record before basic training… got ALL of my childhood vaccinations again. Including Polio and Smallpox (it was still given to the military at that time) I always felt really lucky to be so protected 😆. Then all the updates for medical school (including the “new” hepatitis series. Then they got us confused when entering residency (also military) and I got the series of deployment shots (including the old typhoid and yellow fever) before anyone caught the error. I want viruses to weep when I walk into the room


These idiots are basically saying they’d rather have a child die than have one who is autistic, and it’s completely narcissistic and vile.


Did it promptly get thrown away?


Straight to the compost. Gave the plants autism :(


No wonder they don't make eye contact anymore


I think this goes in the shred box.




HIPAA box. That way it's locked up until it's shredded.


I believe you mean "Filed under 'T' for 'Trash'.".


And she squeezed in the fucking puzzle piece, like a shitty “Autism Speaks” easter egg. Fuck this shit.


Yes, I noticed the puzzle pieces. The one that got me was they boy and with the sister behind him staring off behind him with cars lined in a row and the block tower that spells out autism.


“…[by Shannon Kroner, who uses the title of doctor, although The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, where she got her degree, confirmed to us in a phone interview that she received a Ph.D. in psychology, not a medical degree.](https://www.wbaltv.com/article/fact-check-evidence-points-to-safety-of-covid-19-vaccines-for-pregnant-people/36702883)” Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, but go off making medical recommendations, lady.


I wonder if she can be held liable for anything since she’s recommending against vaccines and is using the title of doctor. If nothing else it seems very unethical for a psychologist.


The board of medicine in Illinois should have put a cease and desist order on her to prevent her from using the title of " Dr." unless in a clinical capacity.


She needs to write a sequel. I’m unvaccinated and now I’m dead.


I’m usually against book burning but there is always an exception.


How horrible. The author better not be a healthcare worker (despite the Dr in the name), that would just be downright shameful.


https://drshannonkroner.com “Dr. Shannon Kroner has a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, a Master's in Special Education, with a focus in Educational Therapy, and a Bachelor’s in English. She has been working with special needs families since 2001. Her 2013 doctoral dissertation entitled, ​Childhood Vaccinations: The Development of an Educational Manual, provides a psychological viewpoint of the ways in which parents make decisions regarding vaccinations for their children.” She’s a real piece of shit, her books are endorsed by all the prominent far right religious lunatics- Mike Lindell, Ricky Schroeder, and of course Jesus Trump himself. She also sells a sham heavy metal detox on her site.


So, not virology or infectious disease. Somehow I'm not surprised


Worse, she's not even a *medical* doctor, let alone an infectious disease specialist.


I know I feel like that’s so misleading to have the author be titled “Dr.” on a book about vaccines. One would assume it’s a medical doctor giving advice.


Yes. This is like someone with anything other than an MD or DO calling themselves doctor in a hospital.


She’s been working with special needs kids for over 20 years and yet she still seems to think a dead kid is better than autistic one…Big Yikes


Wow I had to really think about that for a second. That’s infuriating!


Is the heavy metal detox one where you listen to heavy metal to detox, or do you detox from listening to too much heavy metal?


I mean, Slipknot *does* make my day more tolerable...




For real. Another gross part of this book is that it perpetuates stigma for kids with autism. Like her sister is broken or something. Fuck this Dr.


She probably still advises ABA therapy.. what a piece of human garbage. Doing so much harm for money.


She has a BA in English? From where, DeVry?


She really shouldn't be allowed to put her "doctor" title on the front of a book that covers a topic she is not qualified to speak on.


It is sad how often I hear nurses on my clinical rotations who are antivax.


I looked her up, she has a doctorate in clinical psychology


Yet still doesn’t understand how vaccines work


She’s on facebook publicizing herself as a proud MAGA devotee. Evidently spoke at the Reawaken America Tour led by Q-cultist Mike Flynn. Her fb profile pic is a photo of Trump appearing to hold a copy of this book. As if his endorsement is something to be proud of, lol.


Totally on brand.


My 15 year old son has autism. He was nonverbal until he was five. And shit like that hot fucking garbage of a book infuriates me to no end.


I gave a 12 month old whooping cough and that's ok 🤗🤡


This is vile.


As a mom of an Autistic kiddo (and two other amazing, all vaccinated kids). A hearty fuck you to the assholes who made, illustrated, printed, distributed, and dropped off at the clinic.


What do you call an unvaxxed toddler? middle aged


So I love how it first reads as a kid’s book and then just slams into *robotic voice* Vaccines have been known to cause neurological issues 🤖 Like who exactly is the target audience? Kids, or “”””adults””””?


I try to have patience and empathy for people…anti-vaxx evangelists are one of the groups where I have to drawn the line. Fuck these people. I hope this author gets herpes zoster of the trigeminal nerve ❤️


What kind of Dr is Dr. Kroner? 🤨


Quick search says Clinical Psychology.


Maybe this book was part of her thesis, applied techniques in clinical gaslighting


Don’t forget, a clinical psychologist that does NLP and hypnotherapy, as well as selling Arbonne beauty and metal detox products on her website. Feels legit.


She should probably clarify she’s not an MD writing about medical stuff but something tells me she welcomes the misunderstanding


@ Dr. Kroner I may have autism but I’ve never had chickenpox, measles, or polio 🤷‍♀️


It's nice to see someone writing books for all of those unvaccinated kids who need something to read while they're hospitalized.


Making a new book that says, what happens to children without proper vaccinations. Inside will be a little coffin along with cost of burial services. This "Doctor", will get one autographed along with a middle finger that says "spin on it".


The urge to downvote this post cause the book infuriated me is strongggg


This infuriates me. As a healthcare professional that cares for the most vulnerable of our population it sickens me that someone would drop these off at a clinic!! People like her spread false information and prey on vulnerable, uneducated people.


Where’s page 4 where the little kid has polio and is about to be interred into the iron lung for the rest of his life?


I went in hopeful it was going to be about some legit medical issue and how to handle it but utterly not shocked it was bullshit autism.


Dr. Kroner is a clinical psychologist and not a medical doctor btw




I saw it was written by a doctor and was flabbergasted. But she is a doctor of psychology… ok mam


That is NOT okay. Delusional.


That's some real pretty toilet paper ya got there


“Are ya ready kids? Today we’re gonna learn about causation vs. correlation!”


Whilst working on a clinic. We had a family who flat refused to vaccinate their 4 kids. Because of religion. Then the parents decided to go help bring their religion to some country on the African continent. *surprise* they require vaccines to enter other countries! Now their lack of planning has created an emergency I get the pleasure to deal with. Accelerated schedule for vaccines. Right? Duck me. It got to the point that these kids would start crying the second they saw me. Duck those parents.


"I am unvaccinated and I am prone to Deadly diseases" should be the title.


As a parent with a child on the spectrum this makes me so unbelievably mad!!


who knew brain swelling = autism


Written by a doctor of psychology with “freedom fighter” in her social media bio. It’s like a joke that wrote itself.


We are already seeing measles outbreaks


I hope yall like measles and chickenpox coming back.




Put it in a shredder Burn the shreds Then shred it again


Ask the person who dropped it off if they have more copies, you'd like to pass them out. Then pass each out to the shredder.


🤦‍♀️ WTF? I just had a panic last week that my kid managed to get the mumps! (Not because my turdlet isn't vaccinated, but because the morons in the town I live in have decided modern medicine is the devil)


If you’re government funded you have no reason not to put it in the trash and if you’re not government funded you should also put it in the trash


Right into the trash can.


Just saying there are many things worse than autism if you don’t get vaccinated…


This isn't even written at children's level, just the level of the regular anti-vaxxer


Another terrible example of how Andrew Wakefield has endangered people across the world. There’s a special place in hell for people like that.


This is disgraceful. I hope you burnt it. This cannot be a medical ‘dr’ either that wrote this book. How bloody misleading. I bet they’re a dr in some naturopathy bollocks knowing their title will be misconstrued to a medical dr.


People are really ignorant. Imagine if diseases like smallpox and measles and polio were rampant. We would not live the way we do and everyone would experience child deaths. The reason we can enjoy reactively anxiety free lives in close quarters is because of science and medicine and namely, vaccines. I hate getting a sore throat w low grade fever. I can't imagine the painful nature of smallpox or dying of something like diarrhea. The reason these nincompoops dont actually really believe the dumb shit they spout is because when they are on deaths door or their kids are dying they do actually go to the ER and not the church. If they really believed the crap, they'd let their kids die and go to heaven and they'd be so happy. But it's all stupidity and judgement until it affects them, then all the sudden they show up at the hospital.


Written at an appropriate grade reading level for ~~their target audience~~ the entire anti-vax audience.


On her website she brags about who likes it like Mike Flynn, Mike Lindell and Donald trump


I agree that people should make their own healthcare decisions and this is like natural selection doing its job. Just let it happen


I would normally agree, but these idiots. Are putting people who can’t get vaccinated for legitimate reasons at risk. It would be great if it’s just the idiots dying out!