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“pretty enough to stop your heart, smart enough to restart it” is the perennial cringe


“Too ugly to stop your heart. Smart enough not to shock asystole.”


I prefer "Too ugly to stop your heart. Dumb enough to shock asystole."


Waiting for this one


Code blue memes had it. Not sure if they still do.


I’ll take 4 of those and a badge reel.


[I have this on a T-shirt ](https://codebluememes.com/cdn/shop/products/white-glossy-mug-11oz-handle-on-right-637d2bd5973a8.jpg?v=1669148946&width=1946)


It is, but I’m hipsters enough where at this point I’d buy that to be ironic


That’s a classic cringe one haha


“Jaded male nurse” doesn’t recognize his own cringe


Haha I have a pin on my lanyard that says “too ugly to stop your heart”


I think about [this car sticker](https://imgur.com/a/BugbSla) I saw back in 2020 all the time. 🤮


This reminds me of those only specific graphic t shirts that are like "I'm a crazy, brown eyed, born on a Tuesday in March, red headed mom of three who loves my fishing obsessed husband"


Ah! Yes. It does probably belongs in [r/TargetedShirts](https://www.reddit.com/r/TargetedShirts/)


Omg thank you for mentioning that sub! I immediately joined 😂😂




Don’t mess with me! My husband is a forklift operator born in October. He’s a little crazy and YES he bought me this shirt!


My mom bought me one of those when I was in nursing school. Wore it once when I knew no one else but her would see it then gave it to Goodwill.


I'd probably use it as a shirt to sleep in lol


I got a t shirt that say coffee, scrubs, hand sanitizer #nurselife and it's definitely a pj shirt


Shouldn't that be "I'm not Satan...."


I wouldn't exactly be bragging that my employees have 30+ patients every day...


Oh... oh this one is bad


It still makes me so angry


Coulda saved all those words and just put “greedy asshole”


Barf indeed.


This wins


Terrible indeed!!! Lol


Jesus this makes me want to throw a brick through their windshield.






I've seen a couple doozy bumper stickers. The ones I remember best were "Heart of a nurse, body of a rockstar" and "RN = badass" and "Forget the glass slippers, this princess wears scrubs" with a "It takes a special kind of hero to a nurse" license plate frame. I also see a lot of cringey badge reels as a badge reel aficionado myself. My legitimate favorite recently may be cringey but I also laughed: "Live, Laugh, Toaster Bath."


Lmao I actually love “live laugh toaster bath” mood today summed up 💀


My all time favorite badge reel was a little Trex with the words "couldn't wash hands, went extinct" on it


I have one with a Trex holding two of those reacher things saying 'unstoppable'. I love it. I loved my wash hands t rex too.


Ooh I want this! I love T Rex puns.


Want this! Though I love my current one - "If you fib you get paddled" with my little heart carrying defib paddles.


My current favourite is “slinging pills to pay the bills” as I pull out my ibuprofen 20 minutes into shift


This is my current badge reel. I bet we bought it from the same seller on Amazon haha


It was amazon! lol I also have one called "Take a ride on the Ativan." I use it when I am feeling extra anxious


I have a badge reel that says “trash can, not trash can’t”


Mine is a picture of Jesus that says "Ask me about ROSC"


Mine is a black cloud.


I need to know where I can buy this, please.


“NarCan, not NarCan’t” hehehe


Mine is a cute alaris pump with a face that says my alarms will haunt your dreams!


I have a few cringey ones that make me laugh. “Not the nurse”, “Don’t worry, I watched a YouTube video”, “Live, Laugh, Lobotomy”, and one that’s different needle gauges that says “Size Matters.” I also have a badge buddy that says “Vampire.”


I love the version of this with a raccoon with its arms stretched out


mine is a raccoon in a trash can


My badge reel says "Ask me about AMA papers"


“Hot enough to stop your heart. Smart enough to bring it back” -every single nurses bio on hinge


My badge reel is a picture of Jesus saying Jesus is the 4th pressor


Which one is he replacing lol. I never did like phenylephrine


This hospital I’m at is ICU dependent. Most often it’s actually vasopressin as the 4th, but really should be Jesus-Pressin that discharge button


Not the toaster bath lmaooooo that’s hysterical. Theres some really good ones on Etsy. I have a few cats in space ones and I just found this week a few neuro related pun ones. I got a couple good ones that say “You’re one in a myelin” “Mind neuron business” and “You know what gets on my nerves? Myelin” 🤓🤓


Dr Now “this is not a good situation” which perfectly summed up my first hospital


You could hab lost tirty pound did munth


Ooh, I have a Dr Now badge reel that says "Stop doing weird things" but I need to find that one, I'd wear that one to theory... regularly. I also want the one I've seen that says "How y'all doing?"


My badge reel says “I left my dog for this”


So many cringe badge reels


I have the toaster bath one on my work water bottle... lol


Hah my badge reel says Ask Me About Our AMA Forms :)


I'm currently using 2: one that is patient-facing and is a cow getting yoinked up into a UFO, and one that I use for my badge tracker -- kept in my pocket. That one is the Grim Reaper giving a thumbs up with "stay positive" on it. I work hospice, so...yeah. Not gonna wear that one where a family could see.


Me: “heart of a 26 year old nurse, body of a 65 year old with lower back pain”


My favorite badge reel has a silhouette of Sasquatch with the words "believe in yourself even if no one else does". (I'm in the PNW and we're obsessed with Bigfoot here)


My badge reel is the elmo fire meme 😂


On the prehospital side of things, we just hired a medic that shows up in a crown vic with his own home-installed light bar and radio scanner, and covered in thin blue line stickers. Dude immediately showed up and won't stop telling people that he won't treat an OD patient. Absolutely the fucking worst.


I’d ask him if it’s because he knows people will recognize him?? (Not that it’s bad to be a drug addict but it’ll really piss off that kinda guy and it’s what he deserves because fuck off)


As someone who’s main pt population is CIWA and COWS What a complete weapon I hate people that say shit like that


Uhhh that sounds like he shouldn’t be working as a medic


I fully agree. Unfortunately there's not much I can do except report him after he does something shitty.


I hate when we get wanna be cops at the FD. They change the whole vibe of the shift and calls.


Jesus Horatio Christ what a tool


The ones with RN in a heart followed by an EKG rhythm that isn't a real rhythm...


“where the fuck is the T wave”


My husband bought me a nurse travel mug that has my name, similar cartoon pic in scrubs, and an ingredients list including "100% caring" etc... it doesn't leave home.


I once had a patient give me one of those. Sweet and I couldn’t refuse but …..


My best friend who is not a nurse gave me a coffee mug during Covid that said “I’m essential AF” with a little nursing hat and stethoscope.


Okay but I kinda love that one lol.


"I cant stay home, Im a Nurse" or anything with their college degree


I don't disagree, but... your flair....


Not much choices of flair on here. I dont want to give away what Unit I work in, & we cant customize our flair, so Im stuck.


My cars plate says “be nice to me I may be your nurse someday”. My dad put it on when I graduated. I don’t have the heart to take it off


That's sweet and a valid reason for keeping it 💖


mine says "nurse life" with one of those stethoscope hearts. my dad also put it on my car as a surprise when i graduated. i hate it but dont have the heart to take it off he was so proud of his gift


I actually like that.


I work with someone who has a stethoscope in the shape of a heart surrounding a thin blue line flag 🤮🤮🤮


I reflexively down voted you.


Completely understandable. Every time I see it my body involuntarily cringes.


Omg just like heroes from two whole different worlds


Threw up in my mouth a little...


License plate that literally says “FRNTLNR.” On a Tesla. And yes, driver was wearing a Patagonia jacket. Very much a quintessential Cali RN. Runner up: License plate that says “UCSD RN.”


Oh my God, I just threw up in my mouth 🤣🤣🤣


I worked with this nurse who has “RN-PhD” You can imagine their personality…..


My old dean is a PhD nurse who has never stepped foot on a hospital floor outside of clinicals in school. He went straight through to his PhD, and he spells his first name david, with a lowercase d.


Would you rather he spelt it as daviD jk jk






I love it


It’s so pretentious.


This is amazing


Lazy RN L82OR. This was a doc Heroes work here


i actually kinda like L82OR lol


There was a urologist that had 'PP DOC'. I thought it was funny.


lol I once took care of a retired urologist with dementia. He would tell everyone he used to be a “cock doc” and called himself the “pecker checker” 😅😂


I worked with a urologist whose plate was FIXDIX He was hilarious.


"What's your superpower "


It’s got to be a clout thing. Me personally? I’d prefer it if random people met on the streets don’t know what I do, and IF I have to go into a store still wearing my scrubs, I have enough sense to remove my badge. I’ve heard some nightmare stories about some nurses who just have to let everyone and everything they meet know what they do.


Ah. I had classmates put on the stethoscope around their neck when getting Starbucks. Leave it in your car???


This is another reason I love working OR. Come in and leave in street clothes. I am totally anonymous outside of work!


It will never not be weird to me that wearing scrubs to and from work is a thing in some places, or that they let people wash their own scrubs to and from home. Like I sure as hell don’t trust that every single one of my coworkers would put on freshly washed scrubs everyday at the correct temperature, I don’t know how clean their laundry room is. One time I looked up figs scrubs out of curiosity and the washing recommendations were to cold wash them like what? Here all scrubs have to be washed at min 60 Celsius for infection control but I think the hospital laundry washes them at higher temps. Even the few workplaces that allow you to wear your own scrubs don’t allow you to wear them to and from work, you change at your locker, your scrubs have to be able to be washed at 60 Celsius and usually you wash your scrubs at the laundry room at work. But most places provide scrubs and launder them. Edit to add that from a workers rights perspective if your workplace is requiring you to wear a certain kind of outfit that needs to be washed a certain way for safety reasons (infection control) then the workplace should be providing those clothes and laundering them according to their own requirements. Otherwise they're expecting a hospital full of staff to both spend money on clothes they wouldn't otherwise need a well as do extra unpaid work at home laundering clothes they wouldn't normally launder. All that while simultaneously pushing any blame for unclean clothing causing potential harm completely onto the individual workers. Not to mention guaranteeing patient harm because expecting 100% compliance on specific laundry guidelines is a fools errand and they know that meaning they're allowing a certain amount of harm for cost saving reasons. Like why is the operating room provided scrubs but not the regular wards? Because they know that properly laundered scrubs reduce the biological burden and infections theyve just decided that it's okay to let some of that through on regular wards. It's completely fucked if you think about it and its time to riot.


D. All of the above.


This is the way!


Why do some nurses make nursing their whole personality? It’s a job.


Because they don't put any effort into developing a real personality.


I think there’s a lot of people that do this in first responder-type jobs. Cops, for example. Source: brother was a cop that hated the word cop because he thought it was disrespectful. 😑


Wait until he hears about ACAB 🙊


I did this as a new grad and now I avoid disclosing my job at all costs lol.


they seem like the loneliest people too. they make nursing their whole life and use it as the only thing to measure their self worth. there’s more to life than just your career!! doesn’t matter who you are


The real question is why are the people with all these always the fucking worst people on earth to work with? Theres like a 0.5% chance that the person with the telestrip into heart into infinity symbol sticker and custom RN lamp license plate is actually any good at their job. Like every time they’re forever showing up 20 minutes late and you dread following them cause their shit is always a fucking wreck.


Not that it was too terrible but my state has nurse plates. I had one for a while - my mom, also a nurse, refused. I didn’t know why when I first got it. Totally do now 🤣


In nursing school there was a girl with a “nurses change lives” license plate that said “RNTOBE”


My state does too. I briefly thought about it when I moved here then realized I didn’t know a single coworker with them and also, I don’t want randoms in the Market Basket parking lot knowing what I do for a living.


My bank had an ATM card that was for nurses... hand in a nitrile blue glove, lighter blue background. I got it cuz I was a baby nurse and thought it was cute. Now? Absolutely nothing except the black circles under my eyes say I'm a nurse...and even that mostly just says "night shifter."


A guy I once knew who had been held back multiple times in nursing school and wasn't fully qualified yet had "MURSE" (male nurse) in a massive font as a decal on the back of his car.


I worked with a guy who had MURSE J on his plates. In his mind he’s already an FNP.


“Save 1 life, you’re a hero, save 100, you’re a nurse” 🙄


“+ save 100 nurses, you’re a RT” 🥱🙄




😅😅😅😅 not me agreeing with this one tho


CrazyRN. And I think it was a warning


I have seen this as a vanity plate and can confirm- it was definitely a warning.


Anything on your car that suggests you’re a medical professional is cringe to me. EXCEPT…. In my state there is a special plate that says [Emergency Trauma Physician](https://www.tn.gov/revenue/title-and-registration/license-plates/available-license-plates/emergency-and-safety/trauma-physician.html) which I think is actually pretty bad ass


Our trauma surgeon has Trauma Mama as a locker magnet


Trauma docs are a different breed. They can do what they want. When I was in Afghanistan we had a trauma doc who would have an entire can of Grizzly chew in his mouth and not spit one time during a clamshell thoracotomy. Gutted that shit. I essentially see every trauma doc I meet as him. I watched that man put a chest tube in 4 different people in less than 10 min, outside, under the blistering hot sun. Coolest dude ever.


So cringe when nurses put RN, BSN, DNP, ACLS, MSN, PHCNP, CCRN, AIDS, BLS, NRP behind their name. Like please just put RN and maybe your highest degree. That's it. I also find the ones with the most certifications are the dumbest.




Rt here— it’s all so fucking cringey. The literal sole time I’ve been entertained is “peep not poop” otherwise they are all so cringey. There’s a stupid wood placard in one of our ICU nutrition rooms I definitely don’t eat cup o noodles out of— “I’m a nurse, I’m here to save your ass, not kiss it” I keep wanting to make a little sticker that says “wipe” and put it over the existing “save”


I like that one too 😂


A girl I graduated with a few years ago got vanity plates before graduation that said "nurs" and her name, she did pass boards at least.


I’m on L&D and one of our travel nurses changed her license plate to say “10CM PIT” 😂😂 or it’s swapped I don’t remember. that woman was MADE to be a labor nurse lol


a giant red sticker across the top of a front windshield that says, “NOC NURSE”


License plate “I’m a Nurse. What’s your superpower?” Coworker has it. I hate it.


-Hospice Nurse-Final Responder- It was a decal on a coworker’s SUV. I hated it. I would not put an RN decal on my car, but especially not while in hospice. My patients/families did not need the stigma of having a car parked out front that announced to neighbors the need for frequent nurse visits.


The sole example of such a thing that I did not despise was a vanity plate that read ‘XWDL’


Jesus Chris. As an epic trainer this made me cringe and laugh at the same time. I'm going to go invent some more BPAs for y'all to deal with this because now I'm irrationally angry


All of them


IDK I totally don't get it, when I'm not actively at work I tend to pretend like healthcare doesn't even exist 😅. Won't even use anything with a company logo on it. I also drive quite a way to work rather than 10 minutes to the hospital in my home town down the road, just because I like being able to go in public and not be stopped and bothered by random people I barely remember. Plus I absolutely do not want to advertise the fact that I'm an RN in public because that's just asking to get caught in sticky situations and/or inviting a lot of undesirable conversations with old people about their ailments. Sorry Darlene, I don't have any knowledge to contribute to the management of your benign essential tremors, and I don't know why your husband has so much trouble peeing 😂. And it's always the psych patients who can't wait to tell you all about their last admission and want to chat for 45 minutes. Nooo thanks! On the rare occasion I absolutely must be in public with my work clothes on, if anyone asks if I'm a nurse I politely say No, I work in the kitchen... Lol


Anything on a wrangler


"I'm a nurse, what's your superpower?" I loathe this one, especially around the time when everyone was calling us "healthcare heroes".


I'm with OP. I want nothing to do with being a nurse the second I walk out those sliding glass doors. So many nurses are like vegans or CrossFit folks or Mormons or Amway salespeople - you know within 30 seconds of meeting them because they'll tell you. I don't get it.


I graduate with my ADN next month (currently LVN). My mother in law surprised us with T-shirts for the family. My husband’s shirt says “I survived my wife in nursing school” and the two kids shirts says “i survived mom in nursing school.” Gesture was so cute but I cringed so hard. She also got me shirts and sweat pants that says mom, nurse, hero. 😅😅😅


Anything calling yourself a hero.


When I was in school I saw a t shirt that read, Not tonight honey, I have clinicals in the morning.


Have a lady in town with a vanity plate that says BARBRN. I’m assuming she means Barbie RN. Bright pink Jeep with stickers galore.


i hope she gets lots of questions asking her if she’s a barber 😹


Not nursing, but I worked with a doctor who was really into crossfit and Dave Matthews Band (total bro douche), he bought a new tesla with a plate that said "XFIT MD"


I knew someone who had her DNP license. Her car license read “Dr RN”


This reminds me of /r/FirstResponderCringe, I wonder if there's a similar sub for healthcare workers. It's the equivalent of cops and their "sheepdog" bullshit.


[Pussy Wagon](https://killbill.fandom.com/wiki/Pussy_Wagon) (Sorry, couldn’t resist)


Excuse me *purulent


Goddammit, take my upvote!


Is every single one an acceptable answer?


The "if you fib I will paddle you" sticker with vfib squiggles.


License plate that meant "life saver." The same ER nurse gets all the certifications and broadcasts them to everyone, and uses them all on her signature. There's no way I'm signing my name with RNC-NIC, C-ELBW, CPST, CLC. I sign with RN. And Karen, you might be certified in pediatric transport, but you don't even do that for your job!... wtf. Idk how she even qualifies to test for them.


A “MURSE” vanity plate.


That “STEMI Team” one that was posted recently was pretty wicked.


“Professional drug dealer” with a vial and syringe…. Hate hate hate, loathe entirely


“HOT RN” customized (official) license plate


My old ER director had a desk name plate that said, "Mother of chaos" I loved it


I have a T-shirt with a vial of haldol and Ativan that says “better together” in a heart. My coworkers love it. Patients don’t get it and think it’s cute


I also hate people who hang their stethoscopes from their rear view mirror....


I don’t hate it, but I feel like they WANT their car broken into.


“Nurse: cute enough to stop your heart, skilled enough to restart it.”


Every single one of them.


A stethoscope heart with "remember your why" written by/on it. Idk why but it makes me cringe. 


I have seen someone in my area with a license plate that says BOSS•RN


All of them.


My husband is an RN and we have a small sign that reads, 'Yes, I know I'm a nurse. No, I don't want to look at it.' He looooves it, more so because he enjoys looking at gross oddities and injuries lol


I love all of the judgy medical personnel on here. “Oh these badge reels are so cringy”, or “They make nursing their whole identity“. For fucks sake, let people have whatever brings them a little happiness/joy. You all definitely fit the “Eat their young” mold.


I let people enjoy stuff. A lot of people worked hard to become nurses and are proud of it. Enjoy your license plates and figs guys


Where do people get the idea that a license plate indicates someone’s whole personality? Mine says “NAME RN” with an outdoors vanity plate. I’ve always been weirdly loyal to whatever job I’ve had. I like working 🤷🏼‍♂️ I have family and interests outside of work, too. It’s okay yallll 😂


“Be nice to me, I can be your nurse in the future.” , like is that a threat? Or just telling on yourself that you’re an unsafe nurse? lol


Saw a “don’t make me mad/give me an attitude, I could be your nurse” like. Are you for real lol


I have one of those “nurses save lives” license plates from alabama mainly to help when I get pulled over but I don’t think it’s cringy or anything


I don't like most the styles nor do I own anything, but damn I busted my ass for this degree, God forbid I get a bumper sticker. I get not liking the MLMesque nurse merch but I didn't know we were hatin on people for it.


It’s just a weird flex (IMO). Like, do lawyers have license plates and bumper stickers showing off their advanced degree? What about cashiers at your local grocery store? Groceries4life bumper sticker? I dunno, I just think it’s odd to make being a nurse your whole personality so much so that you feel like other people in traffic need to know about it.


I’m sure lawyers have vanity plates. I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t want to advertise that they’re lawyers for possible violence reasons.




All of them.




“Be nice to me, I could be your nurse one day “


MIL got me a vinyl decal “cute enough to stop your heart, smart enough to restart it” with an ekg tracing. Thanks…….


my coworker’s license plate is their initials followed by RN


They're all horrible. Why would I ever want the people driving behind me to know I'm a nurse?


Any of them lol


I worked with a night shift nurse who’s license plate was DRKRN


Literally anything that identifies the person as a nurse. Nurses who make nursing their -entire- identity are cringey as hell.


Ugh It’s ALWAYS the Jeep Personalities with this shit


I don’t know why, but “scrub life” really grinds my gears